600 word stories

wildsweetone said:
Why Hi and welcome to the land of Anything ;)

That 583 words was well worth reading. In my opinion you should post it across on the other Snippetsville thread :)

Here's the link to the first page. Feel free to add more pieces anytime. :)


Well done :) and keep writing! :)

Thanks for the kind words, the piece is part of a larger work, but it seemed to fit well into the 600 words.

I don't write Erotic as such, just use sexual elements within my work sometimes, often to give a character a bit more depth or as a plot twist..
yep, sexual elements come in handy sometimes ;) i like innuendoes too. it's all in the icing for the cake methinks ;)
To All:

I must apologise for my lousy spelling of Snippettsville in my very first posting on the story thread.

I've gone in now and changed the spelling (got rid of that wretched 'e') through my part of the first post, but am unable to adjust the thread's title.

Dire penalties Alex? Actually, wasn't it dire penalties if you didn't write at least two? *giggling*

You haven't heard the half of them dear ;) Darn good story though... even if I had to look half the words up in my dictionary ;) I'm still not sure 'coaming' is a real word eh. ;)

Quasi I think I missed saying earlier, I love your stories! :)

Putting my thinking cap back on.

Do you all realise we have amassed a total of 28 stories for Snippettsville? Multiply that by 600 and we have 16,800 words. Wow!

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Coaming certainly is a word, and is applied to boats, but I think I used it wrongly, so I've edited the story!

Any thoughts on assembling these Snippetts into a submission or three, for general consumption by those who never reach the Hangout? Anyone?

Alex Okay you know I was teasing ;) Yes coaming is a word, I was just razzing you (my daughter hates it when I use that word, it's so, oh, 70s! ;)

Quasi What can I say? I love how you managed to give Tom such depth that had me laughing. :) And tying up loose ends... Geez how'd you like the job of tying up allllll the loose ends that are dangling? You're great! *wicked grin*

I'm not sure what to do about all the submissions here... I had thought we could either:
a) submit them separately - our own stories under our own names.

b) submit them as a combined effort of all and ask Laurel to link them as one in each of our author pages (whatever that page is called that has our stories listed on it).

The other question is, do we wait until we're all finished and/or sick to death of the thread, and then finish it up, or do we ask for proper submission as we attain a certain total word count?

decisions, decisions...

Hey MG Come on and write another Snippett! :D pretty please :D

Why Do you know how to copy and paste your story from here over onto the Snippettesville Story thread? Just shout if you don't and one of us will explain. :) Then, next time you write one you'll be able to post it straight to the other thread. Yep, that was a plug for more stories!!! *grinning*
wildsweetone said:

I'm not sure what to do about all the submissions here... I had thought we could either:
a) submit them separately - our own stories under our own names.


b) submit them as a combined effort of all and ask Laurel to link them as one in each of our author pages (whatever that page is called that has our stories listed on it).

The other question is, do we wait until we're all finished and/or sick to death of the thread, and then finish it up, or do we ask for proper submission as we attain a certain total word count?

decisions, decisions...


I’m not certain if you were asking for opinions, but I’m not shy.

1). I think these Snippettsville Stories would go best in small, mixed bundles.

Depending upon what Laurel will put up with:

Three (3) to four (4) story bundles at the smallest. Six (6) to (8) story bundles at the largest.

2). Ideally, I would set up a Snippettsville membership, and use the: “Bio” to present the Intro & Invitation to Join In.

If you wished, there could be a list of “Contributing Authors” kept there as well.

This way, if someone wishes to drop out, or is tied up with RL duties, someone else can take over the control of Snippettsville story posting.

3). To my mind, the stories would work best mixed together, with various authors using varied styles and differing story content. In this way, each Snippett Story in the bundle would contrast with each other.

It is - in my opinion - their variety that makes these stories so appealing. Why not lead from their strength?

4). If we do take this further ( and I believe that will depend upon more writer’s contributing) we are going to need some kind of database, with a list of all characters listed, their personal quirks, and condition when last seen. This would assist in finding the names of people who had been lead characters, secondary characters, background characters, or only names mentioned, but not seen. Also geographic points, businesses, and other topical Snippettsville references.

If we continue, eventually Snippettvillle is going to become crowded, and we don’t want too many characters leading a double life.

What this would call for, is someone useful at setting up a database, and keeping it up-to-date. Both a challenge, and - from my point-of-view - a thankless job.

That’s my 3% of a Loonie, anyway.
wildsweetone said:

Why Do you know how to copy and paste your story from here over onto the Snippettesville Story thread? Just shout if you don't and one of us will explain. :) Then, next time you write one you'll be able to post it straight to the other thread. Yep, that was a plug for more stories!!! *grinning*

Forgive me. The real world has trapped and confused me for a while.

Will transfer it now.

As for more stories. *Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* :eek: Give me time... ;)

you make some good points, most of which I agree with. I like the idea of a 'Snippettsville' membership and the use of a bio to link everything together. I'd like to see WSO's comeback on this, as Snippettsville is essentially her creation, although I wrote the introduction.

[Added later] Quasi, is your Earl Trask any relation to my Julie Trask?

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Thanks Why for transferring your story :) time to write another? ;)

Alex! Great job dear. Don't stop there! ;)

Quasi Very nice! Three different scenes covering more than a day! Who was it that said these writings should be of 10 minute scenes?


i have my thinking cap on re the future of the stories. I'll make a posting here soon.
Quasi Thanks for not being shy dearest ;) Just what I needed for a head start.

Some questions first...

1. Do you want to keep writing 600 word stories for the Snippettsville thread?

2. Would you like to keep your stories for your own profile?

3. Do you like the idea of combining all the stories and submitting them as one 'novel' on Literotica?

comments from me:

a) If the 'novel' idea goes ahead, I suggest we start up a new thread that only contributing Authors will use to write a very basic outline of the characters they themselves have invented. Perhaps KM will allow us a single thread in the SDC that we can title Snippettesville Characters. If we each open a single post, then we can use the editing feature to add extra characters and traits. I think this way the task does not fall to one single person, but rather that we each take responsibility for our own characters.

b) If we 'borrow' a character, then the rule still stands that the character must stay in the mould that the first author set up. If the original author has their character as not fully 'grown', then following authors using that character may encourage the character's growth within their writing. (god is that english? lol)

c) The stories could be posted in 'chapters' under a Snippettsville heading. Yes, I agree with Quasi in his 3rd comment. I like the mixture of styles. I'd like to submit maybe five (just a figure) stories per chapter and they'd be submitted in the order they hit the Snippetsville thread.

Those are some of my thoughts for now. please post and let's discuss :)
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Alex De Kok said:
Jayne and WSO,

thanks for the kind words. It was fun to write. Were I to edit it, I think I might emphasise that Bob and Dan were NOT friends, merely business associates. But then, that might take me over 600 words...

I found myself rather tested in keeping to the limit, flowery writer that I usually am.


Just lurking at the moment, but I thought you did a fine job with their relationship when you made it clear he didn't know he was doing the wife.
"When I got home today..."

edited this to post on the other thread. Yes I've been reading them.

I kind of like the shorties, doesn't interfer with my work and I don't have to do any re-reading.
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My Two Pennorth

wildsweetone asked

Some questions first...

1. Do you want to keep writing 600 word stories for the Snippettsville thread?

2. Would you like to keep your stories for your own profile?

3. Do you like the idea of combining all the stories and submitting them as one 'novel' on Literotica?

My reply -

1. Yes, although I offer no guarantees as to volume of output!

2. I have no particular preference. I'm quite happy to add a note to my profile to say that I am a contributing writer to Snippettsville.

3. Not if it all ends up in one monolithic lump! Groups of four or five of the tales posted together under an umbrella heading is fine by me, and I agree with Quasimodem that it is the variety and the differing styles that add to the appeal.

wildsweetone added comments from me:

a) If the 'novel' idea goes ahead, I suggest we start up a new thread that only contributing Authors will use to write a very basic outline of the characters they themselves have invented. Perhaps KM will allow us a single thread in the SDC that we can title Snippettesville Characters. If we each open a single post, then we can use the editing feature to add extra characters and traits. I think this way the task does not fall to one single person, but rather that we each take responsibility for our own characters.

b) If we 'borrow' a character, then the rule still stands that the character must stay in the mould that the first author set up. If the original author has their character as not fully 'grown', then following authors using that character may encourage the character's growth within their writing. (god is that english? lol)

c) The stories could be posted in 'chapters' under a Snippettsville heading. Yes, I agree with Quasi in his 3rd comment. I like the mixture of styles. I'd like to submit maybe five (just a figure) stories per chapter and they'd be submitted in the order they hit the Snippetsville thread.

Those are some of my thoughts for now. please post and let's discuss :)

My reply -

a)I'm not sure about the term 'novel'. 'Collection' or 'anthology', maybe. Each writer taking responsibility for his/her own characters seems fair. If they don't...

SDC I'm not sure about. Perhaps Laurel might allow us a 'sticky' in the Hangout?

b) Seems fair. I've had both Tom Holt and Hannah McGuire 'fleshed out' by other writers. They were only skeletons before.

c) I go along with this. It would bring the short pieces to the attention of the general readers who never venture into the Authors' Hangout. I would endorse Quasimodem's suggestion of a 'Snippettsville' bio, where contributing authors could be listed and readers referred to the individual bios, and all of the stories would be grouped together. A possible problem might be feedback - who does it go to?

wildsweetone said:
Thanks Why for transferring your story :) time to write another? ;)

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......... To be honest not for a few weeks.... I have some deadlines to meet and writing on forums like this is for pleasure.

It I can fit a small one in will do:rolleyes:

1. Do you want to keep writing 600 word stories for the Snippettsville thread?

2. Would you like to keep your stories for your own profile?

3. Do you like the idea of combining all the stories and submitting them as one 'novel' on Literotica?

Answer for 1. If I have time, yes.

Answer for 2. Don't have a profile?

Answer for 3. Assumed that as they are posted on the forum they are the "property of owner" same as threads/posts all are.... Anything I post you can submit with pleasure.
:cool: I have been reading the stories :p

1. Yes when I feel the inclination I will write some more.

2. I am not too concerned with my profile.

3. I would go with the novel idea - I worry whether the Author's Hangout is really the place to compile it. There is also a legal problem - in making a sort of group submission if we bundle them together - in that the authors will not be completing the statement of ownership etc (the legal stuff on the top of the submission form). The alternative might be to write and post Snippetsville as a chain story - The story Generalisimo could contact Laurel and either we get her to agree to 600 word chapters - or we increase the length from 600 to 750 and that would be fine. That would also solve the profile thing for those who want it.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
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or we increase the length from 600 to 750 and that would be fine.
sufferin suckertash

evenwithitall Gidday and Welcome to Litland and Snippettsville! I hope you enjoy your stay dear. Thanks for coming in and commenting on Alex's story, very much appreciated. :) I see from your profile you're writing, good luck with that! Feel free to add a Snippettsville Story at any time if it's your kind of thing. :)

note to authors:
I thought of the suggestion for the character database being in the SDC because it has a moderator and because other readers/posters are unlikely to mess up the thread. Make sense? If they do mess it up, then it wouldn't be too difficult to send KM some lovely virtual flowers and ask her to delete inappropriate posts. (I haven't asked her as yet, so I've no idea if she'd like/approve the idea. - was just a thought)

I would like to ask Laurel to come and join this thread, but I'm guessing that she must be very busy elsewhere. It would be better if we can discuss and decide amongst ourselves, maybe come up with a main idea and one alternative and then put forward to her our idea.

Anthology or Collection sounds good (novel was simply an example... it's the 117 holding me back again ;) )

in Quasi's posting, he said:
2). Ideally, I would set up a Snippettsville membership, and use the: “Bio” to present the Intro & Invitation to Join In.

If you wished, there could be a list of “Contributing Authors” kept there as well.

This way, if someone wishes to drop out, or is tied up with RL duties, someone else can take over the control of Snippettsville story posting.

I understand exactly what you mean now. Register a new member by the name of Snippetsville and include all the authors on the profile... bio thingee.

Thinking further on that, it would be sensible if either several authors were able to get into it, or perhaps we could ask a moderator - to keep an eye on it for us. I was only thinking what if something happened to the one who set it up, how would the others get into it to submit the blocks of stories?

Anybody with any knowhow got ideas here?

Should I ask KM to come and look at our ideas as they are here and let us know her thoughts? She might be able to give us an idea of what is possible.
I wrote at fairly comprehensive length in my original post on Snippettsville Stories being posted to the main story list. This is in response to one or two comments that have been brought up so far.

1). I would prefer the term “ISSUE” to Chapters of a Novel. Which they really aren’t. This would imply it was something like the old “Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine” which featured a Perry Mason, or some other short, each month, but that they were not cumulative, nor was there any drawback to reading them out of chronological order.

2). Each individual segment would be the property of the writer who wrote said story. This would be best handled by a byline under the Title at the beginning of each 600 word story.

Example: (If 4 stories are bundled together.)


Stories in this Issue: “The More the Merrier” by jon.hayworth, “Never Trust a Naked Fisherman” by MathGirl, “In an Evil Position” by Rainbow Skin, “Where Virgins Go to Dye” by PierceStreet.


“The More the Merrier”
by jon.hayworth


“Never Trust a Naked Fisherman”
by MathGirl


“In an Evil Position”
by Rainbow Skin


“Where Virgins Go to Dye”
by PierceStreet.


(Feedback Instructions at End)
Please send General feedback to the Editor,
and Feedback for a specific story through the Contributing Author’s link.

The Author’s name in each byline could link back to that author’s profile,
the Editor, would be the one listed as the editor in the Snippettsville profile at that time.
(General comments could either be distributed to the whole Contributors List, or to just that Issue’s Contributors, individually, or as a digest.
Specific story feedback would be sent either as email, or by PM, as the individual author allows.

3). If the software permits, in the SNIPPETTSVILLE STORIES (Profile) Main Section, each Contributing Author Listed, should link back to that author’s Profile. Also, once a SNIPPETTSVILLE STORY by that author has been posted, a link to the Snippettsville Story Main Page (Bio) should be added to their list of Story Credits.

Something standard, like: “Snippettsville Stories Series, Contributing Author.”

4). I do like the idea that each author who introduces a new character, or fleshes out an existing one, should maintain a list of these people. Also, they should list and describe any new business, social clubs, or other amenities, etc. that - thanks to their writing - the town includes. Possibly even a mention of which story (stories) he/she/it appeared in, so the following writer can quickly go back to research what - already - has been stated.

This idea is much fairer than saddling some poor soul with the responsibility of maintaining a town database. That idea would only fly if someone who actually ENJOYED such a challenge were found.


1) I like the idea of a Snippettsville Issue, it fit's with the different styles of writing and with the 'township' angle well.

2) Yes, I like the suggestion of how the submission would look and agree with the kind of byline you suggested. (I think that might answer any of Jon's thoughts on the legalities...?)

3) I'm going to ask KM or Weird Harold to come and take a peep at our suggestions and at least let us know if it's possible to achieve these ideas.

4) Only somebody with NO LIFE whatsoever would want to take on such a massive job as the database controller of characters. Even as it is, it's a big job for one person - much easier for each individual to take care of... and I for one am going to watch how many new people and places I bring into this town. lol

(I'm off for the weekend now.)
wildsweetone said:
3) I'm going to ask KM or Weird Harold to come and take a peep at our suggestions and at least let us know if it's possible to achieve these ideas.

A Couple of comments after just skimming the last page:

1: By their very nature, 600 words snippets can't be posted as single stories because they're under the 750 word minimum for Lit submissions. If they're posted, they have to be posted as "collections."

2: Because of their length, roughly five Snippets would fit on one Lit page, so five episoded per issue or ten per issue would fit Lit's default formatting nicely.

3: Because of the nature of the database, Snippetsville issues woul have to be collected under a single "group name" and they CANNOT be linked from the individual authors' profiles. Each author would have to use the "homepage" link in their profile to link to the "Snippetsville Group" page to acknowlege participation.

4: Normally Laurel would NOT allow links to the various authors' profiles within a story, and making an exception for the "Snippetsville Group" would create a lot of manual formatting work for her. (not to mention demands for similar treatment for other shared universe groups.) The simplest solution is to let the normal databse functions set the link to the "Snippetsville Group" where other volumes can be found.

5: There will HAVE to be one or two moderators/editors who collect the submissions and submit them under the "Snippetsville Group" name, and one of them will have to accept feedback (if allowed) and disperse them to the various authors. (personally I'd say turn off feedback completely)

6: The "Character Database" and Rules for particpation and submissins would work best as part of the "Bio" for the group's
author profile.

7: All things considered, I think negotiating with Laurel to add Snippetsville to the Literotica newsletter (or snd it as a separate newsletter) might be a better solution than trying to set it up as a standard Literotica submission.

8: Whatever the final decision is, someone is going to get stuck as coordinator/editor/moderator and take on a lot of extra work to keep things from degenerating into chaos.
wildsweetone said:
sufferin suckertash

evenwithitall Gidday and Welcome to Litland and Snippettsville! I hope you enjoy your stay dear. Thanks for coming in and commenting on Alex's story, very much appreciated. :) I see from your profile you're writing, good luck with that! Feel free to add a Snippettsville Story at any time if it's your kind of thing. :)

Thanks for the Welcome and the invite. Actually, once I read the brief bio about Tom Holt by ADK I was inspired. Someone had also mentioned a scandal in the town's history as well. Unfortunately one of the story's I just read talked about the first murder in 50 years making this story impossible. So I thought I'd put it here in the towns alternate universe instead. Comments/Critiques are very welcome.


Medium sized breasts shook in a tight white T-shirt swaying from side to side as she walked up to the diner.

Tom Holt had watched her cross the street. Once she got inside he had recognized her. Ten years ago he had held her in his arms trying to comfort a child that would not be comforted. Now years later she was back. All Tom knew was he didn’t want her to be there.

Back in his first year as the law in Snippetsville the Wilson family had moved into town. Unlike most new inhabitants in small towns, the Wilson’s were liked almost immediately. They fit perfectly into niches not filled in the town for decades.

Daniel was a glad-handing slap your back kind of guy with stories to tell and drinks to buy. His wife Ellen immediately took the vacancy of socialite busybody and gossip gatherer.

Sandra, their daughter did not know quite what to make of her parents. She just faded into the paint of her house while her folks enjoyed their life and the townsfolk.

Tom remembered the scene in detail. Daniel Wilson was on the bed on his back. Blood covered his face obscuring a rictus grin. In the center of his forehead was a small hole. Tom had wondered how the small hole had leaked all that blood on his face and chest. Looking over the bed he found another pool of blood. The sheet was soaked with it halfway down his body. The constable was glad for the regulations about not disturbing a crime scene.

A small cough made him jump and pull his gun. Maya Wells lay naked on her back with a hole the size of a golf ball in her belly. After seeing her eyes were open Tom called out to her. She did not move. That’s when the constable noticed the gunshot wound. The cough had been her last.

Tom holstered his gun and checked for a pulse when he heard another cough. He momentarily aimed at the girl who had so softly phoned him earlier. She didn’t blink as she stared at her Father.

Sirens sounded outside and a moment later red lights lit up the walls as the volunteer fire crew showed up. He took her outside while the EMT’s failed to help Maya Wells.

Sandra’s mother had been at a friend’s house that evening. Ellen Wilson might have had an alibi if it weren’t for the borrowed sleeping pills. The gun was never found and there were no witnesses. Sandra had heard one shot and pulled the covers over her head. Whoever had discovered the couple had shot Maya Wells in the back. Poor Daniel was lined up perfectly. An autopsy found his semen inside Maya. Many a crack was made about that fact.

The papers in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia took an interest in the story. TV followed it for a while as well. Ellen Wilson was widely believed to have committed the murder but three unsuccessful grand jury attempts at an indictment left her free. Her daughter was sent to her Father’s sister in California.

Now the daughter had returned home and was standing at Tom Holt’s table looking down at him. He looked up at her and watched her nipples grow firm under the shirt.

“I didn’t thank you for helping me that night.” No hesitation or uncertainty.

“There was no need,” he replied. “Have you gone to see your Mom yet?”

“No. Do you think I should?” Her smile was wicked.

He slowly shook his head side to side.
I have just read WHs comments and proposals and personally think that they nare a very good idea.

Now we need two co-ordinators. This Snippetsville Folks is where I loose friends etc I would like to propose that the two original creators of the Snippetsville idea should assume that task.

Alex De Kock and Wildsweetone creating a story line is like parenting you must accept your responsibilities :p

(an additional thought)
Originally Snippetsville was created with a defined geography and certain parameters - I do not think that any 600 word stories that do not conform should be included in the compilation - if they are it will no longer be Snippetsville but merely a collection of 600 word stories. I am not saying they are not valid as stories - but they do not belong in the compilation.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
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