5th Circuit Court Of Appeals Slaps Down Joe's Censorship Campaign

The companies that you listed if anything underplayed how bad the situation with Covid was. We probably wouldn't be in this situation if they had gone full out. There is no Biden corruption scandal, no Hillary scandal. So far as know no evidence existed to destroy. You not paying any attention to any of those companies is exactly why you're so lowly informed.
They all fell for and perpetrated lies about Trump and Russia. They actively worked to subvert his administration with known lies. They fell completely in line with policies to subvert the truth about Covid as well. They are the state-sponsored media in America.
They all fell for and perpetrated lies about Trump and Russia. They actively worked to subvert his administration with known lies. They fell completely in line with policies to subvert the truth about Covid as well. They are the state-sponsored media in America.

Trump and Russia is probably true though. They grossly understated how bad COVID was. They are not in any important way state sponsored.
The word "likely" is there for a reason. It's the operative legal term justifying the injunction and a statement in the eyes of the court that the plaintiffs are "likely" to ultimately succeed at the SCOTUS level.

You’re a fucking idiot.

“Likely” is a far cry from “definitely”.


The Fifth Circuit court of appeals, comprised of THREE GOP APPOINTEES, absolutely GUTTED the lower court ruling of the corrupt orange traitor’s appointee, Judge Doughty.

A RWCJ "member" fails at basic comprehension AGAIN.


👉 "Right"guide 🤣

The word "likely" is there for a reason. It's the operative legal term justifying the injunction and a statement in the eyes of the court that the plaintiffs are "likely" to ultimately succeed at the SCOTUS level.
My comment still applies, though
He isn't saying anything personal about doing anything to you. He's giving you hypotheticals about someone you perceive to be a threat. You're the one making it personal between you and him.
He has said repeated that HE would and could do this. Go back and reread it you fucking troll.
He has said repeated that HE would and could do this. Go back and reread it you fucking troll.
I've read them all....the truth is, you roleplay it in your head all you want and you'd shit your pants if the reality occurred.
Thank God for that precious **GOOGLE BUTTON** 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Maybe wrondway should use google. I’ve posted on Mexico’s constitution before dumbass. Specifically their clause in it that give citizens the “right” to firearms. Just like their neighbour to the North.
This is a landmark ruling, a major victory for free speech, and a stunning rebuke to the Biden Administration. It remains to be seen if the administration dares to appeal it.🇺🇸
Thank God for that precious **GOOGLE BUTTON** 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Maybe wrondway should use google. I’ve posted on Mexico’s constitution before dumbass. Specifically their clause in it that give citizens the “right” to firearms. Just like their neighbour to the North.
What,no witty reply???

You're getting slack ican't...Either that or you're tired of your ass getting beaten up around here.
This is a landmark ruling, a major victory for free speech, and a stunning rebuke to the Biden Administration. It remains to be seen if the administration dares to appeal it.🇺🇸
The right to obfuscate shall not be infringed!
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams!
Butt Hunters Laptop!
I'll type slower for you this time so maybe you will comprehend it this time, I DON'T WATCH ANY TV OR STREAMING NEWS, NONE, NADA, ZIP, ZERO. Got it now?
Dude. We're fully aware that you're an ignorant backwards moron. Ease up.
Look dumb ass, you are the one telling me that if I am walking down the street minding my own business that you will beat me to death with your quarter staff unprovoked. You have said that multiple times now. You would instigate the attack, start beating me and then almost daring me to be able to shoot you before you kill me. Dude you are insane. What reason can you give for your unprovoked attack on me?
⬆️ Trai is always teh victim here. Always. ⬆️
I'll type slower for you this time so maybe you will comprehend it this time, I DON'T WATCH ANY TV OR STREAMING NEWS, NONE, NADA, ZIP, ZERO. Got it now?
Where did you get this opinion then? Have you seen Biden in person?
He is the elected President, that is a fact. Do I believe he is in control of the country? Not a snow ball's chance in hell. Geezus man he can't even complete a sentence without stumbling all over himself. It is not a speech impediment it is a mental deficiency whether TIAs, stroke, dementia, or Alzheimer's. But the man is not right, he isn't as sharp mentally as he was during the presidential race and his wife should be embarrassed for propping him up like this.
This is a landmark ruling, a major victory for free speech, and a stunning rebuke to the Biden Administration. It remains to be seen if the administration dares to appeal it.🇺🇸
(Quoted for posterity and stupidity)

BabyBoobs has another "big win".


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

And your inability to write English is a constant in every post. AND you always play the TROLL that follows me just to attack me even when I don't post to you. Always.
Teh "ignore button" is your friend, Trai. If you don't like what I have to say, feel free to press that button. Alternatively, you can whine like teh sissy boi your mama raised, just like you did above. Makes no difference to me!
Teh "ignore button" is your friend, Trai. If you don't like what I have to say, feel free to press that button. Alternatively, you can whine like teh sissy boi your mama raised, just like you did above. Makes no difference to me!
LOL!! Moron you still can't spell.

Oh look, nothing else to say so you turn to homophobic slurs. Another liberal fucking hypocrite. Cries about all the bad things said about others but doesn't hesitate to be a homophobic douchebag. Nice work you just made any political statement you made 100% meaningless because you are a bigoted piece of shit.