What Made You Say Fuck Vol.3

Opening soup and pulling the plastic off the top - the tab comes off, I have to stab the plastic with the scissors then take the plastic spoon to make a bigger hole. Then when I pull it the darn things breaks and soup splatters everywhere. I hate these things. I understand the need for freshness and all, but they are a pain. Rant over.
Opening soup and pulling the plastic off the top - the tab comes off, I have to stab the plastic with the scissors then take the plastic spoon to make a bigger hole. Then when I pull it the darn things breaks and soup splatters everywhere. I hate these things. I understand the need for freshness and all, but they are a pain. Rant over.
I hope it is good soup considering all that effort.
My favorite pair of jeans ripped today :(. I also found out that my friend from my university group is moving to another country. I really enjoyed working with him since we used to share homework and often helped each other out. Recently, I found https://domypaper.com/samples , and I think it will help reduce my workload. But it's really sad news for me.
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