2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Workshop

Hold your poem upside down and shake it hard for 30 seconds.

whatever falls to the floor use as title

other option
if you could write one more line in the poem, what would it be? Take the even numbered words in that line and make it be the title.


another option
take your poem outside and run over it with your car. Twice. Whatever words are still readable=title.
first option tried ....... hand spread naive whore?? ermmm maybe not get back to you on the rest ........ now you will be searching my poems for those words lol
You're quite right I found one on Twitter, says any sort of poetry but don't know how sophisticated they are. Been on one site and only sort of poetry they understood was every other line rhyming amd words shoved in any old which way to make the rhyme. Made me shudder even when I was stilll in the old rhyming thing myself I never shoved words in like that for the sake of it.
I've got some initial results here - more work needed. I've been using UYS stanza as a test case (including the 2 'her's in the one line). - hope that's OK. Earliest work done with a few lines of junk. I've found a suitable dictionary (GCIDE 0.46).
I have a version that works (more can be done), but does handle iambic and trochee as targets.
Would like to know who is interested, in any, and what sort of platform/pc do you have?
You're quite right I found one on Twitter, says any sort of poetry but don't know how sophisticated they are. Been on one site and only sort of poetry they understood was every other line rhyming amd words shoved in any old which way to make the rhyme. Made me shudder even when I was stilll in the old rhyming thing myself I never shoved words in like that for the sake of it.

I included poems that I have written here in a poetry-a-day challenge I am doing elsewhere-- and vice versa. I think the only key is following the guidelines. ie: I do not use poems from last year in the Poem a Day contest (or survivor contest) as that would bend the rules. Other than that, they are your poems :) twit tweet and twirl them wherever you wish :)
Two questions

If Lauren's computer has gone Kaput does that mean todays new challenge won't go up? (I know a worry muffin but I've got less time anyway!)
If my immunity should come up while I am away will I lose it or can I state beforehand what I would have taken?
Two questions

If Lauren's computer has gone Kaput does that mean todays new challenge won't go up? (I know a worry muffin but I've got less time anyway!)
I have a backup. It sucks and half of the keys stick, but you can't get away from me that easily. Today's challenge will follow.
If my immunity should come up while I am away will I lose it or can I state beforehand what I would have taken?
You can't state beforehand what your choice would be. Sorry.
I have a backup. It sucks and half of the keys stick, but you can't get away from me that easily. Today's challenge will follow.

You can't state beforehand what your choice would be. Sorry.

Could I do it for her, by proxi?

UYS- you won't have internet access at all?
I see Anna wrote a ballad today, so I guess I'd better get my second round piece o' crap out of the way early:
Rime of the Ancient Mariner: The Prequel

A mariner, a salty gent,
Accosted me one noon,
His breath quite flammable from rum,
His eyes awash in rheum.

Oh, sir, quoth he, please let me now
Acquaint you with my tale.
'Tis sad and eerie, yet it goes
Down well with pints of ale.

His gnarled hand picked at my cloak
To slow my rapid walk.
I hurried on. He trailed me,
Insisting that we talk

About some silly albatross,
And water everywhere
(Though none of it was potable),
The sun's insistent glare,

The curse that fell on his dread head
For blasting bird to death.
Eftsoons I turned to him and spoke;
He paused to catch his breath.

I'm not the one to hear your tale,
Dear Sailor—I won't do.
You're 'spose to stoppeth one of three,
And I'm just number two.

He sighed and his once-glitt'ring eye
Quite suddenly grew dim,
But then he spied a wedding guest
And set off after him.​
Unquiet rest the anguished bones of Sam Coleridge.
I see Anna wrote a ballad today, so I guess I'd better get my second round piece o' crap out of the way early:
Rime of the Ancient Mariner: The Prequel

A mariner, a salty gent,
Accosted me one noon,
His breath quite flammable from rum,
His eyes awash in rheum.

Oh, sir, quoth he, please let me now
Acquaint you with my tale.
'Tis sad and eerie, yet it goes
Down well with pints of ale.

His gnarled hand picked at my cloak
To slow my rapid walk.
I hurried on. He trailed me,
Insisting that we talk

About some silly albatross,
And water everywhere
(Though none of it was potable),
The sun's insistent glare,

The curse that fell on his dread head
For blasting bird to death.
Eftsoons I turned to him and spoke;
He paused to catch his breath.

I'm not the one to hear your tale,
Dear Sailor—I won't do.
You're 'spose to stoppeth one of three,
And I'm just number two.

He sighed and his once-glitt'ring eye
Quite suddenly grew dim,
But then he spied a wedding guest
And set off after him.​
Unquiet rest the anguished bones of Sam Coleridge.

Then what?!! Don't stop there!!!!!!

Cool. Annie, if you want, you can text me if you win, and I will put up your immunity

I see all sorts of complications here first I won't even know I have won it until I get back! I promised Ron a long time ago no shelling out money on the internet when we are on holiday it's my complete break from it and considerig how much I am addicted it doesn't ever bother me. How do you mean text you? by cellphone? I don't even know if mine would work in the US although it does in Europe. I am very moved by your offer and thankyou very much but I don't see how it is possible.
Hopefully over the weekend I'll have an XP stand-alone.
Current version requires c++ compiler (GNU)

Now have a windows version.
Once you get into it you find here's another area where what we do easily isn't so simple to define in code.
If anyone's interested, just let me know & I'll send it however you'd like it sent -
about 1/2 Meg .zip file