a companion to 30 in 30

I always knew there was more to it than met
a boy’s eye. The night sky
was a place I took inside me
like Christmas.

Another excellent start, Mr. Rain Man.

They say we all become a reason for another sermon.
I don’t know when my foot will fall and feel
the battered earth rise up to meet me.
I picture, on that day, trees tossed about like straw.
Rockslides. Nothing that can hold its shape.
Isn’t it just like us to add gravity to the moment
of our passage. More likely there’ll be stillness, silent
men on the night shift, a seated drunk gently meeting
a wall to sleep, a dog pissing on a fire hydrant
before it moves on. That is all anyone can do
when one of us goes down, reestablished in the earth.
When I walk now, I go softly. I don’t know how much
it takes for the world to come undone. I don’t
know how much more of me the ground can bear

Patrick, excellent go of this introspective piece, very human, universal, and the red line up there, killer! Ah! I am on my way to church and I know I will be thinking, okay, which sermon is my life going to inspire.... which of the mistakes and weaknesses would they point straight to me....

and the last line is killer, killer, killer.

good to see you here

SeattleRain said:
Patrick, excellent go of this introspective piece, very human, universal, and the red line up there, killer! Ah! I am on my way to church and I know I will be thinking, okay, which sermon is my life going to inspire.... which of the mistakes and weaknesses would they point straight to me....

and the last line is killer, killer, killer.

good to see you here


thank you, sweet person.

SeattleRain said:
Pier Side

I do not dream of San Francisco
or swimming bay to barge . . .

. . . I hold your towel, wait
like the splintered bench I have become

yikes. this is really good!

it has all the earmarks of you when you are at your best.


An Uninterrupted Arrival of Boats has me teary and smiling and a whole bunch of amazed. Very good!
thank you Pat and Bill. I've enjoyed reading your new poems, Pat

Some great stuff there

vampiredust said:
thank you Pat and Bill. I've enjoyed reading your new poems, Pat

Some great stuff there


Congrats VDust! I hope you come back,. I have been meaning to re-enter the river ever since Valentine's Day passed....
Congrats on your 30 in 30. I admire your prolifacy. Mercy! Poems on the 30 in 30 PLUS all your other great stuff. Bravo, Christian and thank you for giving us your words.
it's past time i said this out loud too... Curt (4degrees) your poetry continually impresses me. keep up the great work! i enjoy reading your words.

that really makes me smile. i'm so glad you enjoy it, wso.
thanks much,
vampiredust said:
A vase of daffodils
on the windowsill watches
the men rip apart the kitchen. . .
This poem rocks, Mr. D., especially 'cuz my own kitchen is a war zone at the moment.

No photos in the wall so far, though. Just plaster dust and lead-based paint. :rolleyes:
There's a wild sweet one playing with you boys now. You'd best be watching any dangly bits :catroar: .
TheRainMan said:
A Brooklyn Kind of Love

I love this one RM ... Great imagery. You make me feel as if I am there, awaiting the dance. Nice !! Seems, you are always on the ball and get better with each write ( how is that poss. when your already so damn good, I am soo jealous !!). You captivate me in your writing ... just sayin' ~

RhymeFairy said:
I love this one RM ... Great imagery. You make me feel as if I am there, awaiting the dance. Nice !! Seems, you are always on the ball and get better with each write ( how is that poss. when your already so damn good, I am soo jealous !!). You captivate me in your writing ... just sayin' ~


thank you, angel.

Liar said:
it was
when fingernails dug into
her leather strung thigh
and lips moved without vocation
in reply to a poem whispered
into her erect neck hair,

Mee--owww--zzza !!

Very erotic read here.
