a companion to 30 in 30

I second that! What a great collection, champ.

Good to see you, WSO.

nice to see you too m'dear :rose:

Dear WSO, I've been paying attention to your run and you're giving us some really terrific poems. It strikes me that your entries are durned near final edits. I know we can always find something to improve upon in our own poetry, but you must admit, sometimes leaving a poem as is, works.

Keep going! I'm posting to the Dirty 30 thread this month since the holidays may be disruptive to daily entries and I hate to fail at the challenge. So, with you in spirit and definitely in words. :rose:

thanks love. these are mostly just off the cuff. occasionally i'll pull one across from 'storage' do an edit and put it up to see how it sits. when i get time i'll try and pop over to the Dirty 30 and read you :) any spare time i've had lately hasn't been on poetry so i'm doing it this way to drag myself back into it. spare time is almost non-existent lol

Nine charms

Hanging from twisted wire
coloured glass baubles dangle -
a necklace, chain laced beads
a no nonsense, no bounce
style. The only quirk, a catch
not halfway, drawn back
into a waterfall of links
holding space in each loop.
A rosary of disjointed emptiness.

This is lovely. And I agree with Champ: you're writing some terrific poetry here. I don't know if you just took a break from Lit or from writing poetry altogether for a while, but you've made a leap. You've always been good, but the growth shows in the way you're writing now. And it's very good to see you here again.
This is lovely. And I agree with Champ: you're writing some terrific poetry here. I don't know if you just took a break from Lit or from writing poetry altogether for a while, but you've made a leap. You've always been good, but the growth shows in the way you're writing now. And it's very good to see you here again.

thank you and thank you. *smile* it seems i took an unintentional break from poetry writing. things at work have picked up a couple of notches and my spare time isn't as great as it used to be.

now, it's 5pm here and i have to go dream up another poem for today's posting. lol talk about leaving it fine. poetry is important to me and i don't want to lose the abilities i've learnt.
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A belated congrats WSO. You've made a really marvellous 30 over there and if people haven't tasted your poems yet, they have no idea what they're missing. Thanks for giving us your month and I look forward to more.
AChild said:
My brother call women fish. He's gay.

The poem preceding this comment was about fish, but it was meant to be a sort of a silly poem about real fish, not a slur against women. Thank you for drawing my attention to possible misinterpretation, though. Also, I assure you I am 100% woman, not a gay man. (Some people here even remember my flasher pictures this summer that proved as much!) :)


Dreaming the river and slow sift,
I warm, waking: a faceted mountain
blooded by minerals' kissed gift.
Dreaming the river and slow sift
I carry slumbering babes, lift
their feet on seventy stacks of crimson.
Dreaming the river and slow sift,
I warm, waking: a faceted mountain.

(Triolet on Red Clay Brick (Point-of-View #6))

It is beautiful! And it's so metaphorical: I can read many different meanings (other than as a red clay brick) into your words. And is it just me, or do you read "kissed" as the archaic "kiss-ed"? I kinda prefer reading the line that way. :)

Bless you for your feedback, Shara. It's funny, I thought of it as one-syllable (blessed) but I did put two strong beats together there as a substitution, allowing for either reading to be valid, I think.

I'll be relying on you, oh form goddess, to tell me if I'm way out of line on one of these. :)
Bless you for your feedback, Shara. It's funny, I thought of it as one-syllable (blessed) but I did put two strong beats together there as a substitution, allowing for either reading to be valid, I think.

I'll be relying on you, oh form goddess, to tell me if I'm way out of line on one of these. :)

I screw up a lot with meter, but we'll hold hands and struggle through together.

Congratulations, AChild

You made it! Is this the 100th time or what? :) I am in awe. Congratulations. You have some really interesting images in your epic poem. Should give you some things to polish up for later if you had a mind to.

I'm like a steepin' razor

watch my side I'm dangerous.

Thank you Pandora for tuning into my epic poem. It will most definately be polished and made into a book "Pierre: The Luminated Manuscript" coming out 4/20/09. I already got a couple of editors ready to attack the project but I'm going to put the raw materials away for about a month so it can be new in my eyes when I revise it myself. I'll put it up in literotica poems as well and you guys can read it and tell me what you think.

The idea for this came to me a long time ago when I was in highschool. I wanted it to be my first book. In every nook and cranny (<------------spell check cranny) of my house you can find written or typed versions of the first ten poems. I knew I could do the 30 in 30 so I just changed my book into a epic poem to get it done.

I learned some things while putting it together. Although my emotions are often times the muse for my creations they hinder habit and it's best to put emotions and pride aside. Pick your writting time and lay it down good, bad, or other wise. Its not about being good its about creating that next step, that bridge that connects your thoughts to reality. Although the bridge may be rickety it still works.

So I encourage all of you to write longer works if that is your desire. Thank you for your time and this forum which has helped me become a better writer in so many different ways. SHOT! :cool:
watch my side I'm dangerous.

Thank you Pandora for tuning into my epic poem. It will most definately be polished and made into a book "Pierre: The Luminated Manuscript" coming out 4/20/09. I already got a couple of editors ready to attack the project but I'm going to put the raw materials away for about a month so it can be new in my eyes when I revise it myself. I'll put it up in literotica poems as well and you guys can read it and tell me what you think.

The idea for this came to me a long time ago when I was in highschool. I wanted it to be my first book. In every nook and cranny (<------------spell check cranny) of my house you can find written or typed versions of the first ten poems. I knew I could do the 30 in 30 so I just changed my book into a epic poem to get it done.

I learned some things while putting it together. Although my emotions are often times the muse for my creations they hinder habit and it's best to put emotions and pride aside. Pick your writting time and lay it down good, bad, or other wise. Its not about being good its about creating that next step, that bridge that connects your thoughts to reality. Although the bridge may be rickety it still works.

So I encourage all of you to write longer works if that is your desire. Thank you for your time and this forum which has helped me become a better writer in so many different ways. SHOT! :cool:

congrats on completing this one.

emotions hinder habit. you sure are right with that one.

i've also found that doing a poem a day forces me to think beyond what's right in front of my face. - it works especially well if i choose one topic as a base and write on it for a month. the results can be very surprising.

Welcome, Step to the 30/30 and the Poetry Forum. Fabulous start.
Keep whooping up on that 30/30.
On Snow Day, the Internet gets turned off.
We look up the frequency of local radio,
tune in for the first time in eighteen years,
attend to the list of schools shut, tut
at elderly listeners phoning to say a bit of snow
never stopped the world from turning in their time
(and your money was safe in banks back then, too).
We asses the road in thin light,
make our minds up, call in to work.
We await exclamations and hurried feet on the stairs.

Out in the street, the neighbours are talking, making out
like we actually know each other. “Did you hear
some guy drove into one of the holes they're digging in the road?”
We spread the word; we head on down, passed by a rescue truck.
At the yellow tape we spend time discussing it with
our fellow strangers. There are
those who talk about the lost art of braking; others assert
it was a hole just waiting to be filled with something, and maybe
they should have thought about the forecast before digging it.

The boy watches the crane at work.
Just the other day, I was driving him back
from gymnastics; some idiot on the radio started
talking about hoof prints he used to press
for his son at Christmas, in the soil, in the night.
Is it too much to ask for a little thought
of a Saturday afternoon? Do they just assume
no child in the land will be listening?
He's not the only man in the world who's noted
an extra use for the rim of a grande cappuccino mug.
Luckily, just then, a white van in the oncoming traffic
cut across me; I was able to cover up
the revelation with loud cursing,
tossed in a CD whilst I swore. Even so,
I got the distinct impression we both avoided
looking in each other's direction after that.
I got told last year it's time I stopped
trying to prolong magic now, accept
that nine year olds don't need to believe that
any more.

But today, on Snow Day, he declares
himself my personal plough,
instructs me to walk behind in the path he clears,
makes engine noises with his lips. Sings. We
roll a giant ball of snow together. He plays
until the light is nearly gone. We take
a night-time walk and look over fences,
complain about unused snow “going to waste”: there's
a snowman in our garden who could use
some of that. We chat.

Perhaps this is a final glimpse snatched of the little,
little boy. The Snow Day has blown open a closing
door, and I am grateful. Let me watch.
Let me look at him one more time like this,
as I always thought he would remain.

This is just lovely, Step. I enjoyed your other poem, too, am looking forward to reading more, and am glad you've decided to join us here. Welcome. :)

And Maria, you are off to a good start, gf. Keep it going. All the poetry in you will be spilling out in rivers before you know it!

I'm a little bummed. My poem post didn't take last night. I saw it for a second when I opened my laptop today and it disappeared when I hit a cancel for an alert that I had a private message. So not only do I have to start the 30 all over again, but the poem is lost forever. Not that it was necessarily a big loss, but . . . :(
I'm a little bummed. My poem post didn't take last night. I saw it for a second when I opened my laptop today and it disappeared when I hit a cancel for an alert that I had a private message. So not only do I have to start the 30 all over again, but the poem is lost forever. Not that it was necessarily a big loss, but . . . :(

I think you should not count it as having to start the 30 over again. These things happen beyond our control, I say keep going.

I am sorry you lost it! I usually keep a pages document open and cut-paste because I have lost poems this way too!
This is just lovely, Step. I enjoyed your other poem, too, am looking forward to reading more, and am glad you've decided to join us here. Welcome. :)


I was just on my way to come and say HEY did you see the new Step poet? I love his/her writing! Think we can lure in a new survivor :devil:
And Maria, you are off to a good start, gf. Keep it going. All the poetry in you will be spilling out in rivers before you know it!


someone recently pointed out that i Have a veritable collection of river poems. Thank you for your sweet welcome, sis.

I'm up to 2, is that a record for my undisciplined self.

I was just on my way to come and say HEY did you see the new Step poet? I love his/her writing! Think we can lure in a new survivor :devil:

We can certainly try although if I were new and I read those rules, they'd scare the bejeebers outta me. Actually I'm way not new and they do...

Hey Step? Wanna come join in the self-flagellation...er um I mean poetry? :devil:


someone recently pointed out that i Have a veritable collection of river poems. Thank you for your sweet welcome, sis.

I'm up to 2, is that a record for my undisciplined self.


You do have many river poems, many garden poems, many nature poems. and I love them, but I sense you've got a new series of work poems coming from your more recent experiences, and so far I love them, too!

Ah well so much for my beautiful poetic interlude. Back to the grindstone.