a companion to 30 in 30

Congrats Curt on finishing 30/30

some fine poetry there, mister
loserstyx said:
a demon within me
locked away in a 1000 foot cage
built inch by inch through sorrow and pain
He seeks release from His prison

You make minimalists seem verbose, yet nothing is lacking.
I really need to say how much I've been feeding off your poetry everyone. Please keep me wanting more. It's wonderful.
yes, wow. 2d this is a really nice piece. i guess i'm 'wowing' because typically i'd not be moved by something of a less than fucked-up nature. but i really like this one. lovely, friend.
Thank you both, took me quite a view hours to finally hit the "Submit Reply" button on that one.
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Patrick! This is gorgeous. It goes places, elevated places, the ending is like a shout from the mountain, the climb, every turn something new.

And of course, I have a few suggestions :eek: I can send them to you if you would like, or wait, as I know the 3030 poems are often not "done" and I do not want to jump in too early. Except with this:

Don't roll your eyes at me, I often ignore titles and the first time I did not see the Daisy as Daisy at all but as a young boy, and I liked it better like that :rolleyes: wait I said don't roll your eyes at me! Perhaps I am too visual and once I see the daisy, I have a difficult time getting the boy back in my mind, do you think you could change the title? Bring the THIS IS A DAISY at the end, even though you know, down inside, you know it is both, but I just want to be able to suspend my disbelief a bit and I can't with the title saying it right up front, even though a dream, to be that concrete.

hmm it is a beautiful title.

I don't know what I am talking about.

I just want the boy to be the daisy and I think the title makes the daisy be the boy.

My Question of the Day

Can a metaphor be completely reciprocal?

Patrick. Listen to me. If you have gotten lost in my babbling, listen very close to me now:

You MUST go see Bridge to Teribithia.

This weekend.


God, in it, I saw the love I have always desired, never realized it before, but yes. Sigh. Kind of like Jo and Teddy.

TheRainMan said:
The Dreams of a Blue Daisy

I know my girl will come as she always comes,
spilling over hills, grassgreen. Breeze
tilts my blue petals toward her path
like a baby doe’s head
listening for the sound of its mother.

How foolish I was to think I could let her
touch me and ever be the same. I feel
her absence mark me
helpless for the ambush of autumn.
Without her I am just another spot

on this field. Waiting is the hardest labor
of all—I bend, seek shelter
from the winds of dead October.
I long for her fingers, that sudden
snapping, the tender cut
of my thin throat. I was meant
for her hand, not for this wrinkling.
Inside me in the frost, there are windows
out of which I cannot see. But
when I sleep I see wondrous things—
I become someone.

She too has dreamt—of bouquets,
that behind her stands a castle,
that the throne is hers.

Walk into my dream,
I am the sapphire in her crown.

Remove your cap and kneel.
Bow your head.

Address us as queens.
Tathagata said:
a gutter bum, he drinks to forget
but an Irishman
he drinks to remember.
But what does an Irish colleen do?

I race to find my emerald
panties, a banshee
wailer in the night.

The Ard Righ calls me nigh
onto the lap of Eire
upended o'er those bony

knees. Is ta wonder of what
I scream as he furrows
through those emerald hills

an' heat them red as embers
glowing on the hearth? "Èirinn
gu bràth,"
he cries. I can naught

but concur that indeed this high
seat shall burn with fervour 'n faith
tattooed with Ireland, forever!
champagne1982 said:
But what does an Irish colleen do?

I race to find my emerald
panties, a banshee
wailer in the night.

The Ard Righ calls me nigh
onto the lap of Eire
upended o'er those bony

knees. Is ta wonder of what
I scream as he furrows
through those emerald hills

an' heat them red as embers
glowing on the hearth? "Èirinn
gu bràth,"
he cries. I can naught

but concur that indeed this high
seat shall burn with fervour 'n faith
tattooed with Ireland, forever!

Thats a beautful thing
:heart: :rose:
wildsweetone said:
and weep for the music I'll never hear -
the music of silence.
This must be a difficult thing for you to bear. I only wish I could grant you a moment without the whisper of noise. I would, you know? If it were in my power.
annaswirls said:
Patrick! This is gorgeous. It goes places, elevated places, the ending is like a shout from the mountain, the climb, every turn something new.

And of course, I have a few suggestions :eek: I can send them to you if you would like, or wait, as I know the 3030 poems are often not "done" and I do not want to jump in too early. Except with this:

Don't roll your eyes at me, I often ignore titles and the first time I did not see the Daisy as Daisy at all but as a young boy, and I liked it better like that :rolleyes: wait I said don't roll your eyes at me! Perhaps I am too visual and once I see the daisy, I have a difficult time getting the boy back in my mind, do you think you could change the title? Bring the THIS IS A DAISY at the end, even though you know, down inside, you know it is both, but I just want to be able to suspend my disbelief a bit and I can't with the title saying it right up front, even though a dream, to be that concrete.

hmm it is a beautiful title.

I don't know what I am talking about.

I just want the boy to be the daisy and I think the title makes the daisy be the boy.

My Question of the Day

Can a metaphor be completely reciprocal?

Patrick. Listen to me. If you have gotten lost in my babbling, listen very close to me now:

You MUST go see Bridge to Teribithia.

This weekend.


God, in it, I saw the love I have always desired, never realized it before, but yes. Sigh. Kind of like Jo and Teddy.

thanks, partner. of course i want your suggestions, anytime, anywhere. :)

PM or email me with any thoughts you have. i see what you're getting at up top. you DO know what you're talking about.

i've never considered the reciprocality of a metaphor . . . that requires a lot of thinking. :cool: and quite soon i am not going to be in prime condition to do any, considering what day it is. ;)

i remember that book, read it a long time ago. guess i'll have to take in the movie, for sure.

champagne1982 said:
This must be a difficult thing for you to bear. I only wish I could grant you a moment without the whisper of noise. I would, you know? If it were in my power.

:rose: :kiss:
Congratulations, Chris! You seem to write many more poems while participating in the 30/30, more like 90/30. :rose: I enjoyed reading them all.
WTG, christian...yeah i agree with the 90/30 thing. i am amazed everyday that you consistantly find some sort of fuel for your poetry. damn i hope i get somma dat in not too long. looks like unless i'm doing 30/30 and have some little reason to 'be accountable', the best anyone'll get from me is 2/30. which i'm sure some would actually prefer..haha.

good job.
Congrats, Christian. Excellent run, as usual.

And I'm only a little jealous over the 90/30 thingie. :rolleyes:
congratulations chris! wonderful run with awesome poems. thank you for sharing them. :kiss: (and thank you for the companionship :rose: )
wildsweetone said:
congratulations chris! wonderful run with awesome poems. thank you for sharing them. :kiss: (and thank you for the companionship :rose: )
Look who's talking, Kiwi lady. You are so deserving of congratulations, too! 30 wonderful gifts, thankyou.
yes yes, good going WSO. you let me know when you're ready to go again-your poems really kept me at it. thanks for the company. :rose: