What's your interest level?

i think i agree with the holiday pick up idea. oh, i'm putting in what i think lol

i myself joined during the christmas season, was told about it by a friend, but i can put in replies often. the threads i'm in, (actually only two) have seriously slowed down. one that i made is dead.... i think, which maybe now i know why. you say that medieval quests are really popular? maybe thats why. but if there aren't many western ones i'd love to do a western! the other ideas comming up here are really good too. i check the threads i'm in daily, and sometimes i'm the last post for a few days. so maybe i just have more time/less of a life than other people *laughs* or maybe they just can't finish what they start. anyway. io'm interested.
I get the same problem, Khadgar, seems like everyone else has other things to do, (maybe they actually participate in that dreaded thing called reality, *gasp*) and aren't on here 24/7, like me. The only thing you can really do is to post when you can, and hope that the other people involved do the same. As for your thread, I don't know what happened. You and I posted, but it seems like we're the only one's still interested in it. Everybody else seems to have lost interest...

i'm starting to worry now that i'm reading this thread maybe my thread is no normal the others just lost interest. ahh well. i enjoyed it. lol and i got to write with you there blaze, and that took me here. maybe someone should post something for people who are on alot. and the thread wont be bogged down by three week post people. i assume some people are on vacation, or have the net go down, but thats explainable. this way, unless it's an un-interesting thread, it will roll along with some speed. i got a message from roughneck as well just so you know, he's in the same situation as us. no one is posting so we can't further the story. like someone said here.... pm i think. "you can only further the thread yourself for so long" so maybe hes someone we should talk to.
but yeah, if we're going to make a post like this, any of these idea's are great.
You've got some valid points Khadgar, but there's too many people out there with too many good ideas for us to exclude them from a thread based solely upon the fact that they don't have access to Lit with the same frequency that we do. Perhaps another option would be a bar thread, rather along the lines of the ones in the general thread, but with fantasy and sci-fi based characters used in it. Instead of a meeting place for players, as most of the existing ones are, this could be a meeting place for characters. Use one of the characters that you already have, from a different thread, and place them into the bar.
It would provide a place for everyone to interact, whether they are around 24/7 or only occasionally, and would also serve to stir up interest in the characters themselves, and possibly the threads they come from.
Think of it as a thread to play around in, and at the same time, an advertisement for the thread your character comes from.
Let me know what you think, or if you've got any suggestions.

you mean kind of like, your charechter steps out of the thread for a drink and meets the other charechters, learning about the threads they come from, and maybe becomming interested in it?
i think that would float nicely.
Yup, thats exactly what I was thinking. It rather neatly solves the problem of what to do when you're leaving, too, since you can just say, "Well, have to go, gotta return to fighting the dragon, smiting the evil warlord, saving the galaxy, taming the west, staking the vampire, etc. etc. etc. ", or something to that effect.
What do you say, should I go and start the thread, and we'll see what kind of response we get? If you have any suggestions for it, this is the time to say them.
Here's hoping!!!

alright, so it's like a meeting area to meet other people and learn their threads, thats good, but what about it being like some kind of meeting hall? something like a place to juggle ideas? create threads that everyone would like. not just to learn about others, but to make new ones, anyone who's interested in a meeting place thing would be there, so we can have everyones input, not something created by one, created by all

BTW nice AV
Well, I've already created the bar, I called it the Nexus, but its an entirely IC thread. Characters only, no OOC interaction.
Your idea would work well in a more conventional bar, one that was OOC. That way, the players themselves could interact, and discuss their ideas. Such isn't really possible within the Nexus, since the people there are characters from other threads, and not actually 'aware' of RL. Any ideas?
btw, feel free to come by the Nexus, we're always open, and any of your characters from another thread is welcome. (Just not more than one at a time)
I must say, Blaze, the bar thread is a very nice idea! It's a great place for people to get to know the various characters - who knows, they might decide to join that character's thread. Heh, I'm just not sure which one of my many characters to send in for a drink...
Hey, send 'em all, man, just make sure that each one leaves before the next walks in! Everybody's welcome at the Nexus, so com'on in, grab a drink, and sit back to enjoy!
Hey everybody, what say we try to keep this (somewhat) near the top? There's way too many good ideas appearing in this thread to let it simply fall off the page and disappear.
If anybody else has new ideas, or new versions of old ideas, or even just weird ideas, post 'em here! If you've got a theory on why people seem to be disappearing, (although that seems to be remedied, by virtue of the fact that we've got a whole bunch of talented new people arriving all the time) post it here! Want to just ramble on about the board, good or bad, post it here! This thread is for all the stuff that you can't put in the other threads. Plus, its a great way to guage the response to your ideas before you go to all the trouble of creating a new thread, only to have it die from lack of interest.
Have fun everbody!!!!
hey, i've got a question. what happens if someone kills your charechter? lol
Khadgar said:
hey, i've got a question. what happens if someone kills your charechter? lol

Depends on how it happened. If it was agreed on between you and the other player beforehand, no big deal, you're out. If it was agreed on beforehand by you and the GM, as a way of getting out of the thread because you don't want to be in anymore for some reason, then fine, you're out.
If, on the other hand, someone simply decides to pick a fight with you, and kills your character, (ex.
"Finally growing tired of the bravado, Kaneth pulled his sword, lunged forward, and thrust it through the chest of his companion.
'Well, he won't be bothering us any more!'
He sheathed his blade, wiping it first, and walked away, leaving the body to rot.")

Such would be a drastic action, completely ignoring the etiquette that is expected in this forum. If you wish to fight another player, you must leave room for their character to react. If they themselves choose to say, "finding no defence, Aginor screamed as the blade pierced his chest, and slumped to the ground", then they have made the decision, and its no big deal. In the first example, though, an appeal should be made to the GM, if he/she hasn't already stepped in, regarding the breach of etiquette.
At this point, I, personally, as a GM, would intervene, both in the game and with PMs, to address the problem, and ask the poster to edit their post. The nature of the intervention would depend on whether the mistake was accidental, or complete disregard for others. If the latter, I would probably ask the person to leave the thread, because at that point they've established that they have no respect for the other people in the thread.
This is an extreme example, of course, and I have never personally seen it happen.
I've seen mistakes, where one person inadvertantly ascribed actions to another person's character that didn't fit, and a PM was more than enough to convince the player to edit his post. Such mistakes can happen, and should be treated as the mistakes that they are. Its only if someone begins to blatently flaunt the rules that it really becomes an issue.
If you have problems with the way that someone writes about your character, 1) address them, stating the problem that you have, 2) if that fails, speak to the GM, and leave it to them.
It will be handled.

okay. thanks. it hasn't happened and thats what i kind of figured, but i did't know if there were rules or whatnot to go by for that. by the way, GM is Game Master right? or.... have i missed a basic code?
GM = Game Master, Game Manager, etc.
You get the idea. If you want to know more in-depth information about how situations like that are moderated, you can check out the first couple posts in the sticky at the top of the ORP page, but everything is pretty much summarized right here. The sticky just elaborates, and shows some other peoples ideas on the subject. Its a good idea to read it at some point, or the beginning of it, at least, because it outlines a large number of discrepancies that can be found in the rules and etiquette of ORP.

Don't worry, Khadgar, you're doing fine, and you havn't missed anything.

Have Fun!

New thread idea

I'm finding myself getting very quickly addicted to Lit ORP, and I think I have a good idea for a thread.

A tournament, open to everyone, set in the alps somewhere. Over many days, characters race to a certain summit to find whatever prize is worth the effort in a gruelling challenge where anything goes, in teams or each man for himself.

So far it's just an idea, so I'd be happy to hear feedback and ideas relating to this.

PS Blaze, love your work :)

sorryn if this is cramping what you just said trey, but i watched monty pythons meaning of life for like the 9th time tonight, and i just thought of something. anyone who has seen it will know what i mean. and if you don't GO SEE IT! you donno what your missing! but we could have a thread about the sailing of the Crimson Tide Investment Insurance Agency! (the building sails the land looking for metropolises and breaks into buisness corporations. (untill they fall over the edge of the world of course) BTW i like the idea trey, and if goes off, i'm going to partner up with a midget, so when i colapse, my midget friend will have fresh legs to beat everyone else!
rriiiiight, that didn't make too much sence, i'd carry my midget on my shoulders is what i ment lol
Luv it!

Interesting choice Khadgar! but have you noticed we've been dealing with midgets a bit lately? (Know your enemy thread)
LOL thanx for the reply
I like the idea, Trey, but one question: How do you determine the winner? What's to stop someone from simply creating an extremely long post describing their arduous trek up the mountainside, and reach the summit right away? Or do you intend to randomly determine one person to be the winner by reading their posts and judging their merit? Let me know your thoughts on the matter, I'm quite interested in the premise.

And thanks, Trey, I'm always happy to hear positive feedback about my writing!

lol i'm assimiung you've seen it then?

thats only one midget trey! and who knows, maybe i'll end up taking him out of the gene pool LOL but thanks. maybe i'll use that midget for my run hmm?
Hmmm, Blaze, glad you made that comment. I'll need to give that some thought. Anyone with ideas, pls let me know!
And Khadgar, if you really want a midget, that's fine. Should make it an interesting thread!
i'm not saying anything actually lol i just thought it would be funny, and perhaps somethig to think about for that thread
Hey, there's nothing wrong with midgets, they're just shorter versions of everybody else.

And do think about that, Trey, its a good idea, it just needs guidelines.
