Magma followed juggernaut down the hallways. "WOW SHIT" he backed off as Juggernaut took the troopers. Heating up his hands he dived and took out his Katana. SLashing his enemies with his gloves added speed he was unstopable...
"Sir! The Juggernaut has turned over Professor Xavier, Scott Summers and Jean Grey Summers but he has not handed over Fantomex! Should we move in sir!?" the young agent asks his commanding officer.
"No. We have what we came for. Pull back."
"Sir? I thought we came to get-"
"Pull back!"
The special agent stands confused. He remembered the hard briefings he'd receive over the past few months. Most of the information was classified but the terrorist Fantomex was to be captured at all costs. But it seemed like everytime his unit or another almost had their hands on him the ranking officer would tell them to hang back and be cautious because he was so dangerous. Or the officer's order to move in would be vetoed by a higher up who was watching the operation.
"What is the deal with this Fantomex?" the young agent though. "Why can't we just go in and take him down? What are the big wigs so afraid of?"
"I believe you're trespassing."
Before the special agent can even breath he is staring straight into the eyes of the largest man he has ever seen; Cain Marko the Juggernaut.
Out of fear he reaches for his weapon and shoots. Marko is so close that the agent can see the bullets smash against his body and fall off of his metal armor to the ground, almost flattened by the force caused by a speeding bullet hitting an immovable object like the Juggernaut.
With one swift blow the solider's weapon is smacked away and the next thing he remembers is waking up in a hospital, badly sore with a broken shoulder, and three broken ribs three weeks later.
Wizard looked at Rogue for a few seconds, then sighed, and slowly lowered the gas gun. He looked into her eyes, almost pleading. He knew that there was no way he could let Fantomex fall into the hands of the government, even though the man was a terrorist. He had only one shot at Sinister, and he had to make it seem like he was playing along to do it. True, it was bordering on revenge, but no one could be allowed to do what Sinister had done to him.
"Rogue, I can't involve the Xmen in this. And I can't let Fantomex go either, I don't trust him enough. So unless you're coming along with, I'm going to have to give you plausible deniability."
I was torn, between what being an Xmen meant in times of peace and what it meant in times of war.
And with Sinister, it was a war.
"I'm going with you," I said with a feirce finality. "You're not doing this alone with him. May suggest a few recruitments along the way but you're not doing this without me, Wizard."
Wizard nodded slowly, and thanked Rogue silently. He packed up the gas gun, and then opened his book, studying from it, and hoping he could pull this off. They had a lot of work to do, and in the end, they would more than likely have to turn Fantomex in to the authorities, as well as exposing Sinister for what he was.
"Suggest away. We have to make sure this will work."
Dead Hand sprinted after Wizard and Rogue. No way he was getting left behind in this place! It was starting to cramp his style. "Hey! Guys! Don't forget about me!"
Magma licking the blood of the katana he had saw Dead hand running. With his gloves he started srpinting towards the running Rouge, Wizard, and Deadhand. Catching up to them. "Whats all this then fleeing from the seen or some secret mission...if it's a secret mission I would love to help" he bowed. Great this will give me a hance to get into the inner workings Magma thought. Wizard was explaining when he heard themention of Sinister. "WHAT" Magma shouted starting to laugh "hey I wanna kill Sinister as much as the next guy" he tapped his long scar on the cheek "but this is crazy four people if you want to include me?" Wow they are either A)using the syringe to much or B)reallly really brave. "If you want to include me I'm in!"
"Well it does seem the plan has gone a bit awry, ey love?" Fantomex says with Eva telepathically.
"Have you thought of a solution?"
"Yes, a rather bane one but it should prove effective nonetheless."
"Noooo!" Fantomex screams suddenly and uses his arm to bar Storm from moving.
"How could I not see it!? It was him, all along!"
Fantomex grabs Storm by her wrist and begins to lead her in the opposite direction toward the exit where Magma left and the mist began to fall.
"Do you want to know why I had to come to the X-Men for help? Why I could not even tell your Professor my true purpose. The information I received let me know that the X-Men would be betrayed by one of their own."
Fantomex alerted eva quietely.
"Eva, alert our influential friend. We may need his help. You come here too just in case Storm is not cooperative."
Fantomex continued.
"They have been planning this for years. Planting operatives of their own within your circles. I couldn't be sure who it was. I was able to tell from the information that it was a single person operating alone but who I couldn't tell. It could have even been Xavier himself, it would not be the first time he has lost controlled and betrayed his own ideals. But I know who it is now. It must be Wizard. It must be! You see, he was listed as a pawn, a person who would be used to manipulate circumstances in order for the government to acquire the prey. Rogue, Jubilee, Gambit, and even yourself. The worst has happened. The mansion has been compromised. We have to get you out of here at least. One thing that we have on our side is we now know where Wizard is going. We have to find Jubilee."
Fantomex held onto Storm's wrist and looked her deeply in her eyes. He would be able to tell if she believed him or not. Her body language would be the key to deciding how he would play it.
Storm was looking out the window trying to raise more fog. She could see someone walking away from the mansion and tried to make out who. She was only half listening to Fantomex talking with Eva, when she could see it was Juggernaut carrying something. She turned to run out and stop him. Fantomex screamed no and stopped her from moving.
He grabbed her wrist and started to explain himself. He looked at her and was making her uneasy. Storm realized that he was looking for an answer.
“Who has been planning this for years? Where is Wizard? What do they want with Rogue, Jubilee, and Gambit?You aren’t telling me everything and you are expecting me to trust you.”
She believed what he said was true, but it wasn’t the whole picture. She needed to find Wizard, Rogue, and Dead Hand. He looked like the only way she could accomplish that. What was he getting out of this?
"It's Sinister. He never attacks directly, always through subterfuge. We should have seen it coming when Wizard said he was experimented on by Sinister. It's too late for Rogue and Dead Hand if they followed him. Remember when Cyclops sent Havok to fly to give us air cover? He never made it up. Wizard is more powerful than you think. If he's got Rogue with him, you and I will never be able to stop him. But with Jubilee, Gambit and the others we might. C'mon!"
Fantomex grabbed her wrist again, hoping she would follow.
"God, Eva will you hurry up? Where are you?" he thought
A thin blue stream of light zip down the hallway at Xavier's Mansion. The offline security systems mean that nothing opposes the laser beam at it enters the building and follows the bio signature that it shares with its master.
The thin beam sees Storm and follows Fantomex's desire for a passive soution. She begins to transform and displays the shape of a femine techno oragnic robotic like being.
"We must go now. We are all in grave danger. We cannot stay here." Eva says.
"I know!" Fantomex screams. "C'mon Storm, once we get outside we can board Eva can fly us away safetly and then I'll tell you everything, about Sinister, about Weapon Plus, about your friend Wolverine, about myself even. I'll tell you everything, I promise."
With Storm beside him and Eva leading the way the two followed the strange techno organic "partner" of Fantomex until they were outside.
"We're clear. Eva now."
Eva begins to transform until she resembles the techno organic spaceship that the other group of X-Men rode on before.
"We'll have to move fast but fortunately Eva is built for that."
Fantomex holds out his hand in a gentlemanly manner to help escort Storm onto Eva.
"And Eva, would you ready a bottle of wine for Ms. Munroe. I hate to think of what she has been through upon her return to the X-Men."
Quietly it almost sounds as if Fantomex's ship says "Hmph!" but he contines to hold Storms hand as he leads her onto his ships.
"The wine" he says "May make what you have to hear next easier to here my dear. Learning that there is a wide spread conspiracy to kill you and your friends isn't usually the most encouraging of information."
::Gambit was caught off guard when he heard Sinister call Rogue by her real name, his mind wandering to the last time that he had spoken to her back on Antarctica...::
::He had fallen to his hands ands knees atop the ice covered cliff, his hand extended to the women who was floating ten feet off the edge looking at him, his usual deck of cards in her hand.::
Rogue, I don't care if you leave me here, Chere. But you have to understand...
You think that ah can understand you? You think wrong, Mistuh.
Fine then. I've earned your hatred, but at least get me somewhere that'll give me a chance ta get back home.
::Rogue took one of the cards from the deck, the ace of spades and held it up by her eyes::
Home? You aint got no home sugah. Not with me...Not with the X-men. Fend for yourself. You seem to have done a good job of that in the past.
::Gambit, looking defeated, got to his knees and looked at the women he loved.::
But I love you....
You're honest with the people you love Gambit! Otherwise...
::Rogue threw the card into the snow between Gambit's knees::’s a gamble!
::Another bout of rage coursed through his veins, making Gambit want to leap upon Sinister again. However, the Cajun was more intelligent than that and started to attempt to get more out of Sinister. He turned his back on Sinister and took out a cigarette.::
Why should I rush off t' save someone I don't care about? Someone who as soon as there was a bit of trouble in the relationship, she cuts and runs with the rest of da X-men.
Her life will be taken Gambit. They plan on using her to help grow the next weapon.
::Gambit too his lighter out from a pocket of his trench coat and lit the cigarette as it hung from his lips. then returned the lighter to his pocket.::
The next weapon? Rogue already is a weapon, Sinister, and you know what she is capable of.
Yes I do, but can you imagine what a weapon with Rogue's mutant ability and let's say Ms Grey's? Or what if they splice hers with Xaviers?
::Gambit looked at Sinister a moment as it all sunk in, then he shook his head.::
Only you have the know how to do the DNA splicing that type of project would require. What so you have to do with dis?
::Sinister walked over to a window and looked through it as if looking into the past.::
I was working on studying the mutant strand of DNA. It was during these studies that I met a government agent who had taken over for General Stryker after his death. With Stryker's knowledge of the known mutants on Earth, I started to formulate my theories of splicing. As I looked deeper into the outcomes of such splicing, I realized that the creations made from these theories would be unstable and unfit. They would have been no better than the Morlocks.
Den why didn't you destroy the information?
I did, however, the agent must have made a disk of the data and planned to use it for the US military.
And this Fantomex stole it from him....
::Gambit exhaled smoke, then dropped the cigarette on the ground, grinding the last of the butt out with his boot.::
You still haven't told me why I should make all dis my problem.
::Sinister opened a porthole and gestured for the Cajun to follow::
Come with me and I will show you why.
::The pair entered the porthole and were returned to Gambit's mansion on River Road. Once there, Sinister gestured at the television which turned on and switched to the news.::
It's already started...
We interrupt this program for the following Special Report...
Fantomex escorted Storm into the strange ship that looked like a giant sphere with insect legs. Fantomex asked Eva to get her wine, and Storm heard the mechanical but feminine voice “Hmph” an answer. Storm had heard from Jean that Eva seemed to be sentient but she was surprised that Eva sounded jealous.
"The wine" Fantomex says "May make what you have to hear next easier to hear my dear. Learning that there is a wide spread conspiracy to kill you and your friends isn't usually the most encouraging of information."
Storm looked over at Fantomex and tried to remember what she knew about him. She knew that he was one of Europe’s Most Wanted Mutant Terrorists and the rest she knew about him, as limited as it was, she had learned through Jean and Xavier. They got their information from when he had helped them in the past. Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at his strange mask. Jean had said that the material that covered his cowl and mask keep her and the Professor from reading his thoughts. They didn’t know what he was, but they did know that he was involved in the program that Logan had been experimented on. The ship, Eva, was apparently a part of his nervous system. What made Storm the most nervous was that Jean and Xavier didn’t trust him and had said that his powers involved misdirection and illusion. How was she supposed to trust anything he said when his powers lay in deception?
Her thoughts turned to Wizard. She knew him since he was nine years old and first arrived at Xavier’s school. She knew that he had wanted to become an X-man for a while. His spell, Sparkshot, was impressive and showed that he had potential to become an asset to the team. Where did things go wrong? He was a little impetuous and over stepped what his experience level was, but that would improve as he worked in a group more. With experience, he could learn that there was a chain of command. He had confidence which was good, but with the impulsive and recklessness of youth, he could be trouble. She should give him the benefit of the doubt. Fantomex had said that Rogue was with him, which was encouraging. She could take over leadership and potentially keep him from going too far. Fantomex had also said that Dead Hand was with them and she hoped that his influence wouldn’t be like adding gas to a fire.
She was now walking down a hallway and turned to Fantomex and said,
If you can get wine, then perhaps you can find me a change of clothes before we get to Germany. If I’m going to be associating with a known terrorist then perhaps I shouldn’t be wearing my X-man uniform. It’s a little too identifiable.
Fantomex stood beside Storm only inches away from her face. Absentmindedly he caused the illusion with his image to answer the questions Storm asked while he looked at her obstructed from her vision.
"She's really pretty." he says to Eva.
"She is."
"I mean really pretty."
"I understood that."
"I mean really, really, really-"
"You did not bring the others." the ship interrupted.
Regaining his concentration Fantomex watched Storm's eyes as she stared at a man who wasn't where she thought he was.
"The boy, Wizard took Rogue. The others weren’t there. But we have one that we wanted, and the X-Men would never let us abscond with their weather goddess without so much as a 'We'll never let you get away with this!' Besides, I'm sure we're all going to the same place."
"Yes. Did you alert McCoy?"
"He is in Germany."
"How did he get there before us Eva?"
"Cunt! I owe her. She bet Havok would be dumb enough to walk on here. I actually thought he'd be bright enough to tell his team to hold back or at least send Juggernaut."
"How much did you wager?"
Dollars? Euros? Or Francs?" Eva asks
Images of nudity, handcuffs, and a whip flash through Fantomex's mind.
“Oh” eva says while chuckling.
"Well, since McCoy is there has he determined what 'training school' Jubilee could possibly be in?"
"No" Eva answers.
Fantomex begins to think.
"Well, we missed out on our ultimate weapon but maybe the guy McCoy wanted for that role can still do the task. Southern jealously is something Eva. Let's see how Rogue reacts when she learns of the mutant we choose as her replacement on our superteam. Tell McCoy to pick the town where Jubilee is most likely and release the 2nd Huntsman. Our own Weapon 12, Emplate. But he must pick a school in a town with a small population. And tell him to work fast. Leave a few survivors but prep them. He‘ll know what to do. We're taking Storm there now. Maybe when Wizard and his group arrive in Germany rumors of a town with "mutant monsters" will make them curious enough to investigate."
Fantomex prepared to end his illusion. He was about to speak with Storm himself.
He watched the "layers" in her face and how they made him smile. Her superficial layer looks stoic, when the illusion remarks how well she wears her current uniform. But underneath the emotional layer she projects Fantomex's eyes glow as he sees that Storm's taciturn exterior only masks a beautiful woman pleased by a compliment.
Fascinated, Fantomex marvels at the nature of women. How Storm, leader of the X-Men, would still feel flattered by a compliment even in the midst of great danger.
“Or maybe she reacts that way because she doesn't know how much danger she is truly in" Eva interrupts.
Regaining his concentration Fantomex says to his friend “Maybe.”
Fantomex listens as the illusion tells Storm that since Eva prefers to wear her birthday suit, he does not have any female clothes but she can just grab whatever she wants when they arrive in Germany. That's what he does every time he visits.
Watching Storm's stoic reaction mask her amusement Fantomex decides to end the illusion and address her himself.
The spatial dimensions of Eva shift so that the image Fantomex created of himself has dissappeared and it appears as though he stands in the exact same spot the illusion just occupied.
Walking down a hallway with Storm, Fantomex stops.
He bends down and opens a compartment in the ground. With a stiff yank he pulls out what resembles a rusty toaster with a cord that resembles a burnt hot dog. He pulls something else out from the compartment and produces a plastic fake taco, fully adored with fake lettice, cheese, meat and sauce.
“Watch this” fantomex says to Storm.
He pushes the hotdog into the taco and a bright blue light sparks and floods the hallway.
“Those government types need to get laid more. They do these things to trick people. To mislead them. See, a while ago some bright guy in the gov. asked his bosses, Why they spend billions of money investing in facilities to protect their secrets? Then spend billions more in maintenance and security. By spending so much to protect something, they’re letting people like me know that there is something in those high security buildings worth protecting. And that means there is something in there worth stealing. But then a bright guy figured, why not just spend that money making something people wouldn’t want to steal? Or rather, spend the money making something people wanted to steal look like something people didn’t want to steal. And from that bright man’s logic comes this. Voila! “The toaster” is actually a next generatopm holographic projection system, the taco the vibranium power specially calibrated to power it and this”
Fantomex takes out what looks like a piece of already burned toast.
“Is the disc. I stole it from the basement of an old antique shop run by a retired CIA agent. I don’t even think he knew what he had only his bosses must have told him not to throw it away. Hidden in open sight huh? Well Storm, you wanted to see so now, you‘ll see”
Fantomex puts the toaster on the ground as bright blue light floods around them. The light becomes more refined until they resemble a transparent facility with various armed guard and people cloaked in white lab coats constantly walking in the background. Eventually they refine further and a man is clearly visible in the forefront. He begins speaking.
“Congratulations. If you are watching this recording it means you have been chosen to participate in a process that will decide the next course of human history. From this recording, you will learn about our project. You will learn about our progress and our setbacks. Our research and our findings. And most importantly, you will learn that we have found a reason to have hope. Because of the work we have done, mankind need no longer see themselves a species on the verge of being replaced by its evolutionary successor. Instead, humanity has once again triumphed, showing that we are still the dominant species on the food chain. Here, in these facilities and facilities around the world, we have created more than a mere weapon to defend against the Mutant Menace. We have created a predator. A new species whose sole diet is the bone, blood and lives of the filthy abominations called mutants.”
"Here, in these facilities and facilities around the world, we have created more than a mere weapon to defend against the Mutant Menace. We have created a predator. A new species whose sole diet is the bone, blood and lives of the filthy abominations called mutants.”
Oh my Goddess! Storm said, while the implication of the horror she was hearing hit her. Her eyes started to turn white and she could feel the wind rising around her. She needed to get back in control. She closed her eyes and blocked out what she was hearing until the wind died down. Breathe, just breathe, she told herself.
I started to reply with an answer that my heart spoke though I knew in my mind it wouldn't work. Managed to cut it off into a cough but it still hurt. Hurt because I couldn't be with him.
Hurt over how we... I'd left him.
Shaking my head angrily I forced such thoughts away. I had more to do then think about a gamble that hadn't worked, about a man who I still loved and didn't trust.
"Wizard," I said after a moment. "We might try Jubilee. She's off at a french institute. And I don't care if lava-boy joins us. Long as you behave."
Wizard nodded slowly. He had met Jubilee once, and knew that though she was a little hottempered at times, she was very good at what she did. He turned to look at Magma, and thought for a moment, then nodded again. He had planned on hijacking the Blackbird, but now that he thought of it, that would be too conspicuous and easily recognized. Then he remembered his father worked for the government, and pulled out his phone. He made a quick phone call, and arranged for a jet to pick them up, with a pilot sympathetic to their cause.
"Dad says he'll look into what's going on. He had already heard about it and was doing some digging. So far, he's verified most of what Fantomex said. The bad part is, the information is sensitive and buried, which will take him a while to look through it. I gave him the number of the office of that one politician who supports us. Are we ready to go?"
He had started pulling out some of the stuff they might need and placing it into a backpack.
"I don't do women!" the petite auburn hair beauty repeats for the fifth time.
"And for the last time no one is going to make you!" the shrouded woman leading her deeper and deeper into a home she's never been in before.
"'You're going to help my friend. All he wants to do is eat you." And the mutant woman licks her lips seductively. "Do you make a lot of noise?"
"Sometimes" the frightened prostitute responds.
The two stop in the home in a room with lit only by a dark red light. It resembled a dark room that she remembered old men in her town used to develop photographs. In the corner she saw man wearing a dark black jacket and he appeared grotesquely ugly. When she saw the scales lining his body and she could clearly see his withered skin she decided that no amount of money would be enough to let him eat her out.
"I don't want to do this I want to go!" she screamed to the purple skinned woman beside her.
She responded with a laugh.
"Haha, sure you do sweetie."
In an instant a flash of light came from the floor and the mutant woman seemed to drop into it. The light dissappeared in a second later along with the mutant leaving the prostitute alone with the monster.
She reached for the door knob and tried to turn it. It was locked and wouldn't budge. She pressed her feet against the door and tried to push off while tugging on the door knob hoping the door would move but to no avail. The monster moved toward her.
"Forgive me"
The sound from its voice was raspy and strained yet also contained a slight echo due to the apparatus around its mouth.
With horror the young prostitute looked at the breathing tube coming from its nose and mouth and entering a machine strapped to its chest.
The girl stopped tugging on the door and just fell to the ground. She cuddled in the space between the corner and the door and prayed for mercy.
"Please don't hurt me." she sobbed.
"Forgive me" the creature spoke again.
Outside the door the teleporting mutant Fatale and her associate spoke. Their conversation was interupted by a scream so bloodcurdling it halted the conversation of even these ghouls. They waited in silence for what would come next.
The door knob snap off and slowly moved open.
Emerging from the dark room was the girl, her face still wet from her tears though she was now calm and her eyes had a vacant look.
Following her from the room was the mutant Emplate.
The woman walked past Fatale and her associate and began to leave the house. Her tormenter followed her only to be stopped by McCoy.
"You wait here. She'll do the job. When it spreads then we'll root out the survivors."
Silence overtakes the trio and the only thing that can be heard is the labored breathing of the wounded monster.
the young girl emerged from the home looking slightly shaken and her clothes were ruffled but that was not unusual for someone with her occupation. The group was wise to choose her. They knew it would not be long before she would encounter a person and infect them. They each would infect another. And another and another. The spread was inevitable.
They watched from the window as a man in a car approached the girl. She stopped and got inside of the car.
It had already begun.
Inside the car the man looked at the slender body of the woman and was attracted to her breasts. Still, he couldn't help but be unnerved by her curiuos grin.
"Tell me" he said in German. "What are you smiling at?"
The woman lifted her hands and exposed her palms. At the center of each palm was a hideous mouth with hundreds of small razor sharp teeth.
"Mein Gott!" the man exclaimed but before he could move the woman placed both of her hands around his face and began to suck the life out of him and infect him with the same disease that infected her.
The car crashed as the man lost control of his body.
Slowly, people came out of their homes to view the accident and to assist the survivors who miraculously rose from the wreckage.
The trio stood near the window in the house and watched as a group emerged to help the injured occupants of the car, completely unaware of how much danger they were in.
A late breaking story is developing in Westchester County, New York. For more details we send you to our correspondent in New York, Betty Didder. Betty.
Thank you Chuck. I'm standing in front of the main gates to the Xavier School for Gifted Children where late this afternoon a squadron of Specially trained soldiers infiltrated and surrounded the school. The situation has been tense to say the least and we are being told that the school has given sanctuary to a known mutant terrorist. These pictures, taken today by an amateur photographer, show the first wave of soldiers as they landed on the grounds of the school.
When our crew arrived, they were rolling when towering robots, Sentinels we are being told, landed to help apprehend the mutants within. I'm joined now by Agent John Kitano. John can you tell us what is going on within the school?
After a gunfight at a local supermarket this afternoon, the Office of Homeland Security was notified that known mutant terrorist, a man named Fantomex, was involved in the gunfight and that he has since entered the school. Little else is known at this time, however, we now have custody of Charles Xavier, the Owner of the school, and Jean Grey, a teacher. I cannot tell you any more at this time.
What about the giant robots, the Sentinels as I'm told they are called.
The Sentinels are anti-mutant robots able to capture and subdue them.
Thank you Agent Kitano. Back to you in the studio Chuck
::Gambit shook his head in disbelief and turned to look at Sinister. Sinister smiled as the former X-men waited for something to end the silence.::
The professor and Ms. Grey are not the only ones who will be captured. Storm, Rogue, and Jubilee are next. The Mighty Juggernaut has taken over the school and its assets. The X-men will die if you don't do something Remy. Their lives are in your hands.
::Sinister then laughs before continuing::
Isn't it ironic that merely months ago your life was in their hands but now they must rely on a thief and liar like you? I cannot make the decision for you Gambit, all I can tell you is that Fantomex will most likely take whomever he can trick into helping him to Germany as he tries to locate Jubilee. I believe you have a plane to catch in the morning that will take you to Paris, France.
::Gambit looked back at the television screen and watched as they replayed the footage of the assault on the mansion. He then turned back to Sinister, but there was no one else in the room with him.::
I watched Wizard start packing before dashing off to my room for my own supplies. Into my backpack went a couple of uniforms, spare gloves, my personal SAT phone, which was a restricted number, a few personal items and such. I was grabbing my wallet from my desk when a charm braclet I'd received as a gift the prior christmas caught my eye.
It had been a joint gift, with many of my fellow x-men giving me charms for it. A lightning bolt from Storm, an enamled falcon from Beast, I thought, remembering. The largest charm caught me though, a ace of hearts paired with an ace of spades. The others had been enscribed but that one was blank on its back, the symbolism telling all.
Not sure why I grabbed the braclet and slipped it on, but I did. The box for it I tossed in my bag, just in case. For now, i'd wear it. A bit of good luck couldn't hurt none, I mused, heading out the door.
I found Wizard as he finished backing, my own backpack on my shoulders.