words that get on your nerves in erotica

I agree with most of what I read here (and Pandora, you're on my list, so there), but bflags' choices really resonated for me. They are all words too far removed from any real action, and there are better words in each case to convey the concept of each with more life and immediacy. "Religion" is an almost anestethized (sp?) way of conveying what can be otherwise passionate or moving or even erotic, and the same for politics. And gynecologist is a turd of a semantic choice unless you (or your readers) have a fetish.

Aw thanks, Ange.

Bflaggst, I don't think your poems are sappy. Buttery, maybe. I am certain I've used all three of your turd words, though. :) Well, maybe not religion.
Aw thanks, Ange.

Bflaggst, I don't think your poems are sappy. Buttery, maybe. I am certain I've used all three of your turd words, though. :) Well, maybe not religion.

And now you must show me the poem with gynecologist in it. :D
Hear, here!

I agree with Pandora, Angeline: sensual and self-loving. Definitely going on my faves list.:rose::kiss::rose:
I really hate lists of poets who are so good when I'm not on the list. That pisses me right the fuck off. :rolleyes::D;)

Ok. Seriously. Aside from birdsong and stirring, I can think of many combinations of words i find off-putting but not so much individual words. Mostly any word on its own is innocent. Viable. But word pairings or contexts that reinforce staid imagery or cliches put me off. Anyone speaking of their heart or a poet's soul or time usually does it. Yes. Very sentimental poems make me want to shoot myself or others.

If I could be DeepAsleep when I grew up, poetically, I'd like that. I really appreciate the lack of sentiment in his writing and the fact that it is, nonetheless, quite emotional writing. I also usually dislike poetry that has as its sole goal the elevation of an individual or the deflation of an individual. If it can be boiled down to X is really fantastic or X is really shitty, then usually I end the poem thinking, So the fuck what?

Two words I really like today: the fuck.

Dearest Pandora-

YOU added a much needed overflowing glass of class when you began posting your work here. I apologize for not including you in my list, I was in a hurry and sadly, several excellent poets slipped my mind. I have not been around much, but you are definitely a most excellent poet. Sorry if I slighted you, especially since I have no poems posted for you to judge my own merit.

keep up the good work, and CONGRATS on your recent published poems. Well done!!!


there are some words that no matter how great the story/poem is really get on my wick if they appear.

how unsexy is it when the word slurped gets an outing? :gross:

which really rub you up the wrong way?
I can see this word working in a Zombie poem. I can even see it working in a poem about cunnilingus.
I can see this word working in a Zombie poem. I can even see it working in a poem about cunnilingus.

everyone has different reactions to certain words i guess :)

for me, it would be one of THE worst words to use in a poem about cunnilingus. maybe it's a female thing and guys don't get so fussed about it?
everyone has different reactions to certain words i guess :)

for me, it would be one of THE worst words to use in a poem about cunnilingus. maybe it's a female thing and guys don't get so fussed about it?

He slurped on her soul
leaving her blood
to feed the soil
He slurped on her wasted wasp

when you think about the supposed waist of a wasp you have something resembling an hourglass figure. and even though it's gross and anatomically incorrect, it's one bit of originality in an otherwise repugnant work.
when you think about the supposed waist of a wasp you have something resembling an hourglass figure. and even though it's gross and anatomically incorrect, it's one bit of originality in an otherwise repugnant work.

I was just having fun with “slurp” and Chipbutty's distatste for the word.

As to the poem in question, it reads like a 12-year-old's wishful thinking. It seems that the age restriction here applies only to chronological age.
Dearest Pandora-

YOU added a much needed overflowing glass of class when you began posting your work here. I apologize for not including you in my list, I was in a hurry and sadly, several excellent poets slipped my mind. I have not been around much, but you are definitely a most excellent poet. Sorry if I slighted you, especially since I have no poems posted for you to judge my own merit.

keep up the good work, and CONGRATS on your recent published poems. Well done!!!



Oh no apology necessary at all. I was teasing. Thank you for your kind compliments. Actually, Emma, I caught your poems on a thread the other day and went "wow" but just didn't say so yet. There are many really talented writers that hang out here or pop 'round every so often and that, I think, merits a raised glass. I am glad to meet you and to see you back.
(laughs) Not poetry. But when I I talk to son #3, every sentence usually contains the word "...like...".

Often twice.