📮 The 3rd Annual ✨July✨ PM Challenge 📮

Day 18:

It's Man Crush Monday! Send a PM to (at least) 1 male Litster that is totally crush worthy. It can be a friendly crush, a sexy crush, a voculary crush, anything!
First of all, I just have to say I love that Easter egg. That scene cracks me up everytime! (And saying that makes me feel like I'm showing my age!)
🎵📻🎵let's hear it for the boys!!! 🎵📻🎵

I crushed this challenge! Hope my message was taken in the spirit offered! ✨🤷‍♀️✨
I've attempted to do half of 17 and I posted it in a thread, so hopefully that counts, sort of. I'm not very good at these kinds of things, but I wanted to have a bit of a go :).
That counts in my book... I've posted and tagged people and sent them PM on this and other ways to meet my daily quota - I'm pretty sure PLP is flexible. Glad you are giving it a go Sus!😊
That counts in my book... I've posted and tagged people and sent them PM on this and other ways to meet my daily quota - I'm pretty sure PLP is flexible. Glad you are giving it a go Sus!
Thank you :).

As for PLP being flexible, well, there are so many ways that I could interpret that ;).
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