a companion to 30 in 30

clock1, so many poems are zooming by in the 30/30, I didn't realize you'd finished. It's getting harder to keep track. Congratulations on your run. :rose:
clock1, so many poems are zooming by in the 30/30, I didn't realize you'd finished. It's getting harder to keep track. Congratulations on your run. :rose:

Thank you for the congratulations and although I am not completely deserving I appreciate and cherish your words and rose.

I didn't actually "finish" by the rules, I just finished. I did 26, then a haiku and called it 26.2 the number of miles in a marathon. (I guess technically I did 27 poems in 27 days.)

In any case I was reading the start of the thread, while somewhere in the early 20s, and realized it was no longer winter. I write every day anyway, so there was no motivational factor (although I still think this thread is a great idea) so I decided to chose my own arbitrary end point, attach some significance and write where/when I chose in other threads. (Yes I realize I could have done this all along, and even copied other "themes" back to 30/30.)

Ultimately I liked ending where I did, why I did and plan on continuing to contribute as I read and enjoy far more significant contributions from others.

Thank you once again, a tip of the hat and a bow (neither available as smilies).

I see while I have been off earning a living that Safe_Bet finished her 30/30 run.

Congratulations, SB! For that and for that reproductive thing, too. Congrats to Amy on the latter as well. :rose:
I see also that Eve has ventured into the long slog of the 30/30. Somehow, though, she does not seem to be slogging so much as skipping along lightly on vivid image and active verbs.

Good writes, so far, Ms. E. One of the things I like about your best poems is that they make me think about how to more clearly think about my own.

Not that I ever actually make that work for me, but at least I think about it. Guiltily.
I see also that Eve has ventured into the long slog of the 30/30. Somehow, though, she does not seem to be slogging so much as skipping along lightly on vivid image and active verbs.

Good writes, so far, Ms. E. One of the things I like about your best poems is that they make me think about how to more clearly think about my own.

Not that I ever actually make that work for me, but at least I think about it. Guiltily.
I'm attempting to write 30 in 30 or maybe 15 in 45.
I've been submitting some of my older poems, enjoying the comments, and comparing them to my new writes. I see that I need practice and I need to grow beyond how I was once writing. So I think this 30/30 boot camp will help me. Or crush me! :D

And honestly, T.boy, you don't need my poetry to make you think about your own. It's already fantastic. It seriously is.
Eve, I liked your "coffee & winged creatures" theme today. Each stanza nicely matched the physical effects of the brew to the physical attributes of said critter. Smart poem. ;)
And honestly, T.boy...
T.boy? T.boy?

That makes me sound like a minor character in a Faulkner novel or, more likely, an Erskine Caldwell one.

Either that or a roadie for a Spokane hip hop group. :cool:

Y'all tell that ol' Pluto Swint that T.boy'll be drawin' the water for Darlin' Jill, now, y'heah? <--- Note bad imitation southern accent.
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T.boy? T.boy?

That makes me sound like a minor character in a Faulkner novel or, more likely, an Erskine Caldwell one.

Either that or a roadie for a Spokane hip hop group. :cool:

Y'all tell that ol' Pluto Swint that T.boy'll be drawin' the water for Darlin' Jill, now, y'heah? <--- Note bad imitation southern accent.
I like to give people and objects names. I will use T. Boy in a poem. A southern poem!
I like to give people and objects names. I will use T. Boy in a poem. A southern poem!

Do you have Asperger's? Naming objects and giving people nicknames are things that my daughter does. It can be kinda funny the way she gives objects people names and sometimes assigns relationship to them. She will not call people by their given names. If she likes them or hates them, she'll give them a nickname. Otherwise, they are simply ignored.
Do you have Asperger's? Naming objects and giving people nicknames are things that my daughter does. It can be kinda funny the way she gives objects people names and sometimes assigns relationship to them. She will not call people by their given names. If she likes them or hates them, she'll give them a nickname. Otherwise, they are simply ignored.
Naming them in poems only. Sometimes.

My daughter has Autism. She doesn't name anything.
I was browsing the 30/30 thread. The collection of poems that has resulted from that thread is amazing. I see I'm not the only one that has a poem or two that boils down to "I don't know what to say today," but not many! Even when a poem starts with that sentiment, it often ends up revealing much more. I would expect more poetry to feel forced than what appears to be. Each poet that has contributed to the thread deserves recognition.

I know I haven't had much opportunity lately to comment on specific poems. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to do so soon. Now, time to start my paper that's due on Monday.

Naming them in poems only. Sometimes.

My daughter has Autism. She doesn't name anything.

Is it horrible for me to be thankful that Asperger's is the form of autism that my daughter has? No, she'll probably never tell me that she loves me or hug me... willingly. She has some issues with being overwhelmed by the environment, especially smells and sounds, but not to the degree that autism often causes.
Glad to see you threw your hat into the ring, hmmnmmish. I hope you don't end up hating me...
You have special diabolical plans at poem #18? Or someone else does? If you're trying to scare me... or give a hint what's in store.

Sssssh! don't tell him anything until I get you my feather pom poms!!!
You have special diabolical plans at poem #18? Or someone else does? If you're trying to scare me... or give a hint what's in store.

I certainly could devise an evil scheme with SB's help..
but, I figure #18 is about the time you'll be hating me.
I certainly could devise an evil scheme with SB's help..
but, I figure #18 is about the time you'll be hating me.

we could have a special counseling session at #17, so full of love and joy to carry over to at least #20.

And what's this about pom poms? No one said anything about... :eek:the pom poms.
we could have a special counseling session at #17, so full of love and joy to carry over to at least #20.

And what's this about pom poms? No one said anything about... :eek:the pom poms.

Well, I am finishing my BS in psychology. We could have a little session on my couch..
we can even deal with your phobia of pom poms...
F'ing A

There is some amazing poetry on this page, writers. Eve, your agony Maria poem is as elegant a crucifix as I've ever seen in a poem. Lovely.

Remec and Lady, very poignant work.

Hats-right-the-fuck-off to 4Degrees for her blue poem. That poem is stunning. Tight.