a companion to 30 in 30

TheRainMan said:
in the labyrinth of female logic, i can't even find the entrance, let alone the exit.

it's like that hedge maze in 'The Shining' . . .

I'm not even going to pretend that we would have it any other way.

You could try the crumb trail. Nope. That won't work 'cause you guys would get hungry and turn around and eat 'em.
TheRainMan said:
hey Lauren, i want my TimesNewRoman back.
General Font Preference

Analysis of the participants’ preference for each font type revealed a significant difference in ranking [c2 (11, N = 22) = 121.2, p < .001] in that Arial, Comic, Tahoma, Verdana, Courier, Georgia, and Schoolbook were significantly preferred over the other font types (see Figure 7). It was not too surprising that Arial was ranked high in preference, since it has been most preferred in our previous font studies that examined children (Bernard, Mills, Frank, & McKown, Winter/2001), older adults (Bernard, Liao, & Mills, Winter/2001), and college students (Bernard & Mills, Summer/2000). It is interesting, however, that Times, the most popular default font for word processing packages, has consistently ranked low in preference across all of our studies.

From Bernard, M., Mills, M., Peterson, M., & Storrer, K. (2001). "A Comparison of Popular Online Fonts: Which is Best and When?" Usability News [online] Rerieved July 13, 2007 from http://psychology.wichita.edu/surl/usabilitynews/3S/font.htm. Emphasis mine.
Science knows best, doctor. ;)

The tip says I’ve gone.
Only the waitress and the knot
in your stomach can say
if I was every really there. I’m sorry

my straight line became a circle.
That I left you like half-dead road kill
with my lights still in your eyes.
I hope you'll forgive me for being
afraid that goodbye might have turned
into hello. Did you hear my tires

crunch the gravel, spinning again
as I turned to head home?
My hands no longer shaking
against the steering wheel
but busy catching tears
like the wipers catch the rain.

Tragic beautiful and honest
Tathagata said:
Tragic beautiful and honest

Thanks, Tath. Oh...you weren't talking about me. Darn. I always wanted to be tragic in a 'Lady of Shalott' kinda way.

Thanks, anyway. ;)
Last edited:
hey, thanks much fellow poets (and poetessesssesss)

there may be a couplea keepers in there, eh?

i'll do it again, one of these days. thanks for joining me, it sucked doing it alone!
4degrees said:
hey, thanks much fellow poets (and poetessesssesss)

there may be a couplea keepers in there, eh?

i'll do it again, one of these days. thanks for joining me, it sucked doing it alone!

Definitely some keepers! A great effort!
request for critique

I didn't read that part of the initial post well enough, so I am fixing this now: I am ALWAYS open to critique, especially from this group, and please oh please give me any feedback you're inspired to give on any of my submissions in this thread, or for that matter any others. But particularly the stuff in here, since it's brand new first draft and it's possible, though perhaps not likely, that some of it might actually be worth working on. We'll just see about that.

I've been in Kallyphornya for three days and would've liked to have been here to respond individually to all the phenomenal work that's been posted here while I've been missing. Y'all have been making some amazing words in here.

Pocodiribibi, you'd love it in Kansas. I just had an excellent lunch with a redtail the other day. We talked about existentialism and aerodynamics and discussed how raw blacksnake tastes better after it's been sittin' for about half an hour. Classy, straightforward people, the redtails.

WSO wrote:

pull the plug
slip the drug
into a pocket
finger in socket
zap of 'lectricity

zing! bad hair day
but it's not May
once in a while
a ridiculous smile
Mona would grimace

Bart would belch
feet all squelch
in mud up to knees
watch out for those nasty killer bees
once in a while

slip in the drugs
stick it in a socket
but not in a pocket
pull the plug.
and promise you won't sing

like Borat in Texas.

Ummmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… ::lost for words::
unpredictablebijou said:
Pocodiribibi, you'd love it in Kansas. I just had an excellent lunch with a redtail the other day. We talked about existentialism and aerodynamics and discussed how raw blacksnake tastes better after it's been sittin' for about half an hour. Classy, straightforward people, the redtails.

You think?
City hawks are really more my style.
Sure, country hawks have more room to soar--
but would it kill them to throw some garlic in their marinara once-in-a-while? And, yes, I like steak. But I like sushi, too. Ever try to find a good sushi restaurant in Omaha? Forget about it.
And I don't much care for college football, either. What a bore! Two opposing mobs of pumped-up genetic freaks pushing a ridiculous piece of pigleather up a field and down a field up a field and down a field up and down up and down--for what? Run fast hit hard big deal. I only go to sporting events to spend what your average citizen of a small third-world country earns in a year to get drunk with my alcoholic friends. People who seriously root for "their" team are crazier than I am, especially when that team is the only game in town (and they didn't even go to that college).
And, back to "open spaces"...what are we talking about here? A lovely prairie in gorgeous full bloom? Silphium and bluestem? Asclepias and goldenrod? No. Corn and soybeans. Corn and fucking soybeans for miles and fucking miles. What a lie! At least my city doesn't pretend to be something it ain't. It's a rotting corpse of stone and steel. And it stinks. But at least it's honest.
Your #7 was great, by the way--and that brings me to coffeehouses. How have the good people of the Heartland overlooked this invention? Yes, their product is ridiculously overpriced. Yes, they have to be on every other block. But that's the idea. I won't try to explain. I don't know if I even can (after all, my brain is really quite small and it's harder than you know to type with a beak). You either get it or you don't.
Finally, the people are too darn nice. What's up with that? Everyone I meet is happy to help me. I feel that, behind those congenial smiles, they're sizing me up for something. Supper? I don't really want to find out.
Picodiribibi said:
You think?
City hawks are really more my style.
Sure, country hawks have more room to soar--
but would it kill them to throw some garlic in their marinara once-in-a-while? And, yes, I like steak. But I like sushi, too. Ever try to find a good sushi restaurant in Omaha? Forget about it.
And I don't much care for college football, either. What a bore! Two opposing mobs of pumped-up genetic freaks pushing a ridiculous piece of pigleather up a field and down a field up a field and down a field up and down up and down--for what? Run fast hit hard big deal. I only go to sporting events to spend what your average citizen of a small third-world country earns in a year to get drunk with my alcoholic friends. People who seriously root for "their" team are crazier than I am, especially when that team is the only game in town (and they didn't even go to that college).
And, back to "open spaces"...what are we talking about here? A lovely prairie in gorgeous full bloom? Silphium and bluestem? Asclepias and goldenrod? No. Corn and soybeans. Corn and fucking soybeans for miles and fucking miles. What a lie! At least my city doesn't pretend to be something it ain't. It's a rotting corpse of stone and steel. And it stinks. But at least it's honest.
Your #7 was great, by the way--and that brings me to coffeehouses. How have the good people of the Heartland overlooked this invention? Yes, their product is ridiculously overpriced. Yes, they have to be on every other block. But that's the idea. I won't try to explain. I don't know if I even can (after all, my brain is really quite small and it's harder than you know to type with a beak). You either get it or you don't.
Finally, the people are too darn nice. What's up with that? Everyone I meet is happy to help me. I feel that, behind those congenial smiles, they're sizing me up for something. Supper? I don't really want to find out.

That's the best thing I have read here today. And as a bonus, now I know what Silphium is.
Picodiribibi said:
You think?
City hawks are really more my style.
Sure, country hawks have more room to soar--
but would it kill them to throw some garlic in their marinara once-in-a-while? And, yes, I like steak. But I like sushi, too. Ever try to find a good sushi restaurant in Omaha? Forget about it.
And I don't much care for college football, either. What a bore! Two opposing mobs of pumped-up genetic freaks pushing a ridiculous piece of pigleather up a field and down a field up a field and down a field up and down up and down--for what? Run fast hit hard big deal. I only go to sporting events to spend what your average citizen of a small third-world country earns in a year to get drunk with my alcoholic friends. People who seriously root for "their" team are crazier than I am, especially when that team is the only game in town (and they didn't even go to that college).
And, back to "open spaces"...what are we talking about here? A lovely prairie in gorgeous full bloom? Silphium and bluestem? Asclepias and goldenrod? No. Corn and soybeans. Corn and fucking soybeans for miles and fucking miles. What a lie! At least my city doesn't pretend to be something it ain't. It's a rotting corpse of stone and steel. And it stinks. But at least it's honest.
Your #7 was great, by the way--and that brings me to coffeehouses. How have the good people of the Heartland overlooked this invention? Yes, their product is ridiculously overpriced. Yes, they have to be on every other block. But that's the idea. I won't try to explain. I don't know if I even can (after all, my brain is really quite small and it's harder than you know to type with a beak). You either get it or you don't.
Finally, the people are too darn nice. What's up with that? Everyone I meet is happy to help me. I feel that, behind those congenial smiles, they're sizing me up for something. Supper? I don't really want to find out.

Gods, Poco, you're so right. *weeps confessionally* It sucks here. I have to go a whole two miles to get good sushi, and there are only three places here in town where I can get a good 5-shot raspberry mocha at 4 in the morning. The rest close at *sob* 2 am. And besides *breaking down completely* they're not CHAINS. They're pitiful little artsy locally owned dives with local artists on the walls and baristas with a far too few piercings.

I was so happy to be in LA this past weekend, with its $600 shoes and its snotty service, and well, LAX with all its urban culture and beauty. I wish I could have stayed there forever. But no, *weeping, throwing myself dramatically onto the fainting couch* I had to come back here to this godforsaken place.

You're right. We'd totally eat you.

smiling in a very friendly way,
Picodiribibi said:
You think?
City hawks are really more my style.
Sure, country hawks have more room to soar--
but would it kill them to throw some garlic in their marinara once-in-a-while? And, yes, I like steak. But I like sushi, too. Ever try to find a good sushi restaurant in Omaha? Forget about it.
And I don't much care for college football, either. What a bore! Two opposing mobs of pumped-up genetic freaks pushing a ridiculous piece of pigleather up a field and down a field up a field and down a field up and down up and down--for what? Run fast hit hard big deal. I only go to sporting events to spend what your average citizen of a small third-world country earns in a year to get drunk with my alcoholic friends. People who seriously root for "their" team are crazier than I am, especially when that team is the only game in town (and they didn't even go to that college).
And, back to "open spaces"...what are we talking about here? A lovely prairie in gorgeous full bloom? Silphium and bluestem? Asclepias and goldenrod? No. Corn and soybeans. Corn and fucking soybeans for miles and fucking miles. What a lie! At least my city doesn't pretend to be something it ain't. It's a rotting corpse of stone and steel. And it stinks. But at least it's honest.
Your #7 was great, by the way--and that brings me to coffeehouses. How have the good people of the Heartland overlooked this invention? Yes, their product is ridiculously overpriced. Yes, they have to be on every other block. But that's the idea. I won't try to explain. I don't know if I even can (after all, my brain is really quite small and it's harder than you know to type with a beak). You either get it or you don't.
Finally, the people are too darn nice. What's up with that? Everyone I meet is happy to help me. I feel that, behind those congenial smiles, they're sizing me up for something. Supper? I don't really want to find out.

I used to spend a lot of time in Iowa City for my work. They have some great coffeehouses there. And one of the best independent bookstores around, Prairie Lights.

Not that I'm arguing with your points. I still think The Strand is the best bookstore ever. And when I lived in Madison, WI, I felt like Ratso Rizzo in Vikingland.
If there's a diinner party and Bijou and Pico are invited, can I please be on the guest list?
Sara Crewe said:
If there's a diinner party and Bijou and Pico are invited, can I please be on the guest list?

You can sit at the head of the table.

And choose the main course... did Pico say he had a beak?

Rain Man

Hey Rain Man — what's happened to you? I've been looking forward to your recent installments and suddenly you aren't there anymore. You had a great run there!