2011 Challenge: 52 Pick-Up

Mine is submitted.
Poet Guy admits to being a bit puzzled by this statement, but accepts it as explicit or tacit commitment on the part of bronzeage to be part of the festive 2011 52 Pick-Up challenge.

It also reminds Poet Guy that he needs to get his ass in gear and build a scorecard thread, lest participants actually start posting poems and comments.

Perhaps tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day.
Poet Guy admits to being a bit puzzled by this statement, but accepts it as explicit or tacit commitment on the part of bronzeage to be part of the festive 2011 52 Pick-Up challenge.

It also reminds Poet Guy that he needs to get his ass in gear and build a scorecard thread, lest participants actually start posting poems and comments.

Perhaps tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day.

It went in the submission queue about an hour ago, with 52pkp, below the last line.
Poet Guy admits to being a bit puzzled by this statement, but accepts it as explicit or tacit commitment on the part of bronzeage to be part of the festive 2011 52 Pick-Up challenge.

It also reminds Poet Guy that he needs to get his ass in gear and build a scorecard thread, lest participants actually start posting poems and comments.

Perhaps tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day.

That sounds like a good idea. At one point a while ago I tried to keep a list of some sort near the top of a thread, and it required quite a bit of careful cut and paste work.
brilliant news :D

Well, mebbe. :D

It's weird: neither my poem nor bronz's is up in the new poems list, but if you go to the writer's page they are approved and can be accessed. Maybe they'll show on new poems tomorrow....
Well, mebbe. :D

It's weird: neither my poem nor bronz's is up in the new poems list, but if you go to the writer's page they are approved and can be accessed. Maybe they'll show on new poems tomorrow....

let me go see if they're showing yet:

yep, both up there now under New Poems :cool:
why hasn't my scorecard come out the same as everyone else I copy pasted but the dots at the beginning won't! :confused:
why hasn't my scorecard come out the same as everyone else I copy pasted but the dots at the beginning won't! :confused:
The simplest way to copy it and retain the formatting is to quote the template, then remove the QUOTE tags from the top and the bottom. If you simply cut and paste it, that will not copy the tags, which change the display but are not part of the display.

All that matters, though, is that you list your poems and comments, in whatever format you wish.
and annie, if you want to bullet-point anything, make sure your reply screen is in 'advanced mode' (shows numbering/bullet points/indenting/code,php,html tag wrapping)

highlight the text you want bullet-pointed

click on the bullet-point icon that's next to the numbered points and under font Sizes

done :)
The simplest way to copy it and retain the formatting is to quote the template, then remove the QUOTE tags from the top and the bottom. If you simply cut and paste it, that will not copy the tags, which change the display but are not part of the display.

All that matters, though, is that you list your poems and comments, in whatever format you wish.

and annie, if you want to bullet-point anything, make sure your reply screen is in 'advanced mode' (shows numbering/bullet points/indenting/code,php,html tag wrapping)

highlight the text you want bullet-pointed

click on the bullet-point icon that's next to the numbered points and under font Sizes

done :)

Well thank you both but as I had no idea what a bullet-point was until now there was no way I was going to get that right! Thanks also for the fix :)
Submitted my first poem since -08.

Submitted my first poem since -08.


There's a certain naked feeling when you haven't submitted here for a while. That's how I felt, but it'll be fine squirrel guy. I have a lot of faith in your poetry chops.
There's a certain naked feeling when you haven't submitted here for a while. That's how I felt, but it'll be fine squirrel guy. I have a lot of faith in your poetry chops.
Reading today's batch, I feel kinda rusty. :D
I have a question ..... I notice that Tess has included on her scoreboard comments made to people not in the challenge, so are these to be included and scored too?