2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Discussion and Announcements

Ooops! I had made a mistake with the tallying. In my haste, I misread the rules I had written myself, and neglected to validate a number of poems that should have been counted. I corrected the scoreboard now. I'm really sorry. At least the final placings are pretty much the same. :eek:

Congratulations Underyourspell and everyone else who competed...


PS - thank you Lauren for setting up and running the contest. It is a lot of work and I appreciate all you do and have done for both Survivor Contests.
Ooops! I had made a mistake with the tallying. In my haste, I misread the rules I had written myself, and neglected to validate a number of poems that should have been counted. I corrected the scoreboard now. I'm really sorry. At least the final placings are pretty much the same. :eek:

So my two poems didn't win? Damn. :p

Congratulations Underyourspell and everyone else who competed...


PS - thank you Lauren for setting up and running the contest. It is a lot of work and I appreciate all you do and have done for both Survivor Contests.

Congrats to UYS. She wrote some wonderful poetry and can (theoretically) get a nice book of (at least) form poetry out of it if she likes. To me that's the best prize of all. :)

Lauren I know you've had a lot competing for your attention this year, and you know I appreciate everything you've done. I do think that the form requirements this year should not be as heavy as 2009's. Or make make a two-tiered challenge with the form component completed by those going for the grand prize (for example). If we had a structure like that I think a lot more people would do it.
Ooops! I had made a mistake with the tallying. In my haste, I misread the rules I had written myself, and neglected to validate a number of poems that should have been counted. I corrected the scoreboard now. I'm really sorry. At least the final placings are pretty much the same. :eek:

That now matches my preliminary tally which I did with a quick and dirty grep followed by emacs macros.
I might have missed something and I knew Lauren was swamped, so didn't say anything.
I really appreciate the effort you put in for the poetry survivor challenge. :rose:
I noticed you also guided the main challenge, but had some help. Perhaps someone could help you this year with the 2010 poetry survivor, which I'm looking forward to participating in. :)
I would like to say a huuuuuuuuuuge thankyou to Lauren who went way beyond the call of duty and without whom my illustrated and concrete poems would never have been posted at all :rose:
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Have you noticed the announcement that Laurel posted in the Awards & Contests forum?

I'm waiting for her confirmation, but it looks like maybe all top 5 Survivors will receive some goodies... That's UnderYourSpell, EroticOrogeny, lillygurl678, Tristesse2 and annaswirls. :D
Have you noticed the announcement that Laurel posted in the Awards & Contests forum?

I'm waiting for her confirmation, but it looks like maybe all top 5 Survivors will receive some goodies... That's UnderYourSpell, EroticOrogeny, lillygurl678, Tristesse2 and annaswirls. :D

Thanks for posting this I would never have known it was there otherwise!
I just sent another - hope this one gets a response.
Sure not getting off to a fast start on a 2010 survivor, either - almost Valentine's day.
I'd be interested in participating in the challenge this year. Sounds like its quite a big thing to organise, though, for the bods.
I've been having some real-life issues keeping me busy, but we will have a Survivor this year too. Bear with me, please. :)
I've been having some real-life issues keeping me busy, but we will have a Survivor this year too. Bear with me, please. :)

sorry to hear about your rl issues :rose:

but is it ok if i keep on my dressing gown til you're ready, only it's bloody freezing right now :eek:
I've been having some real-life issues keeping me busy, but we will have a Survivor this year too. Bear with me, please. :)

Take your time hun Lit can wait :rose:

sorry to hear about your rl issues :rose:

but is it ok if i keep on my dressing gown til you're ready, only it's bloody freezing right now :eek:

Oh gawd now the imagination is running riot ermmm do you write in your nightie or au naturel?
That is strange EO..... I got mine, and I did not even deserve it! But I figured I deserved it for other reasons so will spend it guilt free.

Maybe you should ask one of the Moderators to send the pm for you? Maybe there is a glitch of some sort.
I haven't spent mine yet I am like a kid in a sweetie shop on Amazon dashing from one thing to another!
That is strange EO..... I got mine, and I did not even deserve it! But I figured I deserved it for other reasons so will spend it guilt free.

Maybe you should ask one of the Moderators to send the pm for you? Maybe there is a glitch of some sort.

Thanks - I sent WickedEve a PM, since I've seen her around here lately more that lauren or angeline.
Hopefully soon!
Thanks - I sent WickedEve a PM, since I've seen her around here lately more that lauren or angeline.
Hopefully soon!

When I reapplied I put '2nd application for survivor prize' in capital letters in the subject line ..... must have caught her eye