A Delicious Excercise

Sheesh, OldandAlive likes brats! I'm so glad I'm not a loner... as if I cared! Harumph, in any case, Johnsonville is a mere hallucination of the brats I grew up on in Europe. Anyone wanna come stay at my vacation home with me? Hmmm?

Just Found This Thread

and I wanna try, so here's a bunch (but not all) suggested here:

He lifted thick ribbons of her hair to his face and sniffed, then spread his fingers to let it fall back shimmering against her skin. (25 words)

They fell into night, orchestrating darkness with sharp-drawn breath, with sighs and moans, with cries and susurration. (17 words)

He took the atomizer from her hand and said “I want you, not some misty floral overlay, but the clean tang of your depth, of your sea.“ (27 words)

Antique Glass Door Knob
She panted and leaned her forehead against the cool wood of the parlor door, watching their distorted tangles dance reflected in the facets. (23 words)

He waited, moist eyes unblinking behind the blindfold, listening to the measured clicks as she approached, then shivered as she gently drew one sharp heel down his bare skin. (29 words)

Coffee Table
It was an achingly erotic tableau: he laying under the coffee table eyes fixed on the glass, watching as she moaned and bubbled atop it. (25 words)

“Oh I love a good brat,” she said, licking its spicy length delicately, then slurping a bit of the mustard, her eyes flicking back to the infield. (27 words)
in re: clay

As I sat at the wheel, She came out to the studio and sat, naked, legs spread, facing me. Her long fingers slicked down to slide along the fissure between her lips.
in re: clay

As I sat at the wheel, She came out to the studio and sat, legs spread, facing me. Her long fingers slicked down to slide along the fissure between her lips.
Angeline said:

Plochman's Spicy Brown--Deli Style [/B]

Well, I was originally going to make some scathing comments about how true Brat connoiseurs would never put any mustard on such a delicacy. But having once experimented with some locally homemade brown mustard, I will saucily say to each his own.

Seems to me Angeline owes us a subject,

I'm just a poor Jersey girl Old, with no native bratwurst knowledge, but I went to school in Wisconsin where my lack thereof (including my pronouncing it to rhyme with "cat") earned me some abuse. But it could be worse--I could have said ketchup. (yeccch) :)

Ok. In keeping with the foodie theme:

Pomegranate (a fruit I have never eaten*S*)

She swiped at the stream of pomegranate juice as it escaped her lips and dribbled down her chin. The tip of her tongue moved over her fingers, licking up the sticky sap, until she sucked them entirely into her mouth. The look on his face made her smile.
