A new challenge

*Catbabe* said:
OMG Tess you gave me the biggest heart attack when you said tomorrow....professional procrastinator that I am:eek: ;)

Sorry - I'm one too. Very pleased Lauren caught my gaffe.

Angeline said:
mine's done. know why? i'm a gemini. yak yak yak. write write write. :D

Grrr. havn't even started mine. I did write a ten page paper on the use of suicide in late 1800 realism, and a paper on N.Mahfouz, and um, I'm reading..um...ok, so I have some nifty excuses? Guess I got a week still


HomerPindar said:
Grrr. havn't even started mine. I did write a ten page paper on the use of suicide in late 1800 realism, and a paper on N.Mahfouz, and um, I'm reading..um...ok, so I have some nifty excuses? Guess I got a week still



4 days baby :p

Tristesse said:
Ahem ~ you are supposed to be doing something nice for someone. :D

Get to bed! :kiss:

lol, uh huh. he's waiting for me to stop with the damn posts already...

bye. :D
No gloating:p or else....:devil:

*wanders off to think of a good or else for Ange*
I am submitting this now, because I won't be around tomorrow until very late.

edit to say my apologies, something came up at the very last minute as you can tell...it is 2:06 AM here and I just found out.
Will check in as soon as I can! :heart:

Sign Language

restless savannas
where tousled winds
whispers cross
golden coat grazed then swept
with pride
and within

the same
spiraling unruly flames
of deeper mane
noble coronet
bespeaks my way

at dusk
at dawn
on roaming terrain
I reside
a sentinel
of my habitat
vigilant should you stray

this panthera leo
piercing guise of eve
hunting with ease
carnivorous passion
cartilage rumblings
burly and lean

stubbornly refusing to give
way to game
to let go
until I succeed
honing my prey
proud and conquering
I hope it's not bad news, echoes. No problem, we'll collect all the signs here. Yours will be safe.

Bonne chance. :heart:
here we go, scorpio

Tell me the truth
not the surface,
the deep and dirty truth
sand worn under it all truth

Jointed tail curves silent,
frozen under desert sun
eyes hypnotize waiting
I fear that moment before the sting
more than the moment of or after.
That moment I lose control to Scorpio,
it is already too late.

Under silent mountain it waits.
the moment magma becomes lava
you are mine.

*Tess please feel free to cut this into pieces like scrabble and make it into something more presentable*
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The Moon in Aries

The Moon in Aries

The moon in Aries – aspects of the sun
A light reflecting salient apogees
To guide each independent Arian.
The moon in Aries

Emotes the flame to burn in effigies
A martian fire, a seething overcome
In motion: only ceaseless energies

Can quell the heat, the fury once begun.
Ascendant hearts may only soothe the pleas
Of one trapped deep within this phenomenon:
The moon in Aries.

at the risk of sounding embarassingly pretentious, I tried another roundel...

jim : )
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Since the stars are gathering alreadsy here's.....

Sagittarius ~ The Archer

In a time when fire
was the stars' only competition,
before man flooded the skies with
he feared the eyes of light
that watched in the night.

Imagination drew lines
joining the shimmering points
and cold stars created a hunter
who strode across the ebon sky,
drawing his bow to take aim from
deep space.

"He is a guide" they told their children,
"to The Argonauts."
Or ~ "he hunts the damned
as they strive to escape
the fires of purgatory."

Did man fear his fiery arrows
as they split the sky,
streaking, jagged, to the earth
in winter storms?

As time passed he stitched
Such dreams to the stars,
attributing the constellations
with powers
that foretold and shaped the future.

were strong and daring,
made ardent lovers
faithful friends,
their skills, many and varied.

But when the weapon in The Archer's hands
and the rhythm of his hooves
turned war-like
awesome was the Sagittarian's anger,
and callous their carelessness,
a scathing tongue
sharper than any hunter's arrow.
Alright then: Aquarius

for what it's worth
when flames are fought back
barriers broken
into the smallest common fractions

and all your actions have faded to footnotes
corroded down to nothingness at last
I will carry on

igniting no beacon nor singing your gospel
with unsooted lungs I don't have

but doing what I can
to keep this patch of existence

walk an extra mile for you and your futility
when you poisoned your neighbor's river
not caring that you lived downstream

not singing your gospel
but stitching the rifts it caused

so I carry on
try as I might to still
the only cravings left

for hope, water, and somewhere
where we just might dare
to start over
Taurus Daydreams in the Night

Humid air drapes
over me
on a windless eve
in May,
grassy blades
tickle my cheek,
a fragrant pillow
with a chorus
of crickets,
who sing
to falling night.

Unseen spoon
slowly stirs the sky
swirling clouds
shifting forms,
what I make them,
my eyes
define and reveal
my vision,
a world
I create
in daydreams
of fluff and fantasy.

Light fades
the night sky
with luminous dots,
linked to reveal
ageless ancient

Twinkling tableaux.
cloak me in comfort,
the fierce bull
with his steadfast stance
has been,
and always will be,
a symbol
of what we share,
virtues and vices,
humanity captured
in the heavens.

These are not mine
like my clouds
beings of the light,
but shared
with all who
raise their eyes
and see the stars
not the spaces,
the hope
not the holes.

We are
never alone
in the night.
I thought we had until tomorrow. Am I just procrastinating? Or are these overachievers just showing off?

(Great poems, though!)

A Little More Than Cancer

Can’t you see, it’s eating me up inside
and there is still more that I want to say
not that I’m giving up, or want to hide
can’t you see, it’s eating me up inside
even as I try to reach far and wide
really, this shell doesn’t get in the way
can’t you see, it’s eating me up inside
and there is still more that I want to say

I thought we had until tomorrow. Am I just procrastinating? Or are these overachievers just showing off?

(Great poems, though!)
you have till tomorow. I'm posting cause I know I might not be on tomorow. Though in light of the offerings I might try again tonite :rolleyes:

lol I am not an overachiever, I am a follower, I saw Echoes and figured I must have missed something.

Holy cow, what great poetry! Tess, I am in awe of yours. More on THAT later
Not an over achiever either

I posted mine because I am currently enjoying a sinus infection that is making me wish my face wasn't attached to the rest of me.

In case it become worse before it became better, I thought I better submit what I had, so I didn't leave Tess in a lurch tomorrow.

I think it was my punishment for procrastinating.:eek:
Ugh - too much great poetry here. :)

I'll post this temporarily, unless I come up with something more in tune with the rest of your poems. Y'all are going serious and cosmical, and I come waddling in with a nursery rhyme. :rolleyes: How long do I have to whip up something new?

For Pisces

Drifting from another day
a smaller time, a simpler way,
swimming came the rhyme.

Shards of broken mirror
in unison dancing delightful
like a mimic of world
and a shadow of word, lost in time.

   go fish!
   One fish two,
   the me and you fish,
   tumbling in the sea.

   Sea kids,
   spree kids.
   Just like me,
   so silly glee kids,
   bouncing on my knee.

And no telling now
if this shoal of hum-dum herring,
gleaming beneath
the sunlicked commotion
is just my deja-vu,

or a surfacing dream
that glitters in the sun,
breaking through rippling surface
that you stir, little blowfish.

You fish, go fish.
And up here I wish
that the ocean you tumble
so merrily through
will have room for us all.
So I save this shimmering shoal
of riddle, fiddle rhyme
just for you.
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The stars are out! Here' s astrological gathering so far.

Aries ~ The Ram (Mar.22 to April 20)jthserra - check

Taurus ~ The Bull (April 22to May 21) Catbabe - check

Gemini ~ The Twins (May 22to June 21) Angeline - check

Cancer ~ The Crab ( June 22 to July 23)HomerPindar - check

Leo ~ The Lion (July 24 to August 23) Echoes - check

Virgo ~ The Virgin (Aug 24 to Sept 23)Lauren Hynde - check

Libra ~ The Scales (Sept 24 to Oct 23)Cordelia - check

Scorpio ~ The Scorpion ( Oct 24 to Nov 22)annnaswirls - check

Sagittarius ~ The Archer (Nov 23 to Dec 22) Tess - check

Capricorn ~ The Goat (Dec 23 to Jan 20)Wicked Eve

Aquarius ~ The Water Carrier (Jan 21 to Feb 19) Liar - check

Pisces ~ The Fishes ( Feb 20 to March 21)[/B] Linbido - check
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Cancer ~ The Crab ( June 22 to July 23)HomerPindar - tentative check
Might as well stick with that, it was hard enough to write about being too shy to write about anything the first time :p

HomerPindar said:
Might as well stick with that, it was hard enough to write about being too shy to write about anything the first time :p


You just need a hug. :)

P.S. I don't know why your making such a fuss. Your poem is just fine.
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HomerPindar said:
Might as well stick with that, it was hard enough to write about being too shy to write about anything the first time :p


Yeah. Stop beung dissatisfied; it's excellent, damnit!

p.s. I once had to give a speech to a large group (lecture hall full) about public speaking anxiety. It was surreal in the same way. I made a joke and no one laughed...it was pretty bad, but then I was fine because I began to hate them,lol. :D
