x men

Wizard nodded, looking at the mess of the lawn. He figured he was too tired to do much of anything else anyways, but he wasn't about to tell Rogue that. It would only make her worry, and that would be bad, especially if she had to touch the guy. So he sat down, watching Havok and the others, doing his best to stay awake. He knew how important this mission was, considering all the trouble they had to go through to complete it, and didn't want to fall down on the job.
"Listen bitch I'm gonna burn you" Magma steered a glob of lava right at her chest which her suit started to burn. Surounding her with jets of magma "you feel the heat yet this will teach you to be smart with me...but for a face as beutiful as yours I don't want to burn it" with that he darted for the fence. Trying to hop it he felt some one pull him back it was deadhand...

The suit's undercoat protected her from the burns, though it was a pathetically small amount that hit her anyway. A quarter sized peice that the suit blocked. Scary.

Rogue rolled her eyes, tired of playing Miss Nice Girl. So when Deadhand grabbed one of Magma's hands she darted in to lay a hand on his face. Torrents of images and power flowed into her until Magma passed out and she broke contact to avoid severely damaging him. He'd be out for a few hours minimum though and nothing would wake him.

Unfortunately, Rogue ended up landing in the center of the lava feild, memories playing through her mind as lava flowed around her, arcing about her body though it did her no harm.

What she saw startled her.....
Magma felt that he was violated his thoughts given to another person...His best friend being taken away from him.Trailing the cop car only to see her get taken into an alley and get shot..His parents disowning him and kicking him out. Magneto telling him about how he thought exactly like him but it was a dream and would never happen. Zooming back to see the cops that killed his best friend skin burned like pieces of bacon. His parents seeing the sight and beeting him. The images of his good for nothing revolution that he thought would happen. Living in the streets for two years...Fighting with the brother hood against the X-men.

I can't believe what she just did that bitch these thoughts are personal sure he knew what Rouge could do. He may be out but his thoughts still loomed in the void of his brain. His thoughts caused swirls in the lava around him. Magma alpha level mutant those words made him feel powerful and those were the first words heard in the brother hood....

OOC not to make it so you guys to feel sorry for him lol but just trying to let you know what magmas life was like,....theres more lol
Dead Hand slung the now unconcious Magma over his shoulder. The ground was coming apart around Rogue, the lawn was burned to a crisp, and Havock was looking after Fantomex. Not having a healing factor to speak of, he didn't fancy leaping through the lava to assist the southern belle, and so instead, casually strolled back toward the mansion, whistling nonchelantly. Couldn't pin any of this distruction on him. Well, this time...

OOC: well I don't see the fight finishing anytime soon but you've come to the mansion, So I can actively join now. As far as I know the Ruby of Cyttorak makes Juggy pretty much Invincible to almost everything. I know however thathe can walk through a volcano. So really the lawn as of now no problems.

Thundering footsteps came across the ground. The magma didn't bother or even mark the size 22 boots covering the monster of a man's feet. Juggernaut marched over the magma slightly slowed by the viscosity of the ground.

"I'll take him. Everyone is supposed to get inside. Lil' Charlie want's to have some words. I'll keep zippo here under wraps and I'll take care of our visitor's. Show 'em the underground parking."

Juggernaut stepped out and gave Rouge's chest an easy eyeful. He took magma in one hand and almost folded him in half. "We'll be good." Juggernaut gave an erie smile "go back on inside."

"This must be stare at Rogue's breasts day," Rogue sighed aloud as Juggernaut did just that. Still, "Thanks for coming out Juggernaut. If you've got him I'm going to go change before heading inside. Want to treat this burn too."

Leaving Havok and juggernaut with the prisoner (which they should be more then able to handle) she flew upstairs and into her room, the door sliding shut behind her. A quick whirlwind on her part left her naked and seated on her bed, a dab of burn cream being rubbed onto her chest.

As it dried, she pulled a new field uniform from her closet, this one solid black except for the muted blue X communicator. Skin tight, heat-resistant with a new ventilation system to keep her from over heating, it was the lastest uniform design.

Unlike the others though her gloves locked into place, removable but not casually so.

She managed to be back downstairs and ready to talk to the Professor as the boys were walking into the main hall.
Wizard got up, and followed the others inside. He half-staggered through the door, a little tired, but managed to walk normally the rest of the way. He walked with Deadhand and Havok, heading to the Professor's study. As they entered the room, he reeled, and then passed out, from exhaustion.
Dead Hand reluctantly gave up Magma, and grumbled a bit to himself as he walked with Wizard and Havock into the mansion. No sooner had the three of them made it through the dorrs when Rogue, in a rather tight-fitting uniform flew down the stairs. All together, they walked into the Professor's office. Wizard, overcome with either emotion or fatigue, collapsed. Dead Hand chuckled a bit as he leaned against the wall. If he had gum, he'd chew it.

"Now what'd you go and do that for, sugah," Rogue asked as she picked Wizard up and carried him the rest of the way to the study to lay him down on a couch within. The image struck another within her of being carried herself by another.

Angrily she pushed the thoughts away as she moved to sit on the arm of the couch. Now was not the time to be thinking about a traitor who caused the death of her friends, her only family in the world.

Turning her attention outward, she focused on the Professor and what he was about to say.
As Rogue carried him into the study, Wizard snuggled gently against her, and when she laid him on the couch, he shivered, before laying still, sleeping to regain his strength. He unconsciously missed her touch, but forced himself, even in his sleep, to avoid saying anything about it.

Havok walks with Fantomex and Wizard toward the mansion. He knew Xavier was expecting them but he feared what he had to say.

"I blew it." he thinks to himself. "I COMPLETELY blew it. A simple mission. Go to the lawn and escort Fantomex into the mansion. And what happens?

Not only do I get us ambushed by a lone mutant I never bothered to think that Xavier lowered the mansion security defenses to let Fantomex come on the grounds. I should have given him and updated sit rep before going on his "partner." None of this had to happen. And now? We have a prisoner that almost decimated one of our students, almost killed an X-Man and further injured a man I was supposed to protect. And what am I going to say when Scott and the Professor ask where I was during all of this? What I am going to say!? 'Well, Professor, I was on his ship. And when everyone needed me most I got lost.'"

Havok hangs his head down and feels a sickness in his stomach. He wishes he could wake up and do this morning over.

Then he hears Fantomex speak.

"I assume you are so deeply engrossed in thought that you don't realize the young man and Rogue are leading us to your Professor. You've lagged behind again."

Looking up Havok sees Wizard being carried by Rogue ahead of him.

Then in the bottom of his gut, Havok notices a strange, painful feeling. He know longer feels shame or dissapointment in his performance. It's something else.

Jealousy. Disgust. Contempt.

He looks at Rogue lift Wizard to the Professor's study.

"Chumps." Havok thinks. "Rogue saves his ass in a battle but because he shot off one little magic trick that connected he thinks he's big stuff and deserves a victory ride? Does Rogue really think she could lead that group of misfits any better than I can? And Scott! Did he consult me when he assigned me my strike team? No! He gives me Drake, the superhero no team wants. Gambit, who walked out and didn't turn back. And Lorna, who's more fragile than glass. And did he consult me when Nightcrawler asked for their help? No! He just dictated, just like he dictated having me babysit this kid and this freak."

Havok looks over and notices for the first time that Juggernaut has joined them. Deep down he wishes that Marko had accompanied the group rather than the 7th grader who wants to be an X-Man and the unemployed mercenary.

Havok stops as he stands behind Xavier's study. The door opens and Havok enters ready to face Xavier's wrath....
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"So your the puppet who is guarding me" speaking to juggernaut in the cell he had been put in. "Yes I said it you and the X-men always going to help the PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL YOU" Sean...Sean...Wtf is that thought Magma as he heard the voices in his head. Waiting for Juggs to leave which he did to go to some meeting Magma heated his hands up and escaped by melting the bars. Sean ...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT VOICE he thought as he got into the elevator. "Armory" he read wiht a smile as he pressed the button. Upon reaching the floor he thought he was in heaven. "OOO" he picked up some gloves that boosted his speed by increasing adrenilin in the body. "AAAAA" he ran over and found a really nice bow and quiver with silvr tipped arrows. He heated the arrow heads so they could incinerate things. Now walking over tho the section marked swords he went to a Katana in the middle of the room. "And the peace la resistance" as he fitted the Katana around his wast and went for the elevator. He hit the main floor button and reached it when the Alarm started pulling out his vow and arrows he headed towards where the "meeting" was taken place...

4 Hours ago

Deadpool had stunned him.

"But he hasn't beaten me." Fantomex thinks as he lifts himself off the ground.

"And for once, that maniac will hurt for his irrational psychosis."

Watching Deadpool dissappear Fantomex knows he doesn't have much time.

Quickly he begins running behind one of the aisles he walked behind earlier.

"When will these people ever learn, how foolish it is to attack a man in his own home? And I've made myself at home." Fantomex says as he leans down before the police officer tied up below him.

"Haven't I officer? I'm sure the irony is obvious but I should mention it anyway. A screaming man calls the police to arrest a masked man with a gun who uses his phone. And shortly after, you arrive to find not one but two masked men! Oh but it gets better. One of the masked men assaults you and your partner are tied up in costumes that look exactly like his. Cheap Spiderman Halloween costumes designs actually. My aunt used the designs and resewn them with gray fabric. But at a distance one wouldn't know the difference. You didn't when you shot your partner...."

Fantomex takes out a gun and pops out the clip. He reaches into his back pocket and takes out another clip and puts it into the gun. He then reaches down and gives the officer back his pistol.

"I believe we have parts to play. I'll be the robber and you be the cop." he says and quickly pulls out a knife and cuts the detective's ropes. In a swift motion he tries to stab the knife into the detectives thigh. But the detective blocks the knife and fantomex places it in one of the gun holsters on the replica costume the cop is wearing.

"Oops! I missed!" he says as he begins running at break neck speed away from the cop.

He turns the corner right as the police officer fires shots from his pistol at him. One of the dud rounds he replaced in his pistol actually hits Fantomex but the others hit the shelf.

Instincts take over within the police officer. A criminal is running and he's in hot pursuit. He even reaches toward his waist for his radio but he rebukes himself silently because his radio is on his real uniform which is no where to be found.

As he turns the corner he is shocked to see how quickly the man has moved ahead. Picking up speed the police officer looks at his hands and doesn't see weapons so he decides to pursue.

Suddenly the man runs in an awkward way and the police officer sees him twist his ankle.

The cop sees an opportunity. He picks up speed as the man is rolling on the ground holding his ankle in obvious agony. Just as he is about to say "Freeze!" the masked man on the ground lifts his hands suddenly holding a small pistol.

Fantomex fires 3 shots. One hits the cop in the head, another the base of his chin but one lands right on target and hits his eye.

He watches as the police officer recoils over in pain.

"You're blind in that eye. But you're not dead....yet." Fantomex thinks as he watches the police officer wearing his replica costume roll on the ground in almost the exact position he was when Deadpool left him.

Fantomex holsters the pellet gun and stands hidden behind some shelves.

He watches as Deadpool descends from the rafters and the police officer blinded and fighting on pure instinct reaches now for the gun Fantomex gave him and the knife.

Glancing around Fantomex sees that the cameramen he tipped off are filming this fight.

"I think they've seen enough." Fantomex thinks.

Working quickly Fantomex makes sure to sets the Flash grenade and sound grenade to explode on impact.

Making sure to look at Deadpool's eyes he sees his gaze is focused on his victim.

"It's all misdirection." Fantomex thinks to himself. "They see everything but what you're really doing."

Fantomex adjusts his cowl to make sure his ears are covered. He closes his eyes right after he tosses the flash grenade and sound grenade at the falling Deadpool.

A sudden bright flash of light bursts suddenly. Almost simultaneously a huge explosion that sounds like a sonic boom

Looking around Fantomex sees that the camera men have dropped their cameras and are writhing in pain from the sudden flash assaulting their eyes and the loud sound.

For good measure Fantomex throws a smoke bomb near Deadpool and then begins to run to the back of the store.

He opens the door breathlessly and turns around.

"It's working perfectly." Fantomex announces to the person in the room with him.

"He'll be in a hell of a lot of pain but his healing factor will save him."

"Did you have to do that to him?" the other occupant of the room asks.

"No, but I wanted to make him shut his fat mouth for once!" Fantomex screams.

"Still, he won't be down long. If he is, then it is just as well because he's no used to us. But if he acts as I suspect, he will assume I have run here trying to escape. He will wait oh, about 15 seconds before body sliding near that exit there as to startle me right as I am about to leave. He does have an aire for drama. Then he will see you and know his role in this matter will have to be amended."
Fantomex hears people screaming outside.

"He's stopped fighting there. Which means he's coming. Have you prepared for him?"

The person in the room with Fantomex points to the table surrounded by chairs.

Fantomex smiles at the tall bottle of wine and the assortment of gourmet meats and cheeses that fill the table.

"Excellent" Fantomex says nodding at his companion.

He walks to a chair and sits down. He begins to lift a piece of cheese to eat it then pauses.

After a moment he turns to his comrade.

"Oh where have my manners gone" Fantomex says as he puts the piece of cheese down.

"We should wait for our guest." he says with a smile.
Professor X

Gathered with his first two students, Phoenix and Cyclops, Professor Charles Xavier sits in his chair with his thumbs touching each other leaned up against his chin. He stares inside of the space between his interlocking fingers as he waits for the group to return.

"I say we hold him and turn him over to the authorities." Cyclops says angrily.

"We don't know much about Fantomex Scott, but we do know this. Despite his seemingly erratic behavior, he is not a man prone to frivolity. He was the target of a large scale attack at a time when mutant-human relations are at a boiling point. And his stunt with Havok’s X link may cause authorities to implicate the X-Men. Before we do anything I want to know why someone wishes to kill him, and why he has chosen to involve the X-Men.”

Scott looks to his wife for support.

“Jean?” he asks.

She crosses her arm and sighs.

“Fantomex has helped us in the past Scott. And like the Professor said. If he seeks to involve the X-Men we need to know why. But Scott is right too Professor. We can’t trust him. If we need to, the others might be able to distract him while I remove that cowl on his head so that we-”

“Jean.” the Professor says sternly.

“I have rules about violating other people’s minds. In your many years of study under my tutledge it is my hope, that I’ve imparted this if nothing else. Just because we have the power to control the minds of others does not mean we have the right. Once we use our abilities to accompish every goal no matter the means we become no better than those who seek to destroy us.”

“Speaking of which, what should we do about this ‘Magma’? He‘s escaped the bonds.” Jean says as she senses the mutant moving toward them through telepathy.

“Ah, yes. I would like him here.” Professor Xavier says.

“Are you sure that’s wise Professor? Alex or I could assemble a team to tranquilize him and put him in energy dampening bonds. That should hold-”

Jean Grey cuts her husband off. “That is not even necessary Scott. Either the Professor or I could cause him to fall unconscious before your team would even give each other so much as a “Let’s go!’

“We’ll do neither.” The Professor says.

“I have already performed a light scan of his mind to see if he intends harm. He does, but I did not probe as to why. I sense great anger but also purpose in him. I would like to ask him myself why he chose to attack us.”

“And” the Professor continues “I find it of considerable irony that he chose to attack us on this of all nights.”

“You don’t think it’s merely a coincidence that he and Fantomex both arrive at the same time do you?”

“I can’t be sure Jean but I intend to find out.”

Professor Xavier places his fingers on his temples and begins to influence Magma telepathically.

I’m planting subconscious impressions in his mind that will guide Magma to our location. I will suggest that he is of such grand power that he has little need for a silly sword to battle an assembled group of some of the most powerful mutants in the world.”

“Jean” the Professor says turning to her. “Monitor Magma telepathically from here on. I want you to guide and anticipate every step he makes telekinetically. Do not let him move a muscle except that you have a telekinetic shield around him. And Jean, monitor his movements in your telekinetic shield when we gather him Fantomex. Though he may be skilled enough to avoid detection, I doubt our friend Magma is as sophisticated in censoring his body language."

“Done” Jean says as she focuses on Magma as he approaches and subtlety envelops him with her mutant gift.

“Ah, greetings Rogue, welcome back. And well done.” The Professor says as he watches Rogue fly in and drop Wizard on a couch.

The three mutants look at the exhausted young man and each share the silent unconscious thought that perhaps they pushed him a little too hard too soon.

Cyclops chides himself for a moment then becomes angry. “This is Fantomex’s doing.” he thinks. “Pulling that stunt with his E.V.A made that mission more dangerous than it should have. We could have taken down Magma ourselves if he hadn’t sped off.”

They watch as Deadhand with Fantomex and Havok. Juggernaut enters and they wait for Magma.

“It is good to see all of you again.” the Professor says with a smile.

“Do not be alarmed, but Jean and I have requested that the mutant you all captured, Magma, join us. I offer you my assurances, he will do you no harm. We can wait until he arrives, but when he does” the Professor turns to Fantomex.

“I expect from you, a great deal in the way of explanation." he says firmly.

OOC: I hate typing in third person, I give up. Going back into first, which I feel I do better in.

I watched the professor speak, and sighed when he said Magma was on his way. A girl's touch just wasn't what it used to be anymore. Least mine didn't appear to be.

I looked toward Fontamex expectantly, wondering just what the events of the last hour all meant and why he'd done what he'd done...
OOC: poor Vixie <<

IC: Wizard sighed, slowly waking up, to the feeling that he was being stared at. He opened his eyes, seeing Rogue, Cyclops, and the Professor staring at him, and sat bolt upright, wincing slightly from a headache caused by overexertion. He fell back down on the couch, then slowly sat up, and forced the pain to the back of his mind. He smiled weakly, then started to get off the couch.

"Aw baby wake up?" juggernaut asked the sleeping wizard as he walked in the room.

"Heh, as bad as that punk Logan always sleeping through orders. Still I guess if you get the job done you're alright." Juggernaut gave a freindly smile to the boy who was getting off the couch. It created an oddsilence. No-one in the room was even comfortable with Cain being there and part of the team. Being nice to someone, that was just wierd.

"So charlie boy I gotta ask about the lil' hotshot downstairs. You know he can bolt out of that cell. Why was I letting him go. I know he can't do much in the mansion but really, Why the risks. I coulda just folded him up and brought him here. What gives?"

Juggernaut folded his arms metal suit grating. It was obvious he expected an answer.
Magma bolted behind pillars and tables to a unknown destination he just felt like he was going the right way. Sean...jesus thats annoying whet the hell is that. The gloves he was wearing made him run at amazing speeds. As her darted around a corner and ran down a corridor towards an elegan looking door. "...Don't see why I couldn't have just folded him..." it's that tin can they must be in here Magma thought. He took a deep breath. The he felt the magma below him. This is gonna be reallly hard as he strained to get the power to raise the magma through three floors of reinforced steel. Ok hit the first person you see then improvise. He pulled out the katana he has stolen and chared the blade.

Ok now or never he busted the door down catching them by suprise. Juggs was the closest. He lunged forward and hit him square in the jaw and sent him falling into the desk. Doing a wheel kick he found his mark and hit rouge strait in the chest. Shit...lasers zoomed past him as her ran towards wizard. "I told you I would turn you into a fucking piece of bacon I guess not but his is just as good" Magma said to Wizard as he punched him in the chest and saw him hit the wall. By now the other mutant he hit were now back up and charging. With his gloves added speed he was able to get otu of the way of the charge but not of the laser that hit him in the side. "Crap..." with almost no energy Magma slowly ran over to Cyclops and tried to score a hit. Clops easily dodged the punch and hit him in the back. Then again everything went dark....

Sorry if this is like not realistic because of the juggernaut thing. I never saw his charecter or don't remeber it so I'm not sure of how to approach that problem.....
Wizard hit the wall, wincing. He hadn't expected the charging punch, and had hit one of the Professor's statues. He just managed to catch the statue before it hit the floor, and breathed a sigh of relief. He looked up, and found that while he had been busy with the statue, the flaming wonder had been knocked out cold by Cyclops.

OOC: by the way, Juggernaut is endowed with magical powers by a gemstone he found. His armor is nigh-invulnerable, and he has ENORMOUS physical strength. He also has a great deal of regenerative ability, according to what little i remember of the comics. He's also Charles' older halfbrother.
Dead Hand stood and watched everything happen. First everyone assembled, then little Mr lava-boy decided to burst in at high speed and assault everyone! Everyone, except him. And the professor. And Phoenix. At least, before getting knocked out. Damn, he REALLY wanted some gum...
OOC: Ok i'm playing current Juggs. Who is the twice powered version and the version who recently recovered everything. so As far as I can tell this means.

Tremendous physical strength, a total resistance to physical injury due to his mystic spell of invulnerability; an impenetrable force field can be summoned by will; and unlimited stamina. His spell also grants him unbreakable skin, therefore making his forcefield an added protection in case he did not wish for a certain attack to touch his physical body. Due to the mystical energies flowing through his body, he also did not need to eat, breathe, or drink fluids. As a vessel of mystic energy the Juggernaut also possessed many abstract powers that had yet to be fully revealed. Finally, while moving, he could, essentially, not be stopped. So he doesn't really need to heal, though if actually hurt (And he has been he regenerates pretty damned fast.) I also have the armor and helmet so no psi for you. Hope this clears things up for everyone. And please don't say oh god cheap, I didn't make the juggernaut I just play him.

OH CHEAP lol jkjk I was just punching him can't he at least fall over gese lol...bu seriously man isn't boring being like not dieng why don't u just say ur god lol!!!!
Devilgrl said:
OH CHEAP lol jkjk I was just punching him can't he at least fall over gese lol...bu seriously man isn't boring being like not dieng why don't u just say ur god lol!!!!

speaking of which, Juggernaut is semiimmortal as well, if i remember correctly.