What's The Sexiest Thing Somebody Told You Today?

“I want to know everything that makes you drip”. Well that, in that voice, definitely does 😏
“You’re the legend. You got the potential of a [next step on the ladder at my job]. Just believe in yourself”

From someone who is a legend in my eyes.
You’re here and I’m here and it’s just us and nobody else. We may never have this chance again.
We got to get out of this place, if it’s the last thing we ever do
No wait
That was the radio
Oddly enough, I’ve had a lot of nice things said to me today! The ones I will share are:

Someone told me he was proud of me, and someone else told me I have a sexy and fun personality
"I couldn't believe she made me orgasm with my thong!! I was in heaven." - so hot! I'm still picturing it :D
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