600 word stories

OK Snippetsville writers - I want to make a suggestion.

We have a lot of work to do getting together a character and geographical database.

If stories keep getting posted that will make the task like trying to bail a leaky boat with a seive.

Therefore I would like to propose a one week moritorium on posting further Snippetsville Stories - while the databases are being brought up to date.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
(600 Words Flash fiction)

Frosting by Couture

Look Susan, I made your favorite. A brownie sundae to celebrate your new boyfriend!

Me mad? Hell, no. I’ve been trying to get rid of that inconsiderate bastard for weeks. What? You don’t trust me? I’m hurt. Here, I’ll take a bite the first bite.

Mmmmmmm, good.

See? I told you it was good. Eat up. Us girls got to stick together. Anyway, you would have backed off if I’d asked.



Another fight with Mike, huh? Look, I baked a cake to cheer you up. No, you keep it. I insist.


You’ve been lying in bed all day. What’s wrong sweetie? He broke up with you? Said you were fat? That bastard! I told you he was a no good inconsiderate bastard. You’re better off without him.

Here. Look what I brought to cheer you up. Your favorite. Oh don’t be like that. You know you want some. Here comes the airplane zooommmm. Clear the runway for landing. Mmmmm, good. Feeling better already aren’t you pumpkin?


Look what I baked. Chocolate cake! No, don’t get up. I’ll feed you sweetie.

What am I doing? It’s been six months since you broke up with Mike. And you know full well it’s not the same with your own fingers. Relax. Us girls got to stick together, remember? Besides, you’re wet. You know you want it. Just relax and leave it all up to me.

That’s it. That’s it. Just go with it. Shush baby, you’re making too much noise. Open wide. I’m going to stick that whole fucking cake inside. Oh yeah, right in your mouth. Goddamn, you’re sexy. Lick my fingers clean. Do it!


That’s a girl, just lay there and let me on top of you like a big ol’ soft pillow. Look, I brought you something to eat.

What? Bitch! You weren’t complaining when you were squirming on my fingers last night. Well, fuck you then. Let’s see how else will bother with a girl your size.

Oh don’t cry Susie. I’m not leaving. Here, I’ll even make it easy for you. A little chocolate syrup and voila’, chocolate covered pussy. Yummy!

Oh fuck! Who would have ever thought – Susan Powers – pussy-licker. Ugh, that’s it. Eat it. Eat my fucking pussy. Suck my clit! Hard! Goddamn.



Your turn? I just did you last week. It is fair. I’m no lezbo, so I don’t eat pussy.

Oh you’re not? Coulda’ fooled me.

Fine bitch, I’m leaving. Find somebody else to get you off.

There, I knew you’d see it my way. Besides, I have a surprise for you tonight. Just let me get settled on your face.

Oh pumpkin, you have the softest tongue. You were made for this. Not a lesbian? Puh-leaze! What’s wrong? You don’t like my surprise?

You better shut the up and let me talk or I’m outta here - forever.

Look, you’ve been with me *and* you’ve been with Mike. This is the same thing, only this time I was with Mike first. Don’t cry, goddamnit, if anyone is crying it oughtta’ be me. I fucked him for you, you fat bitch!

Oh stop crying. I didn’t mean that.

Really. You’re not fat, just pleasingly plump.

Oh stop. You’re a pretty little girl. Honest.

Here, is that better? There, just relax and let Becky’s fingers make it all better. You big faker – you’re wet.

Come on - you know what I want. Just a taste. For me? Please? That’s my girl, it’s not so bad is it? Humiliating? Puh-leaze.

Just think of it as. . . .

What I must do to avoid looking stupid. (aka Why bother?)

You may check the dates on this, but take my word for it.

This is why we need continuity. :(

I posted a story on the 10th. I know that I have read Alex’s story, sometime after it was posted, but the penny did not drop until today, when I reread it.

Alex’s story “Swan” posted July 10/03 8:38 AM, mentioned a Julie Trask, who was the object of a boat race.

After polishing for several days, I posted “Hometown Hotshot” on July 10/03 4:16 PM which involved a person named Earl Trask, whose entire family I branded as “disreputable.” :mad:

This evening, I went in and re-christened my hero Earl Danvers.

As it occasionally happens, my IP bobbled my line. I never know exactly how it happens, but suddenly I have two (2) entries on the tread. There was the original “Hometown Hero” and a new copy at the end of the post, BOTH with the ‘corrected’ name of Danvers. :confused:

When this happens on the normal threads, it is only minimally embarrassing. On the Snippettsville thread it is “disreputable.” :eek:

To save anyone the trouble of reading the story twice - due to my hamfistedness - I wiped out the entry.

Today between 5:01 PM when the original erroneous post was entered, and 7:24 PM when I edited in a replacement, I wrote “The Legendary Boater” . . . and it looks it! :eek:

I won’t grouse when WSO tosses it out, because it is not in the slightest degree erotic, but at least it fills the gap.

On the one hand, I would like if just once I could post a story without those nasty edit update lines. On the other hand, on this board at least, errors can be corrected. Something which isn’t really feasible once a story is in the story list. :rolleyes:

Jon Although I would caution about making certain which stories are actually going to qualify to make it into a Snippettsville Issure you have MY WORD, a TWO WEEK moratorium for me! :(
Re: What I must do to avoid looking stupid. (aka Why bother?)

Quasimodem said:
Jon Although I would caution about making certain which stories are actually going to qualify to make it into a Snippettsville Issure you have MY WORD, a TWO WEEK moratorium for me! :(

I was not making any comments about which stories made which issue.

My point is that to construct the Character database from the stories submitted to date will take time - if more stories are submitted, either there will be more characters to be added or the biographical information about current characters will have additional details added.

The same goes for the geography of Snippetsville and the surrounding area.

To help WSO out I am trawling the stories and going to construct 2 maps -
(1) a plan of the town which will indicate already known locations of buildings and where the "unclaimed buildings" are that people may wish to use in future stories.
(2) A map of the surrounding area - there is the Interstate, Green Lake, etc to locate.

Again people will be able to use unutilised areas.

I hope that this makes things a little clearer.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
I have refrained from asking people to jump in and do specific jobs because I have not been given the official go ahead from Laurel yet.

There is one job that every contributing author can do while I await our fate...

Each author can go through their own Snippettsville stories posted thus far and make a character listing.

We need to know:

physical description:

As there were over 40 characters in the first handful of stories, I respectfully suggest that this in itself is a major job that could be begun while we wait.

When I have been given the go ahead, I will open a new thread in the SDC (Story Discussion Circle) titled Snippettsville Character Database.

Each author will then be required to make one single posting under their name. Inside that posting they are to list their own Characters' names, ages and descriptions.

I suggest we keep each Character tightly reigned into one paragraph not exceeding 100 words.

Lastly, all stories will need to be read by the original author of every Character, in case the Character is mentioned elsewhere and more description is given.

Re: What I must do to avoid looking stupid. (aka Why bother?)

Quasimodem said:
You may check the dates on this, but take my word for it.

This is why we need continuity. :(

I posted a story on the 10th. I know that I have read Alex’s story, sometime after it was posted, but the penny did not drop until today, when I reread it.

Alex’s story “Swan” posted July 10/03 8:38 AM, mentioned a Julie Trask, who was the object of a boat race.

After polishing for several days, I posted “Hometown Hotshot” on July 10/03 4:16 PM which involved a person named Earl Trask, whose entire family I branded as “disreputable.” :mad:

This evening, I went in and re-christened my hero Earl Danvers.

As it occasionally happens, my IP bobbled my line. I never know exactly how it happens, but suddenly I have two (2) entries on the tread. There was the original “Hometown Hero” and a new copy at the end of the post, BOTH with the ‘corrected’ name of Danvers. :confused:

When this happens on the normal threads, it is only minimally embarrassing. On the Snippettsville thread it is “disreputable.” :eek:

To save anyone the trouble of reading the story twice - due to my hamfistedness - I wiped out the entry.

Today between 5:01 PM when the original erroneous post was entered, and 7:24 PM when I edited in a replacement, I wrote “The Legendary Boater” . . . and it looks it! :eek:

I won’t grouse when WSO tosses it out, because it is not in the slightest degree erotic, but at least it fills the gap.

On the one hand, I would like if just once I could post a story without those nasty edit update lines. On the other hand, on this board at least, errors can be corrected. Something which isn’t really feasible once a story is in the story list. :rolleyes:

Jon Although I would caution about making certain which stories are actually going to qualify to make it into a Snippettsville Issure you have MY WORD, a TWO WEEK moratorium for me! :(

Quasi, take a chill pill man. ;) Don't sweat the small stuff. The Snippettsville Story Thread is just a thread. If you double post (through whoever's fault) then don't panic, just delete the second posting and put a little .(dot) there. It's no biggie. The rigours of the internet combined with Litland tendencies are no more guaranteed to work perfectly that my end results in the kitchen. ;)

I only wanted that thread to remain clear of silliness postings... chitchat type postings. Only so that it would make it easier in the long run when/if some future was decided for the stories. No sweat :)
Re: Re: What I must do to avoid looking stupid. (aka Why bother?)

jon.hayworth said:
I was not making any comments about which stories made which issue.

My point is that to construct the Character database from the stories submitted to date will take time - if more stories are submitted, either there will be more characters to be added or the biographical information about current characters will have additional details added.

The same goes for the geography of Snippetsville and the surrounding area.

To help WSO out I am trawling the stories and going to construct 2 maps -
(1) a plan of the town which will indicate already known locations of buildings and where the "unclaimed buildings" are that people may wish to use in future stories.
(2) A map of the surrounding area - there is the Interstate, Green Lake, etc to locate.

Again people will be able to use unutilised areas.

I hope that this makes things a little clearer.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:

Thanks jon, I look forward to seeing the end results of your hard work :)
Couture said:
(600 Words Flash fiction)

Frosting by Couture

Look Susan, I made your favorite. A brownie sundae to celebrate your new boyfriend!

Me mad? Hell, no. I’ve been trying to get rid of that inconsiderate bastard for weeks. What? You don’t trust me? I’m hurt. Here, I’ll take a bite the first bite.

Mmmmmmm, good.

See? I told you it was good. Eat up. Us girls got to stick together. Anyway, you would have backed off if I’d asked.



Another fight with Mike, huh? Look, I baked a cake to cheer you up. No, you keep it. I insist.


You’ve been lying in bed all day. What’s wrong sweetie? He broke up with you? Said you were fat? That bastard! I told you he was a no good inconsiderate bastard. You’re better off without him.

Here. Look what I brought to cheer you up. Your favorite. Oh don’t be like that. You know you want some. Here comes the airplane zooommmm. Clear the runway for landing. Mmmmm, good. Feeling better already aren’t you pumpkin?


Look what I baked. Chocolate cake! No, don’t get up. I’ll feed you sweetie.

What am I doing? It’s been six months since you broke up with Mike. And you know full well it’s not the same with your own fingers. Relax. Us girls got to stick together, remember? Besides, you’re wet. You know you want it. Just relax and leave it all up to me.

That’s it. That’s it. Just go with it. Shush baby, you’re making too much noise. Open wide. I’m going to stick that whole fucking cake inside. Oh yeah, right in your mouth. Goddamn, you’re sexy. Lick my fingers clean. Do it!


That’s a girl, just lay there and let me on top of you like a big ol’ soft pillow. Look, I brought you something to eat.

What? Bitch! You weren’t complaining when you were squirming on my fingers last night. Well, fuck you then. Let’s see how else will bother with a girl your size.

Oh don’t cry Susie. I’m not leaving. Here, I’ll even make it easy for you. A little chocolate syrup and voila’, chocolate covered pussy. Yummy!

Oh fuck! Who would have ever thought – Susan Powers – pussy-licker. Ugh, that’s it. Eat it. Eat my fucking pussy. Suck my clit! Hard! Goddamn.



Your turn? I just did you last week. It is fair. I’m no lezbo, so I don’t eat pussy.

Oh you’re not? Coulda’ fooled me.

Fine bitch, I’m leaving. Find somebody else to get you off.

There, I knew you’d see it my way. Besides, I have a surprise for you tonight. Just let me get settled on your face.

Oh pumpkin, you have the softest tongue. You were made for this. Not a lesbian? Puh-leaze! What’s wrong? You don’t like my surprise?

You better shut the up and let me talk or I’m outta here - forever.

Look, you’ve been with me *and* you’ve been with Mike. This is the same thing, only this time I was with Mike first. Don’t cry, goddamnit, if anyone is crying it oughtta’ be me. I fucked him for you, you fat bitch!

Oh stop crying. I didn’t mean that.

Really. You’re not fat, just pleasingly plump.

Oh stop. You’re a pretty little girl. Honest.

Here, is that better? There, just relax and let Becky’s fingers make it all better. You big faker – you’re wet.

Come on - you know what I want. Just a taste. For me? Please? That’s my girl, it’s not so bad is it? Humiliating? Puh-leaze.

Just think of it as. . . .


That sure is an interesting piece of writing. I hope you come back and write some more. Would you be interested in writing for Snippettsville at all?

aside: i just noticed that the asterisks take up a single word count each. never knew that before.
Re: Re: Re: my proposal

jon.hayworth said:
Mark I am sure that we all appreciate your offer of help with the location database - but you should bear in mind that as there are allready stories created you have to go through those stories to make the location fit with what has already been written. I have written about Hannah's Dinner in 2 stories on page one, and your description does not agree with mine. She has rooms to rent out the back and she is next door to Jack and Ethel Carr's Store. Below are quotes from my stories.


"American courtesy has never ceased to amaze me, and on this occasion Jack Carr kept to its best traditions, leaving his shop to escort me the few yards into the diner."

"Hannah led the way to the rear of the building and showed me the room. I was pleased to note the sheets were clean, and the paintwork better than in a lot of rooms I had slept in since coming over to the States. I made a snap decision, “I'll take the room for a week – time to explore the country round here.”"

Jon, you did originate the area and I did look at your story. Probably not as closely as I should. Sorry. The few yards could be where the diner is tucked in at the end of a row of buildings the last being the hardware store. When you talked about rooms out the back (which I took to mean outside the diner) I pictured her home being tucked in behind the diner but I didn't write it. Hannah and your english writer's rooms seemed to be in the same building as you wrote in Hannah making me think it might be her home separate from the diner.

Not a whole lot of American courtesy going on here huh. :p I got a bit creation happy writing it. Please pardon. I think the map would do a whole lot to prevent things like this in the future.

Re: hope this works, litland playing up for me...

wildsweetone said:

Why Thanks for popping back in! :) I was wondering if you'd like your story included in the ideas that are being bumped around here? As I see it, it could fit in with only a minimal amount of adjustment. Or, would you rather have a go at another piece for Snippettsville? :)

To be realistic my story is too wide of the mark you are aiming for. Best not include it. Best I read through all the stories and get a taste of where, and what you are all aiming for. Then see if I can come up with something.

If I go ahead and use any characters/places already created I will contract the creator of said characters/places first.

I might submit the whole chapter the snippett is taken from, if I can get round to figuring how you submit here... I need another 24 hours in the day at the moment, preferably at a comfortable 60 degrees F. ;)
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I've been away for a few days...

...attending a young friend's Graduation, t'other side of t'country. Good food, good beer (a first for me, Pilsner Urquell on draught, only ever had it in bottles before!), good company.

No computer.

I'm back now, and find you've all been very busy without me. I'll need time to catch up and assimilate, probably tomorrow at the earliest. A couple of comments on things I did notice first -

Hannah's Diner: originally visualised as having living quarters at the rear, where Hannah had at least one room she would rent to paying guests. No reason at all why it can't be a separate cottage behind the diner.

Geography: apart from being a 'wide place on the road to elsewhere' I had no pre-conceived notions on Snippettsville, except that it had originally grown up around a lumber mill. I had been reading about lumbering in Pennsylvania at the time our little town was created, so if pushed, that's where I'd like to drop Snippettsville.

Hannah Mcguire, Jack and Ethel Carr and Tom Holt were only created to add a little flavour to the introduction. Hannah's already gained a few pounds courtesy of Jon, and Tom's character is developing nicely. Point taken about the 'Constable' aspect - my knowledge of small local police departments is tiny. Expert advice welcomed!

More when I've had a chance to catch up.


PS: Quasimodem - you could have left Earl as a Trask. A split family (a generation or so back) could add some colour...
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OK, 600 Snippettsville story introducing Daniel and Kimberly Adams.

"A peaceful place"

Kimberly could hardly believe just how peaceful Snippettsville was. In the city, she never would have dreamed of leaving a door unlocked. She opened all the windows and doors to let the morning fresh air and breeze blow through the house.
Still wrapped in her bath towel, she stood out on the back porch feeling the cool breeze against her fair skin. Everything had the feeling of a quiet poem. Her husband, Daniel had promised to find her a nice place to live once they got married, but she didn’t imagine a place so perfect.
“We Mrs. Adams,” Daniel said walking up behind his new bride. “You said you wanted a place where you could run naked.”
Kimberly turned around smiling at her husband as she backed onto the top step holding her towel with both hands. She spun around leaping from the steps landing barefoot on the grass and letting her towel float to the ground.
Daniel snatched his towel from his waist and chased after his naked wife. He tried to catch her before she got to the hammock, but she was in way to good of shape for him. He had feel in love the first time he saw the way her calves poured into the back of her heels like an upside down rain drop. Her beautifully sculptured thighs and curvy hips set off her plump little ass. He hadn’t been much for tits, but she had enough to fill his hands, which he was very happy with.
Kimberly giggled as she claimed into the hammock and made room for her husband. She kissed him as he relaxed next to her swinging under the trees. “This place is so beautiful,” she said laying her head on his chest.
“Yes, but I wonder what the neighbors are going to think seeing us naked out here,” Daniel said.
“I don’t care…let them look. I love this place,” Kimberly said. “If they look hard enough, they may see something else.” She giggled and began stroking his cock making it hard.
“You’re bad,” Daniel chuckled.
“O’ yeah,” she said rolling on top of him and guiding his cock into her. “How about now?”
“O’ you’re really bad,” he kissed her lips sucking her tongue into his mouth.
They were getting into motion when the blast from the sprinklers hit them. They rolled out of the hammock and ran up on the porch laughing and giggling. Kimberly wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck and kissed him deeply. They feel against the doorframe passionately grasping at each other’s bodies. Kimberly got her legs up around Daniel’s waist as he thrust his cock into her.
“Ah!” she cried out holding onto him tight as she felt the length of his thick cock hit her g-spot.
Daniel grunted and drilled his cock into the softness of her love canal. He had married her two months after they had met and moved her to this quiet town to have her all to himself, and he had planned on having her as often as he could.
“Yes! Fuck me!” Kimberly cried out.
He loved the way she talked dirty during sex, and she really loved having sex. She told him it was because he had a big juicy dick. Every thing she said to him seemed to make his dick and strokes harder.
“Fuck my pussy with that giant dick,” she said raising and falling in his arms on his rock hard cock.
“Uh! Uh! Uh!” Daniel grunted slamming her against the door with each stroke leading towards his orgasm.
“That was great!” someone said.
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:) Nice to see you back Alex,

The Pilsner Urquel draught sounds interesting although I am not much of a beer or lager drinker - although in my younger days I did like a Newcastle Brown - then when I was north of the border I transferred my alleigance to MacEwans 80/-.

Enough of beer I hope we have not butchered or gone too mad with your original creation while you were away.

name: Daniel Adams
age: 28 y/o
physical description: Dark hair, blue eyes, 6'0", 175lbs athletic build. Works in the city.

name: Kimberly Adams
age: 24 y/o
physical description: Auburn hair with blond highlights a little pass shoulder length - natural hair color red, 5'4", 120lbs, 34C-28-38, fair skinned, green eyes, narrow lips - all ways painted a deep red along with her finger and toenails. Doesn't work.

The couple married only two months after they meet and moved to Snippettsville.
You're back!!!!! H E L P! ;)
Welcome back dear, :) Glad you had a great trip, but I haven't a clue what 'Pilsner Urquell on draught' is, it sounds nasty... but then if it was warm it would have been real nasty ;)

I like the idea of you letting us know your original concept of Snippettsville. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of opening a new thread and asking people to contribute their experiences/descriptions of small towns.

Black Snake

Aah now the setting is Snippettsville. That's good. And you've written a character description which is excellent. Just what is needed.

I noticed on my pc that the paragraphing isn't showing up correctly on the story posted here, but it's okay on the Story Thread.

There are a couple of spelling errors you might want to change... the errors are correctly spelt words which is perhaps the reason you didn't pick them up.

Very interesting ending too. I wonder who was watching. ;)

jon how's the map going? any great difficulties you need help with?
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Ok how do I contribute? post here? PM someone in authority? post on the snippetsville thread?

A character from my first story on Lit is visiting S.ville and is in the diner with Hannah and the Carrs (who eventually leave).

He's Robert. (Not disclosed) and he's twennytoo (22) He's also Yorkshire born and bred (just history).



actually you need to bribe, pay, generally suck up to anybody you feel like sucking up to. :D well heck, it was worth trying.

okay to get serious.

if your story squeezes in under the 600 word count then please feel free to post it into the Snippettsville 600 word story thread:

If you'd like to continue being a Snippettsville author, you may like to write up a character description -much along the lines of BlackSnakes example above - as it'll make it easier in the long run.

Welcome to Snippettsville :)

Laurel has given us her consent. :D


The ball will begin rolling in three hours!

There will be a new thread opened by yours truely entitled 'Snippettsville Sign In Time' which will require all contributing authors to Snippettsville to post and agree to having their stories submitted to Literotica. I would also like a link to each author's Literotica (only) homepage so I may add it into the Snippettsville Group's profile.

I will open a Character Database thread in the Story Discussion Circle. Each author may post once in that thread and then use the same posting to add characters and their descriptions.

I will have registered 'Snippettsville Group' and opened the profile.

In the near future, all Snippettsville threads will be moved to the Story Discussion Circle (SDC) for reasons previously mentioned.

I have to rush off to work right now, but will be back! Never fear! ;)


Well Done all of us! :)

wildsweetone said:
I will open a Character Database thread in the Story Discussion Circle. Each author may post once in that thread and then use the same posting to add characters and their descriptions.

A starter map: If you all can agree on a different small town in the west, I can provide a similar map.

busy wee bees getting things sorted and straightened.

If you're serious about wanting to be a Snippettsville story contributor, please go here and sign in:


It's a mere formality, it costs you nothing and it keeps us all nice and legal with regards to copyright (so i'm informed.)

No stories will be accepted for formal submission unless you are previously signed in. So please ensure you get up to scratch with that.

Please note: Signing in does not mean automatic formal submission acceptance. It does mean whatever you write will be considered for formal submission.


Go here to install your posting for the Character Database:


See MG's for a good example of what to do and mine for an exampe of what not to do (mine is still under construction lol)


*wso working - add Setting Database*


I will be 'tweaking' things from time to time as different problems/questions/desires turn up. This is very much a learning process for me, so please bear with me while I try to get things running nice and smoothly for everyone. I would like all authors to enjoy submitting their Snippettsville stories and I apologise for any disruptions while I'm sorting myself out.
I wish there were a quick way to switch from wildsweetone to Snippettsville Group without having to put my pc through the log in and log out process. It's very slow. If there is a way, can someone please PM me with it, I'd appreciate knowing.
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Gauche A well done addition to the Snippettsville thread! :) Don't forget to sign in! Oh, and you can now add your character description to the Character Database in the SDC - see my previous posting. :)

(did you intend adding a pic to your posting?)

Weird Harold Thanks for that awesome map. I've emailed jon.hayworth with it (didn't hear from him today) and am awaiting his thoughts. I really like it. I love the topographical look. It makes a town exist. :)

jon where art thou?

Alex :) Glad you managed to get to this point. Sorry there's so much to read through. Can you see anything I've missed?

Black Snake Thanks for transferring your posting and Character description to the right threads. Mucho appreciated. :)

1. Can anyone see anything I've obviously missed? Speaketh uppeth or forever hold thy tongues still. ;)

2. I've decided to wait until we've had more discussion about the location and setting descriptions before opening the 'Setting Database' in the SDC. I'd like to ultimately share that job around. Tentatively thinking about each author taking one setting and describing it.

3. Feel free to jump on over to the 'Small Town Descriptions' thread. There's some awesome descriptions in there. Interesting buildings/businesses/comments. Definately worth joining the discussion. go here: https://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=185027

4. Welcome Perdita to the Snippettsville Group. We'll all look forward to reading one of your stories. :)

night night all
*wso working - read through stories I've missed on the thread, starting with Quasi - just realised I've missed some. :eek:*
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