We don't need high-speed rail, we need conventional rail


"Replacement costs" were going to happen regardlessā€¦

Ordinance has a use by date, and weapons systems become obsolete.(weapons systems are becoming obsolete faster than ever)



The U.S. is NOT replacing the old / expiring ammo and weapons systems we supplied to Ukraine one for one. The U.S. is UPGRADING its arsenal and stockpiles while getting a hell of a lot of ā€œbang for the buckā€ from what the aging / expiring ammo and weapons systems are contributing to the frustrating of Putinā€™s / Russiaā€™s territorial ambitions in Ukraine, etc.




Slava Ukraini



Side note:

The U.S. military is going to have to modernize in maaaaany ways after the Ukraine conflict, but the old ordinance and systems still served / are serving their purpose in the interim.

Hope all of that ^ helps.


So lazy, if you would explain how military equipment sent to o'l booger sugar is ending up in the possession on the Mexican cartels. That might make some interesting reading
Also it's apparent you have no problem with sending weapons to a vicious dictator to murder innocent people............... f@#k Ukraine and his partner the former crime family in power......
Sure, keep trying to justify the cost. No one is replacing a 1980's tank. Those were "written off" and put into storage. Saved for exactly this purpose.

Yah don't say.....

So you don't support Democracy, got it. Voting for Trump proves this.
If Ukraine was such a devoted democracy why hasn't o'l booger sugar held elections? O'l booger sugar's legal term in office expired last spring.... the entire Ukraine disaster sits squarely on the shoulders of the democrats starting the Obama regime....
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Both. Cars and trucks alike need to be taken off the roads and replaced by some other mode of transportation.

America needs both

regular trains so people can get to their jobs efficiently and reducing cars on the road, while hsr will reduce demand for air internal air travel by getting people to distant locations in a feasible amount of time.
Move the goalposts much? šŸ™„

Nobody is arguing the merits of US Freight rail. As the article states, itā€™s widely held as the worldwide standard. What youā€™re advocating for is convention pax rail and HSRā€¦one has gone the way of the Dodo, and the other is a pipe dream. Iā€™ve posted many articles and explained the simple economics of why both will never materialize in your left wing wet dreams.

I will say this though. There is possibly a way forward with HSR, but it will take a mammoth political will and effort to accomplish. It will also take a huge paradigm shift in the way people think of HSR. Connection of major airports, not necessarily city centers to facilitate and augment air travelā€¦which is the backbone of US travel. I still contend. The $ will make the whole endeavor DOA.
Move the goalposts much? šŸ™„

Nobody is arguing the merits of US Freight rail. As the article states, itā€™s widely held as the worldwide standard. What youā€™re advocating for is convention pax rail and HSRā€¦one has gone the way of the Dodo, and the other is a pipe dream. Iā€™ve posted many articles and explained the simple economics of why both will never materialize in your left wing wet dreams.

I will say this though. There is possibly a way forward with HSR, but it will take a mammoth political will and effort to accomplish. It will also take a huge paradigm shift in the way people think of HSR. Connection of major airports, not necessarily city centers to facilitate and augment air travelā€¦which is the backbone of US travel. I still contend. The $ will make the whole endeavor DOA.
HSR is faster than flying if you connect city centers. HSR connecting airports is silly.
HSR is faster than flying if you connect city centers. HSR connecting airports is silly.
This is the paradigm shift Iā€™m talking about. You will never. I repeat, NEVER, in your lifetime, see HSR linking city centers. Especially in the most congested areas like the NE.
Here ya go BSG. This is the latest BTS.gov stats for ā€˜24. Pay attention to page 1-15 (aviation) and 1-21 (rail). Just to put a fine point on it, weā€™ll go with pre-covid numbers (ā€˜19). Rail had 31 million riders. Mainly in the congested NE corridor. Airline had 1Billionā€¦thatā€™s with a B, embarkations.

Focus on the aging AMTRAK infrastructure. This will lead you on a path of enlightenment.
Here ya go BSG. This is the latest BTS.gov stats for ā€˜24. Pay attention to page 1-15 (aviation) and 1-21 (rail). Just to put a fine point on it, weā€™ll go with pre-covid numbers (ā€˜19). Rail had 31 million riders. Mainly in the congested NE corridor. Airline had 1Billionā€¦thatā€™s with a B, embarkations.

Focus on the aging AMTRAK infrastructure. This will lead you on a path of enlightenment.


It does in other countries around the world.


HumpFaceFelatio suffers a one punch knockoutā€¦


šŸ‘‰ HumpFaceFelatio šŸ¤£

So lazy, if you would explain how military equipment sent to o'l booger sugar is ending up in the possession on the Mexican cartels. That might make some interesting reading
Also it's apparent you have no problem with sending weapons to a vicious dictator to murder innocent people............... f@#k Ukraine and his partner the former crime family in power......


"Buffy" canā€™t admit they were WRONG, so they try to deflect and distract by moving the goalposts.


Typical MAGAt.


šŸ‘‰ "Buffy" šŸ¤£

If Ukraine was such a devoted democracy why hasn't o'l booger sugar held elections?
They are at war. How the hell do you expect them to hold elections? Not to mention their Constitution states in times of war there will be no election.
O'l booger sugar's legal term in office expired last spring....
Read above, and also Zelenskyy said he will step down if there is a peace deal that is acceptable on the table. The bullshit Trump and Putin are throwing out, isn't acceptable, not to Ukraine, nor to the rest of the western nations.
the entire Ukraine disaster sits squarely on the shoulders of the democrats starting the Obama regime....
I agree, Obama made a red line, Russia crossed and the US didn't react. 100% Obama fucking up.
It does in other countries around the world.
Other countries arenā€™t the US. Other countries are the size of Illinois, not 3k + across. It will not happen here. I take that back. The boondoggle in CA will materialize at some point probably. So you can ride the Choo-choo there.

As for the rest of the country, wont happen. Not even on anyoneā€™s planning stage at this juncture.
This is the paradigm shift Iā€™m talking about. You will never. I repeat, NEVER, in your lifetime, see HSR linking city centers. Especially in the most congested areas like the NE.
Why not? Most city centers already have train stations.
I agree, unless the price of gas triples. Then you'd be the first crying for it.
Hey Randy! Good chatting again. The price of gas isnā€™t going to triple, and I stand firmly behind my prediction. You ainā€™t gonna see no HSR in the US in our lifetime.

All the left wing tears wont make it materialize either.
As an aside, it doesnā€™t appear Canada has any HSR either? šŸ¤”. Although Alto is in the planning or bidding phase. Hereā€™s a good deal for yaā€¦

Letā€™s watch and see how yā€™all do it. See if the cost/RSM can come in around budget. I doubt it will, but who knows. You Canucks have all the answers nowadays it seems.
1950 average price is .27/gallon.
2022 average price is $3.31/gallon.

I love how deplorable's always talk in absolutes....Black/White....never heard of Grey.
Are you really so stupid that you think weā€™re going BACK to .27/g? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

Go have an another helping of Flipper Pie Randy. Jesusā€¦
Are you really so stupid that you think weā€™re going BACK to .27/g? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
You said, and I quote....

Hey Randy! Good chatting again. The price of gas isnā€™t going to triple, and I stand firmly behind my prediction. You ainā€™t gonna see no HSR in the US in our lifetime.

All the left wing tears wont make it materialize either.

Define isn't.......

Go have an another helping of Flipper Pie Randy. Jesusā€¦
You're the one who seems to speak in absolutes, not me. An intelligent, thoughtful post would have started something like, "I doubt that...."

But that's not what you posted. So I went and pulled out the price changes from the 1950's. I would have went back further, but I couldn't find a reputable source. So yes the price of gas will triple, from today's value, that is a fact.

You denying that fact just shows how little you actually think about what you post. A problem common among the MAGA's.
You said, and I quote....

Define isn't.......

You're the one who seems to speak in absolutes, not me. An intelligent, thoughtful post would have started something like, "I doubt that...."

But that's not what you posted. So I went and pulled out the price changes from the 1950's. I would have went back further, but I couldn't find a reputable source. So yes the price of gas will triple, from today's value, that is a fact.

You denying that fact just shows how little you actually think about what you post. A problem common among the MAGA's.
Nice Non sequitur but youā€™re dodging the OPā€™s thread intent. Which was answered and you added absolutely nothing but a stupid gotcha. You got meā€¦itā€™s tripled in 70 yrs. šŸ‘šŸ»ā€¦

Now go back to the 50ā€™s and connect some dots on why conventional rail and HSR will never materialize as viable options in this country.
My intent is to discuss things that can take cars and trucks off the roads -- and still leave the public with a high level of personal mobility.
Youā€™re not wrong about the intent. I want to ride the Choo-choo as much as the next guy. Iā€™m just telling you why it wont happen here.

Run the schedules for AmTrak coast to coast or say any mid Atlantic state to TX for instance šŸ˜‰ā€¦compare the price for a similar trip on American or Delta.

Letā€™s leave out the time value of money, but just how far ahead you have to book to get say a sleeper carā€¦which youā€™d want on a 2 1/2 to 3 day trip. Then again, Iā€™m talking to democratsā€¦four letter words like s.o.a.p donā€™t enter the convoā€¦

The bottom line is there is no political will. Not up for the fight or the expenditures. CA HSRā€¦exhibit #1.
Youā€™re not wrong about the intent. I want to ride the Choo-choo as much as the next guy. Iā€™m just telling you why it wont happen here.

Run the schedules for AmTrak coast to coast or say any mid Atlantic state to TX for instance šŸ˜‰ā€¦compare the price for a similar trip on American or Delta.

Letā€™s leave out the time value of money, but just how far ahead you have to book to get say a sleeper carā€¦which youā€™d want on a 2 1/2 to 3 day trip. Then again, Iā€™m talking to democratsā€¦four letter words like s.o.a.p donā€™t enter the convoā€¦

The bottom line is there is no political will. Not up for the fight or the expenditures. CA HSRā€¦exhibit #1.
There is some political will for rail at a local scale, to replace cars for the daily commute. That's what we need more than anything -- to eliminate automotive commuting.
There is some political will for rail at a local scale, to replace cars for the daily commute. That's what we need more than anything -- to eliminate automotive commuting.
All well and good. As I mentioned above, it would take a massive paradigm shift to do that.

There have been two generations now that wont even put their kids on school buses. How many kids fit on regular size bus? Two dozen? Letā€™s say 1/3 carpool, youā€™re still talking 16 cars delivering the kiddies. Now do the math on a 500 graduating classā€¦see where Iā€™m going with this?

I stated above somewhere that aviation is the backbone of US travelā€¦thatā€™s true for mass transit. I didnā€™t even touch on the autoā€™s. Youā€™re swimming against a car culture thatā€™s so engrained in this country, the only way you could erode that is what democrats have tried and failed to do.

For the record. I would Luv our country to have a HSR system. Even conventional pax rail would be nice for a 200-300 mile journey.

Itā€™s just not going to happen here. All the hoping and praying aside.