Would you let me_____

Mi blanket, su blanket

Wylm dive into your ocean and fish for pearls
I have no idea if there is another meaning to this so...

*points to ocean* fill your boots!!

WYLM change the times on all of the clocks in your house. Just for fun!
Maybe? You paying me?

Will you let me take you to Great American Cookie company?

You had me at "cookie".

WYLM let me take you to the Uranus Fudge Factory so we can be too loud and make all the immature and obvious jokes that come to mind?
You had me at "cookie".

WYLM let me take you to the Uranus Fudge Factory so we can be too loud and make all the immature and obvious jokes that come to mind?
You lost me at Uranus. I’m more of a UrKitty girl.

So WULM play with my kitty?
Oh hell yea. I got a glow in a black light afro wig to use too.

WYLM sleep on the couch?
If you really wanted to. It’s a pretty comfy one.

Wylm drive really fast with the music loud and you riding shotgun?
Of course. You have had good taste in the past.

Wylm pack a bag for you, and you only get to wear the things in the bag?
Of course. You have had good taste in the past.

Wylm pack a bag for you, and you only get to wear the things in the bag?
Sure thing ... but we might never leave the hotel room.

WYLM take you for a ride on my motorcycle?
Not much of a woods person, but to the beach, yes.

WYLM drive your vehicle?
Yes, you can drive as much as you want, are you good at gears?

WYLM stop and sleep at a random hotel on the way?