Weird ideas for stories

I still think the weirdest story I've read at Literotica is Hypoxia's story Big Banana. It's just . . . I mean . . . how do you think of something like that? It left me with my jaw dropping open.
So, I’m a total arachnophobe. Like most phobias it doesn’t make a lot of sense. I find insects fascinating. The preying mantises here are cool. I even love cicadas and their own mothers can’t stand the sight of them. But arachnids 😫.

So… I had this weird idea about sex with a giant spider (sort of Coleoidphilia but with more polymerized N-acetylglucosamine). Maybe it starts out as horror, but becomes fun.

It’s obviously allegorical.

What weird ideas do you have?

I don't think my CFNM guy-strips-for-group-of-women stories are weird, but I have received a few comments claiming they are "not natural", so maybe they're stranger than I think....
A law is brought in forcing people to wear a badge that displays their sexual ranking. At a glance you can tell how many partners they've had, their penis size, kinks, etc. Plus a 1-5 star system where previous lovers rank your performance. The story would concentrate on how different characters would cope with the new law.
I need a new angle on it clearly.

Maybe the spider is actually a shape-shifting, telepathic alien who has been banished for the sex crime of screwing humans. Oh wait…

Maybe it's one of those sexy Arachne from Final Fantasy 15?
Do spiders have penises? I really ought to know. I think they have sacks in their legs they use to pump semen into girl spiders. But I don’t think the semen comes (cums?) from their legs.

They don't and those aren't legs. Their balls are way back in their abdomen.
They don't and those aren't legs. Their balls are way back in their abdomen.
Spider sex is unique even leaving aside extreme size differences. Mature males squirt their sperm onto a tiny “sperm web,” then siphon up the sperm into appendages on the sides of the head for storage until mating. In females, these appendages — called pedipalps — are leg-like structures used to prod and probe prey, but in males the tips are transformed into sperm-delivery organs.

During copulation, the male inserts one palp into an opening in the female’s abdomen, and pumps in sperm. If he gets the chance, he’ll insert his second palp into the female’s other opening. There, his sperm — and that of any subsequent successful male — is stored in pouches called spermathecae until the female begins laying eggs. At that point, the sperm are activated, travel into the egg-laying canal and fertilize the eggs.
Spider sex is unique even leaving aside extreme size differences. Mature males squirt their sperm onto a tiny “sperm web,” then siphon up the sperm into appendages on the sides of the head for storage until mating. In females, these appendages — called pedipalps — are leg-like structures used to prod and probe prey, but in males the tips are transformed into sperm-delivery organs.

During copulation, the male inserts one palp into an opening in the female’s abdomen, and pumps in sperm. If he gets the chance, he’ll insert his second palp into the female’s other opening. There, his sperm — and that of any subsequent successful male — is stored in pouches called spermathecae until the female begins laying eggs. At that point, the sperm are activated, travel into the egg-laying canal and fertilize the eggs.
I can see the first sex scene already!

Doesn't sound all that different from human sex, aside from the egg-laying. The male's got sperm on his mind and tries to get it in at least one of the female's holes, both if he's lucky. It's college with 4x the legs.
Several writing friends are desperately trying to talk me out of writing a terrible idea that popped into my head and which I can’t stop laughing at.

“Cucked By Santa.”

This is actually a good idea because "I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause" is such an iconic song. I would write it from the perspective of an adult women who has cuck fantasies based on how she saw "Santa" interacting with her mom. It may not work because the song is from the point of view of a child and that is hard to work around, but the idea is good. How many cuckhold-ish situation are pervasive in our culture? I feel not many.

I've thought about writing a superhero-ish story where a B-List Avenger analog literally gets his heart ripped out in a fight, but then doesn't die, and realizes his powers (and his life) are tied more to sense of self than his physical body, and has to work his way through that.
I'm just happy that human males don't get eaten after sex by the female like most male spiders do. That's an erotic horror story all by itself.
I'm just happy that human males don't get eaten after sex by the female like most male spiders do. That's an erotic horror story all by itself.
If you go to a date's house and they are serving fava beans with Chianti, be very wary.
So. Maybe the male giant spider has heard bad things about girl spiders and so decides humans are safer.

It opens up the possibility of a surprise DP when he tries to insert his second pedipalp in her other hole.
Oh baby you are turning me on with your sexy talk of pedipalps 🤣.

While male spiders rarely make webs, they still produce silk from their spinnerets, so there's some sexy bondage opportunities to include as well. :LOL: Some species tie up their mates during sex to make it easier to flee the post-coital cannibalism that often occurs.
Spider sex is unique even leaving aside extreme size differences. Mature males squirt their sperm onto a tiny “sperm web,” then siphon up the sperm into appendages on the sides of the head for storage until mating. In females, these appendages — called pedipalps — are leg-like structures used to prod and probe prey, but in males the tips are transformed into sperm-delivery organs.

During copulation, the male inserts one palp into an opening in the female’s abdomen, and pumps in sperm. If he gets the chance, he’ll insert his second palp into the female’s other opening. There, his sperm — and that of any subsequent successful male — is stored in pouches called spermathecae until the female begins laying eggs. At that point, the sperm are activated, travel into the egg-laying canal and fertilize the eggs.
I know.
Speaking of arachno-sexy; Everyone that's familiar with the video game series 'Dark Souls' know that Queelag the Chaos Witch is HOT. (Literally, she uses fire magic.) But I suppose if you have a human upper body, you're kind of cheating? Then you're practically a mermaid in a web, without fins, with eight legs and.. You get the idea.

Speaking of arachno-sexy; Everyone that's familiar with the video game series 'Dark Souls' know that Queelag the Chaos Witch is HOT. (Literally, she uses fire magic.) But I suppose if you have a human upper body, you're kind of cheating? Then you're practically a mermaid in a web, without fins, with eight legs and.. You get the idea.


There's The Stalk from the Saga comics too. Not necessarily a fantasy of mine, but I wouldn't necessarily say I did not find her attractive. At least some of her.
Yeah - I don’t want to kill them. I’m just scared.

With no spiders we’d be overrun by their six-legged cousins.

And they are interesting. I just scream when they scuttle. 1930s housewife I know 😬.

Do you react like Shamira in this line?

"Shamira looked over and found herself face to face with Sebastian, the werespider. In order, Shamira screamed, stomped on his foot, head-butted him, and then kneed him in the gut before jumping away and standing on a chair."