Ok you creative degenerates! You guys made this so difficult!
When I say every single entry was perfectly amazing - from arts and crafts with
Amber to night lights with Justa. Jade came in with a last minute strong contender but ... he's a peckereye not a peckerhead so I had to take that into account.
Ultimately though one Litster gave me two nearly perfect choices and ultimately... it was someone physical in this cyber world that took me over the top.

The winner is.... @Whiskeyjack for his clay creation of @lacandy 's AV


Thanks to everyone who played along and made this so fun!! Congrats WJ!
New challenge tomorrow!
Ok you creative degenerates! You guys made this so difficult!
When I say every single entry was perfectly amazing - from arts and crafts with
Amber to night lights with Justa. Jade came in with a last minute strong contender but ... he's a peckereye not a peckerhead so I had to take that into account.
Ultimately though one Litster gave me two nearly perfect choices and ultimately... it was someone physical in this cyber world that took me over the top.

The winner is.... @Whiskeyjack for his clay creation of @lacandy 's AV


Thanks to everyone who played along and made this so fun!! Congrats WJ!
New challenge tomorrow!
Congrats @Whiskeyjack

Ok you creative degenerates! You guys made this so difficult!
When I say every single entry was perfectly amazing - from arts and crafts with
Amber to night lights with Justa. Jade came in with a last minute strong contender but ... he's a peckereye not a peckerhead so I had to take that into account.
Ultimately though one Litster gave me two nearly perfect choices and ultimately... it was someone physical in this cyber world that took me over the top.

The winner is.... @Whiskeyjack for his clay creation of @lacandy 's AV

Thanks to everyone who played along and made this so fun!! Congrats WJ!
New challenge tomorrow!

Well-chosen, PLP!

I completely agree with your reasoning, and congrats to WJ 🏆
Ok you creative degenerates! You guys made this so difficult!
When I say every single entry was perfectly amazing - from arts and crafts with
Amber to night lights with Justa. Jade came in with a last minute strong contender but ... he's a peckereye not a peckerhead so I had to take that into account.
Ultimately though one Litster gave me two nearly perfect choices and ultimately... it was someone physical in this cyber world that took me over the top.

The winner is.... @Whiskeyjack for his clay creation of @lacandy 's AV


Thanks to everyone who played along and made this so fun!! Congrats WJ!
New challenge tomorrow!
Thank you, thank you, PLP and everyone!
Looking forward to the next challenge!
Challenge #9

The Single Minded Poet Challenge

Write an acrostic poem about one of your favorite kinks!
An acrostic poem in one where the first letters (usually) of each line spell out a word or phrase that represents the theme of the poem.

Here is more information on acrostic poems if you need a visual > HERE

- The theme of your poem can be anything kinky as long as it's Lit Legal.
- Judging on this poem will be based on creativity, sexy word choice, effort and reactions.
- All submissions should be in by Friday morning.
- Please see the rules on page 1.

Snaps and Have Fun!


Ok you creative degenerates! You guys made this so difficult!
When I say every single entry was perfectly amazing - from arts and crafts with
Amber to night lights with Justa. Jade came in with a last minute strong contender but ... he's a peckereye not a peckerhead so I had to take that into account.
Ultimately though one Litster gave me two nearly perfect choices and ultimately... it was someone physical in this cyber world that took me over the top.

The winner is.... @Whiskeyjack for his clay creation of @lacandy 's AV


Thanks to everyone who played along and made this so fun!! Congrats WJ!
New challenge tomorrow!
Challenge #9

The Single Minded Poet Challenge

Write an acrostic poem about one of your favorite kinks!
An acrostic poem in one where the first letters (usually) of each line spell out a word or phrase that represents the theme of the poem.

Here is more information on acrostic poems if you need a visual > HERE

- The theme of your poem can be anything kinky as long as it's Lit Legal.
- Judging on this poem will be based on creativity, sexy word choice, effort and reactions.
- All submissions should be in by Friday morning.
- Please see the rules on page 1.

Snaps and Have Fun!


So, I am totally going to rhyme, cause I wanna. I am also not sexy, and will ramble as that is me. Honestly, another week I am here to add to my 100% participation streak, but wait for the writers and poets. 🤣

Everyone here has their Kink
Xcept me, of course.
Honestly, I’d have to think.
I really like intercourse.
But am I that modest?
Is it that plain?
That which is oddest,
Is not quite so mundane.
On film is a winner,
Never fails to excite.
In public, I’m no beginner,
Spectators are alright.
They just add more fun to the night.

Everyone here has their kink
Xcept me, a simple dame.
Partly true, I think,
Except boredom with the same,
Repetitiveness of everything,
In sequential order,
Malaise, it starts to bring.
Even tedium it may border.
New or novel, I very often seek,
Things that seem exciting, or
At least different from last week
Lubricious or sometimes weird,
Intensity is the goal.
Silly, yeah, I’ve volunteered.
That is how I roll.
So, I am totally going to rhyme, cause I wanna. I am also not sexy, and will ramble as that is me. Honestly, another week I am here to add to my 100% participation streak, but wait for the writers and poets. 🤣

Everyone here has their Kink
Xcept me, of course.
Honestly, I’d have to think.
I really like intercourse.
But am I that modest?
Is it that plain?
That which is oddest,
Is not quite so mundane.
On film is a winner,
Never fails to excite.
In public, I’m no beginner,
Spectators are alright.
They just add more fun to the night.

Everyone here has their kink
Xcept me, a simple dame.
Partly true, I think,
Except boredom with the same,
Repetitiveness of everything,
In sequential order,
Malaise, it starts to bring.
Even tedium it may border.
New or novel, I very often seek,
Things that seem exciting, or
At least different from last week
Lubricious or sometimes weird,
Intensity is the goal.
Silly, yeah, I’ve volunteered.
That is how I roll.
So, I am totally going to rhyme, cause I wanna. I am also not sexy, and will ramble as that is me. Honestly, another week I am here to add to my 100% participation streak, but wait for the writers and poets. 🤣

Everyone here has their Kink
Xcept me, of course.
Honestly, I’d have to think.
I really like intercourse.
But am I that modest?
Is it that plain?
That which is oddest,
Is not quite so mundane.
On film is a winner,
Never fails to excite.
In public, I’m no beginner,
Spectators are alright.
They just add more fun to the night.

Everyone here has their kink
Xcept me, a simple dame.
Partly true, I think,
Except boredom with the same,
Repetitiveness of everything,
In sequential order,
Malaise, it starts to bring.
Even tedium it may border.
New or novel, I very often seek,
Things that seem exciting, or
At least different from last week
Lubricious or sometimes weird,
Intensity is the goal.
Silly, yeah, I’ve volunteered.
That is how I roll.
You got my vote! That is amazing!
So, I am totally going to rhyme, cause I wanna. I am also not sexy, and will ramble as that is me. Honestly, another week I am here to add to my 100% participation streak, but wait for the writers and poets. 🤣

Everyone here has their Kink
Xcept me, of course.
Honestly, I’d have to think.
I really like intercourse.
But am I that modest?
Is it that plain?
That which is oddest,
Is not quite so mundane.
On film is a winner,
Never fails to excite.
In public, I’m no beginner,
Spectators are alright.
They just add more fun to the night.

Everyone here has their kink
Xcept me, a simple dame.
Partly true, I think,
Except boredom with the same,
Repetitiveness of everything,
In sequential order,
Malaise, it starts to bring.
Even tedium it may border.
New or novel, I very often seek,
Things that seem exciting, or
At least different from last week
Lubricious or sometimes weird,
Intensity is the goal.
Silly, yeah, I’ve volunteered.
That is how I roll.
Yeah I’m not gonna even try to compete it’s this!
Challenge #9

The Single Minded Poet Challenge

Do you remember me,
Away from our friends in the forest,
Deep inside you
Daring you to moan aloud as
You came around me

Or the time I snuck to your room
While everyone else was sleeping
Nipples pinched, lips bitten and
Sneaking back out with you on my breath

Hand wrapped tightly in your hair,
I will stay your dirty secret while you
Slide me into your mouth

And remember, even when apart
Not a day goes by I don't imagine
Grabbing at your hips and whispering how
Everything will be ok if you just trust me
Like the good girl you are for me