A new day for The Outriders (dnd ttrpg PM Siobhan before joining to see if she can handle another)

Trilan nods, focused on the mystery. He wanted to help, to save the woman's sister, to stop the cult, to leave the world safer than he found it, but he couldn't deny that a good mystery always made it a little bit easier to motivate himself to do his best. "We'd like to speak to Oktar, as well, if that can be managed." If a man had eyes for a woman, in an unsavory way, the woman's husband would be the most likely person other than herself to know it, or so Trilan believed.
"oktar is on the road, as always. My sister normally stays at their apartment above the tavern. Why don't I take you there and we can eat something and you can see the location?' She led them to a street off the main square to a reasonably well maintained tavern. An older woman was in the back, cooking, and an older man was behind the bar pouring wine for customers. The smell of kid goat was heavy in the air, with garlic and rosemary. The woman carved some goat off the haunch, making a platter. She brought the meat over with a carafe of wine, then gestured around "this is where last she was seen. Cleaning up a few nights ago."
Trilan sits down and enjoys that delicious meal, licking his fingers and smacking his lips, he introduces himself to who he assumes are the sisters’ parents. He tells them he’s here to try to help, and asks the basic questions: were they here at the time, did they notice anything unusual, are they aware of anyone who might have some kind of conflict with their daughter.

Then, he pores over the tavern itself, checking walls for scratches and dents, floorboards for loose boards or nails, paying special attention to the thresholds and windowsills. That’s when he finds a long, dark hair and a bit of blood. He pulls over the sister. “I think you were right, my dear. Assuming this is her hair, I think it’s safe to say Wherever your sister went it wasn’t willingly.”

He brings her around to the outside of the window and checks it for more evidence. He also looks around at the homes and businesses in view, trying to decide where to start asking if anyone saw anything
As soon as Bubbles enters the tavern she peels off from the group - she is sure that the boys will fill her in later. She finds an empty table in the corner and sits down in it with her back in the corner. From here she can see the whole tavern and keep an eye on things. She pulls back her hood and flags someone over to bring her a drink. She slowly drinks it while watching everyone. She can see Trilan feeding his face and internally chuckled knowing how much he would be enjoying it. He seems to REALLY like his food. She watches as he walks around the place looking for any small thing out of place. She swings her feet under her chair as she sits and waits... curious to see what happens next.
Nuada sits with Trilan positioning himself so he can keep an eye on Bubbles, some places do not like non humans but this did not feel like one them, has some food and wine. The food is excellent and the wine passable. He lets Trilan take the lead in the investigation, content to study the interaction of the family.
A breif conversation with the parents leaves the group with the impression that everyone loved their daughter. "She was the pretty one" her mother said, looking in the direction of her clearly attractive older daughter. "And very moral. All sorts of young men would come from upriver and flirt with her and tell her to run off with them and not waste her life being a caravaner's wife. Despite her troubles with Oktar though she remained faithful. She was a good girl. She didn't deserve whatever happened to her. Please you must find her." The older daughter, Aisha, gave the trio a look like 'this is my life' but her concern was still evident "Cemile would not have anything to do with those foolish boys. Half of them were younger sons of powerful men. They'd eventually have no prospects and they'd have to become officers in the army. Their parents might shower money on them a few years after becoming men, but the older sons inherit the businesses and work in them. The younger sons are soon shipped off to die for the glory of the Sultan or by some miracle to survive with a pension."
Bubbles glances around the room trying to see what the general feel for the place is and if there is anyone out of place or eyeing off anyone in particular. She waves over a person and orders some bread as she continues to slowly drink. Usually she would not drink anything alcoholic but she didn’t want to raise suspicion so she is trying to tolerate the booze. Her bread arrives and she goes her head in silent prayer before braking bread and slowly eating it. She had forgotten how good hot feast bread is. Clearly the boys had told the owners about her for her to be given something fresh and not stale like some of the other breads more suited for soup.

She lets out a soft sign. Why do these drinks have to be so big… pretty sure it’s bigger than her head!
Nuada asks "Did Cemile ever mention any of these men being persistent in asking her to run away. Were any aggressive towards her when she rebuffed them? Alcohol and rejection are a dangerous mix"
“Good questions, Nuada,” Trilan adds. “Also, did any if them have a history of violence in general, or any other unsavory practices?”
Nuada sits in silence for moment he motions Trilan over to him "are you able to cast any kind of scrying spells" he asks in a quiet voice " as that may let us find the missing sister quiet quickly. I do not want to get their hopes up of a magic solution to problem if you can't cast the spell."
Aisha shrugged "they're all upper class boys. They're trained in the use of the scimitar as most of them will be expected to join the army if they do not stand to inherit property sufficient to sustain themselves. Even the firstborn usually are trained at least as a matter of pride. Swaggering peacocks the lot of them. Some of them deservedly proud, but the least deserving just as proud as the rest." She shook her head again "but one that stands out? no."
Trilan goes into an extremely detailed and long-winded explanation of the advanced nature of the scrying spell, the nuances of evocation magic versus divination magic, and his role-to-date in the company as more of a battlemage than a support wizard.

“In conclusion: no, I’m afraid I don’t have that spell in my book. We’ll have to do this the old-fashioned way.” Then he shows Nuada the blood and hair on the windowsill.
Bubbles finishes her drink and her bread feeling quite satisfied. No one has caught her eye as seeming suspicious so she feels more relaxed. She slides down off of the chair holding onto the table for balance as she pushes her way through the crowd to find the bathroom. She makes a mental note that they need to have gnomish sized tankards - such a large drink means she needs to pee after the one drink - however the advantage of it being that she doesn’t have to pay lots to get drunk. Got to look for the positive in things.
Nuada looks "so that would point to foul play or an accident with perhaps fatal consequences. So the question of when becomes increasingly significant. If it was a kidnapping then if they were smart they would wait till there were no witnesses. Or be confident that no one would dare bear witness. Still this is all just conjecture. The watch I guess are not interested otherwise why go to the guild. "
"The watch are useless. They say she ran off with a lover or something. everyone knows she and Oktar are not happy and that he does what he pleases on the road. That is very much not the kind of girl my sister is. She stays here, helping my parents. She is a dutiful daughter."
Nuada nods "it does seem to be the way in most towns. If it's chasing a slow running purse snatcher then they just might get their man. We will leave no stone unturned in the search for her." He pauses and glances round at the crowd noticing Bubbles not at her table. He continues to scan the crowd. Looking for Bubbles.
Nuada takes a sip of wine. "You said Oktar gets up to all sorts of the road. I take it that you mean he" a pause to search for a suitable term "has woman friend in other towns?"
"The kind you pay. He comes back with barely more coin in his pocket than he left with. He makes good money so he's wasting it along the way somewhere. Whether its on prostitutes or a series of paramours. He's a worthless pig of a man but he's 100 miles away from here. This doesn't really have anything to do with Oktar." The windows, this being a time where clear glass isn't really a thing, are more holes in the wall with shutters. The shutters would have been closed and there's no evidence outside.
"So her rooms have been searched. But the money box was not taken. perhaps some one hid till everyone left. Your sister hears a noise comes to investigate and is attacked and taken away. Did she have any nice jewelry? but if it was a robber gone wrong then why was the money box not taken? it is puzzling. I think that we need to see what if anything can be gleaned from the temples, and get an idea how much they would charge to do a scrying for us. I did not have any brothers or sisters so I can only imagine how hard this for you."
Trilan carefully stores the hair on his person and nods at Nuada. "I'm sure it won't be cheap. Perhaps I should pursue adding that spell to my repertoire, but I wouldn't be able to do that fast enough to aid in this particular search. I think it's our best option, though, if we want to find her quickly."
Nuada finishes his wine and starts to scan the crowd for Bubbles "What is the name of the inn we are staying at Trilan? If you think of anything else or have any questions leave word and we will come and find you. Trilan you seen Bubbles?" he stands and scans the crowd again.
"I'm afraid the name of that place was lost in the date-wine, friend." Trilan smiles. "Let me help look for the lady."
Bubbles pushes her way back through the crowd and stumbles a little. Clearly she has had a little too much to drink. A few people go to argue when she bumps into them but bite their tongue when they see the young gnome.
She tries to look for her friends but there is too many people in the way so she goes and finds an empty table and goes and sits at it and waits knowing that they will find her… she hopes.
She looks down into her drink and watches the bubbles rise up in it thinking back to how she ended up in this place. Things were much more simpler back at her home in the forest.
Trilan weaves through the forest of legs and crotches, and slides in next to Bubbles. "Hey, Bubbles," he greets her, and then notices a look of unease on her face. "How are you feeling?"