😈✨🍺MrTenant's Tavern and Dungeon

Doing alright. I was cleaning my office and I found that the pile of books I had in the corner had been peed on. I wiped them and tomorrow I will find a place on the shelves for them. Most are nice art books and too good to throw out. I'll also set up a hub for my computer so I don't have to constantly plug and unplug things. And change the litterboxes (always fun).
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Doing alright. I was cleaning my office and I found that the pile of books I had in the corner had been peed on. I wiped them and tomorrow I will find a place on the shelves for them. Most are nice art books and too good to throw out. I'll also set up a hub for my computer so I don't have to constantly plug and unplug things. And change the letterboxes (always fun).
The new Kitten marking its territory?
He's a year old now. I had torn up the wall to wall last year and the pile of books was the last to be reshelved so who knows when he got to them. Nothing destroyed but cat pee is quite aromatic.
NY/NJ is wet too, not from the hurricane but enough to keep things indoors. I bought some pavers a while back and was waiting for the weather to cool off to putt them in but maybe next week.
My brother is in Atlanta and from what I hear they got pasted.