What did you dream? The dream thread

In my dream last night I was running. It was a good run and it felt good.

(I used to run and it’s my fave form of exercise but my back, ankles and knees now say no…)

Then my dream perspective changed. I was in algebra class working on a word problem. I actually appreciated it because it was something I could sink my teeth into and solve. “In sunnyvale it is sunny 300 days of the year. In rainy town it rains 250 days of the year. How many more days of sun does Sunnyvale get than rainy town? How much more rain does rainy town get than Sunnyvale?

Express you answer as a fraction and a percentage.
I hear you about the running I still have dreams of races I was in.
In my dream I was in Afghanistan.

Our unit was running security for a marketplace. There were some people I I knew at a checkpoint which was at the bottom of a steep hill. I waved them thru. Some people had some questions which I answered thru an interpreter.

I was very dialed in. Not tense but on high alert.

We followed some people into the marketplace itself and observed for anything suspicious.

Then I was with a bunch of people from my platoon. There was one sergeant who I never liked or got along with IRL. He got wind I was Jewish and would always throw a penny in front of me (motherfucker) and I was always on edge when around him.

(But funny, I would have taken a bullet for him or anyone else, and I am sure he would have done the same for me…)

There was some discussion between he and I. I don’t recall what it was about.

Very tense - woke with an aching tooth. Should have used my mouth guard.
I was back in the gunners seat in our tank. We were qualifying for tank table 8, THE qualifying table. I was always nervous when qualifying. Very anxiety producing.

To “Bolo” (slang for fail) table 8 was not even an option. I don’t even no anyone who failed. That didn’t mean that they dummied down the standards. It was fucking hard. Very stressful and anxiety producing to get it done and done right.

We were qualifying, but our tank was in the parking lot of our local Walmart. The range was tightly tucked between the Walmart and the ShopRite grocery store. We were wise cracking that we hoped there would be no collateral damage. “Where would all the hillbillies shop?” Asked Rogers, our TC.

Other joking chatter that I don’t recall.

Very vivid dream. And a very anxiety filled one.
In my dream I was driving my old car, a ford fusion.

I had gone under a bridge and there was a stoplight ahead with a few cars backed up behind it.

I pressed the brakes to stop and I did slow down but then I sunk into the seat and my perspective changed so I couldn’t see straight ahead but more of up at a 45° angle.

I was concerned I’d hit the car ahead of me, but somehow I didn’t. I looked up and left and was in the trees, so I thought “oh shit, I must be on the wrong side of the road or off the road.”

Somehow I made it out.
I am going thru a lot of shit personally with getting my mom into a nursing home and dealing w Medicaid. And work stress.

So I had a dream last nite that I fell into a pool with my clothing on. I wasn’t drowning but def struggling to swim and keep my head above water.

Pretty symbolic Sunday nite/Monday morning dream.
In my dream last night I was in a sex club with my wife or my wife’s good friend (not sure which). There were a few other couples there and we were all fucking.

Suddenly some guy comes in naked and begins to play with us. It felt ok to me but my partner freaked out… “I didn’t consent to that.” So I got up and told the guy to get the fuck outta here.

Then he held tough, like do you know who I am?

We started fighting and I hit him several times in the face. By then bouncers form the club were all there and pulling me off the guy.

As I explained myself and the situation, they hustled him out of the club (still naked). There were stairs going down to the parking lot and then my dream I kicked him down the stairs as added insult to injury! 😂
So what did you dream? Was it surreal? Sexual? What do you think it meant? Did it make you hard or wet? Tremble in fear?
I had the most surreal dream (for me) last night.

I was in a room with a smaller skinny guy and a woman. He wanted me to top him, and he got down on the bed face down.
We applied lube to his ass, and I started to enter him. He was uncomfortable, so we added more lube.
I laid down on his back, his ass arching up, and proceeded to press into him.
Most of the way into him, he tensed up. He was propped up on his elbows, and I slipped one arm around his chest, and another in front of his arms.
He melted into me, and I felt myself slip in further. He tightened up, and I could feel his internal sphincter squeezing the head of my cock,
he moaned a tense moan of pleasure as I buried myself into him completely.

Then the dream was interrupted by my wife rolling over, and going to the bathroom. I really wanted to see where that went. When she woke me, I was hard as a rock. I started rubbing myself, and she came back to bed and figured out what was going on. She leaned in, kissed me and I told her about the dream. She was asking all sorts of questions about it, and I came. Cleaned up, and went back to sleep.

She didn't mention the dream this morning, but she did sneak me aside for a long kissing session be heading to work.
(FYI. She is interested in seeing me in MM, although as a bottom. So not an unheard of topic for us to talk about.)
Dream 1/2.

I was visiting a friend on lit who lived all the way across the country.

I just decided to go on a whim. I was driving thru Montana and I fell asleep driving. I woke up and didn’t wreck but thought “that could have gone sideways.”

Finally i arrived at her house and she was not home. I waited for a while but she did not come back. Then I had to move all of these motorcycles in her garage out of the way cuz I had to go back home for work on Monday. It was Sunday morning and I knew I was gonna have to pull an all nighter .to get back home.
Dream 2/2

I was going in an elevator that was very small. orson Wells got in the elevator with me and he was a huge man. So I was all scrunched in the elevator with him.

He seemed to be a nice guy and so I started to make small talk with a celebrity. He was friendly and told me all kinds of stories about the movie business.

That was it.
I had a dream that my daughter had a baby, except it was tiny like the size of my pinky.

It was a cool little baby and could grab on really good so you didn’t have to worry about it falling or taking it everywhere.

It was sort of like a tiny little monkey that grabbed onto stuff.

That is all.
I remembered my dreams from the last two nights.

Wednesday night stream, I was at my daughters house and she had a new cat. It was a tabby cat looked normal, except for it was blue! I look closer and everything there was a dark shade was actually blue the whole picture was in hues of blue.

Then last night, I was having a rather realistic dream about having anal sex with my wife. I woke up super super fucking hard at around 2 AM and had a very hard time getting back to sleep.
I had to go work at a different location. And, while notionally being a location I've worked at IRL, even called such in the dream, the layout and location were complete fiction.

We were attached to a shopping mall. And people in the mall were getting infected by some kind of plant/fungal infection. It looked like tiny green vines growing under the skin that caused itching/burning/pain. Before long I also caught it, and had a patch of it on my left arm that was bugging me.

I heard from someone that there was a magic fountain in the mall. That if you had a catalyst/conduit you could use the 8 corners of the fountain to grant wishes or cast spells. I decided my cane would do as a wizard's staff.

However, on my to the fountain I was stopped by several coworkers who were now only 2 feet tall! They had been shrunken by a Sinister Sisterhood, and being small blocked the magic so they couldn't undo it. I added "rescue everyone" to my to-do list and carried on.

I found the fountain, but saw the Sisterhood approaching in the distance. 9 women dressed in white. I quickly moved to the first corner, tapped my cane twice upon the ground and one of the ladies spontaneously shrunk! Corner to corner I went, until 6 of the women were tiny, with the final three approaching.

Two points of power remained. One to cure everyone (and myself) of the virulent vines, and one to restore the shrunken to normal. I confronted the three remaining Sisters. One of whom was thicc, with shoulder-ish length, slightly wavy brown hair and wearing loosing fitting, airy pants and a gauzy white tube top. I was about to offer to restore the sisters as well, provided their reign of terror ended, but before I could she noticed my attention and her tube top came off!

Her tits were, in a word, divine. I was mesmerized. I got hard in a flash, and she noticed, giggling. As she pulled my hard on from my pants I had moments to consider that the two remaining points of power were unguarded while I was distracted, before she dropped to her knees, took my cock in her mouth and all thought was obliterated.

Several seconds of AMAZING oral were then interrupted... by my alarm going off and waking me. Fuck!
I had a dream I was with a coworker who I have a total crush on. She is milfy as hell, tiny bit curvy.

Just gorgeous.

We were messing around and I made a move on her. She was open to it. I took her blouse off and she had a great pair of tits.

Then I unbuttoned her pants and started sliding them down. Her panties too. She had the most amazing pussy. I was awestruck at how perfect it was.

That’s all I remember, unfortunately….. 😕
Had another dream that I was chilling a litster I know pretty well. It was t sexual at all.

We were trading army stories and he invited me to his house. House was really nice and he showed me his home office. And then his wife’s home office. I was like damn. I’m gonna live w you guys when I can to work from home.

Then his wife came home. She was hot. (But it wasn’t sexual, she was attractive.) I had to drive home which was like 8 hrs north. The three of us went o an amusement park and I was gonna drive home from there. The drive to the amusement park was pretty except for one spot where they were doing a huge construction project.

We were having a great time. But then I couldn’t find my phone. We had to go to a union meeting at the amusement park.

Then I woke up.
This week I've dreamt about my Crush walking in the backdoor with a replica of 7 or 8 month old me on her hip. That was disconcerting, but really nice, as being childless really crushes my spirit sometimes. The kinky one was...

Crush had been breast-feeding the offspring, and maybe she had picked up something in the way I had been looking at them, but I had been envying the little tyke his mouthful of tit. He's beginning to ween and not as interested in mom as a source of nourishment as he had been, so when she came back from putting him down for his nap, her top is still unfastened, and she looks at me and says,

"Do you want to feed? Junior didn't finish."

I can't believe my straight-laced crush is saying this, but I am not going to pass up the chance. I am sat on the sofa, so she staddles me, so that her breasts will be at face level. Even though she is lactating, her breasts are still small and neat. I start to suckle, and I taste a little of her breast milk on my tongue. She moans when I flick my tongue across her nipple, so I take a chance and run my hand up her leg, lifting her skirt so I can get to the front of her panties. I begin to rub her clit. I had read her state of arousal correctly because she soon has a demur little orgasm while I am sucking her nipples, and playing with her clit. Then she simply said,

"Upstairs - I want another baby."
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I had a good/bad dream abt an old army buddy.

We are lined up for a visit this coming weekend. It’s been many years.

In my dream we were drinking and laughing and carrying on about old times. It was like not a day had passed.

But IRL, it’s been 15 years. And he got badly wounded in Afghanistan. I feel some guilt about it. Still, I am glad we are reconnecting.
I had a dream about Joe Strummer from the Clash.

Next thing I know, I was dreaming about fucking a woman (maybe a man) very hard anally. Like really hard.

It was hot.
I dreamed we were visiting with my niece’s baby who In dream logic had flown up from Florida by herself…
For some inexplicable reason, had just gone back into the reserves. My wife was livid.

It was time for my first weekend drill and I got sick with covid. I didn’t even know who the first sergeant was to call them and let them know I was sick.

The. I was at some military post id never been. Law and order had broken down and even the MPs were getting shot at. There wer gunfights all over the post - total anarchy.

My wife and I had to get rod of trash and an old wheelbarrow. We finally found a dumpster in an area that was. It too chaotic, and when we started throwing away stuff there was another couple doing the exact same thing.

We became friends.
My mom passed away last week.

I had a dream about my mom last night as I was going to sleep and drifting off. In it she was much younger, maybe in her 50s or 60s. She was admiring stationary, a card and an envelope. It was purple and pinkish, stationary and envelope. Think one of those nice Kleenex box patterns.

She did not say anything I don’t remember, but she looked on it very approvingly with her eyes arched up. Her nonverbal communication and facial expressions did all the talking.
My mom passed away last week.

I had a dream about my mom last night as I was going to sleep and drifting off. In it she was much younger, maybe in her 50s or 60s. She was admiring stationary, a card and an envelope. It was purple and pinkish, stationary and envelope. Think one of those nice Kleenex box patterns.

She did not say anything I don’t remember, but she looked on it very approvingly with her eyes arched up. Her nonverbal communication and facial expressions did all the talking.
I'm sorry for your loss. And hope the dream was a comfort rather than painful.
I dream about a friend and her two daughters fairly regularly.

With the friend it is the fact that I find her attractive finding an outlet. She's married, so it is mutual masturbation, blow-jobs, cunnilingus, spanking, but never full-on sex. The last one was about kissing than then wanking over her mummy-tummy and rubbing it in, but hang on, that was a daydream...

With the older daughter there is rarely anything sexual about it, but sex is in the background somewhere - she walks in the house with our baby on her hip, she working on a project out in the garden with the kids playing close by, or we are in the parlor sitting next to one another reading. Other dreams are about her walking away from me, which sort of reflects the dynamic of our friendship, which is one of many shared opinions, hopes, and aspirations, but we both need space and from her point of view I am too old and married. If my dreams about the older sister get sexual it is always about having children. In the last one we were reading in the parlor just happy to be together.

As for the younger sister, those dreams often about raunchy sex - we are out hiking and she ends up shoved up against a rock with her jeans and panties shoved down so I can take her, or we are out for a drive and have to pull off the road somewhere secluded to have sex. What is absent except for the occasional dream where we are working on a project together, is any sense of domesticity, and even then, it leads to something sexual. My last dream about her started with her turning to kiss me in the street with her mother and sister looking on, and we ended up having to go somewhere secluded to 'relieve the tension.'
Man did I have weird dreams last night.

First one was long and rambling and my mom was in it.

Second one was i was at some scenic place where we could barely see the Pacific Ocean. But then i was in Somerville NJ at the old bowling alley which had been converted to a big box store. I was reminiscing w the clerk while checking out about what the old bowling alley was like and some snot nosed kid pulled an OK Boomer thing on me (I’m gen x), then we got to fighting and he had a friend who was about to kick my ass. But then I was running along a railroad track with Iggy Pop, who was on my side.
In my dream I was working for this Italian restaurant, but I was new and had no idea what I was doing. The owners were real task masters and everyone knew what to do except for me, which drove one of the owners crazy.

I kept on trying to move around to see if I could find someone who works there to show me what to do but it was hopeless.

My IRL work boss showed up and I was telling her that the actuarial training set up for 1pm was probably not going to happen, I couldn’t find a trainer for it. She was busy with her lunch and knitting a red scarf.

By then I was busy looking for an actuary who just happened to work near the kremlin. He was a Chinese student who was rebuilding a computer.

Meanwhile the nuclear reactor at the kremlin was melting down. The brick building started turning blue, and then started catching fire.

Then I woke up.
