What did you dream? The dream thread

Another dream last nite.

There’s a great litster who is very attractive. She was giving me great head in my dream. Maybe irl too. Woke up w a raging hard on.
We were in a nice but really old house but all of the sudden it was the civil war im modern day and we were fighting a bunch of people. At first we had a few really tiny tanks. Altho I was a tanker I was not in them.

Then it was room to room. Loud.

One of the rooms had all of these trapdoor and secret passages and people were shooting at us from there and tossing in grendaes. It was a shit show. At one point we were completely overrun.

Later on in the morning a bunch of us were wondering, did we win? We seriously didn’t know. We just weren’t sure. But there was no sign of the enemy, so gradually we realized they’d pulled back and we were ok.

I went back in the nice old house. It was all repaired as if nothing had ever happened. There was someone in the secret passageways where they were firing at us the night before. But this time they weren’t hostile. Just some dudes breaking out balls and fucking w us form the secret passageways. It was good natured fun.

One of them came out. He wanted a book to read. I went to help him look for one. I wasn’t scared at all. Everything was over.

I had more half awake/half asleep dreams like that for a while but I did go back fully asleep. I also didn’t wake up.

That was a fucked up night. That dream seemed to go on forever.
Since I’ve been sick with the flu I’ve had a couple sexy dreams. A week ago, I was making out with a woman I have never met in my dream. I thought it was pretty strange and out of the blue. As I was drifting off over the weekend I had another dream. This time flirting sexily with a man I’d never met. That time the tv was on, so I wonder if that had something to do with it? I’ve also been watching THE SECRET DIARY OF A CALL GIRL. Which might have played a part also.
A weird dream that was a mix of Halo 2, being a realtor, and doing a group project in college. 🤣
I had a dream last night that I was on front of a train that was going very fast.

I was on the front of the train on two forks like on a forklift or skid steer and the train was going very fast.

Dangerously so.

IRL we used to rode on the forks of a forklift when I worked at a warehouse. But we’d more often than not, use a pallet between the forks for more area to safely step.

In my dream I was just on the forks and could see the train tracks rushing below me. It was scary and i thought it would make a lot more sense if I had a pallet on there.
A spelling/grammar test to add apostrophes. I couldn't see the board. Junior high school with middle aged eyes.
I was walking along the street in a small city. Maybe the southwest.

All of the sudden planes started flying really low over the small city. It was loud. Then lower and lower some plane started landing on the road going through the main street.
Pulling a trailer in a tight space hit a column and ripped the tires off the trailer, Amazing group of people came up and fixed the issue but as I drove off the entire trailer broke into 3 pieces. Then the same amazing people just walked away. ..
I had an exam that I couldn’t get to in a building that looked familiar but wasn’t. And I kept running around trying to find it. Never found it. But woke up with a boner. I swear my brain needs a tuneup!!
Friend of mine from when I was in the army called me:

He had a disturbing dream. He was trying to communicate w a small team of E4s (a rank). We were all e4s together and all kinda got promoted to e5 around the same time.

Anyway… we were all in our tanks and he had to communicate something to the other three of us while we were all under fire and going to town with our coaxial machine guns in a building. We could all hear him, but not understand him. He said what he had to to tell us was imperative and couldn’t wait. Yet no matter how much he yelled and tried to radio us, we could not hear him.

I’ve had similar dreams like that….
I made a calendar entry like a reminder. All it said was, “forgive.”

Sounded like good advice!
Must’ve been having some kind of sex dream. Woke up in the middle of the night furiously humping my wife in spoon position with a giant erection.

She was not amused. 😂
I had a dream about sex with my husband. I woke up rather eager to get it on, but then I was actually miles away from him so had to make do with my travel vibrator :D
Had a vague dream about looking thru an old school yearbook.

This morning I had a less vague dream where my wife met another man and was going to take him home. I was very excited but nervous at the prospect.

IRL we have been talking about opening up our marriage but have not yet taken the plunge. Guess I’ve been thinking about it.
I was driving down a street in Paris. There were large pictures of people being held by people all over the place.
I had a dream last night that I have never had before. I lifted my wife's gown and massaged, kissed, and sucked on her breast. In the dream, she woke up and just held my head in place.
in my dream, I was in my old hometown. My wife and I were going to go to a theater that featured second tier stars. We finally got there, and met another couple that we know there.

It was the Laverne and Shirley show and they were doing these dumb skits that weren’t really all that funny - more amusing but overall not a great show.

After the show, we were there and my ex-wifes son was there too. The other couple and he started to get into a row, and they were wrestling and I had to break it up.

My ex-wifes son was hurt in the fight and I felt really bad about the whole thing.
I was watching a movie about the devil. But then I was in the movie.

I remember not liking the movie much, so I didn’t wanna really live it in real life.
I had a dream I was at my cousins house. They had a huge St Bernard (of course named tiny).

We were getting set to go out somewhere when Tiny started singing. I must have laughed in my dream, cuz I woke myself up laughing! 😂
I had a dream where my ex wife and I bought a house. It was a really old stone house and the more we got into it, the worse it was. At one point water was just leaking in. We couldn’t figure out if it was a broken pipe or if it was built on a spring.

Water was just pouring in.

My ex wife kind of eventually threw up her hands and said “I’m outta here.”

Sorta like our marriage.

Last night I had this dream…

I was watching my wife get a massage. The massage therapist was maybe 25 and stunningly beautiful. Both hot and beautiful. She had darker skin, brown hair and these blue eyes.

My wife was laying down on the massage table while the massage therapist started working her, very sensually. Somehow I had could tell exactly what my wife was thinking, and she was very turned on. I can tell that there was a sexual chemistry between the two.

Finally, my wife got up from the massage table, and she and the massage therapist embraced and kissed very passionately. I was surprised as I watched them to go at it.

In real life, my wife is neither gay nor bisexual. She doesn’t have any problem with it, she just doesn’t swing that way.

I told her about the dream and she really enjoyed it actually. She watched me masturbate, because she was not in the mood for intercourse this morning. Before I left for work, I said I wanna show you how you two were kissing in my dream, and we both kissed very passionately. Gave me a hard on before she sent me off to work.
Had more than a few dreams with deceased family members of late. While it's great as I'm dreaming, hurts like hell on waking.
Man, I know that kind of dream. When I get to see my Dad again who died when I was in college. I am so damn happy to be able to talk to him again. Then at some point I realize I am dreaming and it is like he died again.