What Are You Nosey About Today?? 🦝

I’m nosey about reactions on Lit.

Specifically, the shocked/surprised/wow reaction to posts on Lit (😲😳)

Do you use it? If so, what does it mean when you do? If not, why don’t you?

How do you feel if someone reacts to your post this way?

Am I the only one that wonders what this reaction means?
I'm pretty sure I've never used either of those reactions. If I have I genuinely can't recall.

Chances are if I was going to use one of them, I'd just make an actual post expressing shock/confusion/holyshitdude/whathaveyou.

I've pretty much just always assumed that the wow reaction translates to "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Which, to be fair, is probably a reasonable reaction to a fair bit of what happens inside my noggin'.
More curious than nosey but --

I had to have a very awkward conversation with an employee today about her um... "personal smell". As customers and coworkers had made complaints. Obviously, I tried to be as compassionate and kind as possible but I don't think there's any way to tell someone the smell that will be taken well.

First, advice - what's the best way I could have handled that?

Second, have you ever had to have an awkward conversation like that?

Ugh I feel terrible.
I’m sorry you had to deal with that. First, people should learn the importance of personal hygiene at a young age. In a ideal situation a friend or loved one would have spoken to them to avoid embarrassment. Once it became an issue at work you had no choice but to address the situation. Having a private conversation and showing compassion is the best approach. It sounds like you handled it like a pro.

I had a very embarrassing conversation with a good friend following a night of what should have been fun. I will never forget the look on their face. I feel sure it was never a problem again.
I’m sorry you had to deal with that. First, people should learn the importance of personal hygiene at a young age. In a ideal situation a friend or loved one would have spoken to them to avoid embarrassment. Once it became an issue at work you had no choice but to address the situation. Having a private conversation and showing compassion is the best approach. It sounds like you handled it like a pro.

I had a very embarrassing conversation with a good friend following a night of what should have been fun. I will never forget the look on their face. I feel sure it was never a problem again.
Oh gosh, I have so many questions about your story. Lol
When getting a breakfast sandwich, let’s say sausage egg and cheese on a biscuit, what are acceptable sauce/condiment options?

Jelly? Honey? Ketchup? Hot sauce?
It’s a revival! Plus I’m feeling nosey…

What do you feel about the saying “you are who your friends are”

Do you think a persons choice of friends reflects on who you are as a person? Should it?

Do you choose people in your day-to-day real living circles by who their friends are? What about on Lit? Do your limit your exposure to Litsters if you know their existing friend circle and it’s not your jam?
It’s a revival! Plus I’m feeling nosey…
Sticky beak
What do you feel about the saying “you are who your friends are”
Is that a saying? Is it an Aus thing?
Do you think a persons choice of friends reflects on who you are as a person? Should it?
I don't know if it should. But I think it does. I think it matters to some people to varying degrees.
Do you choose people in your day-to-day real living circles by who their friends are?
No. How do you  choose friends? Can you do that? I'm gonna start making a list of people I choose to be my friends.
What about on Lit? Do your limit your exposure to Litsters if you know their existing friend circle and it’s not your jam?
I don't think so. I have my own opinions on people. As I'm sure everyone does. But everyone else is not me. I don't expect them to have the same opinions and likes and dislikes. And just cos I'm secretly judging everyone, doesn't mean that I share that with anyone or expect them to hold the same views. You obviously gravitate to where you feel comfortable. And so your main people are going to be in those places. But people aren't narrowly defined. And can have many sides to them.

But am I judging them silently, due to the 'others' they hang out with?

Of course.
Sticky beak

Is that a saying? Is it an Aus thing?
I don’t think so, one of my colleagues used it yesterday and it got me wondering… A quick google tells me it comes from this…

One of the most well-known and repeated proverbs in Spanish says, “tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are”. It is an old Spanish saying that means that you can predict a person's behavior by analyzing the people they hang out with.

I don't know if it should. But I think it does. I think it matters to some people to varying degrees.

No. How do you  choose friends? Can you do that? I'm gonna start making a list of people I choose to be my friends.
Of course. Everyone chooses who their friends are. If you don’t then you’re lying to yourself, lonely as fuck or a collector.

I don't think so. I have my own opinions on people. As I'm sure everyone does. But everyone else is not me. I don't expect them to have the same opinions and likes and dislikes. And just cos I'm secretly judging everyone, doesn't mean that I share that with anyone or expect them to hold the same views. You obviously gravitate to where you feel comfortable. And so your main people are going to be in those places. But people aren't narrowly defined. And can have many sides to them.

But am I judging them silently, due to the 'others' they hang out with?

Of course.
Judgy bitch, but we all knew that. 😮😂
It’s a revival! Plus I’m feeling nosey…

What do you feel about the saying “you are who your friends are”

I think there's a lot of truth to this, though people can make friends of all kinds of people. Who our basic group of friends are shapes us. Look, for instance, at Regina George and her gang. We usually tend to be like our friends, if only to fit in.

Do you think a persons choice of friends reflects on who you are as a person? Should it?

I think it's hard to differentiate between someone and their friends. Sure, someone may be "not like the others" but they still are judged by "if you have friends like that, it says a lot about you."

Do you choose people in your day-to-day real living circles by who their friends are? What about on Lit? Do your limit your exposure to Litsters if you know their existing friend circle and it’s not your jam?

I do this more IRL than Lit. I'm careful who I let into my life or my sphere, because I have an example to set for my children.

Lit is different and I have friends who are friends with people that I don't care for, but it's not a big deal here. We're not hanging out in the same way we would if we lived in the same town.
It’s a revival! Plus I’m feeling nosey…

What do you feel about the saying “you are who your friends are”
I feel it should be a reason to consider, but sometimes you may miss out on someone great. So to avoid that, I'm more cautious, but I don't eliminate them.

Do you think a persons choice of friends reflects on who you are as a person? Should it?

Only if all their friends are exactly alike, I like a mix of friends for different situations, but always fall back to my best friends. I think it should be considered, but not the only determination.

Do you choose people in your day-to-day real living circles by who their friends are?
No, I look at everything, I watch people. I make people feel comfortable, so they can reveal themselves, before I make that decision.

What about on Lit?
No, I had an amazing experience with someone, but held a grudge on who I felt were her friends. I wouldn't change that experience for the world.

Do your limit your exposure to Litsters if you know their existing friend circle and it’s not your jam?

I mostly deal with them as individuals, but if I see a red flag and don't like their friends, I believe they're all the same.
It’s a revival! Plus I’m feeling nosey…
It's Aliiiiive!
What do you feel about the saying “you are who your friends are”
Not just an Aussie saying - we also have "show me your friends and I'll show you your future" as a more foreboding turn of phrase. I think there is some truth to this phrase but it really depends on if you're a leader or follower or, maybe a better version of that, are you a strong personality or a flexible personality.
Do you think a persons choice of friends reflects on who you are as a person? Should it?
Do I think think a person's choice of me as a friend reflects on them? Obviously it shows their good taste. ;)
Do you choose people in your day-to-day real living circles by who their friends are? What about on Lit? Do your limit your exposure to Litsters if you know their existing friend circle and it’s not your jam?
Before I answer, I just want to quickly point out the difference between being friendly with someone and actually being friends with them. I think there is a world of difference there and one that is important in Lit world. I am friendly with most everyone. The amount of people I would consider true friends is shockingly (but happily) low. Ok on to the actual question.

I absolutely take note of who someone chooses to be friends with. I don't let it make up 100% of my opinion about them but it does give that first impression, especially on Lit where we form opinions on people in very backwards ways than everywhere else in life (I may not know that you don't wear deodorant but I do know that you are bffs with that creepy guy who draws faces on his dick). Do I limit my exposure based on friend circles? Hmm... yes? But probably no in the way that it sounds. I think there are a few circles on Lit whose members seem fun and interesting but I don't see what I have to add to that environment. So I mostly appreciate from afar. But will I avoid someone because they are friends with someone I think is <blech!>? Yep. Life is too short to figure those situations out at this point. For example, the may seem lovely but there's a reason they tolerate a racist and I simply can't look past something like that.

I think there are other ways in which friendship says more to me about people though than just the company they keep.
* If they keep friends for long periods of time. Someone that has frequent and dramatic fallings out with friends or neglects one set of friends for new ones are red flags for me.
* People whose entire personalities and interests change depending on who they are spending their time around - red flag.
* Treating my friends shabbily is also just plainly disqualifying.

Great thoughtful questions @StillRain :heart:
If it's windy out, and some things blow into your neighbor's yard/driveway - trash, not toys or anything - do you go get it and pick it up?

If you're the neighbor who gets the trash blown into the yard, do you toss it into the trash or back in their yard.

Otherwise, y'all are on friendly terms.