2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Discussion and Announcements

I would think that Lit's own statement about the requirements would be what you need to pay attention to.

Or be the safest bet, anyway.

The max size upload to attach to a forum post (100KB file size and 800W X 600H image size) is different than the size of an upload to the submissions queue. Could that be what you're referring to? You can hotlink to nearly any size image already posted on a server though, so that's one way around Literotica imposed limits.

There was a 'HOW TO' written by possibly Tungtied that I used before I'll have to search through my saved favourites
sod and damn and blast and dammit I've just written one I've already done and it's not bad either grrrrrrrr
OK. ;)
As you know (I've said this before), I really don't like the triggers. They are, in my opinion, over-specific and tend to more dull my inspiration than stimulate it. You, Anna, commented on one of my recent poems that it was a limerick and you were sorry I had to write one. Actually, it was my second one (I'd already fulfilled the limerick form requirement), which I wrote mainly because of my distaste for the particular trigger, and I just wanted to get it out of the way. Limericks are easy to write (I think I spent five minutes on that one).

It was not, however, much of a fulfilling experience. :rolleyes:
I too find some of the triggers challenging. When it actually serves as a trigger, rather than just a requirement, then it's fun :)

I'm not really opposed to your proposal, but what I'd really rather see is just all restrictions being removed for round two. Write whatever you want, basically.
I like the idea of working with the different elements. Some I use, others are worth investigating. I don't know if I have enough time and skill to finish the first round, though :(

I think the intent of the triggers was to try to insure that someone wasn't merely popping up poems they'd written years ago. Since, at least so far, there only seems to be four or five of us seriously working away at the challenge, I don't think we need to worry about that. For me, it doesn't matter anyway. I don't want to win. (I want to be ahead until the end, but that is an entirely different thing. :))
I did check some unposted work, but didn't get hits for any triggers. I don't expect to win, but hopefully will improve with the practice.

If there's form requirements, but no triggers, I'll probably continue, at least sporadically. If there are technique requirements, but no triggers, ditto.

No triggers, no forms would suit me best. But maybe that means no contest.
So far I've worked on rhyming forms and find rhymes popping up inside along with the alliteration I already had.
With this week's immunity, I am finally through with that first round. (Almost makes a confirmed agnostic (<-- :rolleyes:) believe in god.)

I did ad lib an adapted scorecard to allow for round two. If that doesn't work, Lauren, let me know what I should be using instead.


another round
begins. I'd hoped that time
would stuff those forms in boxes, but
guess not.​
That scorecard will work fine.

As for the rest, well, I guess we'll have to correct all of those things for next year's challenge... :)
By the way, my computer is on the fritz, and the file where I keep track of scoring is trapped inside, so you'll have to wait 2 to 3 weeks before I update the scoreboard.
Hey Lauren,

It has been a month and a half since you updated these numbers... might help morale a bit if people saw their numbers going up in the official scoreboard.

I know you are busy, etc.... maybe pass the task on? We have been keeping up with the immunities postings, but can't get access to this official scoreboard. It is like we are in the 2nd quarter and the 1st quarter numbers are still up.

Also, there are several people who have signed up and have not been added to the scoreboard -- one has not been given a template for their own personal score page.

With respect,


Welcome, Poets!

If you read The Rules and accepted The Challenge, this is where you come to sign up for the year-long adventure that will be Survivor. To do so, you need to make a post in this thread, stating your intention of participating. I will come along soon after and magically turn that post of yours into a neat scorecard, where you can register each poem you write, each immunity you win, and add up all your points. Speaking of which, don't forget to visit the Immunities thread and pick a number between 1 and 49.

This first post will also double as The Official Scoreboard. I will update it regularly with the current score of every participant in the challenge.

As of April 2nd:
PM : www : 048 : pushkine
PM : www : 035 : UnderYourSpell
PM : www : 030 : Tristesse2
PM : www : 027 : annaswirls
PM : www : 020 : lillygurl678
PM : www : 017 : Jack_Samuel
PM : www : 016 : LadynStFreknBed
PM : www : 016 : Middleagepoet
PM : www : 015 : Remec
PM : www : 014 : champagne1982
PM : www : 011 : EroticOrogeny
PM : www : 010 : NorthernPA4U
PM : www : 008 : AChild
PM : www : 008 : PandoraGlitters
PM : www : 007 : Safe_Bet
PM : www : 006 : loganforester
PM : www : 005 : Angeline
PM : www : 003 : PrinceThelo
PM : www : 000 : BlueFish11
PM : www : 000 : hellebore
PM : www : 000 : hmmnmm
PM : www : 000 : jclaw
PM : www : 000 : johnnieheart
PM : www : 000 : The_Fool
PM : www : 000 : VoluptuousValkyrie
PM : www : 000 : Willow Rain
I'm fine, my friends. :)

Sorry about the delays, it's all my fault. I keep forgetting to update the scoreboard, and these last two days there were pressing matters I had to deal with, but tomorrow morning (it's almost midnight here) I will update the scoreboard and post the new bonus challenge. I promise.
I need another's eyes....

Five years old

I love you more than life itself
no matter how your tantrums test me
exasperating little elf,
your arrival here has blessed me.

No matter how your tantrums test me
or your persistent questions irk
your arrival here has blessed me,
come here and snuggle tiny Turk.

How your persistent questions irk,
make me wonder if I’m still sane.
Come here and snuggle tiny Turk,
let me try once more to explain

I often wonder if I’m sane
and then I see you sleeping there.
Let me try once more to explain
why I sometimes tear at my hair.
I think that The second and fourth lines of the last stanza are the same as the third and first lines of the first stanza, but as it doesn't have to be pantoum anyway then they don't and I will shut up lol
I think that The second and fourth lines of the last stanza are the same as the third and first lines of the first stanza, but as it doesn't have to be pantoum anyway then they don't and I will shut up lol

It was supposed to be a pantoum and you're right! Back to the drawing board.
Ok I have a question.
If a trigger gets you to write a poem then when you've written it you think well maybe it's not exactly what some might say goes with that title, should I submit it even though that trigger triggered it (if you understand me lol)? The one I am talking about is 'Holy Trinity' which in this case would be better being called '(Un)holy Trinity'. I could put it here if that would help.
I don't understand the question. If the poem is titled "Holy Trinity", then it responds to the trigger. Nobody expects it to be about anything. It could be about a threesome with Batman, Batgirl and Robin, for all I care. :p If the title isn't Holy Trinity, then it doesn't respond to the trigger.
Yabbaaaaa dabbaaaa dooooooo! :) Can I have a extra bit of scorecard please ?
Last edited:
Yabbaaaaa dabbaaaa dooooooo! :) Can I have a extra bit of scorecard please ?

I just edited mine myself. Do the following:

1. Add
First Round:​
between the heading Form Poems and the original list of form poems.

2. Following the end of the list of form poems and before the subtotal line, insert:
Second Round:

3. Add
First Round:​
between the heading Poet's Choice Poems and the original list of poet's choice poems.

4. Following the end of the list of poet's choice poems and before the subtotal line, insert:
Second Round:

5. Bask in the startling emptiness of the Second Round scoresheet and eagerly anticipate the fun you'll have writing another Sestina, another Curtal Sonnet, another Onegin Stanza!
Oh heck I will have to print this off and look and see how you did it! I've already made a start actually on two or three forms including the Sestina! But that's on paper only so will have to type out the first stanza as I can't see until it's typed if the lines are the right length. If anyone finds the Sestina over daunting what I do is print out the given example and then write my end words onto it in the correct positions.
wow - brainache. i'll have to come back to this when i've read the threads thoroughly and have time to take it all in. looks fun though!