“There is No Climate Emergency”

You could try three steps:
1. Look at the people on the list. Just commenting on a Brit member: Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, an hereditary lord with an MA in Classics (Latin and Greek, not classical physics).
2. When debunking a theory it is useful to consider the logical consequences. For example, if someone says the earth is flat, it is then necessary for them to say how everything that is explained by the round earth view may be otherwise explained.
3. An understanding of climate change requires more than just the use of models. You could, for example usefully read this from the British Antarctic Survey and then apply step 2: https://www.bas.ac.uk/data/our-data/publication/ice-cores-and-climate-change/
The problem with your suggestions is that Righguide has NO critical or intellectual ability.

He is childishly fond of his pet biases and will not accept anything that suggests they might be mistaken.

He would still consider the world to be flat even as he watched his girlfriend's ship disappear beyond the horizon...
My feelings exactly. The hard truth now is how do we dismantle the absolute fantasy of Climate Change abatement that has been piledriven into millions of susceptible, childlike, minds before they try in their superior numbers take us back into the 17th Century as a civilization? As the video demonstrates, there seem to be a lot more ignorant people than smart people, as they sat there dumbfounded by pure logic.
The clueless idiot has returned, following only those people who confirm his fantasies. Sad!

Logic? He doesn't know what logic is.
The problem with your suggestions is that Righguide has NO critical or intellectual ability.

He is childishly fond of his pet biases and will not accept anything that suggests they might be mistaken.

He would still consider the world to be flat even as he watched his girlfriend's ship disappear beyond the horizon...
You know Ogg, you really shouldn't opine about the critical thinking or intellectual ability of people you don't know. Unlike you, I do know how to spell my name.
You know Ogg, you really shouldn't opine about the critical thinking or intellectual ability of people you don't know. Unlike you, I do know how to spell my name.
And that might be all you can do. You are clueless and led by the nose by conspiracy theorists.
My feelings exactly. The hard truth now is how do we dismantle the absolute fantasy of Climate Change abatement that has been piledriven into millions of susceptible, childlike, minds before they try in their superior numbers take us back into the 17th Century as a civilization? As the video demonstrates, there seem to be a lot more ignorant people than smart people, as they sat there dumbfounded by pure logic.
Ignoring climate science is a good way to address climate science 👍

More bullshit from you. The Danish established hydrological surveys in 1692. The British were about 50 years later but even before then ALL Royal Navy ships were expected to and did log sea conditions, sea depths and sea temperatures even before then.

You don't understand anything just keep denying everything because you are intellectually challenged.
Let my intellect challenge yours by asking you to produce evidence of accurate thermometers in widespread Naval use in 1692. Hydrographic Studies in those years didn't have anything to do with water temperature, only with the topography of the sea bottom that could be reached at the time, and currents, depth soundings, shorelines, and tidal information that could facilitate navigation and cartography.
Read the log books of British ships in the 18th century. Look at the records of Cook's voyages, at Cabot's search for the North West passage.

Educate yourself, don't just DENY everything because it doesn't fit with your biased cretinous bullshit.
Whilst your rhetoric is entertaining the question remains, have you followed the logic of your position in the list of 1,2,3 above?
So what? See post 74 for some more spot-on entertainment. The list does not prove man-made "climate Change" today or explain why the Climate has been changing for billions of years, or how it will change for billions of years after we're gone.
You started this thread with a claim that there is no climate emergency. Nothing you have posted has proved your assertion and many people have proven the opposite. You are just a credulous liar, the village idiot of Lit.

Peterson makes his money by asserting lies to be believed only by the village idiots of America.
So what? See post 74 for some more spot-on entertainment. The list does not prove man-made "climate Change" today or explain why the Climate has been changing for billions of years, or how it will change for billions of years after we're gone.
Your distrust of authority leads your bias to believe disinformation and obfuscation of actual data.

Having information does not equal having knowledge
So what? See post 74 for some more spot-on entertainment. The list does not prove man-made "climate Change" today or explain why the Climate has been changing for billions of years, or how it will change for billions of years after we're gone.
Climate only changes when something forces it to change. The only thing changing the climate these days is the substantial increase in atmospheric CO2, caused by fossil fuel consumption. You can be sure that there has been a long, hard, fervent, even desperate search for other possible causes, and none has been found.
Climate only changes when something forces it to change. The only thing changing the climate these days is the substantial increase in atmospheric CO2, caused by fossil fuel consumption. You can be sure that there has been a long, hard, fervent, even desperate search for other possible causes, and none has been found.
But Rightguide doesn't believe that is true and his beliefs are more important than facts.
We did fuck up the balance. That's why there's a vertical line of CO2 on the graph of the history of the earth.
Plant billions of trees, expand carbon storage research and if these cultist tree huggers are so worried about CO2 levels, global warming, climate change and transitioning to green energy then they had best smarten their asses up to nuclear.
Plant billions of trees, expand carbon storage research and if these cultist tree huggers are so worried about CO2 levels, global warming, climate change and transitioning to green energy then they had best smarten their asses up to nuclear.
Nuclear would help. R&D would help Subsidies for green tech helps.

Doing nothing except believing lies and complaining does not help.
Nuclear would help. R&D would help Subsidies for green tech helps.

Doing nothing except believing lies and complaining does not help.
Tell that to the ignorant tree huggers. Solar and wind farms are not the answer to grid size energy requirements.
Tell that to the ignorant tree huggers. Solar and wind farms are not the answer to grid size energy requirements.
I'll tell it to everyone.

There is no single thing that solves the problem, the recent law will absolutely help.
I have a feeling
I believe
RightGuide is a Russian agent
The Russians need to sell their oil
Dude, prove you are not being paid by the Russians.
Let’s see all your bank accounts
No no, they paid you in cryptocurrency, so you can’t prove my feelings are wrong
Stop posting CRAP!!
Which I don't have like all the people in the OP's post.

What I do have is wide general knowledge, a critical view of statements, lacking in Rightguide, and the ability to use the Internet to find facts from reputable sources, not crackpot ideas that Rightguide only quotes if they confirm his bias.

I am always willing to learn, to find out when I am wrong and admit that I was wrong.

Rightguide NEVER admits an error. He believes all he posts as if it is Holy Writ and we are blasphemers.
Up until now, lies weren't typical in your posts. You're starting to sound like Luk and that guy who likes to advertise the 1174 reasons why he's always wrong. BTW, I may or may not believe all that I post depending on my purposes in posting*. I will admit to believing that most of you climate changers are full of shit, with zero proof the weather is manmade, and zero evidence that explains how the Human Race can do a thing about the climate, which was here in catastrophic measure long before we were.

* As the "Professor of Triggernometry" my motives in posting could be driven by something as simple as figuratively putting the source of your intellect, your asshole, on a needlepoint.:D
I have a feeling
I believe
RightGuide is a Russian agent
The Russians need to sell their oil
Dude, prove you are not being paid by the Russians.
Let’s see all your bank accounts
No no, they paid you in cryptocurrency, so you can’t prove my feelings are wrong
Stop posting CRAP!!
Show me you're a wolf and not a puppy, and then fuck the hell off.
You could try three steps:
1. Look at the people on the list. Just commenting on a Brit member: Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, an hereditary lord with an MA in Classics (Latin and Greek, not classical physics).
2. When debunking a theory it is useful to consider the logical consequences. For example, if someone says the earth is flat, it is then necessary for them to say how everything that is explained by the round earth view may be otherwise explained.
3. An understanding of climate change requires more than just the use of models. You could, for example usefully read this from the British Antarctic Survey and then apply step 2: https://www.bas.ac.uk/data/our-data/publication/ice-cores-and-climate-change/
Your problem is you don't think it's a theory. You worship it like a religion.
But Rightguide doesn't believe that is true and his beliefs are more important than facts.
So far I haven't seen you refute a single "fact" I've presented. I've already stripped a hundred years off of your claim the Royal navy was surveying water temperatures 250 years ago.:rolleyes: