A Different Kind of Vogueing

perdita said:

Fuck good intentions when they're based on capital gain.


Isn't the road to hell paved with those or is that the road to the Jersey Shore?

ps: I guess I was an anomaly
rhino-bummed that so many vocal christians are numbnuts

Unfortunately that's not true, else the irrational ravings of evangelists that cry on cue or threaten to end it all if they don't raise enough money for that new mission, building, (legal defense fund), etc. would have ended with the generation of Elmer Gantry or even earlier renditions.

Last time I looked, it seemed that a great many of the folks who think they know what is good for the rest of us (not to mention their pockets) seem to think they have a personal responsibility to multiply and replenish the earth - even outside the 'sanctity' of marriage.

-FF (don't ask me where the hell that came from - well, I guess that's where it came from)
Hi Perd,

That was a witty, scathing, little jeremiad of Mr. Morford. Thanks for posting it. It was good in having specific excerpts. I think the review is not typical, however. I saw many moderate to highly favorable ones. (How many major papers would even allow conservative Xtianity to be so roasted?)

I don't much like conservative Christian so-called 'values', myself.

OTOH, Morford is essentially preaching to the choir. SF liberals.
It's extremely unfortunate in the US that the 'culture war' is pretty strongly in evidence, and few on one side can address those on the other in a convincing and respectful fashion.

Morford does not seem to realize that one can't assume everone wants women's rights and sexual assertiveness; "X" and lots of fucking ("messy icky sex"). Everyone includes women. Large numbers of women in the US support conservatives, just as is the case in Sudan or Yemen.

I have in mind the statements below, which could not really 'reach' anyone not on Morford's side to begin with:

Perdita is quoting Morford, reviewing Revolve, a teen fashion Bible.

[Revolve aims]
to instill a certain, narrow Christian agenda, induce a fluffy sense of guilt and shame, all while imparting a bleached, sanitized morality that includes not a whit of funk or style or messy icky sex or intuition or sly winking cosmic knowledge. Almost makes "Glamour" look like "The Celestine Prophecy," no?

"Revolve" is basically a sheep in wolf's clothing, a prim training manual for future well-Valiumed housewives who let their husbands rule the roost and don't strive too hard for anything and don't think overly much or who have long given up notions of exploring the diversity of the world, or divinity, or sexuality, or much of anything, really. And yes, it's a bestseller.


Thanks for a nice excerpt. A golden halo on a blowup sex doll (either gender) to the first one here who actually holds Revolve in hand, and examines it for more than five minutes.

Pure said:
A golden halo on a blowup sex doll (either gender) to the first one here who actually holds Revolve in hand, and examines it for more than five minutes.

Not nearly enough compensation for soiling my hands like that!:cool:
There are SOME clever teenagers, who will see through the crap that "Revolve" pours out.

But most are a flock of sheep - stupid, shallow, gullible, and easily lead. They are very much at risk of being lured into Christianity, not only because the religous messages are baked in with tips on fashion and skin foundation, but also because belonging to a religion is very comfortable - you just follow the rules, and don't have to go through all the hard work of actually thinking for yourself.:rolleyes:

There's no eff-ing way MY kids are gonna grow up believing in any religion!
That's good stuff Rhino, and you certainly can claim the prize. The shipment of dolls is still in transit on a ship from Amsterdam, and there are rumors that the CIA diverted it to Iraq for the lonely guardmen on longer-than-expected tours. Did you want the model with the *three* working orifices, or is two enough, given your Christian living?

You back up my impression that Revolve is a 'packaging' exercize. It's not a new, or even especially 'teen' translation, just a VERY low reading level one (with lots of orthodox interpretations).

A lot of NT sexual advice is in First Corinthians, so it might be worth a lot at the commentary and sidebars around there. I have heard-- no big surprise-- that Revolve [outside the Biblical] text] promotes premarital chastity and chaste monogamy; maybe you can give some examples. Anything on masturbation?

Check 1 Cor 6:18 (fornication--how translated?-- "icky dirty stuff"?), and 7:1(not to touch a woman); 7:3-5 (marital duties), and 7:8 (advice to unmarried).


PS If you should happen upon the Teen Extreme Bible (the other one in the field) , I'd like to hear of it; again, I suppose it's packaging. The marketers are too fucking lazy to have actual 'translations' to suit each niche they're going after.
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Originally posted by ffreak Yeah, Rhino, who is that on the cover, Gullivera the sheep?
You people just can't leave it alone, can you?
Ps. Are there blow up sheep dolls on the market?
Well, then you can listen to this: what I said was that ONE MORE INSULT out of you, and you're on Ignore.:mad:
Svenskaflicka said:
Well, then you can listen to this: what I said was that ONE MORE INSULT out of you, and you're on Ignore.:mad:
Dear Svenska,
Let me know when that happens. Anyone on your ignore list also goes on mine.
Ps. There are those who would like me to ignore them, but I won't give them the satisfaction.