We don't need high-speed rail, we need conventional rail

There is no mass transit by air. Nobody commutes that way.
Jesus kid. I take this route all the time. While you’re doing some research on this, look into the car/part manufacturers in Detroit and their daily shuttles down to Greenville, SC and most likely into Birmingham, AL. Probably daily to Tennessee where I think Toyota has a plant.

These are just a few examples. BTW…those LGA-BOS routes are always full.
Jesus kid. I take this route all the time. While you’re doing some research on this, look into the car/part manufacturers in Detroit and their daily shuttles down to Greenville, SC and most likely into Birmingham, AL. Probably daily to Tennessee where I think Toyota has a plant.

These are just a few examples. BTW…those LGA-BOS routes are always full.
Business trips are not the same thing as commuting.

And you are making a strong case for HSR, which can replace airplanes.
Business trips are not the same thing as commuting.

And you are making a strong case for HSR, which can replace airplanes.
Do tell me about “business” trips and “commuting!” 😂🤣. Seriously dude. There are those who have flown on those routes and those that will tap furiously on a keyboard telling me what I haven’t done!

There is a good book…Nuts, by Herb Kelleher. He’ll set you on the right path about the how and why of business commuting!

I’ve made nothing but a case for why HSR will NEVER be a viable alternative to air travel in the US. Go back and read my posts…never mind, you’re just being a contrarian.

Can’t wait for you to tell us how a HSR will work between LGA and BOS though! 😂
Nice Non sequitur but you’re dodging the OP’s thread intent.
Nope, I'm stating why I agree with you. But not your reason why. There will be no HSR built in your lifetime because cheap fuel and vehicles offer a great a freedom of transportation. Take all that away and you'd be begging for HSR.
Which was answered and you added absolutely nothing but a stupid gotcha. You got me…it’s tripled in 70 yrs.
Actually it took 24 years to triple ( if we use the 1950 date) , but hey....facts seem irrelevant to you.

Now go back to the 50’s and connect some dots on why conventional rail and HSR will never materialize as viable options in this country.
See, the above post illustrates exactly why your logic always fails. It's black or it's white, you cant't see or understand "grey".
Nope, I'm stating why I agree with you. But not your reason why. There will be no HSR built in your lifetime because cheap fuel and vehicles offer a great a freedom of transportation. Take all that away and you'd be begging for HSR.

Actually it took 24 years to triple ( if we use the 1950 date) , but hey....facts seem irrelevant to you.

See, the above post illustrates exactly why your logic always fails. It's black or it's white, you cant't see or understand "grey".
Even if you tripled gas in the next five years, cars aren’t going anywhere. I’m sure the usual suspects will start bleating for HSR or other options, but the fact remains. Cars ain’t go’n nowhere and HSR will never materialize in our lifetime. The one caveat will be the total mess in California. It actually may get built (one of these decades) but it will never make one thin dime.

Canada has three or four options on the table. I don’t know how serious they are, but if, and that’s a big IF, they get built. Let’s see how the cost effectiveness and what RSM they generate. It’s an apples to apples comparison (almost)….
Even if you tripled gas in the next five years, cars aren’t going anywhere. I’m sure the usual suspects will start bleating for HSR or other options, but the fact remains. Cars ain’t go’n nowhere and HSR will never materialize in our lifetime. The one caveat will be the total mess in California. It actually may get built (one of these decades) but it will never make one thin dime.

Canada has three or four options on the table. I don’t know how serious they are, but if, and that’s a big IF, they get built. Let’s see how the cost effectiveness and what RSM they generate. It’s an apples to apples comparison (almost)….
How much money has the interstate system made?
An interesting look at rail transit projects in the US. The whole thing is worth reading for those who’d like real information.

Nationwide, as I write this, there are under construction 138 kilometers of new light rail or streetcar lines; 34 kilometers of new metro lines; 310 kilometers of new and improved bus lines; and 234 kilometers of regional rail or commuter rail. Many of those projects are expected to open in 2025.

2025 projects include Honolulu, Boston, Atlanta and many places in between.
The one caveat will be the total mess in California. It actually may get built (one of these decades) but it will never make one thin dime.
Think of it like mass transit. It never makes money at the farebox -- it's one of those things it is worthwhile to spend money on.

We spend a lot of tax money to build and maintain roads and streets, and we never expect to collect any revenue from those.
Think of it like mass transit. It never makes money at the farebox -- it's one of those things it is worthwhile to spend money on.

We spend a lot of tax money to build and maintain roads and streets, and we never expect to collect any revenue from those.
It wont make money as constituted but your point is taken. The money is the root of all evil on this though. The CA rail (I’m sure it has a project name) is coming in at over $2.5 million a mile. To get politicians and the average taxpayer (who in all probability will never ride said Choo-choo) behind that kind of expenditure will, as I’ve said, take a momentous shift in attitudes.

Look at the projects Major posted. What do you notice? They’re all in state. Just wait till you have to sell a segment of HSR track that might cover two or three states?

I’m just pointing out the land mines. As I’ve been clear, I’d love to hop a train for a day trip to a metro area.
See post #60.
That’s the point though. You HAVE seen revenue from the Interstate system. Go ask Roadway Trucking company how much money they make…then tally in all the others and the independents. Rail will never cover that other than Freight, which is a whole other animal and is the gold standard worldwide.
They’re doing field engineering work at this point. Haven’t quite broken ground so to speak, but it has to be done. This one actually makes sense. Using an interstate corridor. That’s really the best way forward if this kind of thing is going to happen.

*****Hot off the presses…the silver shovels hit dirt in 2 months possibly
Ground was broken about a year ago. This will be Brightline’s 2nd HSR in the US.


LAS VEGAS (April 22, 2024) – Today, Brightline West officially broke ground on the nation's first true high-speed rail system which will connect Las Vegas to Southern California. The 218-mile system will be constructed in the middle of the I-15 and is based on Brightline’s vision to connect city pairs that are too short to fly and too far to drive. Hailed as the greenest form of transportation in the world, Brightline West will run zero emission, fully electric trains capable of speeds of 200 miles per hour. Brightline West is a watershed project for high-speed rail in America and will establish the foundation for the creation of a new industry and supply chain. The project was recently awarded $3 billion in funding from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. The rest of the project will be privately funded and has received a total allocation of $3.5 billion in private activity bonds from USDOT.