Oh shut up with that phony shit, the country is about to flush your whole fucking belief system next week.:rolleyes:

Americans want change. They don't want Republicans though. Look at the approval ratings of the Republicans in the House if you want more evidence of this. :rolleyes:
It's the present law as amended. I have the bill number there, look it up yourself. Never mind about the apology, it takes a man to admit when he's wrong.

I won't apologize because I have never run into a situation where my prints were ever asked for by a notary.
Can't you come up with anything better than attempted character asassination? Do you have a point to make?

My point is that until you wake up and realize that you're getting your information from sources that don't actually provide information, virtually everything you say is instantly dismissable.
They don't want Republicans? So we don't have to worry about them sweeping the House next week eh?

Americans punish whatever party is in power whenever the economy isn't doing well. You can bet your wrinkly old bigotted ass that if Repubs were in power right now that the electorate would be every bit as ready to throw their asses out on the street.

It has nothing to do with "values". The economy always trumps everything in America.
How many times do I have to say....ON THIS BOARD.....(where people wear their affiliations on their sleeves.....well cookie wears it on her cheeks but still....)

Not at the polling place.

Christ sakes. I hope you read the menu at the polling joint better than you read here. Ya might end up voting for a Socialist!


Cookie can wear anything she wants on her cheeks and I will defend her rights to do so.
My point is that until you wake up and realize that you're getting your information from sources that don't actually provide information, virtually everything you say is instantly dismissable.

What, you mean like Dan Rather?

Jon Stewart?

I find voter fraud a very serious topic. She provided a list of current investigations and those aren't "opinion" nor subjective. If Bozo the Clown posted a list of current investigations it would be no less accurate and no less important as long there was supporting documentation that there are indeed investigations in process.

If you can disprove that these are investigations that are in process, go ahead. If you can't then there's a realistic suspician that there are numerous democrats engaged in suspicious behavior related to voter fraud regardless of your opinion of the person who posted the list.

If George Bush said "The unemployment rate in September 2010 is 9.6%" would you say that it's not true because you don't like George Bush?

Your attempt at character asassination towards me and towards Michelle Malkin is simple a feeble attempt at deflection. I presume you know what that is.
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Read the law. I've run into it every time I have my signature verified by a notary, which has been many times, to say nothing of the fact that my wife was a notary for many years.

Bullshit. Your wife left you before that law was even amended. I have also used a notary for several things including a major purchase recently and was not asked.
What, you mean like Dan Rather?

Jon Stewart?

No of course not.

A rational person (read: clearly not you), consumes media from a range of the political spectrum. I mean... read actual journalism and (largely) unbiased news coverage. And read some from the right and from the left. Then make up your own mind.

What we see from you/Vette/Frisco/off2bed/MeeMie/etc is an insistence on partisan fake-information sources. So your arguments end up derailed from the start and are easily dismissed.
No of course not.

A rational person (read: clearly not you), consumes media from a range of the political spectrum. I mean... read actual journalism and (largely) unbiased news coverage. And read some from the right and from the left. Then make up your own mind.

What we see from you/Vette/Frisco/off2bed/MeeMie/etc is an insistence on partisan fake-information sources. So your arguments end up derailed from the start and are easily dismissed.

I find voter fraud a very serious topic. She provided a list of current investigations and those aren't "opinion" nor subjective. If Bozo the Clown posted a list of current investigations it would be no less accurate and no less important as long there was supporting documentation that there are indeed investigations in process.

If you can disprove that these are investigations that are in process, go ahead. If you can't then there's a realistic suspicion that there are numerous democrats engaged in suspicious behavior related to voter fraud regardless of your opinion of the person who posted the list.

If George Bush said "The unemployment rate in September 2010 is 9.6%" would you say that it's not true because you don't like George Bush?

Your attempt at character asassination towards me and towards Michelle Malkin is simple a feeble attempt at deflection. I presume you know what that is.
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so i'm reading through this thread. trying to follow all the different chains of thought bouncing off the walls. interesting, but all i can think is that this thread is in serious need of quality blowjobs. that's all.
so i'm reading through this thread. trying to follow all the different chains of thought bouncing off the walls. interesting, but all i can think is that this thread is in serious need of quality blowjobs. that's all.

I really admire your conflict resolutions skills.

so i'm reading through this thread. trying to follow all the different chains of thought bouncing off the walls. interesting, but all i can think is that this thread is in serious need of quality blowjobs. that's all.

Christine O'Donnell wouldn't approve of that, dear Neci. ;)
Christine O'Donnell wouldn't approve of that, dear Neci. ;)

Ms O'Donnell just doesn't approve of masturbation. I have seen nothing from her stating her position on blow jobs. Nor have I seen any of her opponents thoughts on that position ether.
Our Governor is a Democrat posing as a Pub, he chose a top Democrat operative as his Chief Of Staff, and it's been downhill ever since. For your edification, check these out.

Fingerprints Now Required At Poway Skate Park
New Security Measure Took Effect Friday Evening

POSTED: 2:33 pm PDT July 9, 2010
UPDATED: 9:29 am PDT July 12, 2010


January 1st 2011 this takes effect:

AB 962 requires purchasers to show bonafied ID to ammunition vendors in order
to purchase handgun ammunition. The bonafied is spelled out as a government
issued ID with a photo.

Acceptable forms include a driver’s license or military ID. In addition, the vendor is required to record the purchasers name, driver’s license number, state of issuance, signature, thumbprint, residential address, date of birth and phone number. In addition the name of the sales person, the date of sale, brand type and amount of ammunition sold must also be recorded. The records must be kept on the vendor’s premises for a minimum of five years.

You have to provide fingerprints to sell your home in Chicago:



As amended:

If the document to be notarized is a deed,
quitclaim deed, or Deed of trust affecting real property,
the notary public shall
require the party signing the document to place his or her
right thumbprint in the journal. If the right thumbprint
is not available, then the notary shall have the party use
his or her left thumb, or any available finger and shall so
indicate in the journal. If the party signing the document
is physically unable to provide a thumbprint or
fingerprint, the notary shall so indicate in the journal and
shall also provide an explanation of that physical

You're ignorant across the board. :rolleyes:

I have my real estate license and other then having my fingerprints taken to pass my security check I have yet to have my fingerprints taken when have a document notarized. Nor have any of my clients. Not for applying for a loan, or buying a home.

Which law enforces that particular issue vette?

On a side note. I am a notary, and I have no documentation that requires fingerprints for anything related to real estate.
I have my real estate license and other then having my fingerprints taken to pass my security check I have yet to have my fingerprints taken when have a document notarized. Nor have any of my clients. Not for applying for a loan, or buying a home.

Which law enforces that particular issue vette?

On a side note. I am a notary, and I have no documentation that requires fingerprints for anything related to real estate.


It's in the California notary handbook.
As for the OP, we have to show ID here to vote and nobody complains. Much. The Supreme Court said it was ok.
Americans punish whatever party is in power whenever the economy isn't doing well. You can bet your wrinkly old bigotted ass that if Repubs were in power right now that the electorate would be every bit as ready to throw their asses out on the street.

It has nothing to do with "values". The economy always trumps everything in America.

I think it has to do with the recognition that the democrat liberal governing philosophy is a complete and abject failure and that eveyone recognizes it. People are uncomfortable with the $5 Trillion in Debt that Nancy Pelosi has overseen and can't point to anything good that all that wasted wealth has produced. I think they recognize that the democrat policies led to the economic bust and are dismayed that the dems keep saying "It's not my fault" even though I have large majorities in Congress and own the White House and that the unemployment rate isn't improving because of the policies that these supermajorities have implemented. I think they are uncomfortable with the new tax hidden in the Obamacare plan that is going to raise everyone's rates significantly even though he promised that it would produce a cost reduction and made mealy mouth promises that it wouldn't increase taxes (though it still increased everyone's costs). I think people are disgusted with the blatent and disgusting orgy of bribery that was employed during the process to pass Obamacare over the objections of the American people. I think people are disgusted by the sheer arrogance of the liberals and probably even a bit scared by their attempts to discredit or even silence opposition. There are a hundred other reasons why liberals are going to be voted out next week, but I have to go to work to pay my fealty to the Government and hope that I have enough left over to feed my family.
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