“There is No Climate Emergency”

So far I haven't seen you refute a single "fact" I've presented. I've already stripped a hundred years off of your claim the Royal navy was surveying water temperatures 250 years ago.:rolleyes:
No, you haven't. You haven't disproved that.

The Challenger expedition was built on many decades of hydrological surveys by the Royal Naby.

How do I know? I was on an RN survey ship for six weeks surveying the Irish Sea. I was shown and used the equipment then available and given the history of the RN Hydrological survey from its beginning and what happened before then by the RN and other maritime nations.

You have NOTHING. No proof. Just your biased lies.

You haven't even tried to look at the evidence I provided. Asshole!
It is simply not possible to convince a climate change denier that global warming is a growing and serious effect. They reject all evidence, including how hot it is outside of their homes, because they do not want to make the sacrifices that will be necessary to control climate change.
Up until now, lies weren't typical in your posts. You're starting to sound like Luk and that guy who likes to advertise the 1174 reasons why he's always wrong. BTW, I may or may not believe all that I post depending on my purposes in posting*. I will admit to believing that most of you climate changers are full of shit, with zero proof the weather is manmade, and zero evidence that explains how the Human Race can do a thing about the climate, which was here in catastrophic measure long before we were.

* As the "Professor of Triggernometry" my motives in posting could be driven by something as simple as figuratively putting the source of your intellect, your asshole, on a needlepoint.:D
No one but no one!!! writes prose quite like LUK, his is a very delicate mixture of bullshit mixed with ad hominem and 3rd grade level histrionics while immersed in self loathing punctuated by a high level of TDS

I have a feeling
I believe
RightGuide is a Russian agent
The Russians need to sell their oil
Dude, prove you are not being paid by the Russians.
Let’s see all your bank accounts
No no, they paid you in cryptocurrency, so you can’t prove my feelings are wrong
Stop posting CRAP!!

I can vouch for RG not being a Russian agent. He’s what they call a useful…useful…something or other, I forget the term.
Just like me, you are confusing Rightguide with facts.

His brain can't cope.
Honestly, I just enjoy finding new studies/sources and typically post them as much for myself as I do for others.

He's made it clear that he believes everything about Climate Change is a hoax and therefore, additional information is wasted.
It is simply not possible to convince a climate change denier that global warming is a growing and serious effect. They reject all evidence, including how hot it is outside of their homes, because they do not want to make the sacrifices that will be necessary to control climate change.
The OP doesn’t claim that. His article states that there is no climate emergency. If we are to have an impact on slowing global warming then it has to be a global effort. Can’t have one segment of the planet enriching themselves by using fossil fuel while other segments of the planet nearly destroy their economies weaning themselves off of fossil fuels. China pollutes our atmosphere making the very solar panels we aim to use, that makes about as much sense as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.
The OP doesn’t claim that. His article states that there is no climate emergency. If we are to have an impact on slowing global warming then it has to be a global effort. Can’t have one segment of the planet enriching themselves by using fossil fuel while other segments of the planet nearly destroy their economies weaning themselves off of fossil fuels. China pollutes our atmosphere making the very solar panels we aim to use, that makes about as much sense as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.
The OP is not about that and clearly states that he believes climate change is bullshit.

Blaming China for their issues as a way to just say "fuck it" is the kind of shit 9 yr olds do in grade school. Grow up.
The OP is not about that and clearly states that he believes climate change is bullshit.

Blaming China for their issues as a way to just say "fuck it" is the kind of shit 9 yr olds do in grade school. Grow up.
Don’t put words in my mouth. What logical sense does it make buying shit from China while they pollute our atmosphere as we attempt to clean ours up. That’s not to say we shouldn’t invest in innovative technologies in a responsible manner and do our part transitioning into greener renewable energy but we have to do it smartly. CO2 is not a pollutant.

The OP states climate emergency I didn’t read anything that suggests climate change is a hoax.
No, you haven't. You haven't disproved that.

The Challenger expedition was built on many decades of hydrological surveys by the Royal Naby.

How do I know? I was on an RN survey ship for six weeks surveying the Irish Sea. I was shown and used the equipment then available and given the history of the RN Hydrological survey from its beginning and what happened before then by the RN and other maritime nations.

You have NOTHING. No proof. Just your biased lies.

You haven't even tried to look at the evidence I provided. Asshole!
Not 250 years ago you weren't. Accurate registering thermometers weren't even perfected until the late 18th Century:rolleyes:
China and the US were the first countries to announce their commitment to the Paris Agreement. China’s commitment has been constant. The US’s has not.
The OP doesn’t claim that. His article states that there is no climate emergency. If we are to have an impact on slowing global warming then it has to be a global effort. Can’t have one segment of the planet enriching themselves by using fossil fuel while other segments of the planet nearly destroy their economies weaning themselves off of fossil fuels. China pollutes our atmosphere making the very solar panels we aim to use, that makes about as much sense as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.
Climate change is a global problem. Chinese pollution is no excuse for our pollution.
Rightguide doesn't look at anything that challenges his irrational beliefs.

Because according to him 'accurate thermometers didn't exist' - he claims, no one measured sea temperatures.


What can be considered the first modern thermometer, the mercury thermometer with a standardized scale, was invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714.

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was the German physicist who invented the alcohol thermometer in 1709 and the mercury thermometer in 1714. In 1724, he introduced the standard temperature scale that bears his name—Fahrenheit scale—that was used to record changes in temperature in an accurate fashion.

The Fahrenheit scale divided the freezing and boiling points of water into 180 degrees; 32 degrees was the freezing point of water and 212 degrees was its boiling point. Zero degrees was based on the temperature of an equal mixture of water, ice, and salt. Fahrenheit based his temperature scale on the temperature of the human body. Originally, the human body temperature was 100 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale, but it has since been adjusted to 98.6 degrees.

That is more bullshit., but even if I believe him, which I don't, how does he explain the 800,000 years shown by the Wood's Hole study and sediment and ice cores taken all over the world?

He doesn't even look at the data. he daren't because it proves him VERY wrong.
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Rightguide doesn't look at anything that challenges his irrational beliefs.

Because according to him 'accurate thermometers didn't exist' - he claims, no one measured sea temperatures. That is more bullshit., but even if I believe him, which I don't, how does he explain the 800,000 years shown by the Wood's Hole study and sediment and ice cores taken all over the world?

He doesn't even look at the data. he daren't because it proves him VERY wrong.
So, you're pointing out that before man gained control of the climate through his activities, that climate was actually already in flux. Hmmm...

Maybe the Sun really is the center of the solar system and the main driver of climate change. It's really never had a pure, steady energy output. Like our climate, it's always in flux too. Miyagi-san says, "It waxes on, it waxes off."

Good job there. Kudos even. This was the best take-down of man-made climate change yet offered.
Climate has never been a constant. In the mini-ice age, The Thames at London froze so solid that people held ice fairs on it.

But what the sediment cores clearly show is that since the industrial revolution the world's climate has changed for the worse and much more than anything recorded before.
Climate change is a global problem. Chinese pollution is no excuse for our pollution.
Our pollution?

We're operating cleaner now and are growing more trees than at any time in our history and still, we piss up a rope. Our Left can punish us, but they cannot punish China and Friends, so they mercilessly crack down on us just so they can feel good about themselves, like they've done something, a great accomplishment, when all they do is manage to damage our economy, impoverish the poor and do everything they can to level the playing field in downward dog manner. If they were serious, they would be agitating for no trade, goods, or foods to and from these pariah polluters, but they're not serious, they're political dilettantes.
Climate has never been a constant. In the mini-ice age, The Thames at London froze so solid that people held ice fairs on it.

But what the sediment cores clearly show is that since the industrial revolution the world's climate has changed for the worse and much more than anything recorded before.
Or, it demonstrates the principle of the short-term being the rule despite the rule of the long-term. IN short it is pure myopia that ignores changing technologies and improved methodologies because the green movement has become religious in nature, forced into idiocy by rigid dogmas and ignorance of Science. Again, I point to their focus on the free societies because they hold no sway anywhere else, where the real pollution is occurring.
The lack of Chinese export with its pollution and slave labor will damage us just as much and without trade and given their population pressures, war would be their only safety valve. It's easy to daydream easy solutions, but much harder to deal with the unintended consequences of easy solutions.
The Chinese, unlike the USA., remained signed up to the Paris accord and are doing more to move away from polluting energy sources than anyone, including the US.

But they have much more to do than anyone.