2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Discussion and Announcements

Or rather, questions about Bonuses...

I don't know if I'm going to participate yet, but I wanted to ask for some clarification on the Bonus Rounds, please.

Each Bonus trigger/form combo will be posted roughly four weeks apart. How long does a participant have to write the poem for that bonus? IE: Bonus Combo 1 is posted on 1-28. Will this Bonus Combo be active until the end of the year, or does the poem need to be submitted before 2-25 when Bonus Combo 2 goes active? Or will there be some interim deadline, like having Bonus Combo 1 completed before Bonus Combo 4 goes active on 3-25, which would be roughly 90 days down the road?
There is a four week period between each bonus round, and each one of them will be active only until the day the next round starts. For a poem to be accepted as part of Bonus Round Challenge #1, for example, it needs to be posted between 01/28/2009 and 02/25/2009.

Bonus Round Challenge #12 will start on 12/02/2009 and it will end on 12/30/2009, exactly four weeks later, even if there isn't a new round starting that day.
And let me just compliment LadynStFreknBed, Safe_Bet, and PrinceThelo. It takes a degree of courage to take on both Survivors at the same time. :D
And let me just compliment LadynStFreknBed, Safe_Bet, and PrinceThelo. It takes a degree of courage to take on both Survivors at the same time. :D

Yup. Courage is a word that could be used. Stupid is another... :rolleyes:
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Aghhh the anguish of being hours in front of you I dashed to the site before realising
I was trying to get all the form definitions up before I do the same with the triggers, but it's taking longer than I though. I'll start doing the triggers now and finish the forms later on. ;)
There is a four week period between each bonus round, and each one of them will be active only until the day the next round starts. For a poem to be accepted as part of Bonus Round Challenge #1, for example, it needs to be posted between 01/28/2009 and 02/25/2009.

Bonus Round Challenge #12 will start on 12/02/2009 and it will end on 12/30/2009, exactly four weeks later, even if there isn't a new round starting that day.

Thanks! That was sort of implied, but I wasn't too sure. Having observed the rules commentroversy at the end of the last regular survivor, I thought I'd better ask.
The List of Triggers is posted now. The list of forms still needs to be completed with some more definitions, but there's enough there to get you all started, so chop-chop! :devil:
The List of Triggers is posted now. The list of forms still needs to be completed with some more definitions, but there's enough there to get you all started, so chop-chop! :devil:

I thought you insane when I saw the list of triggers, some of them terrify me. But then I decided to welcome the challenge so I signed up anyway.
Hey Lauren. You think you could get the powers that be to put a link to the Poetry Survivor Contest up on the literotica.com opening page?
Hey Lauren. You think you could get the powers that be to put a link to the Poetry Survivor Contest up on the literotica.com opening page?

I'll send Laurel a note about it. I'm sure she'll do it. :)

Lauren I have a question about the free verse poems: how free is free verse? Supposed I want to use one of my free verse slots for a sonnet or terzanelle (in addition to the one I write to meet the form requirement)? Is that a no-no? And if I could, is there a limit on how much of a particular form I could use, like say no more than three triolets, something like that? What if I wanted to use a free verse slot for a form that isn't on the list? Would that be ok? I'm assuming this won't come up much cause most people do prefer free verse over form poems, but it's possible. Oh and can any free verse poem also be an illustrated poem, or is there a limit on that as well?
Yes, I had that question earlier, but then it was described as "poet's choice" not strictly free verse.

Can anyone give me feedback on the pantoum I posted in the workshop? I never tried one before.
I posted this by mistake in the rules thread. I think it belongs here.

I took out all of the descriptions, etc. for anyone who might want to use the list in a spreadsheet to keep track in a simple form. I know Champ is making a spreadsheet-- I don't have Word, so I am doing one in Numbers, so anyone who is interested and has a MAC, drop me a line and I will send it to you.

  • Cinquain (Crapsey's)
  • Clerihew
  • Curtal Sonnet
  • Double Dactyl
  • Ghazal
  • Glosa
  • Haiku, Senryu or Zappai
  • Limerick
  • Onegin Stanza
  • Pantoum
  • Rondeau
  • Roundelay
  • Sestina
  • Sonnet (English or Spenserian)
  • Sonnet (Italian)
  • Tanka
  • Tritina
  • Triolet
  • Villanelle
  • Ballad (5 stanzas or more)
  • Blank Verse (20 lines or more)
  • Couplet (20 lines or more)
  • Ottava Rima (3 stanzas or more)
  • Rubaiyat Quatrain (5 stanzas or more)
  • Terza Rima (4 stanzas or more + finale)

  1. Acrostic
  2. Acrostic (double, inverted)
  3. Audio
  4. Cento #1
  5. Cento #2
  6. Dramatic Monologue
  7. Illustrated #1
  8. Illustrated #2
  9. Keyword #1: one of: neverending, highway, cocktail
  10. Keyword #2: one of: cartilage, crocodile, reptilian
  11. Keyword #3: one of: disassociation, engulfment, suppression
  12. Keyword #4: one of: persimmon, scarecrow, skylark
  13. Keywords #1: all of: ghost, cigarette, photography
  14. Keywords #2: all of: clown, cynical, pillow
  15. Keywords #3: all of: fool, game, starlight
  16. Keywords #4: all of: knife, siren, speed
  17. Point-of-View #1: a Persian carpet
  18. Point-of-View #2: a car of your choice
  19. Point-of-View #3: a mosquito
  20. Point-of-View #4: a piece of clothing
  21. Point-of-View #5: an adult toy
  22. Point-of-View #6: a red clay brick
  23. Point-of-View #7: a speck of dust
  24. Point-of-View #8: a nosy neighbour
  25. Quotation #1: "perfectly motionless, perfectly behaved"
  26. Quotation #2: '"Sh! not so loud: he’ll hear you," Mary said'
  27. Quotation #3: "so was it when my life began"
  28. Quotation #4: "in a kingdom by the sea"
  29. Quotation #5: "lesbian counter-attacks"
  30. Quotation #6: "the plot, the plot!"
  31. Quotation #7: "there's flowers and corpses"
  32. Quotation #8: "that's what jazz means to me"
  33. Theme #1: real-life crime story
  34. Theme #2: abnormal weather
  35. Theme #3: old lady who feeds the pigeons on the town square
  36. Theme #4: what's behind a tin-foil covered window
  37. Theme #5: shopping for breakfast cereals
  38. Theme #6: ballroom dancing
  39. Theme #7: your secret pleasure
  40. Theme #8: empty theatre
  41. Theme #9: your backyard
  42. Theme #10: fairy tale
  43. Title #1: "The Night Wears a Sombrero"
  44. Title #2: "Electro-Convulsive Therapy"
  45. Title #3: "Zero-Gravity Tea Ceremony"
  46. Title #4: "Baby Pictures of Famous Dictators"
  47. Title #5: "Holy Trinity!"
  48. Title #6: "DIY"
  49. Title #7: "The Man Who Wasn't There"
  50. Title #8: "The Black Russian"
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I uploaded a PDF file if anyone wants to print it out and keep a checklist

oops I will fix it this afternoon== drat!

damn it, I could have written a poem in this time! y'all wait for me!
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I did it! I wrote a poem that someone else TOLD me to write!!!

I think I have been broken! And so quickly! Thanks Lauren!
I could make a list of similiar triggers just for you...

just sayin'
I think I'll pass for now. :D

I took out all of the descriptions, etc. for anyone who might want to use the list in a spreadsheet to keep track in a simple form. I know Champ is making a spreadsheet-- I don't have Word, so I am doing one in Numbers, so anyone who is interested and has a MAC, drop me a line and I will send it to you.
You forgot one of the triggers (theme #5, I think). I corrected the post, but you might want to update your PDF. :)
I'll send Laurel a note about it. I'm sure she'll do it. :)

Lauren I have a question about the free verse poems: how free is free verse? Supposed I want to use one of my free verse slots for a sonnet or terzanelle (in addition to the one I write to meet the form requirement)? Is that a no-no? And if I could, is there a limit on how much of a particular form I could use, like say no more than three triolets, something like that? What if I wanted to use a free verse slot for a form that isn't on the list? Would that be ok? I'm assuming this won't come up much cause most people do prefer free verse over form poems, but it's possible. Oh and can any free verse poem also be an illustrated poem, or is there a limit on that as well?
What Annie said. Your Poet's Choice poems can be whatever you want them to be. If you feel like writing 30 sonnets and 20 terzanelles, I dare you! :p

As for illustrated, any and all of them can be illustrated, Free Choice or not. :)