🎧 Parlay with PG-an audio thread for the aural


This contains what I hope to do to keep PG's idea going as well as a 2 part question.

AA1: (Azul's Audio) Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. For many, a time of new beginning. a.) What was your biggest accomplishment of 2023 and b.) what is your biggest goal to accomplish for 2024?
Hey everybody, it looks like there may be some question about the direction that this thread can or should take. I have recorded my audio response with my thoughts about it, but I would love to hear what you all would like to have the audio thread be.


For the record, and in case, you don’t want to listen to my audio, I love the idea of this being more popcorn style with questions by people that have them. I like the idea of this audio thread, being a combination of questions that make you think challenges like hot words, questions that maybe you’re a little bit more honest like what servant heart was asking. I don’t believe we have any responsibility to answer a question if you don’t want to or you’re not comfortable, but my original intention for this thread was actually to be a place where people can openly talk about anything but definitely openly talk about sex, and if folks are down for that, I think that would be a nice addition to what we have on lit.

And a huge thank you to @hotwords229_A for his challenge @Azuldrgon for offering to take over and @servant_heart for asking a question with some more density to it.

Please chime in and let me know what you are thinking.
Hey everybody, it looks like there may be some question about the direction that this thread can or should take. I have recorded my audio response with my thoughts about it, but I would love to hear what you all would like to have the audio thread be.


For the record, and in case, you don’t want to listen to my audio, I love the idea of this being more popcorn style with questions by people that have them. I like the idea of this audio thread, being a combination of questions that make you think challenges like hot words, questions that maybe you’re a little bit more honest like what servant heart was asking. I don’t believe we have any responsibility to answer a question if you don’t want to or you’re not comfortable, but my original intention for this thread was actually to be a place where people can openly talk about anything but definitely openly talk about sex, and if folks are down for that, I think that would be a nice addition to what we have on lit.

And a huge thank you to @hotwords229_A for his challenge @Azuldrgon for offering to take over and @servant_heart for asking a question with some more density to it.

Please chime in and let me know what you are thinking.
@servant_heart here's the answer to your your question, I believe

@Azuldrgon here's hoped your two part question's answer...it'd long😁

For, @Photog1rl a quick note on CNC

Quick suggestion, maybe we can keep a list in the 1st comment, and update it with each new question asked, so people know what's already covered & in what order. Thoughts?
I agree completely. Easier to keep track of.

For Tig. I melted at your audio. 🌷🌷🌷https://voca.ro/1523P8NsodFR
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I loved hearing you too.
Here is a question for you. What is your favorite masturbation routine? Start to finish, like after a bath or watching something sexy?

I wasn't sure people would want to hear my routine, so I recorded my answer exclusively for @servant_heart but... I need to be more open about my sexual desires because I have lived under a rock(not a kinky one with chains😔) for too long.

Loved your answer @Photog1rl ❤️
For, @Photog1rl a quick note on CNC
Thank you for sharing your personal journey Tig 💕
So many of us have faced sexual assault and found the ways we need to heal.

I think you misheard me. I did not reference CNC in my response. I relistened cause misspeaking is something I might have done. 😂😂
I may have misspoken. C/NC incest is what I was talking about. C/NC among consenting folks-isn’t my thing but I have heard others speak about the healing aspects of it and it is between two consenting adults. It’s the incest /CNC that I can not tolerate or make any excuses for at all!
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