2011 Challenge: 52 Pick-Up

I have a question ..... I notice that Tess has included on her scoreboard comments made to people not in the challenge, so are these to be included and scored too?
Comments made on any current poem (i.e., a poem submitted and posted to Literotica in 2011) count; you do not have to restrict yourself to other poets participating in the challenge.

Poet Guy would, in face, encourage you to post comments on as many worthy poems as possible, and to highlight them in your scoreboard.
Anything else I have to do to sign up?
Welcome, greenmountaineer.

As UnderYourSpell said, go to the scorecard thread and add a post with a copy of the template scorecard for yourself. The simplest way to do this is to QUOTE the sample scorecard, then remove the QUOTE tags from the top and bottom.

Poet Guy will add you to the score list in the first post.
I would so much like to join this august group but I know that if I get some work I will vanish into the blackest of black holes for months. Nevertheless I applaud the intent and i will be doing my damnedest to be a non-playing contributor. Good luck!
I would so much like to join this august group but I know that if I get some work I will vanish into the blackest of black holes for months. Nevertheless I applaud the intent and i will be doing my damnedest to be a non-playing contributor. Good luck!
Feel free to join the challenge, fridayam, and not worry about being able to finish. It is a challenge, not a competition, and the point is to participate, both in writing poems and in commenting on others' poems, not on whether you "finish" anything. Poet Guy himself expects to be unavailable at times (for example, next week), and he hopes no stigma nor embarrassment be caused by sporadic participation.

On the other hand, Poet Guy does not want to pressure anyone to be part of the challenge who, for whatever reason, does not wish to participate.

Wanted to check out new poems and y'all's comments from the last days, and I see that some comments that are listed on scorecards are not in fact there. Including some of mine.

Bug in the comment system, or do we simply forget to post after the preview?

Off to re-post mine. If you will, check your own and see if they actually stuck. :cool:

Wanted to check out new poems and y'all's comments from the last days, and I see that some comments that are listed on scorecards are not in fact there. Including some of mine.

Bug in the comment system, or do we simply forget to post after the preview?

Off to re-post mine. If you will, check your own and see if they actually stuck. :cool:

I'm glad it's not just me I found the same when I tried to check Angelines comment on mine

we're meant to list them in the New Poetry recommendations thread too? i've linked each comment made in the 52 thread but not put them up in the NP thread yet. *goes back to check PG's instructions, blames the wine... :eek: *

Wanted to check out new poems and y'all's comments from the last days, and I see that some comments that are listed on scorecards are not in fact there. Including some of mine.

Bug in the comment system, or do we simply forget to post after the preview?

Off to re-post mine. If you will, check your own and see if they actually stuck. :cool:

did you guys click the links in the scorecard thread? if you did, did you then click the 'show all comments' link under the few that show under each poem? all the comments i've left show either already or after clicking the show all comments.

we're meant to list them in the New Poetry recommendations thread too? i've linked each comment made in the 52 thread but not put them up in the NP thread yet. *goes back to check PG's instructions, blames the wine... :eek: *

I think you're reading that wrong at least I hope you are :confused:

Another question BTW ...... For the total of points do we add points just for the poems we have commented on or for our own poems also?
I think you're reading that wrong at least I hope you are :confused:

Another question BTW ...... For the total of points do we add points just for the poems we have commented on or for our own poems also?

yeah, it just says to put 'em on the scoreboard.
as for the points:

one point for each poem and comment
I had to re-enter a comment yesterday, but I messed up by using the back button before don e so list the first time.
Think I've just done a months worth of commenting just waiting for the hate mail to arrive on one or two!
did you guys click the links in the scorecard thread? if you did, did you then click the 'show all comments' link under the few that show under each poem? all the comments i've left show either already or after clicking the show all comments.
Yep. 's not there. Just 2 of Angeline's now that I can see. The rest that was missing this morning have appeared. :) Mebbe there's lag?
]Poet Guy, even after updating this with the newest contestants, is pleased with this, but his inner Donald Trump wants more, more more.

Join up, join up for the Mystery Tour.

Alright, we'll see what comes of this. One of this year's resolutions is to write more and work at some craft honing, so maybe this will help me with keeping that one.

Alright, we'll see what comes of this. One of this year's resolutions is to write more and work at some craft honing, so maybe this will help me with keeping that one.

Go copy the sample scorecard (post 2) in the scoreboard thread (best way--quote the post, then remove the QUOTE tags at the top and bottom) and Poet Guy will add you to the scoreboard list.
Please note that Poet Guy will likely not be around for the next 10 days or so, though he might make an appearance on the weekend, so the scoreboard will not be updated, nor any new participants linked into the scoreboard (unless you whine enough at a moderator to get one of them to update things). He apologizes for this, but points out that you can still be submitting poems and commenting on poems and merely add those updates to your scorecard at a later date. he also reminds participants that this is a challenge, not a competition, though if you all want to treat it as such, he has no objection to that.

Alright, we'll see what comes of this. One of this year's resolutions is to write more and work at some craft honing, so maybe this will help me with keeping that one.


brilliant, remec :rose:

and if anyone else is opting in, they can always give me a shout on this thread or in pm and i can add them in during PG's absence. :cool:
So I'm thinking the next one is going to be an audio poem if it comes out right.