600 word stories

wildsweetone said:
[MathGirl, you know... you make it sound like it's a real disease .

Dear WSO,
Tourette's Syndrome is a real disease. I didn't make it up.
i've never heard of it. (that's not saying much though.) but i was actually referring to the coprolalia you mentioned.
Yes, it is a real disease. There used to be a baseball player who had it, but didn't know it. Aside from saying dirty words and speaking your mind out of control, there are motor skill problems, too. Something an athlete can't handle.

If you strike out, you end up cussing out the umpire, which can get you thrown out of the game.
If you are playing first base and the runner beats you to the base, the fans yell obcene words at you and flip you off. This is bad, because you can get out of control, hop the fence and beat those fans to death with a ball bat.

Before you know you have this disease, you can get evil eyes from your team members when you miss the easy pop flies. But, they only do this once, before you cuss them out and beat the shit out of them. That's bad, because they are your team mates and you need them to win games.

But, this guy finally found out he had Tourette's and turned out to be a pretty good ball player. That is not just good for him, but good for the umpires, the fans, and all of his fellow team.

Yes, it's a true story. Well, there is a little coloration, but all based on truth.
thanks for filling me in DVS...

is it related to bi-polar disease?


it sounds like Tourettes disease is medically fixable (sorry the correct term for this isn't on the tip of my tongue at the moment).
I don't think it is related to Bi-Polar, but it
is a neurological disorder and there is no cure.
But, medication does help, and it sometimes deminishes as you get older. Below are a few web sites.

Check 'em out. Sorry for the over kill in the web sites. I'm sometimes grandiose. :D

Oh, the first site is about that baseball player I mentioned.





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At last!

I managed another one. I've been a little busy. My current contract finished last Friday and I was anticipating some free time. SWMBO had other ideas and presented me with a 'Honey do' list.

I'm far enough ahead to grab some writing time....


PS: Another nice tale, PierceStreet. Thanks for the Road House. Thinks....
Alex i almost get the feeling that Molly was winking ;)

DVS thanks for the websites, much appreciated. i'll read them during the next few days :)

...i am trying to get something written. sorry it's taking so long.
DVS said:
Yes, it is a real disease. There used to be a baseball player who had it, but didn't know it.

Jim Piersall. Outfielder. Played for the Red Sox in the 50s and 60s. They made a movie about him called 'Fear Strikes Out' with Anthony Perkins who looks even less like a baseball player than Queen Elizabeth II.

MathGirl NEVER writes ANYTHING that isn't absolutely factual.


Ps. Nice story, WSO.
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DurtGurl said:
Jim Piersall. Outfielder. Played for the Red Sox in the 50s and 60s. They made a movie about him called 'Fear Strikes Out' with Anthony Perkins who looks even less like a baseball player than Queen Elizabeth II.

MathGirl NEVER writes ANYTHING that isn't absolutely factual.


Ps. Nice story, WSO.
Well, maybe Jim Piersall had Tourettes, but I was speaking of Jim Eisenreich.
The Minnesota Twins drafted him in 1982. He played with the Kansas City Royals where he was the Royals most valuable player while playing with other baseball greats including George Brett and Bo Jackson. He also met his wife while in Kansas City.

He went on to play in two World Series with the
Philadelphia Phillies in 1993 and the Florida Marlins in 1997.

Read all about it at www.tourettes.org/

Hey, don't bad mouth the Queen! We are not well liked in Europe, and the Brits are really our only friends. You should be nice to our friends.:)
DG/MG/PierceStreet *blushing* glad you both liked it, thank you :)

i have some computer problems. not sure if it's going to go belly up on me. i keep getting blue screens.
DVS said:
Hey, don't bad mouth the Queen! We are not well liked in Europe, and the Brits are really our only friends. You should be nice to our friends.:)

Dear DVS,
Would you rather than I'd said that the queen looks very much like Yogi Berra?
WSO - something of the dark side of Snippettsville. Nice work. This place is starting to feel real.

PierceStreet - Jack has no idea who was screwing Molly. All he saw was her face and an anonymous butt! That cove is really only acessible by boat...

glad you liked it dear. i think i'm finally getting the hang of this word length. gee what a challenge. i might see if i can combine a character or two soon.
ohhhhhh PierceStreet another pregnancy! are you keeping track of the population in Snippettesville? ;)

i wonder if Snippettesville has LaLeche...
Alex that was awesome! Methinks you should take holidays with pens more often ;)

Rainbow Skin: Welcome to Litland if you haven't already been welcomed before! :D I hope you enjoy your stay :) Excellent piece of writing. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for contributing to the thread. :) Feel free to add more if you like.

Quasimodem: Welcome back! Long time no see. Hope everything's okay in your neck of the woods. :) Very nice piece added to Snippetsville collection. :) I sure hope you're going to add more. :)