What are you thinking?

Ugh. Normally I get really charged when I'm I travel to a city. But here I am, first night in downtown Chicago and I'm bored and ready for bed
I think I’ve been posting here for close to 20 years now. That seems unbelievable to me…sincerely. I was posting here before I’d ever had sex, during my older woman phase, and now during my younger woman phase.

I’ve engaged in all types of relationships here. And I think it’s just important to inform all you strangers that this place has informed and played a part in my life, both sexual and not. Why is it important? Maybe just because you never know what kind of impact you’re going to have on a random person you get to know here. I remember a lot of mine. I fucked most of them up, truthfully. But I think I left more food than bad (sorry to those who were a part of the bad).

I’m posting here less and less these days. But this place had seen me through 1 engagement, 1 housing crisis, my becoming an actual adult man, and roughly 200 Ill-advised drunk conversations.

As I‘ve found myself moving away from this place for the past 10 years or so (and yet, desperately reaching out to a couple of my “if only’s” here), I finally think it’s possible. Before today, the balance wasn’t right; I still loved this place and really loved the people here. I didn’t have enough pulling me away from y’all’s draw.

I’m there, I think.

Thank you for the good times, literotica.
I feel like an alien who doesn't fit in here. Been trying to keep up the mask for most of the last month. It's slipping and I really see very little point in staying. I've been posting here because the repetitiveness sometimes keeps the depression at bay. It's not helping as much as it used to.