No butt sniff, you are the joke. I just showed you the evidence of the existence of the law in Chicago which you say doesn't exist. You have shown me nothing except your fucking ass biting fantasy about buying real estate, and your world class cognitive dissonance.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Feel free to contact Chicago Title and First American Title... Ask them yourself...

Don't get jealous because I have more than you, cranky...
lol.....like the noted above....there's more democrat votes than there are registered voters in an area...but the dem lawyers in the DOJ refuse to investigate. According to the dems...no conviction means that there were no laws broken. (they're good at getting away with it).

It's just opinion...it's too easy to cheat and not get caught based on democrats rallying against any safeguards and sanctions so no one seems to get prosecuted for it. We just sit and watch the democrats cheat and steal and are powerless to do anything about it.

Democrat Voting Fraud is a Nationwide Strategy
By Michelle Malkin | 10/27/10 |

  • In North Carolina and Nevada, early voters have encountered ballot machine glitches that favor Democrats in hotly contested races.
  • In Troy, N.Y., and Daytona Beach, Fla., police investigations into suspected absentee ballot fraud by elected government officials are underway.
  • In Harris County, Texas, the voter registrar admitted that 20 percent of voter registration forms submitted by liberal activist Houston Votes had problems. Election whistleblowers there are now being investigated by the Obama Justice Department and have been slapped with an ethics complaint by the Texas Democratic Party and a left-wing billionaire George Soros-funded group called Texans for Public Justice.
  • In Yuma County, Ariz., election officials denied any fraud associated with thousands of requests for "permanent early voter list" status submitted en masse by open-borders group Mi Familia Vota (a social justice satellite group of the Service Employees International Union). But election officials admitted that some 6,000 out of 14,000 requests fielded by the Yuma County Recorder's Office "were reviewed and rejected, under Arizona law, either due to the fact the request was a duplicate or the requestor
    was not eligible to vote in this election or within the jurisdiction."

Liberals shrugged their shoulders at reports of illegal alien canvassers trolling for votes in Washington State. Never mind the radical goals spelled out by SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer and Mi Familia Vota founder Eliseo Medina, who views illegal alien amnesty as a powerful Democratic recruitment tool to capture millions of new progressive voters.

Funny. For the past two years, Democratic leaders have had nothing to say about the militant New Black Panther Party goons who took it upon themselves to police a Philadelphia voting booth in 2008 wielding billy clubs and shouting anti-white slurs to suppress votes. Now, they're treating citizen election monitors as if they are the jack-booted thugs. When I lauded efforts like the Minnesota Majority, which is training volunteers to watch polls and report on voter fraud, liberal critics accused me this week of "fascism."

Silence dissent. Criminalize watchdogs. Whitewash fraud. Discourage grassroots engagement. Deny, deny, deny. These are the signature tactics of the left in the age of Obama. On November 2, Americans get their chance to say: Enough.


Stop getting your information from Michelle Malkin, dimwit.
When police raided Daytona Beach City Commissioner Derrick Henry’s office this week and seized his computer, they say they discovered evidence of what election experts say has become a rampant, largely ignored and troubling issue in Florida — the widespread abuse of absentee ballots.

Police say Henry’s computer was used to obtain dozens of absentee ballots prior to the city’s Aug. 24 elections, in which he was re-elected.

The Daytona Beach probe started when an elections supervisor noticed that as many as 90 absentee ballots had been requested from two e-mail addresses, and that they came from a single computer. (It is illegal in Florida for anyone other than a family member to help in requesting an absentee ballot.)

Volusia County Election Supervisor Ann McFall said she grew suspicious “because 40 requests arrived in one batch on the night of Aug. 6, and another 15 the next day. “The absentee ballots had no phone numbers on them, and my first concern was to get them in compliance. I emailed the sender and when I got no response checked with the Daytona Beach clerk, because all the requests were from Zone 5 and he didn’t recognize the address. Then I handed it over to the sheriff’s office,” she said.

Police tracked the computer to the office of Henry, the city commissioner from Zone 5, who was running for re-election — and who easily defeated his two opponents with 65 per cent of the vote.
You tell Glenn Beck's and Michelle Malkin's propaganda, nothing more.

I don't watch Glenn Beck and know virtually nothing about him. I don't watch or listen to Rush Limbaugh either.

Cheating and stealing elections is a rotton business.
When police raided Daytona Beach City Commissioner Derrick Henry’s office this week and seized his computer, they say they discovered evidence of what election experts say has become a rampant, largely ignored and troubling issue in Florida — the widespread abuse of absentee ballots.

Police say Henry’s computer was used to obtain dozens of absentee ballots prior to the city’s Aug. 24 elections, in which he was re-elected.

The Daytona Beach probe started when an elections supervisor noticed that as many as 90 absentee ballots had been requested from two e-mail addresses, and that they came from a single computer. (It is illegal in Florida for anyone other than a family member to help in requesting an absentee ballot.)

Volusia County Election Supervisor Ann McFall said she grew suspicious “because 40 requests arrived in one batch on the night of Aug. 6, and another 15 the next day. “The absentee ballots had no phone numbers on them, and my first concern was to get them in compliance. I emailed the sender and when I got no response checked with the Daytona Beach clerk, because all the requests were from Zone 5 and he didn’t recognize the address. Then I handed it over to the sheriff’s office,” she said.

Police tracked the computer to the office of Henry, the city commissioner from Zone 5, who was running for re-election — and who easily defeated his two opponents with 65 per cent of the vote.

So a single city commissioner from a minor city in Florida counts as "Democrats are committing fraud"?
Silly Billy!

If you dont need photo ID the poll worker can let anyone use your vote then swear you already voted when you appear. But its safer to let you use a vote where the real voter hasnt voted in a while (probably dead). Dumocrats would never get votes if we used a photo ID with a barcode to record the vote.

As always, big government is the answer to all your problems.
If democrats take no action to resolve and clean up the reported voter fraud cases instead of just trying to bury them, then the stink of cheating touches every democrat.
If democrats take no action to resolve and clean up the reported voter fraud cases instead of just trying to bury them, then the stink of cheating touches every democrat.

You're referring to on ongoing criminal investigation of one guy. What do you want the democrats to do? No matter how much you want there to be, there's no evidence of the Democratic party being involved in voter fraud. Just isolated criminals.
She's got more brains in her little finger than you and your immediate family.:rolleyes:

Another rightie gets his information from an extremist rightie on Fox News. None of this is shocking. You both would rather hear your right wing narrative than hear actual journalism. But at least you know why you're so easily dismissed as being morons.
Post # 68, now apologize.

You posted this:


As amended:

If the document to be notarized is a deed,
quitclaim deed, or Deed of trust affecting real property,
the notary public shall
require the party signing the document to place his or her
right thumbprint in the journal. If the right thumbprint
is not available, then the notary shall have the party use
his or her left thumb, or any available finger and shall so
indicate in the journal. If the party signing the document
is physically unable to provide a thumbprint or
fingerprint, the notary shall so indicate in the journal and
shall also provide an explanation of that physical

With no link or cite from something from the 90's. Apologize for what?

J. Christian Adams: There’s been lots of talk about voter fraud this election season. Already machines have purportedly preselected candidates and in other places, documents demonstrate non-citizens are registered to vote. Anyone who says voter fraud doesn’t exist has no credibility. I’ve covered elections for over 10 years. I’ve seen it over and over again with my own eyes. I’ve proved it in federal court. It is significantly more common than Sasquatch.

But what does voter fraud look like? What can citizens be on the lookout for when they participate in their election? Let me share some examples....(click the link).