a companion to 30 in 30


Excellent run, Tzara! And those last two poems are really evocative. They keep pulling me back for another read.


Very good work. You are an inspiration, Sir.
Thanks for the congrats, SB and Dora. I'm just glad to be done with it at this point.

You two (and everyone else still running) are turning out some fine work.
Thanks for the congrats, SB and Dora. I'm just glad to be done with it at this point.

You two (and everyone else still running) are turning out some fine work.

But Tz, wouldn't you love to trade in your freedom, for a few more days in poetry shackles? Where's your team spirit? :p
You do lovely work, always. I just like to suffer with company. ;)

To SB:
Good Lord! Do you two ever come up for air? :rolleyes:
For the record, you couldn't have picked a more perfect video. If anyone ever asked me, that would be precisely the way I picture you and the missus. Joined at the lips......both sets. :p.
All froggy, and Love Monkey Wings aflutter. :D
August 30 Pack

Sassy and Remec you just keep delivering these beautiful hard gems. Wonderful to read. And Safe Bet, your poem today was HOT. It was, erm, very . . . impactful. :eek:
Sassy and Remec you just keep delivering these beautiful hard gems. Wonderful to read. And Safe Bet, your poem today was HOT. It was, erm, very . . . impactful. :eek:
Thanks Dora. By the way, today's poem smokes! :cool:
Tonight when you look, and you will look
on me at the table, I will not eat alone.
Tonight I will light candles in the corners
softening the air of the room you peek

into through open blinds, through glass
maybe it is impossible to speak this intimacy
of you looking and me letting you
. Tonight
I will enter wrapped in white silk, falling

as I walk around the table, ceremoniously
lifting the fruit bowl, the tapers, taking it all
off as the silk drops. I spread the white silk
over the table, smoothing it, climbing on top

nude and pale in the embrace of your scope.
Here will be your perfect target, your eyes
invited to feast on this banquet
laid for your distant consumption
I have never been without
a place to lay my head
yet, I am homeless.
My heart rests nowhere.

I'm glad you wrote this poem now. It only made me weep a little. :rose::kiss::rose:
Tonight when you look, and you will look
on me at the table, I will not eat alone.
Tonight I will light candles in the corners
softening the air of the room you peek

into through open blinds, through glass
maybe it is impossible to speak this intimacy
of you looking and me letting you. Tonight
I will enter wrapped in white silk, falling

as I walk around the table, ceremoniously
lifting the fruit bowl, the tapers, taking it all
off as the silk drops. I spread the white silk
over the table, smoothing it, climbing on top,

nude and pale in the embrace of your scope.
Here will be your perfect target, your eyes
invited to feast on this banquet
laid for your distant consumption.

Damn it Dora! I have NEVER been a "Peeping Tom" - but God, I want to be one now! :devil::heart::devil:
Stop. Reset. Then
think about the thing you will regret
in fifteen years. Imagine the shape of that
unfulfilled wish, hold it in your arms
and then feel it dissolve;

yes. That regret.
Then imagine the things that might
prevent it. Then take the first
step to avert it:

a phone call,
a trip to the dentist,
proctologist, florist.

Maybe the task is to forgive,
remake friendships. Forge
anew old communities. Reunite
lost loves, mothers and children,
create a movement

to begin the future again
string and chalk in hand.

Dora that is one of the most beautiful, profound poems I have ever read.
Sassy, Safe Bet, thank you for your encouragements. You guys are kicking butt too.

And Clock, I enjoyed your poem today.:rose:
I want to tell you all a little story.

You might know that my family and I had a "parting of the ways" because of my marriage to Amy. Buried deep inside of "Ms. Pollyanna Sunshine" has been a lot of hurt. This hurt has been festering for years, but being disowned by my family really pushed it over the edge.

I am REAL good at stuffing that kind of crap, so I probably would have forever - but it would have affected my happiness just a little bit too. Then I read Dora's poem.

If you think what you create has no value, please take note.​

I was so moved by Dora's poem that I included it in the emails that I sent to every member of my family - the emails that I would not have sent if not for this poem.

In that email I told them about the wedding and the "pending" pregnancy. I also asked for their understanding and told them that I would gladly accept them into my life if they were willing to accept Amy and my children. I told them that, if they chose not to at this time, I forgave them and the door would stay open - and I included Dora's poem.

My parent's email came back as blocked. We'll see on the others.

My little sister Judy just called me up though. She and her husband Ty would like to come out for the birth. She said that she read Dora's poem to her husband and this big ol' farm boy cried. We’ll see if they make it, but it's one less regret I'll have fifteen years from now.

Thank you Dora.

Stop. Reset. Then
think about the thing you will regret
in fifteen years. Imagine the shape of that
unfulfilled wish, hold it in your arms
and then feel it dissolve;

yes. That regret.
Then imagine the things that might
prevent it. Then take the first
step to avert it:

a phone call,
a trip to the dentist,
proctologist, florist.

Maybe the task is to forgive,
remake friendships. Forge
anew old communities. Reunite
lost loves, mothers and children,
create a movement

to begin the future again
string and chalk in hand.
Ok, Safe Bet, you made me cry too. :) :rose:
I cry when people recite the phone book, so it made me do it too.

I am pleased that Dora's poem may have made a difference in your life, SB. And Dora, you darn well ought to feel wonderful.

Congrats on finishing, by the way. Some excellent poems. :rose:

Now I'm tapping my foot in time to some Billie Holliday, waiting for Ms. Sass to wrap it up. (Though after that "Eargasm" thing, I'd probably give her credit for two and call it done. :eek:)
Oh shit! Dora I'm such a dolt!


Mega Congrats Ms. PandoraGlitters!

Now if you don't start on 2-1 I'm going to be SO pissed!
30 because PanDora Glitters, and her poems are Golden.

(She has even been used as a muse.)

I am enjoying this thread, so much creative/introspective/empathetic/(add superlative) thought going on.

And Now, on center stage one more accomplished 30/30 writer.

Mega Congrats Ms. SassyNYC!

You are the MFNP, Girl!!! :kiss::heart::kiss:

30 fini

The 30/30 completions are stacking up like New York Yankees losses, but on the plus side for nyc

Sassynyc has completed 30 in 30, and a great finish. As I said earlier, the depth of poetry in this challenge alone is amazing (before we even look at all of the other poetry).

Congrats Sassy, (all who finished before I was paying attention) and all who take up the challenge (finishing or not).
Sassy Ma'am! Good poems!

Congratulations on finishing. Always a pain in the ass near the end, isn't it?
Congrats Dora :rose: We made it!
I'm wearing my cheerleader outfit. Pom poms, the works. Who's up for drinks at the bistro?

Thank you all, lovely poets. Y'all are great company, and fabulous muses.
(Especially Dora & Tz, who unknowingly shame me into writing decent poetry, when I feel those lazy 'jack & jill' moments coming on.)

Special thanks to SB, our one woman art department, in charge of making and waving banners. All this, while writing her own 30, being a blushing newly wed, raising kids, and moonlighting as hostess in her own 50 threads on the forum. Flying Love Monkeys, represent. :D

I'll be on the sidelines, cheering for the rest of you guys.

And yeah, TZ, this last one really kicked my ass.....right down to the wire.
LadyS, maybe it's because I have been in a depressed, shitty mood all day, but I felt right at home with your latest poem . Here's to Solidarity of the Pissed! Thanks for writing so well. I needed that. :kiss:

Oops. Sorry - your straight. Lets try this then. :rose::rose::rose: