X-Men: Unleashed!

Jose Fernandez

"Call me cowboy... thats what everone else calls me.. " and then followed the speech.. ohj the speech... he just gave her a look.. and then shrugged

" We were only students.. but Xavier did not bring us to the mansion because we were helpless little sicklings that had trouble tying our shoes.. he broughts us because we are special.. I dont know about yall.. but I had a life before Xavier... Sure it was only farm work.. but I learned how to track you give me a trail and I can tell you whats been on it male of female how long agao they were on it how much the wiegh and their hight.. So I refuse to think there is nothing we can do.. Now is not the time for a pity party.. Revenge can be had.. you just have to stand up and grab it by the balls.. I agree.. some should stay here and look for anyone else.. but the Fantastic four might be of some help.. and if not the Avengers.. and if not then.. " he gave a shrug and shook his head ever so slightly

" then I'll do it myself.. I wanna make these people pay... and I will... "

Raja continued to hold his silence. When he had something important to say, then would be the time for him to speak up. His words earlier had been the only outpouring of the rage he would show. He would let the rage build until he found the right target...

Static Litsian to Every One And Than Spoke "The Cowboy Is Right We All Had Lives Be for The Prof. Hell Ihad Tow lives . I Was A Solder Be For Xavier And Be For That I Johnnathen O'Hair IV. Son Of John O'Hair III The Billonair Buissness Man .Wich Brings Me To Somthing .." He Pauses For Efect "Befor i Went in to the Swer And Passed out . I Called My Dad And We Have A Place Around Here To Stay for A Few Days. I dont know about yall But, the Smell Of The Sewers Dont relly agree with me. " He Than Stood Up From Where he had been Laying
Razorback got tired of hanging around listening to the same speech over and over again. "Listen, I know we all mean well but we've been sitting her repeating eachother's words for too long. I'm heading toward the city to find help, if you want to come with me, then by all means follow, if not then you can stay here or crash at whoever's place."

His headached was starting to subside as he made a left down the sewer tunnel. He didn't know which way would lead him into the city but he didn't care.
Wraith Of the Brood

Wraith the Fairrel Mutant (Idont Think i Speld that Right ) Scurryed throught the swers on his way Back to The Brood Hid Out Affter putting the word out that they were looking for new members. He Bumps In To Razzer Back The Young Mutant You Went Off On his own. For Some One You lives In the Swers Wraith Was Vere Clean (he lookEd Like The Wrestler Edge Including the Fangs)
"Who ARe You And What Are You Doing In My Swers!?" He Grald AT Razer Back Showing His Teeth.
Razorback's skin started to spike again as he walked past the sewer dweller, not wanting to deal with him.
Wraith Of the Brood

the Young Mutant Walked By With Out Answering Him MadeWraith Mad " Get Back Over here No One Ignors WRAITH!!!" He let out in aloud Grwall. As He Lept towords The Young Mutant.
That was a stupid move by the sewer dweller, consdering Razorback's spikes were protruding from his skin, like a porcupine. He countinued to walk on by, eventually finding an iron door leading to an access tunnel. Razorback went into the tunnel and locked the door, keeping the dweller out. "Fuck off!"

Razorback continued down the access tunnel, unimpeded, and found a stairway. He crawled up the stairway and found himself in an abandoned subway tunnel.
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I shrugged it off, then leaned back and listened, hearing the same words bouncing for a few minutes, before Razorback finally pointed that out.
I stood to my full height, not that impressive I know, and listened as he explained that he was heading to the city. Then he was gone.
He had the right idea...this group effort shit was just getting in all of our way, and that wasn't going to solve anything. We all needed to say what needed to be said: that we don't know what to do now, that we have nowhere to go, or nowhere better at least, and call it a night.
Talk without meaning truly is cheap...
"I'm not sure what all you intend to do, but the city will not be a safe place for us for some time, especially for you, Cowboy, if the authorities are blaming you for this whole thing. There's ideal, and then there's reality. We can't win this battle, not right away, but we can return to it," I said. "We have to use our heads right now, cause our hearts a bit too impulsive given what we've been through."
I wondered if they understood what I meant, hoped that they would see the truth in it.
"And besides," I added. "We don't even know who to go after just yet, and most likely the first bit of information we get will be misleading, like whatever was going around that made the authorities think that Gringo here was involved." I ignored the possibility that he might have been, but the idea never slipped my mind. Trust might prove an enemy here, especially given the fact that someone sneaking into the mansion was nearly impossible. It almost had to be an inside job, I'd already realized that. "And more importantly than that, even if we do stay here, whoever did this wouldn't have. If I'd wanted to commit this sort of crime, something that'll have larger implications that just one or two murders, i wouldn't stick around to see who takes a shot at my head...that's just stupidity, especially given those groups we've already mentioned...why stick around and face them?"
I doubted anyone was listening, which was usually why I spoke less than most others do. They hadn't listened the first time I'd spoken up down here. Not to one word of it.
I shrugged them off then, and leaned back against the wall again. The situation was getting to me...maybe Razorback had the right idea, to get the hell out of the sewer. i was feeling closed in here with these others.
Jose Fernandez

" Like I said before.. yall are more than welcome to come with me if you want.. we maybe stuck down here.. and wiether you want to think about it or not.. food is a necessity.. we all need to eat to stay strong and survive.. I'm going to geet food.. this isn't the teenage mutant ninja turtles.. not like we can have it delivered down here.. " he began down the tunnel once more.. reaching a ladder that led upwards..

"Unless one of you would rather go... you make a point... if they really do have me on the news for the destruction of the mansion people are gonna know me on sight.. So we got any other takers for a meal run? "

"I'll go," I said, not wanting to stay here any longer than i needed to. I had to shake that claustrophobic feeling that was coming over me. Closed in spaces never did that to me, but sometimes, I felt closed in by other people.
"I'll see what I can come up with...and you can stay down here where no one will take notice of you..." I checked my pockets, wondering what the chances were I'd had my wallet on me. I was still wearing my coat (what the hell had i been doing when the blast went off, if there was a blast at all?), and the wallet was in the inside pocket. I opened it and leafed through the money. Nothing to brag about, but we could eat on it.
"I'll be back shortly," I said, then started up the ladder the Cowboy had stopped near. WHen I pushed the manhole aside, I peered out, hoping no one was around, then hurried out and covered the hole behind me, pleased that no one had been around and hoping no one was watching through the darkned windows of the building surrounding me. I doubted they would talk, but maybe they would. This wasn't the best neighborhood, which explained the empty street.
I hurried onto the sidewalk and began pacing off toward where the streets would be more populous.
Jose Fernandez

" So what do we do now? " He stepped away from the ladder back towards the group.. " What now? We cant just stay down here.. there's gotta be something we can do.. there just has to be... " he gnawed his lower lip for a long moment.. crouching down a short distance from the wall.. eyes closed.. he didn't even wanna think about what filth was coating those walls.. and yet it seemed that.. if even temporarily.. these very sewers were his only home... the though disgusted him.. that he made known with a grunt of sorts..
Razorback heard something down the tunnel, a rustling noise. "Hello? Is anyone there?" An unhealthy sounding elderly voice replied, "Vick, Vick is that you?" "No my name is Anthony, who are you?" "My name, my name is Cedric. Where are you from?" "Philly you?" "Down below." "What?" "Down underground in Southtown." Cedric stepped forward, Anthony couldn't see him too well in the dim light but he could make out a long beard and long hair. He could also detected the odor of mud and urine.

Cedric broke there silence, "Do you have any change?" Anthony felt around in his pocket and retrieved two dollars, "Sorry this is all I can part with right now, I was kind of recently evicted from my place." "Really, if you give me twenty bucks I have a place you can use as long as you want." Anthony pulled a twenty out, "Sure, lead the way."

Anthony followed Cedric down a set of stairs in back of the abandoned subway tunnel. It seemed like the pair walked for hours in the dark before a small hint of light escpaed from a boarded up door. Cedric lifted up the board and ducked under it, entering the lit room, Anthony followed like a little dog chasing after his master. "Well Ant- this is it."

Anthony looked around the room, half in horror and half in amazment. Miles under New York these outcasts had formed a community of sorts, with running electricity and water. "Welcome to Southtown, Ant. I'll help you build a flat." "Wait a minute Cedric, you actually live like this?" "Yeah, been living down here for about ten years." "Do you ever go above ground?" "Yeah to get some cash or grab a bite to eat." Anthony remembered watching a movie on the Independant Film Channel about these people. They were dubbed "Mole People" by the public, builidng their own little communities in abandoned tunnels. Never though did Anthony ever believe he would ever be living with them though.

In a few minutes Anthony had a primitive looking shelter amongst the hundreds of others. "Hey Ant you hungry?" "A little?" "C'mon let's go above and get some food, then I'll show ya the ropes."
Static *In Flash backs*

" I am With You BC But We can't Just Stay Here And We Cant Just Go Off Half Cocked. Thats How You Lose Soldiers . We Have to plan And Play The Startigy We Can Rest At My Pops Place To For A Wile Till We Can Figure Out What To Do . As for You CowBoy Well Figure Out Out To Get the Cops Off Your Ass. You Know Yall Dont YHave To Fallow Me But I Re Fusse To Let Yall Be Foolish. I wiLL Not Lose Any More Solders!!" The Last Part Was Said more Emotion Than The Normaly Laid Back Comidiac Static Normaly used .
Static Sudinly Relized What He Said " Im sorry I Didnt Mean to Go Off like tat But I Do Think We Should Get Out Of Here Be For We Run Into Any Thing That Lives Down Here."
Wraith Of the Brood

As the Young Mutant Avoided Wraith . He Diced To Chek The Tunals And Make Shure There Was Int More Down Here . He Decided To Pick Up Some Back Up " Hay Panthor WHo Alls Here I Need Some One To Patroll The Sewers With Me "

" Take the newBie You IDiot." Yelled Panthor

Blaze Than Stood Up " It woulD Be My Plesuer "

Blaze And Wraith Than Set out in to the tunals Thay Soon Heard Staitc Speking To The Others

Purpel Phsycic Fire Began to Form Around Blaze's Hands

Wraith Smiled And Evil Smile " SoundS Like Kids"
" Yep Lets Burn Them Alive "Comented Blaze

" I prefer To Tear them Apart."
"What have we got here?"
Spiderman clicked on the icon. There it was, the key to this whole case. The security camera came into focus, a set database for all the security systems in the entire place.
He checked the time on the far wall. 2 in the morning, so it would have to have been around midnight or so that the fire started. He clicked the time frame.
It came up, and he switched from camera to camera. One showed the perimeter, another the inside front door, and on into the inside rooms.
Then, the screen went blank.
Spiderman looked at it, puzzled.
At first he thought something was wrong with the computer, a crash or a system failure. The whole screen wasn't blank though, just the camera shot.
He clicked the time backwards, and the screen came back to life, showing one of the inside rooms. The time passed once more and...
He switched it to the perimeter camera angle. It went on for a few seconds, but it went blank as well. He looked at the time. 12:06.
He checked a few more camera's, but they all went off at the exact same time.
"An inside job, I knew it!"
There was no other explanation. Obviously someone had turned off all the camera's at once in order to set up the fire. Well, that was going to narrow this search done greatly.
Well, anyone could have had access to those security switches, anyone.
Wait, his eyes caught another program. Oh... a roster for duties each X-men had to perform while within the compound.
"Here we go," he opened it up. The list of cuplirts would be his within a matter of minutes.
Kleed arrived back at his office, after a long lunch, and a lot of generally wasting time. He punched the intercom button for his secretary. Her voice screeched back over the intercom.

"Any messages from Xavier?"

"No, Mr. Kleed, but there was something on the news."

Kleed frowned. "What kind of something?"

"A fire, sir. At Mr. Xavier's mansion."

Kleed tensed. "And?!"

"Nothing else sir, just that there was a fire."

"No reports on survivors?" His voice had a hard edge to it.

"Th-they didn't say, sir. Just that there was a fire."

He took a deep breath, forcing himself to ease the edge in his voice. After all, it wasn't his assistants fault "Thank you Annelle. If you hear anything else, could you please relay it to me?"

"Of course, Mr. Kleed. Anything else?"

"Any word from Peter Parker, yet?"

"Not yet, Mr. Kleed."

Great, first Xavier, now Parker.

"Put him through immediately, when he calls."

"Yes, sir"

He released the intercom, and sat back. It didn't take a genius to figure out that there was something odd going on here. He didn't think any normal fire could take out Xavier, and his students. There had to be something behind it. The question is, who or what?
Aenas Duplaix in "The Search"

I took my time driving around the mansion. After checking out the fact that there are police running around, I decided it was safer to find my teamates. Driving to the closest sewer entrance to the mansion, I parked my car across the street from the entrance. Entering the sewer I refuse to let my feet hit that disgusting mucky ground instead I levitated around the sewers. Flying at incredible speed I searched for the others.

At first, I just wandered around, trying to settle my mind, to gain some more patience before I went back into the sewers to find them again. I couldn't go back with my current attitude, regardless of how naturally it came to me. I wanted to make Rogue proud, even if she'd never see how I'd behaved.
But as I paced along the street, avoiding crowds or even suspicious-looking loners (no sense getting inot trouble; once attention was drawn to me...), my mind continuously went back to the mansion, and the fire, and the deaths. Any my mind swam with thoughts that I wished I could have gone my entire life without.
I stopped at the sandwich stand an hour later, my lips hardened ito a frown, and stopped behind a fat man I was certain would buy every last sandwich in the place and still go home hungry.
"And...um...how about a large order of fries to go with that," he thought aloud, perusing the menu.
And a Diet Soda, I thought.
"And add a large Diet Coke," he said, as if reading my mind.
I nodded, and wanted to smile, but my lips refused to budge.
The kid behind the counter started shouting the order to the people in the back, and they bustled around, sending sandwich after sandwich to the heavy-set man, who waited impatiently, glancing back at me as though I intended to steal his wallet.
Once the order was complete, he waddled out of the way, taking a wide berth, and I stepped up to the counter.
"Okay..." I began. "Did he leave anything?"
Jose Fernandez

OOC: Sorry bout the delay folks.. been pretty busy as of late and have not had a chance to post. here goes..

Static seemed hell bent on getting out of the sewers and into his "pops" place.. and in all truth... I prefered a carpet floor over the sewers.. but under the current conditions.. the sewers would be just as safe as the streets... " at least they wont be looking for me down here.. " Those words fell as whispers past lips... hand lifting to readjust that black stetson cowboy hat on head.. it looked like it had been put through its use..

In all honesty the sewers disgusted me.. but at the same time I felt safe... " I'd rather be out in tha woods... least there we can have fire and if it comes down to it.. I'm sure we can get some animals for food .. I tend ta think myself a pretty good campfire cook... But thats just me.. "

My thoughts became words as I began to loose myself in my own little world.. were it didn't matter that I was diffrent. I shook my head ever so slightly.. looking between them a nod given towards static " When I found ya... you were bout half dead laying in the sewers.. I'd damn near bet if I hadn't carried you here ya'd be damn near dead... Ya aint Logan.. and I doubt you can heal like 'em you need to stay seated fer a bit and just relax... I aint no doctor but I dont think you should be moving around to much fer a bit.. "

"Oh?" I asked, holding the cell phone to my ear and smiling at Hardcore. He grinned back, his face looking alien with such an expression on it. He was too much of a hard-ass in my opinion, but an asset I wouldn't be without. The name truly did suit him. He was a fearless man, totally willing to hurt or maime, or do whatever was necessary for the success fo the mission.
"And where would they be now?" I asked.
He wrinkled his eyebrows together, looking at me curiously.
I raised one finger to him, telling him to give me a second.
"In the sewers? That's an odd place for them isn't it?"
He leaned back, his eyes trailing off at nothing. He knew wht I was talking about.
"Perhaps we should should handle this quickly...are they all there?" I asked.
"No?" Keep track of those who are seperate as best you can and we'll deal with them first...leave your partner with them, eh? That way well know where the majority of them are."
I hit the "end" button and tucked the phone into the iside pocket of my vest. Then another idea came to me. I quickly pulled the phone out again and *69ed the call. The phone rang twice and then was answered.
"Glad you're still there," I said. "I've had a change in moods. Perhaps you should leave these mutants -stragglers to us for now...there's something else I want you to do..."
Anthnoy followed Cedric through a series of abandoned subway tunnels until they got to a train station. "Where are we Cedric, are we in the city?" "No, need to walk a lot longer to get there, we're in Rockaway." "Do you ever go to the city to get cash or anything?" "Nope, too many bums, people don't give as much. But we don't need cash today, the guy that owns the pizza place down here takes pity on me. Sometimes I'll help him sweep up but I'm usually not around here when it's there peak hours. Don't want to scare the customers away."

A deep voice with a thick Jamacian accent came from behind the counter. "Hey C, what's goin on man?" "Hey Tony this is my new friend Anthony, showing him the ropes today." "Hey man nice to meet you." Tony produced 4 slices from behind the counter, "Here you go fellas enjoy. C I'll see you later man."

Anthony and Cedric leaned against the wall outside the pizza place as the gate came down. "So Cedric, how did you wind up living like this?" "Well it started about 20 years ago, I had gotten into a horrible car accident that left me really scarred up. So scratched up in fact that people thought I was one of those mutant people that run around. Now 20 years ago, anti-mutant campaigns were pretty high, we even had a senator who tried to get some registration system intact, claiming that if you were a mutant, you were a walking weapon." "Yeah I remember reading about that in class, Senator Kelly was the guy's name I think." "Could be, sounds familiar. Anyways things started to happen to my family. My dad's auto-shop got destroyed, my brother couldn't find work, and my sister was expelled from school. All because everyone in town believed I was a mutant."

"One night while everyone was sleeping I packed up my things and left, not wanting to be a burden anymore." "Don't you miss your family?" "At first but I knew I'd do more harm to them if I was around." "What about your face, how come you don't have any scars now?" "One thing I've learned living on the streets Anthony is that time heals all wounds, no matter if your human or mutant."

The two finished off their meal and began to walk back into the tunnels. "Hey Cedric, you ever meet one of those mutants?" "Yeah, occasionly you run into a few of them living in the tunnels, they don't seem to friendly though. There are a few that come around reguraly, we share some food with them once and awhile, kind of like Thanksgiving." "Sounds nice." "Occasionly we get one or two people that are a little rowdy but we pay them off and they leave us alone for another couple months." "Wait they shake you down?" "Yeah you can call it that, in fact I think they're due soon." "Why do you bother to pay them?" "If we don't then they'll destroy Southtown."
Alicia Scott aka Liquadis

Alicia had just got done with the morning rush. Working at the Star Diner in Prince, Michigan was far from glamourus but she enjoyed her work. The only people who really came into the place was either truckers just passing though or people who had something to hide. In other words, no one asked questions, no one knew that she really was a mutant.

As she poured a cup of coffee for a customer, her manager raised the volume on the TV that was perched in the corner of the diner, just above the counter. "Good afternoon, in case your just joining us the Xavier Institue for Higher Learning in Westchester, NY was set fire early this morning. As you can see the fire is still raging on, investigators don't know the cause of the fire as of yet but fould play is suspected." "Oh no! That's where Beth is!", Alicia thought to herself.

A couple of weeks after Alica's 'incident' her sister Beth began to manifest her powers. As soon as their mother found out, they shipped Beth off to Xavier's saying it's where her kind should stay. It was shortly after that when Alica left home, not like anyone really noticed either or cared to.

Alicia had to get to NY fast but she couldn't let anyone know why, then inspiration tapped her on the shoulder. She approached her manager clutching her stomach, "Mr. Twiggs, I'm sorry but I'm feeling awfully sick." "That's weird Alicia you don't look ill, and you were find a minute ago." "I know sir it's the weirdest thing, I was feeling fine but then I had a bite of some of the eggs Juan made this morning and.." "Shh, wait come here." Alicia and her manager walked into a empty corner of the diner as everyone's attention was on the television screen. "Keep your voice down, can't have people thinking we're dirty here. Go home and call me later to tell me how your feeling." "Thanks Mr. Twiggs!" "Feel better Alicia."

She sped home and cracked open her emergency savings that she kept in her sock drawer. "Hope this is enough to get to New York." She packed a bag and headed to the Detroit to catch the next flight to NY and to Beth Scott.
Static Gose Bye Bye

Purple Lightning Started To Pure From His Finger tips The Lightningh Cansumed his body As he turned To Dust And The $950.78 He Had in His Pocet Appered In the Pocket Of The cowboy.

OOC: I Am Gone For Now Friends, Hell i probley Over Stayed My Welcome Here AT the board. But For Those WHo Know Me And Still Like Me, Or Those Who have Wondered What Happen to My Feiancie JohnnyWryder We Will Be Maired At the end of the week. So We Will Not Around For Wile But I Will Be Back
After traipsing around the files for more than an hour, he finally came up with the list of students supposed to be on duty for this last night. Clicking, he printed it out.
"Ha, they don't call me the web master for nothing."
He gave an honest look at the list.

Johnathon Harding ("Hardcore")
Maria Manchester ("Myst")
Dahlia Sylverstedt ("Divine")
Jose Fernandez ("Cowboy")
Johnny Blaze ("Lightwave")
Kane Posh ("Bastard")

Hmmm, half of these people he didn't know. That Bastard person seemed interesting though. The one he had gotten that bad feeling about in the first place. A likely suspect.
Also that Fernandez fellow, who everyone already assumed was guilty. What had he hung around afterwards for? Possibly to get rid of some evidence?
Still, simply jumping to conclusions. He would have to check out all the names.
His eyes adjusted to the now dark room, it would be light soon. Perhaps time to call it a night.
Tucking the list into his utility belt (hee hee, Spiderman has a utility belt), Spiderman carefully took out the computer drive. Eventually it might come in handy some more.
Just then, something beeped loudly. At first, he thought it was an alarm, but realized it was only his pager.
Oh, no, Parker's pager.
Oh... Kreed. Spiderman remembered that the man was supposed to talk to Xavier. That wouldn't happen now. He would have to return the call.
Spiderman jumped back up the wall and outside. The call could wait until he had finally slept for a couple of hours.
Hell, he still had classes to go to today.
The life of being a superhero.
With a flash of webbing, he was gone.
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