600 word stories

evenwithitall said:
. . . Actually, once I read the brief bio about Tom Holt by ADK I was inspired. Someone had also mentioned a scandal in the town's history as well. Unfortunately one of the story's I just read talked about the first murder in 50 years making this story impossible. . . . So I thought I'd put it here in the towns alternate universe instead. Comments/Critiques are very welcome.

First, evenwithal, I suggest you reread "Evidentiary Proceedings" to see whether the change I just made helps your story fit into the standard Snippettsville universe.

I apologize for my rather conspicuous consumption of Snippettsville history. I hope this is enough leeway to place your story within the standard Snippettsville reality.

Finally, this would be a good place for me to suggest that a general advisory be posted advising writers to consume the minimum amount of time/history of any already created character (other than the minimum required within the plot of your story).

As far as how many Snippettsville Stories to put in any Issue, I would limit it at a single page. I have already done some preliminary surveying, and have noticed - with notable exceptions - the preponderance of high rated stories are one page or under.

It was, I believe, Weird Harold who explained that the number of lines a story takes up, was the primary determinate of how much a Story filled a page.

If this is true - and it makes sense to me - stories of mostly dialogue, especially many short sentences, would fill two or even three times as much ‘page’ as a story of straight narration.

Depending upon the amount of lines a story takes up will also determine how many stories go into a bundle. This would be another reason for combining mostly-dialogue, mostly-narration and narration-dialogue combination stories to fill the page.

Also, the tone of the stories should vary: hot, dark, humourous, then startling (just as an example). Also, the writers should vary, to offer changes in voice and vocabulary.

Finally, and I will use two examples from my own works. While Snippettsville Stories are originally establishing their character, unusual stories like “Stars Over Snippettsville” and “Dreams of Greens” should be held back, so readers don’t get the wrong idea about what sort of series this is.

Even when they are place - if ever - they should be in bundles far enough apart, to not be mistaken for any new series trend.

Just my thoughts. Anybody else?
Quasimodem said:
First, evenwithal, I suggest you reread "Evidentiary Proceedings" to see whether the change I just made helps your story fit into the standard Snippettsville universe.

I apologize for my rather conspicuous consumption of Snippettsville history. I hope this is enough leeway to place your story within the standard Snippettsville reality.

Kind Sir, You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Thank you for the assistance. It allowed me to both do some editing and come in under the wire at 599 w/title. Not to mention finally figuring out how to make the Quotes work too.

In the original introduction, the only comment made about Tom Holt was: "Tom Holt, our local constable."

In "KER-SNAP" we learn that "Tom Holt’s tenor was burred with an authoritarian ring." and he read Grayson Chilters III his Miranda rights.

In "Evidenciary Proceedings" we learn that Constable Holt’s secretary and general office factotum was Jennifer Tillies, with who he has a 'special' relationship.

In WSO's story about pies, we learn that Tom Holt has an subaltern named named Archie, who is - named by the narrator - a deputy.

This bring me to the question at hand.

What are the names of the positions, and their rankings, or a police force in a small American town such as Snippettsville?

Should Tom not be a Sheriff, and Archie his Deputy?

My knowledge of Reeves and Deputy Reeves is not assisting me in this problem. :confused:


***wso working***

Snippettsville Thread Authors List

PierceStreet (7)
wildsweetone (5)
MathGirl (3)
Alex De Kok (6)
Erlikkhan 1
Rainbow Skin 1
Quasimodem (6) (1 & 3 poss. not Snippettsville material)
jon.hayworth (4)
Why 1
BlackSnake 1 (not Snippettsville material)
evenwithitall 1
destinie21 1 (poss. not Snippettsville material)

Snippettsville Character List

PS -
1. Molly, 16yo cousin, boyfriend, Uncle, 1st person
2. Lisa, Bill Davis, Bill's Dad
3. Rev. Niles, Mike Smith, Lilly, Lisa Myers
4. Sam Thompson, Janet, Jane
5. Agnes Carlson,

wildsweetone -
1. Roger, Samantha, Maggie,

MathGirl -
1. Hannah, Orville J. 'Jammer' Gillette, sophomore place kicker, Snippettsville High students, lawyer,
2. Duane 'Rip' Henderson, Hannah, bikers, Father Morrison, Elvina Henderson, Raymond 'Sugar Ray' Stallings, great grandmother
3. Hannah, Emil van Zant, wife, Eduardo 'Toots' Guzman, student, referee, coach, campas security force,

Alex De Kok -
1. Jack Shaw, service engineer, Molly, Sally Aker,

1. Uncle Bill, Aunt Jill, Polly,

Snippettsville Settings
Hannah's Diner, Snippettsville Church, Green Lake, Saint Annes, Snippets County Honor Farm, Snippettsville Hospital, Road House,

Numbers in () relate to stories on thread to date
Numbers under Author's names relate to each story as it falls on the Snippettsville thread.

up to Every town needs a Road House
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About Lit page lengths

Quasimodem said:
As far as how many Snippettsville Stories to put in any Issue, I would limit it at a single page. I have already done some preliminary surveying, and have noticed - with notable exceptions - the preponderance of high rated stories are one page or under.

It was, I believe, Weird Harold who explained that the number of lines a story takes up, was the primary determinate of how much a Story filled a page.

Strictly speaking, it is the number of characters in a submission that determines the page breaks -- incliding "invisible" characters like paragraph breaks and imbedded HTML formatting. The limit is somehwere around 14-15KB.

In practical terms, a Lit page averages 3,750 Words, plus or minus about 250 words.

Five 600 Word stories add up to one 3,000 word submission (plus titles and attributions) and would generally fit on one Lit page easily.

If your target is one lit page per issue, then five vignettes is the number you're looking for.
Re: ***wso working***

Originally posted by wildsweetone ,
Dear WSO,
It's quite remarkable to see someone on here start a project, keep it going, and see it through to the end. You are to be commended.

We need to agree on a co-ordinator to get this project off the ground

1. I suggest that we ask Wildsweetone to take on that task.

2. We also need a deputy are there any volunteers?

In my opinion Alex-de-Kock or Quasimodem would be excellent candidates for the job.

Come on Snippetsville writers give your views.


:devil: :devil: :devil:
my proposal

1. To Begin

We open a thread in the Story Discussion Circle called:

(a) Character Database.

Each author opens one single posting under the thread which will contain:

Character name, age, physical description etc. It would be helpful for other authors to also see a quick reference here as to the story/stories the character stars in.

Other authors 'borrowing' characters will need to liaise with the original author thus keeping the character in mould.

(KillerMuffin has given us her permission to do this, also once the database is set, then the other Snippettsville threads can be moved by Laurel to the SDC. KM will organise this when asked.)

(b) Setting Database.

We need to have a posting that describes every single setting. When a new setting is invented, the details of that setting need to be PMed to the co-ordinator so they can add the setting descriptions into the Database. I believe this would be better updated by one person, that will keep the settings in a single posting in the SDC.

2. I propose we register 'Snippettsville Group' on Literotica.

Within the bio of the SG will be the contributing authors and a link (if possible) to their own Literotica Homepage/Profile.

Two people will have the password to get into the SG profile. This is to ensure the group will be kept up and running even if one co-ordinator is ill or their pc crashes (god forbid).

3. Submissions.

Stories will be submitted to the original Snippettsville Story thread.

Two authors, apart from the writer, will need to comment on the story i.e. 'Great Story!' or some such thing, and include the word 'inclusion' before the story will be considered for submission to the Group.

After the word 'inclusion' has appeared. The author of the story needs to ensure his/her Character Database is updated and any liaising with other authors, re their characters, is carried out.

There will be five stories submitted across to the Snippettsville Group at each time, using a sensible and logical mixture of tones, styles and authors.

I propose that the main title of the story becomes 'A Town Called Snippettsville.' This will ensure we come near the beginning of the stories on Litland.

Five stories will be grouped at one time and come under the heading 'Issue Number ...'. Each Issue will contain a standard introduction and it will be the same on every Issue as new submissions arrive singularly into the 'New' category.

4. Chain Story or Novels and Novellas.

Chain Stories allow new authors to be included. KillerMuffin has told me that Novels and Novellas don't. However upon further thought, I believe that the SG profile set up will be able to be edited to add new authors. Remember, this is not your usual run of the mill 'Chain Story' nor is it a 'Novel/Novella'. We are not submitting as separate authors, rather as a Group. So our criteria does not fall within 'normal' rules.

I personally do not agree with the Snippettsville Group stories being included in a Literotica Newsletter explicity. Yes, a general comment that is it here would be nice, but not essential.

5. Links

There will be suitable links in all original thread postings linking everything concerning Snippettsville, the Group, the Stories, the Authors.

6. Feedback

I propose that Feedback be turned off.

7. Voting

I propose that Voting should be turned off.


My skills with HTML are basic. I can copy and paste links and play a little with the basics of tagging. But that's about my limit. So somebody with good skills may be needed.

9. Proposal - acceptance/denial
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My 1st story ("Stars Over Snippettsville") - as Sci-Fi - and the 3rd story ("Hopes for Greens") - as farce - probably do not qualify as Snippettsville material.

However, I feel my 2nd story ("The Ghost") - basically a pickup story - does qualify.

To All,

Actually, as the originator of Snippetsville, Alex is the ideal person to identify, arbitrate, and request necessary changes in stories under consideration.

WSO, as the motivator behind this project, moving it along this far, is the other person who should be involved in the choosing, and compilation of "Snippettsville Issues."

While I appreciate Jon's suggestion, I am rather too much of a Johnny-come-lately to the whole project, to be suddenly given a voice in its transference to the regular story list.

I will always be a ready fount of bistandorial advice. In fact, it would be a hardship for me to remain quiet.

I do, however, feel strongly that those who decide the eventual publishing fate of this series, should be drawn from authors who were in it closer to the beginning.


I know you hads to rush off but I would strongly suggest that you add to your proposal list.

VOTING - will be turned off.

Imagine the chaos it would cause if the group won a prize - does the group get a share or only the writers whose work appeared on that page etc etc. No let us ensure this cannot happen by turning voting off.

Quasi - I appreciate your comments, and agree that Alex is first choice. - In an earlier posting I made the point about people facing up to their parental responsibilities :rolleyes: However if he is unwilling to be deputy co-ordinator we will need someone.

So any one else got an idea? - Willing to propose themselves - I also think we need a resident of a small town USA as a technical resource - I think Quasi's comment about the police dept demonstrate that need.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
Quasimodem said:

This bring me to the question at hand.

What are the names of the positions, and their rankings, or a police force in a small American town such as Snippettsville?

Should Tom not be a Sheriff, and Archie his Deputy?

Hi folks,

After a little research, I found out that Pennsylvania does indeed have a system of constables in place. website http://pennsylvaniaconstable.hypermart.net
There is even such a thing as a deputy constable. However after looking at what they are advertising as duties it seems they may be more focused towards court duties (process and warrant serving, prisoner/witness transport) with some focus on other duties like security and background checks. Both constables and sheriffs seem to be county based which could make Tom Holt not just the town law but the county's as well. (County of ? Snippet?) A sheriff would seem to have a bit more involvement with active crimes. But him being a constable might have some literary benefits and it wouldn't be the first time reality had to be twisted just a bit for the sake of good storytelling.

The point about discussing a character with the originator is well taken. My apologies to ADK for hijacking his property. I hope I kept him in character. Since the thread seems to be becoming the submission area for stories going to Litland I believe that gives ADK full veto rights on whether my snippet should be included since I did not ask him first.

One other thought occured to me (since Constables are an elected position) is the town's government. The town probably is not big enough to have a mayor. But a Town Council of 3 or 5 may be suitable, any of whom may be having a torrid affair with any of the other council members (hint, hint).

May I also bring up an idea for a future theme? The Snippetsville Lumber Festival. Once a year during the summer the town might host a Festival based on the industry that helped found it.

- Mark

p.s. Will Snippetsville have to be blown up like Stephen King's Castle Rock or will it just fade away in one big orgiastic event?
Quasimodem said:

My 1st story ("Stars Over Snippettsville") - as Sci-Fi - and the 3rd story ("Hopes for Greens") - as farce - probably do not qualify as Snippettsville material.

However, I feel my 2nd story ("The Ghost") - basically a pickup story - does qualify.

Sorry Quasi, in my working posting I got it wrong. My apologies for that dear. Thanks for pulling me up on it. :) You're right, The Ghost does qualify :) I would have noticed that as soon as I'd begun listing the characters. I hadn't managed to get as far as your stories at that posting.

In my character listing, I also picked up that we have a couple of ministers... and two(?) churches? That sounds a lot for a town of 600 people.

You all might notice that in the few that I've gone through, there are 44 characters already without counting the 'team' and the 'bikers' and other such groups of people.

I firmly believe that a minimum of two authors other than the original author of a vignette, should have a say in whether a story is put for formal submission. I don't want that deed to rest with only one person.

Quasi said
I do, however, feel strongly that those who decide the eventual publishing fate of this series, should be drawn from authors who were in it closer to the beginning.

I partially agree but believe mostly it is authors who have longivity with the series that have proven their availability/stickability etc. who are more apt to care about the kinds of decisions that need to be made. You, Quasi, have shown stickability and interest.

jon thanks for the 'voting' note. I'll add it as I too agree it would be too difficult to split any proceeds.

MG Thanks for your comments. Now I know you're still peeking in on the thread, how about sending in a couple more snippetts? ;)

Weird Harold Thanks dear for clicking in and commenting, some of this stuff is way above my head. ;)

evenwithitall Thanks for your posting and information re the polic(e)ing of Snippettsville! I'll try and find time to check out the link later on. :)
wildsweetone said:
I firmly believe that a minimum of two authors other than the original author of a vignette, should have a say in whether a story is put for formal submission.
Dear WSO,
You can do whatever you wish with my little contributions.
Thanks MG :) Does that mean you'll write another for us? ;)

to all:

I have PMed all the authors who have submitted stories to Snippettsville and have not as yet joined the discussion the following:

Hi :)

At your soonest chance, please come and take a look at this thread - there's been more good discussion about the outcome of the Snippettsville stories and we need your input also please. :)


jon.hayworth said:
. . .
VOTING - will be turned off.

Imagine the chaos it would cause if the group won a prize - does the group get a share or only the writers whose work appeared on that page etc etc. No let us ensure this cannot happen by turning voting off.
. . .

I doubt if keeping in mind that no matter what the voting, Snippettsville never qualifies for a prize, would be too onerous a chore for Laurel to remember.

Neither do I think there will be many cries of protest from the second place "winner" should Snippettsville score highest.

In any case, I doubt that is a great danger.

However, we KNOW what feedback is like.

Feedback, as Snippettsville will be set up, will be even more difficult for the reader to give, than usual.

Some indication whether people actually read all the way through, and vote -- and what they vote -- will be of interest to the authors of the “Snippettsville Issues,” as they are to any other story’s author.

Am I wrong? :rolleyes:
Re: ***wso working***

wildsweetone said:
Snippettsville Thread Authors List

PierceStreet (7)
wildsweetone (5)
MathGirl (3)
Alex De Kok (6)
Erlikkhan 1
Rainbow Skin 1
Quasimodem (6) (1 & 3 poss. not Snippettsville material)
jon.hayworth (4)
Why 1
BlackSnake 1 (not Snippettsville material)
evenwithitall 1
destinie21 1 (poss. not Snippettsville material)

Snippettsville Character List

PS -
1. Molly, 16yo cousin, boyfriend, Uncle, 1st person
2. Lisa, Bill Davis, Bill's Dad
3. Rev. Niles, Mike Smith, Lilly, Lisa Myers
4. Sam Thompson, Janet, Jane
5. Agnes Carlson,

wildsweetone -
1. Roger, Samantha, Maggie,

MathGirl -
1. Hannah, Orville J. 'Jammer' Gillette, sophomore place kicker, Snippettsville High students, lawyer,
2. Duane 'Rip' Henderson, Hannah, bikers, Father Morrison, Elvina Henderson, Raymond 'Sugar Ray' Stallings, great grandmother
3. Hannah, Emil van Zant, wife, Eduardo 'Toots' Guzman, student, referee, coach, campas security force,

Alex De Kok -
1. Jack Shaw, service engineer, Molly, Sally Aker,

1. Uncle Bill, Aunt Jill, Polly,

Snippettsville Settings
Hannah's Diner, Snippettsville Church, Green Lake, Saint Annes, Snippets County Honor Farm, Snippettsville Hospital, Road House,

Numbers in () relate to stories on thread to date
Numbers under Author's names relate to each story as it falls on the Snippettsville thread.
up to Every town needs a Road House

Sorry everyone my fault when I read the thread I only got to page two when the theme was still present day obviously should have read on but bygones. guess I'll start working on another peice. Some good did come of this though because I had writer's block on this story that I am working on involving the character's in my snippetsville story (which is why I used them ) and poof my block was gone :kiss:

anyway on to the discussion at hand
Originally posted by wildsweetone
I firmly believe that a minimum of two authors other than the original author of a vignette, should have a say in whether a story is put for formal submission.

I think this is a good idea as the authors around here seem to be fair and (much to my surprise) they can be trusted to judge a good story.

pS: I'm only suprised because so many erotic sites let anything go even the stories riddled with bad grammer and punctuation and still people think they're "good". Here when someone likes your work it's a true compliment and where as else where it has the quality of a backhanded compliment
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Quasimodem said:
However, we KNOW what feedback is like.

Feedback, as Snippettsville will be set up, will be even more difficult for the reader to give, than usual.

Some indication whether people actually read all the way through, and vote -- and what they vote -- will be of interest to the authors of the “Snippettsville Issues,” as they are to any other story’s author.

Am I wrong? :rolleyes:

Feedback (if it were turned on), would arrive back in the Snippettsville Group's email (thus being a separate email from any co-ordinator or SG author - at least that is how I would set it up).

Feedback could be received into the SG email and then forwarded on to specific authors.

It is possible there could be a 'feedback' thread added to the other threads in the SDC, though the feedback would not contain any return email addresses or names. The author the feedback refers to could ask the co-ordinator for the address thus allowing them the right of reply.
Re: my proposal

wildsweetone said:
1. To Begin

(b) Setting Database.

We need to have a posting that describes every single setting. When a new setting is invented, the details of that setting need to be PMed to the co-ordinator so they can add the setting descriptions into the Database. I believe this would be better updated by one person, that will keep the settings in a single posting in the SDC.

Hi all,

I'm not sure how the Setting Database would work but if it follows along the thread format we could have a starting thread listing each location and page of that thread it could be found on with each location having it's own message in the thread. This could facilitate another exercise in Snippets. The location Snippet. An example follows:

Hannah's Diner

Hannah’s Diner is an old converted doublewide trailer. It has slightly tinted windows that are far easier to see out of than in during the day although at night the inside lights make it easy to see who’s eating dinner. The main part of the structure has been freshly painted a baby blue that still makes Molly cringe. Hannah loves the color, feeling there is something historic about it. Wrapped around the bottom of the diner is a skirt of corrugated steel painted white with coat after coat after coat of paint.

As you come in along the wall to your left and right are booths with red leather padded seats that you sink into slightly when sitting down. The tabletops are imitation wood veneer. Against the wall on each table sits a stainless steel condiment holder supporting four menus, salt and pepper shakers, ketchup and a flip top cream dispenser for the coffee cups that are always at hand. In the morning it holds syrup dispensers.

These same holders can be found on the eating bar that runs most of the length of the diner. In front of them are red leather capped stools. Mothers routinely have to tell their children to get off the stools as the youngsters sit and spin. The bar curves into the wall on the right side of the diner. The last seat is a little too close to the men’s room door only getting used at the busiest of times. The left side of the bar is open to access by the staff. The clearance of the Ladies room door at that end is no problem.

Behind the bar you’ll find Hannah. Before she bought the place she worked out front with the booths. Now Molly handles the booths. Behind Hannah are various kitchen appliances for storing food. Coffee makers, drink dispensers, and a see through multi level cooler that stays off while it holds donuts in the morning and is on for the pies and cakes that everyone just seems to be able to find room for when both Hannah and Molly smile and wink. A door to the back is about a third of the way up from the ladies room and an opening with a counter allows the cook to pass the food out front. A stainless steel order wheel is on the left but is unused as the two women call out orders like four over easy and the cook repeats it even as he cracks the eggs.

Breakfast traffic keeps the place nearly full for three hours in the morning much as lunch does during the week. Dinner has no set pattern Monday through Friday. On the weekends breakfast is packed almost to the point where Hannah is thinking about hiring another person. Actually she’d like to hire someone else so she doesn’t have to be there all the time. Molly’s more than ready to handle the register and Hannah could use a little more time to relax.

Lunch does good business on the weekend except when the church ladies have a social or picnic during the summer and it seems like they do on most weekends. Dinner on the weekend is when you might have to wait. Hannah bought some picnic tables for warmer months and Molly routinely runs out to take drink orders. In the winter people will usually call ahead and things work out. Wintertime can cause some problems with snow stopping customers from venturing out. Hot Cocoa and Coffee usually find their way to most tables that time of year. Served with a warm smile.

I'm willing to help set up the database and do some coordinating. I'll have to warn the authors though. I've already found a desire to try to add some 'local color' to these descriptions. Don't let me get out of control. Another example of local color is the jukebox I'd like to put in The Road House. The one I see has a crack in it from where some fool tried to put his buddies head through it like in some movie he saw.

A location snippet would not be required to make a new location. But as you said there should be some description involved with whomever the coordinator is. I liked doing this one and wouldn't mind trying more. As with characters, the originators of locations will have control as far as the description of their location. (Am I campaigning here?) :p

Let me know,

- Mark
Ack! This has got suddenly more complicated since I last looked at this thread, not all that long ago.

Mine was intended to be a flash fiction on this board, with no intention of sewing it into one long story. If there was a second part, it would be after I'd studied the other characters and situations. I did download the whole page with an intention of studying and making little maps and family trees and notes if I needed them, but didn't do that.

So if someone else is to, that's the only way I could add anything more. I have no plans to continue it.

Though I must say the idea of maps is waking up the Tookish side of me.
Re: Re: my proposal

evenwithitall said:
Hi all,

I'm not sure how the Setting Database would work but if it follows along the thread format we could have a starting thread listing each location and page of that thread it could be found on with each location having it's own message in the thread. This could facilitate another exercise in Snippets. The location Snippet. An example follows:

Hannah's Diner

Hannah’s Diner is an old converted doublewide trailer. A location snippet would not be required to make a new location. But as you said there should be some description involved with whomever the coordinator is. I liked doing this one and wouldn't mind trying more. As with characters, the originators of locations will have control as far as the description of their location. (Am I campaigning here?) :p

Let me know,

- Mark

Mark I am sure that we all appreciate your offer of help with the location database - but you should bear in mind that as there are allready stories created you have to go through those stories to make the location fit with what has already been written. I have written about Hannah's Dinner in 2 stories on page one, and your description does not agree with mine. She has rooms to rent out the back and she is next door to Jack and Ethel Carr's Store. Below are quotes from my stories.


"American courtesy has never ceased to amaze me, and on this occasion Jack Carr kept to its best traditions, leaving his shop to escort me the few yards into the diner."

"Hannah led the way to the rear of the building and showed me the room. I was pleased to note the sheets were clean, and the paintwork better than in a lot of rooms I had slept in since coming over to the States. I made a snap decision, “I'll take the room for a week – time to explore the country round here.”"
Rainbow Skin said:
Ack! This has got suddenly more complicated . . .Mine was intended to be a flash fiction on this board, with no intention of sewing it into one long story. . . . I did download the whole page with an intention of studying and making little maps and family trees and notes if I needed them, but didn't do that. . .
Though I must say the idea of maps is waking up the Tookish side of me.

There was never any intention of sewing this into one long story. :eek:

It is, however, to share a common setting, with some recognizable common characters.

What is concerning us here is called continuity. :(

Once someone writes "George exited from the First National Bank to walk across Main Street, where he met Martha at Hannah's Diner."

Hannah's Diner is forever on Main Street across from the First National Bank, or else they will all have to be on "converted doublewide trailers" that are moved arbitrarily about by the town planning department, because they don't understand about maps and blueprints. :confused:

Send your Tookish side to Snippettsville. ;)
lol thanks Quasi I needed that!

okay back to the grindstone. i am doing an awful lot of thinking and fiddling and stuff in the background when i'm not obviously up front online.

i'll keep an eye here constantly just while i work through a few things.

edited to add:
I was laughing so hard because it sounded exactly like the kind of think my local council would try... but then they'd probably figure some way of taxing a trailer or the space it temporarily sat on too. ;)
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Well, my story is actually just a snippett out of a longer piece I am working on. It does not have any of the characters from the other pieces and is someway unrelated to them.

If you wish to remove it please feel free to do so if your aim is to have the stories containing a common thread.
hope this works, litland playing up for me...

That's a really great description of Hannah's Diner.

I think though jon and Quasi are right. There needs to be continuity within the settings just as there needs to be continuity in characters we are using.

I would love for you to try doing that again. I think that a word count of hmmm 200 maximum should be tried though, keeping strictly to the description of the setting. Read the other stories and note any mention of the Diner, or its props to begin with.

I'd love to see your result :)

Why Thanks for popping back in! :) I was wondering if you'd like your story included in the ideas that are being bumped around here? As I see it, it could fit in with only a minimal amount of adjustment. Or, would you rather have a go at another piece for Snippettsville? :)

destinie21 Gosh I'm sorry! I missed your posting. Just noticed it now. I'm glad your writer's block has been nudged! :)

MathGirl I've noticed in my re-reading of the stories that the word count on yours is odd. I recall seeing mention somewhere that you don't have a word counter, is that right? I'd love to be able to include your stories, is there any chance of looking at them again and getting them closer to the 600 word count? Are you using Star Office by any chance? The word counter there is apparently in 'File/Properties/Statistics'.

to all I have as of an hour ago, sent Laurel an email asking her opinion on our ideas. I hope to hear back from her with some good thoughts. :)