✨📬✨ The FOURTH Annual 🔹July PM Challenge🔹: Celebrating Four Years of Fun, Friendship and Fuckery. ✨📬✨

This is a great challenge. I'm totally stressed out by it though. I think I'm good with everyone but now I'm worried that maybe I'm actually not 🤦🏻‍♀️

This is an all too irl issue for me too. Gah stupid brain.
I get it! But it's also a great way to quite those voices. "Are we good?" goes a long way. :)
We're at the halfway mark! Here's all the challenges so far!

Day 1
Let's do ahead and
take the plunge.
2 Litsters who have caught your eye around the neighborhood but who you've never said hello before.

Day 2
PM (at least) 1 Litster who you find sexy and let them know!
They may post the most
erection inducing pictures, they may write words that make you melt, they may just tease just enough, or they may be undercover, casual sexy.
Today, without any expectations, just let someone know how sexy you think they are!

Day 3
We're going to be a little nosey today.
PM (at least) 2 Litsters and ask them a question. The question should be specific to the Litster - no "what's your favorite color" BS and should illicit an answer not homework - no "would you send me a pic of your left nipple".
Bonus points for the nosier or more scandalous the questions but remember you are not entitled to an answer.

Day 4
PM 2 Litsters with AVs that you love. One of the Litsters should have an original pic and one of the Litsters should have some kind of artwork.
Ask them about why it
represents them, tell them why you love it, commiserate over how long it takes to get your AV changed now.

Day 5
PM (at least) 1 Litster with
a party invitation. This will require the tiniest bit of imagination but I believe in you. The invitation should include a party theme, what the dress code is, and what the invited Litster should bring to the party any other details get you bonus points.

Day 6
PM (at least) 1 Listers who has created or moderated a thread you love!
Give them the encouragement to keep going that they need, tell them why you love it, boost them up! It's a hard job and some people are working really hard around here.
(This isn't an official moderator appreciation challenge -
that will come later;) )

Day 7
PM (at least) 1 Litster a link to a song that makes you think of them.
Is it romantic, sexy, funny? Send some beats to get them through the day.
Day 8
It's International Litster Day!
To celebrate this very real and famous holiday - PM 2 Litsters from another country than you and say hello and discuss a few international Lit treaties to promote a Lit world peace!
Come back and fly the flags of your diplomacy.

Day 9
Its a sexy Sunday! PM (at least) 1 Litster something sexy just for them.
It can be a picture, an audio, a bit of writing, a confession... let your imagination run wild!
Please use your best judgement.

Day 10
Man Appreciation Monday!
Not to be confused with Man Crush Monday (which is coming) - PM 3 male Litsters that you appreciate and let them know why! Men don't get often get their boxes flooded but lets surprise them with some love.
Men this doesn't mean you don't have to send anything! You need to get out there and appreciate your Lit brothers in charms.

Day 11
Today is about reconnections! PM (at least) 1 Litster and reconnect.
This could be someone that you owe a response to, it could be someone where life got in the way and the conversation faded, or it could be that they didn't pick up a hint you were giving. Today is the day to reconnect.
Bonus points for reaching out to someone who you haven't seen participating and
giving them a gentle nudge.

Day 12
Woman Appreciation Wednesday
PM 3 Female Litsters who you appreciate! Just like Monday, only with tits!
This isn't woman crush Wednesday, it's appreciation Wednesday! Reach out to those ladies who make you smile, spice up your life, support you and add a little mischief to your life.

Day 13
Today is the BIG DAY!
PM (at least) 1 of your favorite moderators on any board and just give them a big thank you!
Sure they'll log in and think something unspeakable has happened but then they'll get the warm fuzzies knowing how grateful we are for their pro bono labor.

Day 14
This one may not apply to everyone but it's an important one.
Today PM any Litster that you need to and clear the air, make amends, apologize, ask "are we good?". It may be a big misunderstanding or a small gut feeling but I believe in everyone here to work towards diplomacy and peace. Remember though, no one owes you anything and all you can do it all you can do. I'm proud of you for trying.
If you have a clean conscience and no sins to confess or redemption to seek, PM someone doing the challenge and posting in the thread and say hello! Bring sage. You never know who needs and exorcism.