A new challenge

Hmm, first spanking and now voyeur, what we learn from echos, eh? ;)

And the party was in the closet! There and the bathtub fill with honey for Fool (I Think) and um...someone, I forget.

Clearly, I was having enough fun in the closet with Cat :eek: :D

Once again, Parties at my place!
Hmmm - three against three. We should be ok Cat.

I - for one - am going to be quiet like mouse, echoes. popcorn....

*passes bag bowl over.*
Tristesse said:
Hmmm - three against three. We should be ok Cat.

I - for one - am going to be quiet like mouse, echoes. popcorn....

*passes bag bowl over.*

*L* Like you can be quiet. Inscrutable yes, quiet never....:D

mmm, buttery, slippery, salty, tasty ...oh popcorn...

of course popcorn!

man, I better go write! all this energy...
Oh my...

I go off to read a book and I end up missing all this...

jim : )
echoes_s said:
mmm, buttery, slippery, salty, tasty ...oh popcorn...

of course popcorn!

man, I better go write! all this energy...

buttery fingers trail
down her lips
liquid moans meander
between slippery lips
as they meet and part
and meet again.
salty taste of fingers
foreshadow other tastes
to come

Fool of it....
Re: Oh my...

jthserra said:
I go off to read a book and I end up missing all this...

jim : )

Watch out for those buttery fingers, jim, You'll ruin the book!
*Catbabe* said:
Careful you two... last time I visited Homer....he stuck me in the closet:p ;)

So, *Catbabe* ? Does this mean you've come out of the closet? <ponders a foursome>

And echoes? The Liar isn't (a liar, that is...). Your poems rock and so do you. Your voice may seem awkward to you, but to the rest of us, your voice is unique. Keep writing. Please!

Did I miss out on the popcorn (and show)? Dang!
Cordelia said:
So, *Catbabe* ? Does this mean you've come out of the closet? <ponders a foursome>

And echoes? The Liar isn't (a liar, that is...). Your poems rock and so do you. Your voice may seem awkward to you, but to the rest of us, your voice is unique. Keep writing. Please!


I came outta the closet this morning to eat breakfast Cordelia.

If I see fun things happening like say.....a threesome out here and don't see my shadow I will stay ...if not... I will go back int he closet and hope that Homer doesn't start charging me rent.;)
Hold on, I have a threesome with Cord and Lauren (not that Lauren's acknowledging this in any way :D) and Cat in the closet?

Damn I'm good.

My book? lol...

Actually, I went with our high school band to a Solo & Ensemble competition. I drove the equipment truck, which means I get up to the school at 6:45, re-load the truck because the kids can't fit everything in there. We then drive for about 1-1/2 hours to Lumberton, Texas (about 15 miles north of Beaumont). Then, I help unload the truck, including putting the marimba back together (it had tipped over and fallen apart on the trip).

Then I sit, doing nothing, for about six hours... So I read. I am reading "The Elephant Vanishes" by Haruki Murakami, a collection of short stories.

Anyway, after all the kids have auditioned, we reload the truck, drive back to the school, unload the truck and limp home.

And, since my daughter is only a sophmore, I get to do it again next year, and the year after that...

jim : )
Re: My book? lol...

jthserra said:
Actually, I went with our high school band to a Solo & Ensemble competition. I drove the equipment truck, which means I get up to the school at 6:45, re-load the truck because the kids can't fit everything in there. We then drive for about 1-1/2 hours to Lumberton, Texas (about 15 miles north of Beaumont). Then, I help unload the truck, including putting the marimba back together (it had tipped over and fallen apart on the trip).

Then I sit, doing nothing, for about six hours... So I read. I am reading "The Elephant Vanishes" by Haruki Murakami, a collection of short stories.

Anyway, after all the kids have auditioned, we reload the truck, drive back to the school, unload the truck and limp home.

And, since my daughter is only a sophmore, I get to do it again next year, and the year after that...

jim : )

biiiig mistake Jim--my son is a sophmore, too--but he sings and acts; no marimba duty for me, thank heavens. :) :rose:
LOL... yes.

And to think this is my fifth year of doing this. My son graduated last year, after 4 years in the band. Being a glutton for punishment, I have gotten myself elected the band association president this year. I am trying to talk my wife into taking over the post next year.

jim : )
Re: LOL... yes.

jthserra said:
And to think this is my fifth year of doing this. My son graduated last year, after 4 years in the band. Being a glutton for punishment, I have gotten myself elected the band association president this year. I am trying to talk my wife into taking over the post next year.

jim : )

My oldest is a sophomore in college and a musical performance - trumpet major. It gets verrrry expensive...
being impertinent

Well, here's my case. When this challenge was first laid down no one had never limited it to just 12 poets until you really had solidified the theme. Tristesse actually needed at least twelve poets. Well I'm gonna jump in and invite anyone else to post a part, or a collection of cyclical poems, perhaps the months of the year or the chinese astrology animals or four seasons ... whatever! Hop on the band wagon and get writing poets!

I wrote these fairly quickly today, so feel free to critique or offer suggestions please.

One Year, a collection of twelve poems


That time of year,
When the season seems,
A neverending grind.
The fist of winter,
The frost of night,
Seize fluid thoughts and
Freeze a liquid mind.


Four short weeks
Of a calendar year
Waiting in the snow.
Noon time sun
Moves to the south
One month left to go.


A springtime song
Reaches through a
Lion's roar or a
Lambkin's bleat.

This is the time
When winter snows
Give way to
Springtime sleet.


Out of winter's death
Comes the birthing cries of life
Springtime in the north.


The gentle sun of a perfect day,
Overflows the month of May.
The bouquets of blooms,
On soldierly tombs,
Honor the ultimate price they pay.


The earth has moved through
Half a year.
The longest day awaits.
In forty-four,
On June sixth,
The longest day came early.


Festoons of red and white,
Invading placid patriots.
Reaching over great expanses,
Seeking out expressions of identity.
Truth and justice will always matter.

Full of celebration,
Of a nation's bold birth,
Unity of creed and hope,
Resounds out over two oceans.
The flag flies high to exclaim,
Here we are!


So the days of exuberance pass,
In the way all summers do,
Dog days heat for Englishmen,
Out in the midday sun.
The mad dogs wait
To bite the mailman
And have a bit of fun.


Do you feel the taste of frost
That rides in the exhaust
Of the school bus?

When shall the shortening days
Herald the return of fireplace soot
And cozy comforters?

The smell of vinegar and brine,
suffuse my granny's kitchen,
And apple jelly essence so thick.
It fills my memories,
Making it hard to breathe.


A month of fun and ends of things.
A month in which we reap.
A month of withered frostbit grass,
Beneath which spring's green sleeps.

A month through which the wise prepare.
A month when autumn's crept.
A month when harvest fruits are stored,
While winter has yet slept.


The quickening of blood
When the prey has sensed
Its doom.

The ache of want within
As your breath is held
So tight.

To have exquisite beauty
Majestic and still, there, in
Your sight.

Lower your pulse,
Inhale deeply,


When the early humidity of winter has passed,
And the frost finds its way to your bones,
Right then, when you're sick of being cold,
The relentless ice moves in.
Uncomfortable when felt inside your nose,
The sting of dessication almost supplants,
The burn of forty below on your skin.
You know winter has come.

It calls to you with a tingling voice,
To make the best of the darkened days.
Follow aurora through the skies,
On magic blades escape and fly,
Across the smoothly flowing ice,
Out where few shall ever tread.
Revel in the winter wilderness,
And celebrate the season.
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Damn you Carrie, you make the rest of us seem lazy and unambitious. :)

Isn't there any smaller cycles around? might try to do a week, if I can find anything interresting to say.

My week poem, written as a 19 year old missing her new boyfriend (now my husband) after his first visit at college--

okay breaking all kinds of rules, cheating whatever, it is Icings fault I forgot about this until today, cant believe I found it in my archives.

A week without you

the single bed sheet sticks to my back
and the silver dehumidifier can’t even dry
the beaded floor sweat.
a slug slides across the linoleum
and I think of you.

why is everything here blue?
the midnight cadet holds the periwinkle cornflower
under the turquoise sky
Who says blue is blue
and what color were your eyes anyway?

Full of confusions decisions
hot warm cold
colored white delicate gentle gentle
Peeling away the lint I feel as if I have lost
something rightfully mine
this time, I don’t mean you.

you are late
and where are you sleeping tonight?
in my memory I dream I slept with my past-
he has greatly improved
we lost power to the hurricane.

the air is so goddamn wet
I lit a candle and it wouldn’t burn
so I hold it over the blue flamed stove
and drip the hot wax onto my hands
because I miss you

In another dream
I gave birth to Thursdays blue eyed child
I named him Damascus
an oasis between mountains and desert,
it just rained and rained.

I planted Damascus
in a muddy rock garden
along with a wax mold of my left hand
and a single sheet of blue lint.
Where are you sleeping tonight?

September 22, 1989
Friday is the day for the zodiac signs to gather in this thread. I hope you all had an easier time of it than I did.

My astro-forecast today said "Anything you attempt today will not turn out as planned." I'm scared.

(um- my dog ate my poem?) Nah.
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OMG Tess you gave me the biggest heart attack when you said tomorrow....professional procrastinator that I am:eek: ;)