a companion to 30 in 30

Eluard said:
Whiskey tango foxtrot?

*Nonsense* huh?

Well ex-cuuse me.
well, not *nonsense* per se... Silliness really, either way, I took it seriously a while back, but came to my senses when I really thought about the purpose of the challenge. To stimulate participants to write EVERY day.
champagne1982 said:
well, not *nonsense* per se... Silliness really, either way, I took it seriously a while back, but came to my senses when I really thought about the purpose of the challenge. To stimulate participants to write EVERY day.

you've been takin' your smart pills.

TheRainMan said:
not me . . .

i started decades ago.
LOL You hippies are all alike.

I'm so pleased, I don't need any meds apart from a daily ASA ... no beta blockers - no pacers - just a little anticoagulant ...

TheRainMan said:
not me . . .

i started decades ago.

I am the square of the bunch. Never taken drugs. Not one, not one drag, not one inhale of anything. Not even a cigarette. Nothing. I never felt the need due to natural insanity. I am however, happy to drink any or all alcoholic substances.

I think I should run for President of the U. S. I think with Arnie in the wings, that whole immigrant clause is going out the window anyway...
champagne1982 said:
well, not *nonsense* per se... Silliness really, either way, I took it seriously a while back, but came to my senses when I really thought about the purpose of the challenge. To stimulate participants to write EVERY day.

I really actually write every day anyway. My challenge in this was letting people see it right away, without letting it sit for six months to a year. If I don't write every day, I have to go on antipsychotics.

But by god I'm going to follow the letter of the law on this one.

I am making some arrangements. We'll see what happens.
unpredictablebijou said:
I really actually write every day anyway. My challenge in this was letting people see it right away, without letting it sit for six months to a year. If I don't write every day, I have to go on antipsychotics.

But by god I'm going to follow the letter of the law on this one.

I am making some arrangements. We'll see what happens.

You're welcome.
unpredictablebijou said:
I really actually write every day anyway. My challenge in this was letting people see it right away, without letting it sit for six months to a year. If I don't write every day, I have to go on antipsychotics.

But by god I'm going to follow the letter of the law on this one.

I am making some arrangements. We'll see what happens.
I see by your signature, you've got a real fixation on Willie's Law.

liked When there's hope in bubbles! A different mood, and an interestingly cryptic ending.

And you are more than half way through the 30 days!


Eluard said:

liked When there's hope in bubbles! A different mood, and an interestingly cryptic ending.

And you are more than half way through the 30 days!



ty :kiss: i'm glad someone other than me likes it. :)

you're right though how on earth i made it this far i'll never know.

i'm loving your poetry too. :rose:
champagne1982 said:
I see by your signature, you've got a real fixation on Willie's Law.

It's a fixation, yes. But it's not related to law. In fact, I hear it's still illegal in certain states.

of mind.

b J
bijou said:
brown creeper, mockingbird, red-tailed hawk,

I love this bird, Buteo jamaicensis.

If there ever was a bird I could really get down with--groove slow and close to some Reggae music, then wander away to find a quiet corner of beach where we'd share a giant spliff and make love under the Caribbean moon--it would definitely be the red-tailed hawk.

I think I need to drink more.
Sara Crewe said:
I liked 12, Tzara. It's classic you.
Why, thank you Ms. Crewe.

I'd like to praise your number 12, but you seem to have skipped it. Is that like that thing where hotels don't have a 13th floor? ;)
Tzara said:
Why, thank you Ms. Crewe.

I'd like to praise your number 12, but you seem to have skipped it. Is that like that thing where hotels don't have a 13th floor? ;)

Ooops. I will go fix my numbers. :eek:


Must have been a case of wishful thinking...
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TheRainMan said:

Nah. If I was a cheater I would have posted it as 7-29 and passed you. ;)

Very good stuff in your last one, Mister Rainman. Loved it all but the very last line. Not that I didnt love the last line. Just that I don't think you need it.
Sara Crewe said:
Nah. If I was a cheater I would have posted it as 7-29 and passed you. ;)

Very good stuff in your last one, Mister Rainman. Loved it all but the very last line. Not that I didnt love the last line. Just that I don't think you need it.

am i up to 28? . . . whew, that's a relief . . . i thought i had ten to go.

i'm up to 28. Sara said so.

thanks . . i will look at that last line.

TheRainMan said:
am i up to 28? . . . whew, that's a relief . . . i thought i had ten to go.

i'm up to 28. Sara said so.

thanks . . i will look at that last line.


Well, I see that the cheater comment was one of those 'takes one to know one' moments. ;)

The images you have threaded through the poem say what your last line does but they do a better job of it. Just my opinion though...
Sara Crewe said:
Well, I see that the cheater comment was one of those 'takes one to know one' moments. ;)

The images you have threaded through the poem say what your last line does but they do a better job of it. Just my opinion though...

hey. i am not the one having trouble keeping track of my numbers, thank you very much.

you're quite right about the poem . . . going to fix it now.


and man, this verdana font is really ugly for poetry.

hey Lauren, i want my TimesNewRoman back.

. . . i hate making promises i can't keep . . .
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TheRainMan said:
hey. i am not the one having trouble keeping track of my numbers, thank you very much.

you're quite right about the poem . . . going to fix it now.


Typical dude. Take a sharp left turn when you're about to lose your way in female logic.
Sara Crewe said:
Typical dude. Take a sharp left turn when you're about to lose your way in female logic.

in the labyrinth of female logic, i can't even find the entrance, let alone the exit.

it's like that hedge maze in 'The Shining' . . .