600 word stories

Kiwi lady, my thanks. Actually it was a pencil - easier to change my mind!

Rainbow Skin - I'll add my welcome to WSO's. A nice piece of work, although I think you transplanted Snippettsville!

Quasimodem - a marvellous piece. I don't usually laugh out loud when I'm reading. I did this time!


I just noticed that I finished each line above with an exclamation mark. Sorry about that...
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Nice one, Jon. Welcome to Snippettsville. Always wanted a BMW - aquatic or not! - never got one. Had a couple of Triumphs...

Well done jon! :) I too love the way the BMW surfs! (watch out for rust eh ;) ). Wish I could write like that. geez... I also have to admit I particularly like the way you've shown Hannah's description. Awesome! Feel free to come back :)

that was the best last line I've seen in ages, and I never saw it coming!

Wahoo Quasi! Love it dear. :)

Geez i hate this idea of keeping the other thread clear of comments, i just want to jump right on it and dance!
This seems like a tough length for a story, and a couple I read did not really seem like stories. I checked "Best Women's Erotica 2001" (ed. Sheiner) and found one example, "Tic Sex" by Debra Hyde. One key to that story 'working' seems to be its time period covered, maybe 10 minutes.

Pure said:
This seems like a tough length for a story, and a couple I read did not really seem like stories. I checked "Best Women's Erotica 2001" (ed. Sheiner) and found one example, "Tic Sex" by Debra Hyde. One key to that story 'working' seems to be its time period covered, maybe 10 minutes.

As an inveterate 'waffler' I find trying to tell anything in 600 words very difficult. The exercise and discipline in doing it is good for my over-verbose soul, so I keep on trying. How about adding one of yours to our Snippettsville collection? Make it 600 words and fifteen minutes?

Alex :)
Oh, I'd avoided this thread till now, probably because it was already too long. Now I find it's about Snippettsville, and I've been welcomed several times. Ta.

Alex De Kok said:
Rainbow Skin - I'll add my welcome to WSO's. A nice piece of work, although I think you transplanted Snippettsville!

Did I? Is it in Kansas then? I admit I might not have read all the preceding stories thoroughly - but I don't think her comment strictly implies they weren't in Kansas, because she then goes on to say she doesn't know.
Pure said:
This seems like a tough length for a story, and a couple I read did not really seem like stories. I checked "Best Women's Erotica 2001" (ed. Sheiner) and found one example, "Tic Sex" by Debra Hyde. One key to that story 'working' seems to be its time period covered, maybe 10 minutes.


Hi Jan :)

I admit straight up, I'm having huge difficulties with this word count. For some reason the old 300 and 500 word limits I was party to months ago were so much easier than this wretched 600 limit. I find myself half the time struggling to reach the 600 mark and the other half waffling on and on and on like the story is never going to end. It's a real challenge for me. So if the 'couple' you've read were mine then please understand I'm still trying. *smile* Actually it's a difficult skill for most of us. But editing 'wordiness' is worth the exercise.

You're right I think, vignettes or stories this short are possibly better kept within a very short time frame. Sex within ten minutes... Hmm that's got my mind spinning. ;) I'll give that more thought and see if I can squeeze in some time to write another. Thanks for the comments :)

Hiya Rainbow Skin :)

Your reference to specific places in the Snippetsville Story thread is i think the very first mention of known areas.

I've been kind of waiting for this to happen. *smile* There has been no mention of the exact location for Snippetsville by any of us, but mention of a 'diner' is a dead giveaway - for me at least. The only country in the world, i think, that has 'diners' is America. Am I right or wrong?

Alex where art thou?
Rainbow Skin said:
Oh, I'd avoided this thread till now, probably because it was already too long. Now I find it's about Snippettsville, and I've been welcomed several times. Ta.

Did I? Is it in Kansas then? I admit I might not have read all the preceding stories thoroughly - but I don't think her comment strictly implies they weren't in Kansas, because she then goes on to say she doesn't know.

No Dorothy, this isn't Kansas...

Actually, although I wrote the intro. to Snippettsville I never specified where it was. I'd been reading about logging operations in Pennsylvania so that probably gave me the idea, so maybe that ought to be where it is, but it doesn't matter, does it?

It was your 'Lake District? Chipping Camden? Junction 10 on the M25?' that threw me!:)

wildsweetone said:
There has been no mention of the exact location for Snippetsville by any of us, but mention of a 'diner' is a dead giveaway - for me at least. The only country in the world, i think, that has 'diners' is America.

Ah, I see. I hadn't noticed that. Well, the introduction makes it clear it's in America though doesn't give me any idea of which state - I presumed sort of Mid-West-ish:

-ville; Zachariah; lumber; city folks; highway;

Elly-Mae; real soon; diner; general store;


folks; vacation; local county; railroad; cabins; ...

As I had no idea where you intended it to be I was trying to be as vague as possible about the state.
Rainbow Skin said:
As I had no idea where you intended it to be I was trying to be as vague as possible about the state.
Keep it vague and write us another one!

In truth, WSO, I was planning another, but got sidetracked.

A sentence I made up to demonstrate one of the examples being discussed in Rainbow Skin’s “Then they had sex” thread. [3rd response to Thread Starter] stuck in my craw.

I knew that I had to accept the challenge of fitting that abysmally silly sentence into a Snippettesville Story. After the RL disruptions, I couldn’t decide whether it was shaken, or stirred, so I appreciated your opinion.

BTW: Thanks for the ‘heads up’ on the clotted flow. Is this version better?

Now, back to “Why, Snippettesville Isn’t Kansas!” :eek:

[Not to Worry! Its only a working title. :rolleyes: ]
Quasi it was great :)

As for the clotted flow, no sweat, glad to help :)

Why Snippettsville isn't Kansas? Uh oh lol I can't wait! ;)

You know, I have a sick child at home so I thought in between caring for him, I would slip on the computer and have a bonus day of writing - a rarity believe me.

So, I sit here and I begin writing with the intention of sneaking in a piece on Snippetsville. A couple of hours and 1100+ words later I've come to the conclusion that a 600 word count really sucks!

But then you already know I think that anyway, right?

My commiserations on the sick kid. As I recall, I . . . er, they . . . can require a lot of attention. :(

So far, all my Snippettes have hit between 837 and 562 words.

The worst was the under-length story, trying to add something substantive to the body without going too far over the limit. :rolleyes:

At 800, I usually have to amputate limbs, and that hurts.

I can usually handle reducing from 650 - 680 by sweating off some of the more verbose passages.

At 1100+ you must feel like the woman offered King Solomon’s solution. :eek:

Remember, you always have the option of running it through the Find-Replace function and turning it from a mangled torso for Snippettesville, to a generic story.

At 1100+ it is ripe to be a standard submission. :devil:
Ohmygosh you mean a real live story! That would make two that this has happened with. grr (I truely had no idea so many kiwis tuned into Litland lol)

I really don't feel like chopping this one right back to 600. Hmm.

Dilemma. *thinking*

ps, thanks for the commiserations... though i think i'd prefer looking after you to my 13 year old.

great little story! Your footnote gives me more information about station KSNP than I think I really needed...

Must try another Snippett myself - I've been too busy with the Nude Day contest (second one should be up shortly) and I just finished the first draft of a sequel to my 'Goody-Two-Shoes' tale.

Alex De Kok said:
Quasimodem . . . Your footnote gives me more information about station KSNP than I think I really needed. . . .

Just trying to keep the story free from any taint of realness. :rolleyes:

BTW: You can thank WSO for stopping me from SWOOGING the Snippettsville of "Ker-Snap" into any alternate reality from the Snippettsville of your devising.

One of my frontal lobes had a flat, and I went 'creative' all over your town history. :eek:

WSO snapped me out of it! :rose:

No Nude Day Stories for me. I might accidentally put myself into the lead's role, and when it reached the point of getting naked . . . Well! That would ruin my whole summer! :eek:
Uh Oh I feel a NUDE DAY IN SNIPPET(NO E)SVILLE coming on...

You know Quasi, there's no real reason why Snippetsville cannot have another dimension in time/space...

If you're itching to scifi things it could be a possibility to create a Snippetsville in the Second Dimension series to run alongside (intermingle) with what we have.

I think we all have our talents/skills/preferences/quirks *wink* and I think it should be possible to do anything we want with them.

We each see Snippetsville in our own perspective, so whatever we create would be right.

The only thing we need to keep in mind is that if we're borrowing characters from each other, we need to try to keep them in the same mould.

God, having thought that, it's possible to change that mould when we take into count alter-egos etc.

I think I just nearly wrote 600 words in this post. damn.
Not sure what folks will make of this 583 words....

We squirm on the coat, keeping forever within its large expanse. He, like I, seems loath to move onto the cold harsh duvet. The coat breathes scents and sensations with each fibre we crush. Warm soft sand, rasping skin and heady thick essence of honeysuckle blend in my mind and fire my senses, but most of all the sound of lapping of water in reed strewn fens sets my longing alight.

His lips burn on my skin as they tease my nipples, I am alternately cursing and welcoming the racing of my heart. It has been a long time, but never had the heat in my loins burned in such a way. I am begging, almost pleading for him to enter me. All thought of careful sex had gone with the first touch of his flesh against mine.

Rhisiart’s breath is coming in short harsh gasps, his hair damp with the sweat of our exercise. I run my fingers down between us and spread my legs, inviting him in. Words linger on his lips but I can’t hear them. All I hear is the roar of my blood as he enters me.

Each plunge of his flesh into mine sends my senses reeling. My nipples harden and surrender to his questing hands. I try to catch his half bitten words as his mouth brushes my ear, but they are lost in the passion.

I giggle, thinking they are some sort of lover’s talk and make to answer, but his mouth clamps on mine sucking my breath away. The lust in me is peaking, a throbbing, gut shuddering crescendo, which blossoms in sweat dripping off my skin. Rhisiart too is reaching the climax of his act. I feel him shake and gasp as his release takes him. My own plunge follows and is gripped in the silence of my heart’s stopping.

The palpitations seize my inner battered organ and my mind starts to laugh crying, “you bloody fool you are going out fucking yourself silly.” I try to move my arms and beat on Rhisiart’s chest, I have to get to my vials, my prescribed medication of survival.

“No Ruby, breathe slowly. I have you safe. You are mine…. Come what may…..” Rhisiart rasps, his eyes still wide and face muscles taut with sexual arousal, as he, still inside me, raises himself on his arms and drags the black coat around us both. He is entombing us in black folds of wool, as if he intends to share my crypt.

“You bloody fool I need… I need…. “ The words blast from my lips. My eyes widen as my system starts to close down with the failing of my heart. The room behind Rhisiart explodes, as my mind begins to hallucinate. A wrenching tearing, bellowing cloud, blood red, peppered with grasping clawed hands, forms. I put my head back and my mouth starts to stretch in a bitter final laugh. It is hell waiting for me. My limbs fail and fall.

Rhisiart half turns, as if in some way he senses my oxygen starved brain’s nightmare vision. He raises his left hand to ward off the frothing creatures crawling out of my mind’s dying madness. I notice with my failing eyesight his fingers are webbed. His voice cries out, laced with purpose and anger.

“Cali, the act is done. End it!”

My failing mind roars with brittle anguished laughter, “what a fucking way to go, ushered on by a scene from a fantasy novel.”