a companion to 30 in 30

I'm not caught up yet. I am still getting to the poems from the 28th and 29th because I was so busy getting ready for camping last week.

But I was already crying. Really good poetry, even when it's not about a particularly "sad" or moving subject, just does that to me. It's partly why I have trouble keeping up with this thread, with all the reviews. I get so moved by a single piece that I have to get up and walk around in little circles for a bit.

So I was spinning already, and already tear-soaked, when I decided to take a break and look in this thread for a moment.

Holy shit.

Dora, you've changed more than one life with that piece. Put mine on the list too, hm? Seriously. I think you may have just guaranteed a spot for yourself in the Best Possible Afterlife.

*off to make a phone call and try to stop sniffling*

LadyS, maybe it's because I have been in a depressed, shitty mood all day, but I felt right at home with your latest poem . Here's to Solidarity of the Pissed! Thanks for writing so well. I needed that. :kiss:

Oops. Sorry - your straight. Lets try this then. :rose::rose::rose:

According to BFW, I'm a lesbian. I'm glad he told me. I didn't know.

Thank you for your ongoing encouragement to me and the other poets.

Clock1, today's 30/30 is one GOOFY damn poem! I really, really liked it. Thanks. :D
GOOFY? Why Bet i believe that is the nicest thing anyone ever said about an offering I have made. Thank you. That mighe even inspire tomorrow's poem.
AChild, long time, no poetry. It's good to see you back in the dirty thirty. :)

Good stuff, btw:
who knows why children leave their first dreams
when freedom was a toy

half is true
mixed kid struggles with reality and perception
the universal plug is missing
on one side of the bridge waving as people
come back with porthole fresco
that through savage passages

the world known and seen
i know the world and hide the condom

beauty in the taste of
"I'll just put the tip in"
slick my pen with feelings
let the ball roll toward twitchy oceans
ruined sheets and neighbor relations
the question answered by a red son
4degrees: Haven't had a chance to meet you yet, but WOW! Way to kick off the 30/30! Great poem! Welcome, welcome!
thank you SB. nice to meet you, too.

AChild, you know it was you that pulled me back in, again...rockin' poet.
Holy shit.

Dora, you've changed more than one life with that piece. Put mine on the list too, hm? Seriously. I think you may have just guaranteed a spot for yourself in the Best Possible Afterlife.

*off to make a phone call and try to stop sniffling*


Thank you BJ. I hope it works out. *hugs*
Remec: "Fallen" is wonderful! Loved it!

Thank you, my dear...not what I had thought of last night, but I lose so many poems among all the shelf stocking, ordering, and waiting on customers...I think I need to buy one of those little voice recorder memo thingies. hehehe

Oh, and "I'm Gonna Tell" made me smile...reminds me of something my step daughter said once...

4d, I can't believe you're back in here so soon. You must have a rip cord and an engine. You are the Energizer Bunny of poetry. :)


SB, I'm Gonna Tell is the cutest ! :cattail:
LadyS, I like the psych theme of todays poem. Quirky and cerebral....nice combo. :)
Remec, 'After' left me with a toothache. Suh-weeet! :rose::kiss:
Made me go all to mush. :eek:

LadyS, 'Agoraphobia' is heartwrenching. Particularly the last stanza.
It's an up close and personal look into the condition. Thank you.
LadynStFreknBed said:
(This is not as good as I want it to be. I'll need to rework it in a totally diffrent form and voice.)

No, LadyS. That poem is as good as it stands. It is in the form and voice of a loving mother. :heart:
haha sassynyc... nah, it's been a few weeks and i'm still mused. gotta do it when i can- a year could go by when i have nuthin'.

its the MONSTER btw. not batteries.

I put my cheerleader outfit on, just for you....pom poms and everything. :D


:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
Thank you Sassy! :kiss:

I want pictures! I wanna see youR pom poms (I'll just look, promise!) :devil:

Great poems yesterday, folks. Some interesting images. and 4Degrees, your poem was very sad and beautiful. Thank you. I think it is a keeper. :)