x men

Dead Hand yawned as he remained leaning against the wall. All this talk of morals and stuff was wearing thin. Scratching his head, he looked at Fantomx. "If you need someone to crack a safe, break into a buiding, or crack some skulls, then I'm in. All you gotta do is name a reasonable price"

"Are you serious? How about if instead of payment, I offer to save your butt from the unfriendly government types coming to arrest me and anyone else here on a different kinda list, the Most Wanted kind." Fantomex says while looking at the ceiling.

"Are you going to let me out of here or do you want to wait for the Feds to take a kodak snapshot with me in your precious school?" Fantomex says to Xavier.

Juggernaut listened to all this unfold around him. Johhny Kitano asking for Fantomex. The silly debate over wether it was right. Government Control. Mutant Hunting. Sinister. How to duck around it.

"BULLSHIT!." Jggernaut screamed. It was almost painful to hear. He started Ranting something he was not prone to. No-one interupted the Juggernaut though "Look Charlie I never trusted this little scum and I never will. HE pulls us in, implicates us, and gets us attacked. No way. So Deadpool tried to kill him. Wade's a complete psycho. He'll try to kill anyone. I say we turn Fantomex in and get in the clear. Do you have any idea what this government can try to do to us. I ain't a mutant Charlie and I ain't sticking my neck out for some remade piece of lying trash like Fantomex. Just cause he says he stole data from Sinister and the government. You got your head in all sorts of people We'd have heard. I say let me go out there with his head in my palm, and we'll offer him up before it's too damn late. Before you have Sentinels knocking on your fucking smoking remains of a door." He slammed part of the wall.

Juggernaut looked around. People had backed away from him. Storm had taken flight. Chunks of wall slowly fell and repaired themselves.

"Look storm babe. You use your gorgeous self and watch these two freaks here. Charlie I'm coming up to that control room. Get it fucking EMPTY. We're gonna talk. And if there is not a descision by the time I get leave. Then I'm taking his ass out there myself." Juggernaut glared at both Magma and Fantomex, waited for the door, and stepped out. Stomping to the control room.
Professor Xavier

Charles pressed the button to open the Control Room and allow the others to leave the Danger Room. He telepathically asked Jean to "watch" Magma. He told her that she and Scott should make a decision regarding him.

He could feel her heart fall when he told her that because she knew then, how hard Creed's words had hit him.

Professor Xavier moved away from the control panel.

How far had he fallen?

Years ago, his X-Men would have trembled at the thought of the villainous and terrible Cain Marko merely approaching the mansion. And now, he was the voice of reason, or morality.

He shamed Professor Xavier because he understood exactly why he wanted to help Fantomex.

For so long Xavier knew that his X-Men accomplished good yet there were certain things that superheroes were morally inequipped to handle.

The laws that dictate most citizens would not dictate the actions of men like Doom or Magneto, and society needed someone to oppose them. Men who wouldn't be constricted by those laws either if that is what it took to protect the world.

The world needed men like the Punisher, like Fantomex no matter how much they made them afraid.

Sadly, he needed men like Fantomex. Dead Hand. Sabretooth. It tears his heart to think that when Charles decided to help Wolverine, he secretly hoped that he would understand.

But he reformed Logan too well, even the great killer Weapon X would not agree with the steps that needed to be taken to ensure mutants survival.

But Weapon XIII might.
Magma walked outside seeing helicopters and a team moving in "Rhodes watch your back thy have seniors in there". The only person that would be able to handle himself was Rhodes. A helicopter was landing for him. "Get another team suited up and tell them to lock and load" he ditched the M-4 fat bunch of good that did. Some well built men dressed in black hi-tech uniforms hoped out of the helicopter about seven no including Magma. "Listen we are not hunting SCUM as I have heard you call mutants I AM A MUTANT GOT THAT" they all stiffened. "Now two hi powered mutants are in there we don't wanna piss em off your helmets won't stop a mental assault from one of them. Now if it was my choice I'd take my billion and retire but part of the mission is leading me back so..." he began briefing them. "All-in all we are setting out to capture Fantomex listen I rode his ship it's not the most fun in the world". "Be prepared to die this place is crawling with em try not to kill them..or I will burn you so BAD..." he let it pause and started running as his team followed.

Kicking down the door they moved in. Communicating through hand signals they each followed Magma at the front who led the way back towards the Danger Room. Where are you Rhodes... he thought.
Ororo may have been startled by Juggernaut's tantrum, but was thoroughly unimpressed with his comments towards her. The former goddess decided to let it go; hoping that Juggernaut and the Professor would find some solution to the dilemma. She felt that the group was floundering without anyone taking a leadership role. It should be between Havoc, Scott, and herself, but with Xavier here, the final word is his. She watched Fantomex and Magma. Not that she needed to watch Magma seeing how he was under Jean’s control. She chuckled at the sight of Magma muttering to himself and thought it would be more funny to see Juggernaut like that. Maybe Jean could get Juggernaut to drool and bark like a dog. But she decided that fantasizing about Juggernaut being humiliated was not productive and turned her mind back to the problem at hand.

Even though Juggernaut had raised some good points, Ororo believed that there was too much doubt to just hand over Fantomex to the government.
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"I know what you're thinking." Fantomex says.

"You. The mighty Storm!" he begins to walk over toward the X-Man.

"You think I may be dangerous. You think I may be untrustworthy. But you still think that you have know whether or not I'm telling the truth before you do anything. Things are still to unclear to turning me over to the government right?" Fantomex stands back.

"Don't worry, I'm not a telepath. I didn't invade your mind. I didn't need to. You told me yourself. Your body language. The way you looked at me. The way you're standing. Watching a person move for me is a like reading a book." Fantomex turns his eyes slyly.

"Would you like me to show you something else I can do? Give me your hand. I'll read you your future." Fantomex says with a smile.
As Fantomex approached Ororo and offered to read her future, she weighed the pros and cons of the action. She was safe in the Danger room with Xavier and Jean; what could he possible do? He had done nothing to hurt them yet.
She was a little thrown off by the "I know what you are thinking".
Leary of what could happen and thoughts of "curiosity killed the cat" aside, she held out her hand to him.

"Unit 402 desginate alpha please give landing codes."

"Unit designate alpha. Landing codes sent. \\09/12H8A72V1. Signals are clear defenses are down. Land and attack. Capture target mutants. Professor Charles Xavier; Designate Prof. X. Jean Grey Designate; "Phoenix". Scott Summers; Designate "Cyclops". Minimal damage expected. Units Delta 1-10. Support troopers and batteries located 5 miles from target. Units Gamma support and Two Alpha class readied in skies. Begin preparation assault as soon as defenses are down."

"Defenses are down. Unit 402 beginning Descent."

Sentinels began to fall onto the manicured lawn of the X mansion. The basket ball court collapsed as huge boots fell onto it. Soon the mansion was surrounded.

"Mutants please come ou and be registered. This is an official police action. Desginates Prof. X, Phoenix, And Cyclops. please turn yourselves in at this moment. And submit to depower collars, so you may await your day in court.

Most of the people in the mansion were shocked. How could they even know about the school? And why were they landing?

What would they do?
She pulled her hand back when she heard the voice from outside.

Oh my Goddess, we need to get everyone out of here. Professor, how many are out there? Havok is there anyone else left in the building?

Ororo’s mind raced trying to think of a plan to get everyone out. Could they fight? They had just been arguing about not becoming criminals, so what would fighting the police do? Could they fight this with lawyers? What were the charges; did they have warrants? They would collar anyone of us that went out, but would the collars work on Juggernaut? That would just led to more fighting.

We could leave Jean, Scott, and Xavier, here and use the time to escape. How would them leaving passively hurt their case? But the thought of her family being collared and taken away made her sick. Perhaps if Havok lead everyone else out Jean, Scott, Xavier, and she could stay and fight. Could they get out if they fought? If the police are going to start treating them like criminals how should they react?

What about Magma? Do we release him? We can’t take him with us, not without Jean or Xavier. Could we reason with him? He could get collared and taken away just like the rest of us.
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Come now Remy, we're old friends and I. Put that away before someone gets hurt.

::A man wrapped in a blue cloak stepped from behind a stack of boxes, his red eyes gleaming as he looked at Gambit.::

You know that your little explosives will not harm me.

::Gambit shook his head and lowered the dart, the charge eventually leaving it, and tucked it back into his coat. He knew that the only thing that seemed effective against the man -if you could call him that- before him was an optic blast from cyclops' eyes.::

Why have you come here Sinister? I've got nothing left for you to take from me. You've already cost me my life. Thanks to dat li'l double cross you pulled with the Marauders and the Morlocks, I have nowhere to go and I lost the love of my life.

::Sinister shook his head and pointed his clawed finger at Gambit.::

Don't blame me LeBeau. I did not make the decision for you, I merely offered you a sum of money, and if I remember correctly it was quite a considerable amount. The fact that you took it without knowing the consequences is no fault of mine.

::In a fit of rage, Gambit rushes at Sinister, grabs the man by the collar of his cloak and slams him into the wall.::

You had all of those innocent mutants killed! They did n'thing to anyone, all they did was live beneath the streets of New York! You had them wiped out and I helped you! I still cannot believe I trusted you!

::Sinister grabbed Gambit's hands with his own and peeled them away from him with ease, then pushed the Cajun away from him. He then readjusted his cloak and dusted himself off.::

Face it LeBeau, you are a thief and a mercenary. If the pay was good you would steal anything from anyone. That is why I have come here to find you. I need your help again and let me just say that the reward will be well worth it.

Eh? And what might that be?

The life of the woman you love the most, The woman named Anna Marie.
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Dead Hand was shaken when the loud thudding of sentinel feet eccoed through the mansion, accompanied by the loud barked commands of military officinadoes. This is something he could have seriously done without. Military operatives normally carry guns. Sentinels have guns. Dead Hand has, wht? Couple of swords? no invulnerability aura? no fast healing? no super reflexes? Man, he was feeling so screwed right now. He didn't really stand much of a chance against commandoes or sentinels, but, then again, no-one had paid him to fight this particular battle....
Wizard staggered slightly, feeling something welling within himself. His eyes started to close slowly, and his hand slowly reached for the sword at his back, whose eyes were glowing again. He almost seemed to be falling into a trance, something put in him by Sinister in case of him being attacked by the government. The sword was trying to keep it from happening, but it was happening anyways.

"Fucking great." the masked mutant says as he unholsters two slightly larget than .9 milimeter looking pistols.

"Eva tells me she sees at least 10 sentinels have surrounded the mansion with more in the air. She can't take them all out on her own. But she has plan. Havok, Storm, if one of you are able to fly the blackbird then you could you clear some airspace so that we can escape."

Havok asks "Are you're going to leave with the Professor?"

"Juggernaut can protect him. It's strange Havok, but I'm slightly less worried about what is going to happen to a world reknown scientist and significantly more worried about what is going to happen to the most wanted mutant terrorist in the world? Maybe I'm being a little selfish though."

Jean speaks up.

"I can fly the blackbird."

"No." Cyclops says. "I want you and the Professor both to stay here. We have to remember that if the Government wants us then we are safest in the mansion. We could use you for something else. As much as I hate to agree with him Fantomex is right. The most important thing is getting him out of here. We aren't culpable unless they capture him and prove he was at Xavier's and we acted with him. And if we have to fight we'll need all of your concentration so Fantomex isn't the only one who needs to leave." Cyclops points to Magma.

"If they pick you off in the blackbird then they'll put a collar on you and force you to release him anyway. In a fight we'd need all of your concentration so release Magma. But before you do, force him to use that power of his to char the ground and at least give the sentinels on the ground spiked energy readings under them to distract them. Storm, when the sentinels are distracted try to create a mist thick enough to give you all some shielding. Havok you fly the blackbird and give them air cover. Fantomex, I assume your partner will be able to rendevous with you in time to get you out of here?"

"I'm sure she'll get US in time yes." Fantomex says and looks at Rogue. Out of the corner of his eye he also looks at Wizard and taunts him with his eye contact. It looked like Rogue understood the risk like her Professor. Certain threats in the world required a person to step outside the law to deal with him. Wizard could play boyscout and train to be Cyclops Jr. if he wanted. But if he wanted to be with Rogue, he would have to give up his hope of becoming an X-Man, maybe forever.

"Alright. I'm going to go check on the Professor and help him in the control room to defend the mansion. Jean send Magma to do some good for once. When she has finished and the others have escaped join me and the Professor in the control room."

"Done" she says and begins to telepathically influence Magma. She puts him in a slight trance so that she will not remember the layout of the mansion. She gives her the subconscious directive to imagine seeing any sentinels as your worst enemy and to lash out with his powers in a way he has never before. Jean commands him to exhaust his energy against them by blasting them to hell.

"Let the games begin" Fantomex says as he darts out of the danger room and prepares to escape.
Wizard watched Cyclops enter the control room, then headed to the Blackbird. He spoke quietly to Rogue, telling her that things would not be the same for any of them. He then turned to look at the monitor showing the Sentinels, and pulled out some of the stuff he had acquired during his stay. He quickly inserted a cylinder of some kind of gas into a spraygun, and, when Cyclops stepped into the hangar to pilot the Blackbird, he sprayed him with knockout gas.

"Sorry, Mister Summers, but I can't let you get involved. This isn't your fight, or the Professor's, or even Fantomex's. Please forgive me, but I have to do this myself."
He was about to spray Rogue as well, until her words stopped him.
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Havok didn't utter a word of protest as Scott ordered him to fly the Blackbird to help the others escape. He remembered during his last days at X-Factor how much he hated constantly living on the wrong side of the law while the X-Men were finding greater and greater acceptance as heroes. He hates it in his guts, but even if it means turning over Fantomex to the gov. he doesn't want the X-Men to be branded mutant outlaws again.

Havok hears a call from behind him. He recognizes the face and it doesn't improve his mood.

"Wizard, what do you want!?"

"I'm sorry but I can't let you get involved. This isn't your fight. Not the Professor's, or Fantomex's either."

Just as Havok was about to dismiss the young man he sees Wizard pull a spraygun of sorts.

Rage wells up in Havok quickly and concentric circles begin to flow out of every poor of his body.

For one moment, Havok remembers that Wizard is still young and Xavier spoke well of him and he doesn't want to do damage to anyone in the area so he holds his breath and sucks all of the energy about to leave his skin and gets ready to channel the force through is hands.

But the extra second he takes to channel his omni directional blasts is all it takes for wizard to pull the trigger and send a cloud of gas in his face.

Havok coughs and powers down as he suddenly feels his lungs clog up with a pepper spray like substance.

He holds his throat thinking the itchy sensation will pass. But it only grows worse and after a few seconds Havok feels himself falling to the ground and the last thing he feels is hitting the metal floor as the image of Wizard's feet and the Hangar door entrance turns to deep black.
Magma woke up rubbing his head "oooo thats low". "I was having the best dream killing and shooting and sending you guys into pits of lava aaaa" that was the best dream EVER he thought as he stood up. As Fantomex explained their predicament he stood there moving for his katana and bows and arrows. "Me help you What the hell you were just trying to send me to a life time of dreams which by the way wasn't bad...but still I enjoy a good fight. "I'm in" Magma wandered out of the room and started to gather the energies. Through the lava he could feel where the sentinels were. He walked back through the door. "Idea what if I opened a big big hole where the sentinels are so they could oh lets say take a swim?" he smiled....
Storm watched Magma so she would know when to let the fog roll in. She understood that they needed to get Fantomex out of the building and wished that they had gotten him out sooner.
Storm started to build up and darken the clouds hoping that they would give E.V.A. and Havok a better chance with the Sentinels.
She then worked on getting the fog ready.

Despite the fact Wizard had touched me, I made no big deal of it. My powers could be on the flux again, which would account for Magma recovering so quickly from the drain he got.

When he started spraying the others with some kind of gas, the look on my face was a mixture of bewilderment, vexation and "you can't do that to me."

"You really shouldn't do that, kid," I said calmly. "Because if it doesn't work, you're in a world of hurt. And if it does work, then I will catch you. And you will not like the consequences. You want to play Lone Ranger, fine, but putting me to sleep is not a wise idea."

"Listen bitch I'm not doing that look at storm..." Magma was mad he wanted to kill every single living thing in the room he had just offered to help. "I COULD TAKE YOU ANYWAY I"M THE FUTURE LEADER OF THE RESISTENCE I HAVE SEEN IT". He bursted out going on a ramble about how mutants were superior. Finally "listen Rouge you get in my way or if you accuse me of anything I didn't do again I'm gonna burn your pretty little face off" thats right tell that skank Magma thought. "Also once I'm done with the fruity kid with book I'm gonna hunt you down...all of you" he moved towards the door still getting energie from the magma that he had been summoning the whole time.

Putting his hood up nto wanting to be the person he thought he could be. I'm not gonna be one of them putting his hood up. Besides...I'm nothing...

Fantomex's eyes looked as though they were captivated by a sight no one else could see.

"Yes" his lips moved slowly to sound out the words.

"Eva has made a way for us to escape but we will need Rogue" Fantomex says while looking at Storm.

"Can you take me to her? She followed the kid and Havok on the blackbird. I can't leave without her. She was the name mentioned the most on the list. There is no way I'm going to let them get their hands on her."
Johnny Kitano

"This is the best we have to offer Johnny?" Rosalyn Griffith, black ops operative asks her boss.

"I don't know what's taking him so long to get out of the mansion. Something must have happened to slow him down and cause him to diviate from the plan. This is dangerous. We can't allow Fantomex to be caught inside and we can't help him escape without possibly riling the suspicions of the X-Men. How is our operative on the inside? Any contact?"

"Not yet." she replies. "We haven't received a transmission from him but we've got all frequencies open."

"Make sure they stay open. I don't know what type of technology he may be required to use to communicate with if there was a struggle when he made his move. Tell the sentinels to hold back. Don't go away because then the X-Men will grow suspicious. But they can't go inside of the mansion. We have to give Fantomex a chance to escape or the project may be lost."

Shaq said:
"This is the best we have to offer Johnny?" Rosalyn Griffith, black ops operative asks her boss.

"I don't know what's taking him so long to get out of the mansion. Something must have happened to slow him down and cause him to diviate from the plan. This is dangerous. We can't allow Fantomex to be caught inside and we can't help him escape without possibly riling the suspicions of the X-Men. How is our operative on the inside? Any contact?"

"Not yet." she replies. "We haven't received a transmission from him but we've got all frequencies open."

"Make sure they stay open. I don't know what type of technology he may be required to use to communicate with if there was a struggle when he made his move. Tell the sentinels to hold back. Don't go away because then the X-Men will grow suspicious. But they can't go inside of the mansion. We have to give Fantomex a chance to escape or the project may be lost."

Juggernaut held the unconscious bodies of Jean, and Charles in his massive arms. The room was collapsed. He ran out towards the hallways running for the hangers. Alex (havok) and Scott (Cyclops) were both down. A quick asessment told him that he couldn't fight them all. But he could surrender what they wanted and save the school. It was a hard choice but he'd get the best legal team in the world on the case.

He walked out with scott's unconscious frame too. All sentinel attention turned to him.

"Ok here's what you want. Now everyone take off my property."

Sentinels Surrounded him and for a moment Juggernaut felt small. It passed as he offered his brother's and his brother's favorite pupils into the hands o the enemies. they flew away and Juggernaut went back towards the school. Angrily and quickly letting any tropper or being still there that the warrant was gone and they were trespassing. he thought he saw Eva fly away. Good Riddance to bad rubbish Juggernaut said aloud. And he smirked, as he slammed troppers to the ground.
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